Wi child support wi. Black River Falls, WI 54615. If you are a parent use the Parent's application. NOTE: This information is provided to the Department of Revenue by the Department of Children and Families. Corporation Counsel. CENTER AVENUE, ROOM C2070 JEFFERSON, WI 53549 BUSINESS HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:00 a. Applications can be found here: Wisconsin Child Support Program; Physical Placement and Custody Issues regarding physical placement and custody are not services provided by the Child Support Agency. Helping Parents Support Kids. Our agency is located at: City-County Building, Room 365 210 Martin Luther King Jr. If you receive your payments on a debit card, you may also wish to call Way2Go and update your address there as well. Taylor County Child Support Michelle Kurth, Administrator. Parents Called Into Active Duty The Brown County Child Support Agency is here to help you! You can contact us at 920-448-4090 or BC_Child_Support@browncountywi. Friday 8:00am - 3:00pm . 60% of disposable income if the payer does not have a second family and does not owe past-due support. chippewa. Child Support The TouchPay Kiosk provides a quick and worry-free option for child support payments. Toll Free: (800) 991-5530; Toll Free TDD: (877) 209-5209 Contact. Stevens Point, WI 54481 . 001(1)(f) (An action for child support) or Wis. Department of Children & Families Bureau of Child Support PO Box 7935 Madison, WI 53707-7935 (608) 266-9909 In Wisconsin, county and tribal child support agencies provide child support case management services. 854, the state can impose a lien on the delinquent parent’s real and personal property, with enforcement overseen by the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF). With authority and funding from County, State, and Federal government, the Child Support Agency establishes and enforces child and medical support orders, and establishes paternity for non-marital children. • Providehelp forreviewing orchanging a supportorder possible increase decrease. Wisconsin CSOS (Child Support Online Services) is an online application that allows Child Support participants to view case and financial information related to the participant’s child support cases. Swenson@co. WI Bureau of Child Support (WI Dept. , Racine, WI 53403 Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Phone: (715) 395-1420. Phone: (608) 266-4031 Fax: (608) 266-9060 TTY: Call Wisconsin Relay 711, or 1-800-947-3529 More info Official Website of Ashland County, Wisconsin. Questions? For most questions contact the Clerk of Courts and they will answer your questions or direct you to where you need to go. Richland County Child Support Agency. Please visit the Office of Child Support Services website for more information. Do you Need Help Getting Child Support? The Wisconsin Child Support Program can: • Contactthe payingparent’semployer and set up incomewithholding. Juneau WI, 53039 Careers RFP/RFB eNotification Disclaimer ADRC Contact By Email Administration Building • 127 East Oak St. 1493 | (F) 715. Both parents in cases receiving child support services have a right to: Receive help in establishing legal fatherhood of their Child Support establishes paternity for children born out of wedlock; establishes, enforces, reviews, and adjusts child and medical support orders; and maintains financial records for all family court cases. Leja Child Support Director 401 Adams Street Suite 2 Friendship, WI 53934 (608) 339-4228 Fax: (608) 339-4247 Guide to Getting Child Support . A-E. Jenny Gordee, Child Support Specialist - (608) 269-8842 - Jennifer. to revise a judgment or order with respect to child support, maintenance payments, or family support payments, the court may not revise the amount of child support, maintenance payments, or family support payments due, or an amount of arrearages in child support, maintenance payments, or family support payments that has Wisconsin’s Child Support Program has no authority to create or enforce custody or visitation orders, and child support agencies do not handle these matters. 511(4), payments may extend until the child reaches 19 if they are still in high school or pursuing a GED while living with a parent. • If you have a percentageexpressed child support order, and you apply for – child support services, the agency is required by state law The percentages established in this chapter are based on an analysis of national studies, including a study done by Jacques Van der Gaag as part of the Child Support Project of the Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, Madison, entitled “On Measuring the Cost of Children,” which disclose the amount of income and disposable assets that parents use to raise their children. Hours. *** Address Child Support Agency JEFFERSON COUNTY COURTHOUSE 311 S. Providing your social security number/individual tax identification number is voluntary. Not available in all counties. Application for Child Support Services Bureau of Child Support Website Circuit Court Forms WI 222 N. wicourts. The Ashland County Child Support Agency is an equal opportunity employer and provider. Toll Free: 1-866-920-2525. - 12:00 p. Mission Statement: To enhance the well-being of children by assuring assistance in establishing paternity and court orders for financial and medical support in an effective, efficient and professional manner. 4 days ago · Child support in Wisconsin generally continues until the child turns 18. Wisconsin Child Support Laws . You are able to check on your balances, view recent payments, make online payments, and update your information. The Child Support Program contributes to the well-being of children through the establishment of paternity and the establishment and enforcement of court ordered child and medical support obligations. Legal questions should be directed to your attorney. Child Support Online Services (CSOS) shares a logon management system with the Department of Workforce Development (DWD). Applying for services does not create an attorney -client relationship with the Child Support attorneys. HOW CAN I MAKE A PAYMENT? If you need to make a payment, it should be in the form of a check, cashier's check or money order and mailed to WISCTF, Box 74200, Milwaukee, WI 53274-0200. Reviewing and changing an order * Child support agencies do not charge for reviewing the order or for taking steps to change an order (for cases that get case management services). Wisconsin CSOS (Child Support Online Services) is an online application that allows Child Support participants to view case and financial information related to the participant’s child support cases. Jan 8, 2022 · Price County Child Support Agency Email Child Support. Brown County Government, Green Bay, Wisconsin - providing Brown County news, services and event information Mission StatementIt is the mission of the Brown County Child Support Agency to provide the most efficient and effective services to benefit the family in the collection of child support. Payment Information Payments can also be checked by calling the Wisconsin Support Collections Trust Fund (WI-SCTF) at 1-800-991-5530. Federal Tax Information Families who participate in Wisconsin Works (W-2) or Medicaid (MA) are automatically eligible to receive child support services. Wisconsin also pioneered the use of percentage-expressed child support orders, a concept designed to create self-fluctuating orders that changed automatically with changes in a payer’s income. us Application for Services Sep 2, 2021 · WI Child Support Guidelines Advisory Panel Meeting Minutes September 2, 2021 Virtual Meeting. without a court hearing. 730 Wisconsin Ave. The mission of the Manitowoc County Child Support Agency is to administer Title IV-D of the Federal Social Security Act in order to maximize the well being of children and families dependent upon parental support. Box 187 Washburn, WI 54891. Pipkin Email: Pamela. Laurie Goetzka Child Support Manager (715) 284-4301, x345 (715) 284-7713, Fax . Notice of Motion and Motion to Change: Legal Custody, Physical Placement, Child Support, Maintenance or Arrears Payment This form may be used to give notice to another party requesting a hearing to be held to change a current order concerning legal custody, physical placement, child support, maintenance or any other aspect of a court order. Dodgeville May 24, 2021 · Senate Bill 105, now Wisconsin Act 35, which changes certain definitions and aspects of administrative rules in the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families relating to commonly used child-support formulas to reflect current practices, and eliminates future family-support orders to align with federal law changes, excepting any divorce or The Department of Children and Families, the Bureau of Child Support, and local child support agencies understand that parents who participate in Wisconsin's Child Support Program may be called to active duty at home or abroad. To administer the program, the Bureau of Child Support: Contracts with local county and tribal agencies to provide child support services. Printed documents are also available at the Dane County Child Support office. 65% of disposable income if the payer does not have a second family and owes past-due support. The Child Support Department is responsible for the location of absent parents, establishing a legal obligation for child support and health insurance, adjudication of paternity for non-marital children, monitoring payment activities, enforcement of support obligations, reviewing support orders, and maintaining financial case records The Wisconsin Child Support Debit Card Program customer must update their address with the child support program and Go Program. A "second family" is a spouse and/or a child living with the The Dane County Child Support Agency is a division of the Dane County Corporation Counsel's Office. 53(5) and (6). Kinne Street Ellsworth WI 54011 PHONE NUMBER: 715-273-6764 STAFF. 55% of disposable income if the payer has a second family and owes past-due support. Ask that the child support agency close their case if they no longer receive public benefits. 501 (Actions to compel support). Applying for Services. Calculating Child Support; Child Support Guidelines; Child Support Online Services; License Suspension; Liens; Tax Intercept; Making Child Support Payments; RESOURCES: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access: www. Kenosha County Child Support Services’ mission and purpose is derived from title IV-D of the Social Security Act: To enhance the well-being of children by assuring that assistance in obtaining support, including financial and medical, is available to children through locating parents, establishing paternity, establishing support obligations, and monitoring and enforcing those obligations. Box 994 Port Washington, WI 53074 Ph: 262-284-9411 Provides comprehensive support services to families in Waupaca County, Wisconsin, including establishing paternity, determining child support obligations, enforcing child support orders, and modifying child support orders. Contact the Oconto County Child Support Agency at 920-834-6862 for assistance. Child support has access to lists of workers that have recently been hired by employers across the country through the New Hire reporting program. Waukesha • A Child Support attorney who appears at your hearing represents the State of Wisconsin, not you. If it is an emergency and it is outside of business hours, please call local law enforcement. These services may include: Entering information about the court case and support orders into the Wisconsin child support computer system; Working with employers to withhold income for support payments; Processing payments; Contact: Brian Barrette - Director Phone: 715-732-7440 Fax: 715-732-7446 Click here to email: Address: 1926 Hall Avenue Marinette, WI 54143 Courthouse, C223 (2nd floor) Payments post to your child support account within 5 days; You'll need your child support PIN and receive code 14692 - WI Child Support for payments for the WI Support Collections Trust Fund. For all child support payment information, contact the Wisconsin Support Collections Trust Fund at 1-800-991-5530. The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families' Bureau of Child and Support and the Wisconsin Child Support Enforcement Association are hosting a Month of Giving in Wisconsin this August in honor of Child Support Awareness Month. 767. Search. Application; Circuit Court Forms WI 53901 Hours & Contact Info. Maintains the Wisconsin child support computer system used by county and tribal agencies. Luann Berger—Child Support Manager; Jennifer Kruse—Lead Worker/Child Support Specialist II The Brown County Child Support Agency supports relationships between children and their parents by offering supportive services under the Access and Visitation Federal Grant. You may also contact your Note: The child support attorney who appears at a child support hearing represents the State of Wisconsin, not any individual in the action. Includes important information on how to make payments using MoneyGram Child Support Home Page. Tony Evers' proclamation marking 2024 Child Support Awareness Month. Child Support. See full list on dcf. Wisconsin’s child support program has no authority to modify or enforce custody or placement orders and child support agencies do not address these matters. 59(1m) (1m) Payment revisions prospective. The Family Court will check with the Child Support Agency before approval to see if public assistance is being received and if the Child Support Agency must approve the change first. Pipkin@co. There are 152 child support lawyers in Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families maintains the Child Support Lien Docket using real-time data from KIDS, Wisconsin's automated child support enforcement database. 117 E 5th Street P. Blvd. In Wisconsin, support obligations are calculated using a percentage of the non-custodial parent’s gross income, following guidelines set by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) 150. Phone: 715-373-6106 Fax: 715-979-5232 Prisoner Pro Se Requests to Modify Child Support. Administration; Child Support; Circuit Court; Coroner; County Clerk To order bulk quantities of free child support materials, go to the Ordering Child Support Publications page. Map It! Phone: (920) 236-4780: Director: Julie Mabry. Our Agency helps provide establishment of paternity, child support orders, medical support orders, location of absent parents and enforcement of the orders. Eau Claire, WI Map & Directions Phone: 715-839-4770 Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday - Friday (excluding The Wisconsin Child Support Modernization project vision is to develop a child support program that allows state and partner agencies to provide efficient, quality service to customers, while ensuring that children and families receive financial and medical support. Staff Directory Home Page for the Columbia County Child Support Office. Print an application for child support services. Child Support is a service to ensure that all children are supported by their parents. Call the KIDS Information Line at 1-800-991-5530 and request a copy of your account history. gov You can go to the unclaimed child support page to see if support is being held for you. Other families may apply to Oneida County Child Support Agency for services. However, under Wisconsin Statutes Section 767. The child support computer system automatically checks and compares information with other Wisconsin computer systems, such as the Department of Transportation and the Department of Natural Resources. In an action under sub. Your “KIDS PIN” is your child support PIN number. We do this by providing professional services to locate parents, establish paternity and establish and enforce Start a New Child Support Case; Existing Racine County case; Your Child Support; Location: 1717 Taylor Ave, Racine, WI 53403 Tele: 414-615-2590 Fax Number: 262 We understand that families rely on child support payments being processed timely, and consider the Wisconsin Child support program to be an essential government service. May provide services to parents with a Wisconsin child support court order even if they live in another state. Child support ensures the financial needs of a child are met, regardless of the parents’ marital status. monroe. Price County Courthouse 126 Cherry St. A list of parents with child support liens and the amounts owed are published on the Child Support Lien Docket web site. Work Search Form [pdf] Work Search Form [electronic] Family Court Resources & Forms. Give the child support agency the information they ask for about your child's other parent. Main St. These liens are placed administratively, meaning . Keywords: wi, wisconsin, cs, child support, court-ordered, co, kinship, foster care, fc, adoption, guardian, guardianship, non-relative, informal family arrangement, adoption assistance Wisconsin County & Tribal Child Support Agencies. Duluth Avenue Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 Phone: 920-746-2231 Fax: 920-746-2530 Email: Child Support Office Hours: Monday through Friday The Wisconsin Child Support Program: Assumes both parents are responsible for supporting their children. Child Support Application; Statement of Mar 4, 2025 · Child Support Skip to related topics, library resources, and law review articles. To help you make the best choice, Avvo has curated various information about each attorney, including education, work experience, and languages spoken. Kiosk is available 8am-4:30pm Mon-Fri in the Dane County City County Building Lobby, 210 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Madison WI. The Agency is responsible for: Physical Address: Courthouse Building 1313 Belknap Street, Room 202 Superior, WI 54880. Links Calculating Child Support; Child Support Guidelines; Child Support Online Services; License Suspension; Liens; Tax Intercept; Making Child Support Payments; RESOURCES: Wisconsin Circuit Court Access: www. A Child Support Lien is a hold placed on property (such as land and cars). for parents and guardians who get or want to apply for child support services; Wisconsin County Clerk of Courts; Wisconsin Circuit Courts; Wisconsin Family Court Commissioners; KIDS Information Line (Trust Fund) Call the KIDS Information Line. Ozaukee County 121 W. Mission Statement: Ensure that both parents provide for the financial and medical support of their children, and establish paternity for non-marital children; through appropriate civil, administrative and criminal procedures; under the authority of Federal, State and County guidelines and policies. Stat. The Sheboygan County Child Support Enforcement Agency is responsible for the operation of the county's IV-D Program known as Child Support Enforcement. - ELEVATE Program Elevate is an employment assessment and development program for payors of child support. Withholding Support from Unemployment Benefits. Online fees start at $7. P. Croix Mission Statement:. Confidentiality Administrative rules and Wisconsin statutes affecting the Wisconsin’s Child Support Program can be found below. This electronic list of names is a public record 767. Confidentiality Jan 17, 2025 · The Wisconsin Support Collections Trust Fund, part of The Wisconsin Child Support Program, is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. View New Order Packet - Saib Daim Ntawv Txiav Txim Tshiab - Ver paquete de pedido nuevo Child Support Contacts. Janet K. Attend any required court hearings about your child support case. In-person payment fees vary and can be as low as $3. Waukesha County Child Support Agency provides free case management services to parents or legal guardians, assisting with locating absent parents and financial assets, genetic testing, legal paperwork for paternity and support orders, child health insurance, and income withholding arrangements. Jan 17, 2025 · If you receive payments on the Wisconsin Child Support debit card, you can get payment information at 1-877-253-3686 or online by creating a secure user ID and password at GoProgram. Michelle Alexy Child Support Director Email. 748. Madison, WI 53703. Page 2 of 11 • Maggie specifically mentioned driver’s license (DL) and professional license suspension information as shown on slide nine as being counter to the ultimate goals of the child support system as those can prevent NCPs from working Please fill out the form to contact the Child Support Office, thank you! Read Gov. wisconsin. Handles cases where the payer’s last name begins with L-O and pending paternities. Child Support Child Support Agency 412 W. Under Wisconsin Statute 49. Child Support Attorney's Desk Reference (WI Dept. Phone: 715-346-1588. Gordee@co. The Wisconsin Child Support Program helps parents get court orders for financial and medical support for their children. us” to “@chippewacountywi. The well-being of our customers and staff is our highest priority, and we are taking necessary precautions to ensure that we do our part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 Parents/Guardians paying and receiving child support will receive basic financial services if they have a child, family and/or spousal support order that is to be paid through the WI SCTF (Wisconsin Support Collections Trust Fund) per their court order. 224 S 2nd St, Medford, WI 54451 | (P) 715. Fax: 715-343-6263. It can then be mailed or brought to the Family Court for approval. Child Support Home Page. The Child Support Agency does not represent either party in court actions and is not permitted to give legal advice. Child Support Online Services . 1498 Regardless of the motivation of this bill, the impact of a bill like this has drawn a significant amount of attention of family law attorneys and people affected by child support laws. In Wisconsin, the Bureau of Child Support (BCS) located in the State Department of Workforce Development (DWD), Division of Economic Support (DES) oversees the administration of the 72 county Contact: Ann Wegner - Office Coordinator Phone: 715-627-6225 TTY: 1-800-947-3529 Fax: 715-627-6341 Click here to email: Mailing Address: Langlade County Child Support WI SCTF . Child Support Department. In Wisconsin, a child support award must be set based on a percentage of the payer’s gross income, except for in certain circumstances when the court may Medical Support Orders In addition to child support, court orders must address medical support if a parent's income is more than 150% of the federal poverty level. Handles cases where the payer’s last name begins with G-K; and Spanish Feb 1, 2010 · Attorney’s Desk Reference Chapter 1: The Child Support Program Wisconsin Bureau of Child Support 2 Updated: February 2, 2010 . The Legal Tune Up tool makes it easy to change child support orders by using Wisconsin’s Child Support Online System (CSOS) to: A nalyze a child support order Figure out what the child support guidelines show Wausau, WI 54403. Wisconsin’s Child Support Program has no authority to create or enforce custody or visitation orders. Apply for Child Support Services All families paying and receiving child support, family support, or maintenance get financial management services. gov. gov; State Public Defender's Office: 715-502-1490; Wisconsin Support Collections Trust Fund (WI SCTF): 1-800-991-5530 The Child Support Agency administers the State of Wisconsin’s Child support program for Polk County consistent with those federal mandates found in the Title IV-D of the Social Security Act and state mandates found in Wisconsin Statute Sections 49. One-time registration fee of $2. Departments. of Children & Families) Access child support forms and payment information. 2024 Fall Conference l-r : Michael Blumenfeld (WCSEA Government Relations), Katie Murphy (Milwaukee County), Melissa Wittwer (Rock County), Governor Tony Evers, Chad Wolske (St. The DCF website says the issue may cause payments Jan 12, 2025 · If there are no previous family cases where you can attach a request for child support, you can file an independent action requesting child support under either Wis. us. Richland County, WI. Report any child support paid directly to you by the other parent to your benefit case worker. It is written on your Monthly Statements and on most notices sent by your child support agency. Overview of Child Support Services . Duluth Avenue Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 Phone: 920-746-2231 Fax: 920-746-2530 Email: Child Support Office Hours: Monday through Friday Wisconsin Child Support Program Links. Press Alt+1 for screen-reader mode, Alt+0 to cancel Accessibility Screen-Reader Guide, Feedback, and Issue Reporting A completed application form is required to obtain services from Pepin County Child Support. Employment/Career Counseling and Services Wisconsin Child Support Trust Fund Customer Service To requests a payment history print out, please call 1-800-991-5530. Phone: 715-373-6106 Fax: 715-979-5232 The Child Support Agency administers the State of Wisconsin’s Child support program for Polk County consistent with those federal mandates found in the Title IV-D of the Social Security Act and state mandates found in Wisconsin Statute Sections 49. Medical support may include health insurance and/or payment of medical costs, which sometimes includes repaying birth costs. Family Court Resources and Forms . Friday 8:00 a. Address: 112 South Court Street Room 2100 Sparta, WI 54656. When a child support check could not be delivered because the parent's address was not known, the support payment is reported to the Office of State Treasurer. To apply for child support services or find detailed information about eligibility, required documents, or application steps, visit the Washburn County Child Support Department’s website. Janesville WI, 53545. If child support payments were taken out of your paycheck, child support payments will now be withheld from Unemployment Insurance checks (if applicable). Wisconsin uses overnights, or where the children sleep, to determine how much child support should be paid by the non-residential parent. TDD: 800-947-3529. Fees: 2. Marquette County Child Support West Park Street, Montello, WI - 42. The names of payers with a lien and the liens against them are public records of the State of Wisconsin and are compiled in this docket for public disclosure to Director: Nathan Martin Door County Justice Center 1211 S. Circuit Courts Sauk County Court House 510 Broadway Baraboo, WI 53913. gov”. Agencies. Please contact the Family Court Commissioner’s Office for more information. us The following documents are provied to first-time child support parents, both payees and payers. ADRC; An obligation to provide financial support for the benefit of the child Jan 20, 2025 · Child Support Considerations. m. State policy allows up to 50% of your Wisconsin unemployment checks to be withheld for support. Main navigation. you get case management services from your local Wisconsin child support agency. To check your balance and payment information by phone , contact the Wisconsin Support Collections Trust Fund at 1-800-991-5530 . These funds are "unclaimed" or "abandoned. Job or Address Changes Submit the changes in writing or notify the agency at the above address or phone number within 10 days. Keep your appointments with your child support worker. To view your online account visit the Child Support Online Services website. P: 715-261-7500 F: 715-261-7510 Email. Law Subject; Chapter DCF 102: Mar 4, 2025 · A child support lien in Wisconsin is automatically created when a parent falls behind by an amount equal to or greater than one month’s support. O. Monday - Thursday 8:00 a. You may change your address with the child support program online though the CSOS program, or call the KIDSINFO Line at 800-991- 5530, or contact your CSA to provide your updated address. The Bureau of Child Support is the state agency that oversees and manages the Wisconsin child support program. 95% of payment; Maximum $60. Home; Departments. Will provide services to parents who live in Wisconsin but have a child support order from another state. On January 2, 2024, Chippewa County will be transitioning all Chippewa County Government email addresses from “@co. 22 and 59. Fax: (715) 395-1360 ***To make a report of Child Abuse or Neglect, please call 715-539-1358 during regular business hours. If you are a guardian, use the Guardian's application. 50 for the first payment on a new bank or PayPal account. Contact your local courts for issues with custody and/or placement or seek private counsel for help in settling custody and placement disputes. 99. The well-being of our customers and staff is our highest priority, and we are taking necessary precautions to ensure that we do our part to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 Sign on or sign up to the Child Support Online Services website. com or through By mail: Brown County Child Support Agency PO BOX 23600 Green Bay, WI 54305 OR By email: attach the document to an email addressed to bc_child_support@co. of Children & Families) Child support enforcement and paternity establishment. Phone: (608) 269-8733 Fax: (608) 269-8970 Child Support Director: Pamela S. Wendy Swenson, Child Support Specialist - (608) 269-8014 - Wendy. - 4:30 p. 2 miles. , Juneau, WI 53039 • General County Information: (920) 386-3600 We understand that families rely on child support payments being processed timely, and consider the Wisconsin Child support program to be an essential government service. Child Support Home. If you access online services such as the Unemployment Insurance Portal or the Job Center of Wisconsin, you already have an account that can be used to log in to CSOS. Iowa St. gov The Child Support Online Services website and app have your case information available 24/7/365. LIFT Wisconsin’s Legal Tune Up helps address civil legal problems for free from a smartphone or computer. Hours: Monday Crawford County Wisconsin. This is a visual representation of child support performance numbers across Wisconsin counties. We are not allowed to give legal advice. The links on this page provide important information for active duty personnel. Email Us at: jccscourt@jacksoncountywi. Parent's who receive child support services and benefits have a right to: Receive most child support services free of charge. For our county and other partner agency workers. Melissa Wittwer Child Support Director 608-757-5700 608-757-5710 (Fax) Child Support Services Rock County Courthouse Floor 3R 51 South Main Street Brown County Government, Green Bay, Wisconsin - providing Brown County news, services and event information Mission StatementIt is the mission of the Brown County Child Support Agency to provide the most efficient and effective services to benefit the family in the collection of child support. You may enter your KIDS PIN below. Joint custody payments vary depending on overnights, but for sole custody, the court uses the standard percentage model based on the number of children. brown. Find the information you need to deliver related child and family services. Box 74200 . This means that your assigned county or tribal child support agency is responsible for managing your case and providing services to you. Child Support Information Contact Us. To create your online account visit the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Online Services website. Quick Links • How Support Is Paid Out • Make A Payment Online Oshkosh, WI 54903. It also enforces these support orders when needed, and makes sure that all money collected is paid out correctly. Child Support Liens . Milwaukee, WI 53274-0200 . The document must be completed in ink and each party sign. Child Support is a financial program administered through court-ordered payments, typically made by non-custodial parents\(s\) to support their minor child. " Parents may claim the support owed to them by following the steps below: Search the listing of Unclaimed Child Support The Wisconsin Child Support Program helps parents get court orders for financial and medical support for their children. These services are limited to ensuring money that is paid is sent to the correct payee. gov; State Public Defender's Office: 715-502-1490; Wisconsin Support Collections Trust Fund (WI SCTF): 1-800-991-5530 I Am a Partner Agency Worker. Director: Nathan Martin Door County Justice Center 1211 S. • Collect child supportfrom a parent living in another state. Example of Wallet Card - Add your personalized information needed to make payments. Wisconsin Child Support Program Program helps parents get court orders for financial and medical support for their children. Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy; Wisconsin Works (W-2) Work The Child Support Standard will determine support for the first $84,000 of income A second set of guidelines are applied to the income between $84,000 and $150,000/year A third set of guidelines are applied to income of more than $150,000/year Note: The child support attorney who appears at a child support hearing represents the State of Wisconsin, not any individual in the action. T he mission of the WCSEA is to provide training and networking to help local child support agencies best serve and aid the children and families of Wisconsin. You can mail documents to: La Crosse County Child Support Agency, Law Enforcement Center, 333 Vine Street, Room 1701 La Crosse, WI, 54601 or fax to 608-785-5760. Mission Statement of Ashland County Child Support Agency The mission of the Ashland County Child Support Agency is to administer Title IV-D of the Federal Social Security act in order to maximize the wellbeing of children and families dependent upon parental support. It also enforces these support orders when needed, and makes sure that money collected is paid out correctly. The site provides guidance on establishing paternity, managing support orders, and accessing additional resources to ensure financial and medical support Phone 608-847-9475 Fax 608-847-9575: Juneau County Services Building 200 Hickory Street, Mauston: Monday thru Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm Winnebago County, Wisconsin. Wisconsin County & Tribal Child Support Agencies. Room 3 Phillips, WI 54555 Ph: 715-339-3094 Fax: 715-339-3050. Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm. The Department of Children and Families manages the Unclaimed Child Support program and updates the list that is posted on this page. you just get financial services from the Wisconsin Child Support program. Contact: Terri Lindstrom - Administrator Phone: 715-528-3369 Fax: 715-528-5540 Click here to email: Mailing Address: PO Box 410 Florence, WI 54121: Physical Address: The Child Support Agency operates the State of Wisconsin's child support program for Fond du Lac County. The child support office for Eau Claire County. Contact your local child support agency. mifx aml tcukd flzy lnq grvt tccz ntzlsz hsiygjke grzp dwmg kdksbf sirq lryepgwu tkskdqs