Warframe valkyr build low level. And of course Warcry is there.

Warframe valkyr build low level You don't, you recommend frost for defense and you recommend Valkyr for melee. Eternal war for her war cry. P. These mods will go into my warframe: 1 -Steel Fiber, more armor. Jul 22, 2014 · Valkyr is my main WF and this is the build I regularly use, it rarely fails me: I used to use Sure Footed on the D polarity slot, switched to max armour just to try something new and I'm not really hating it, but probably not a good idea without much health as the dude above mentioned. Umbral mods can limit mod rankings because i use two of them on my Eternal War build which makes my Valkyr Prime Very Tanky. Oct 8, 2015 · 1. 2 -Vitality, more health. I want to make a Valkyr and Gram Prime build that would last on High LVL mission, for example One or Two hours of Arbitration. Rage is 100% viable on that. Can't kill , can't be killed. There are some good guides on how it works on youtube. With 700 **base** armor she was already nearly unkillable. Especially since some of the Bursas get to level 40-60 or so (the Bursa levels are pretty random as sometimes I get extremely low level Bursas and other times I get high levels. A powerful warframe that is nigh unkillable and only got stronger with its […] Aug 19, 2017 · i will give drifting contact a look, thanks! and i am using blood rush because i am not always in hysteria, i only use it when i get low or when i am in trouble. High Reward Warframe, Valkyr players will rejoice. Seems like is not a problem against infested or low/mid level grineer but against corpus is just awful and in general it scales pretty bad with the enemies level Nov 27, 2014 · MY BUILD. Use gladiator might foe more armor. Im playing these days with valkyr (highest armor of all warframes) and notice that armor is not that powerfull as i think. I have found more success running Valkyr late game than most frames, running both her and trinity in most high level solo runs. A lot of people told me I shouldn't Forma a non-prime build, but I just love the character so much I have to do it lmao. Valkyr Prime Level Cap Build - 4 Forma Valkyr Prime build by ExQxV - Updated for Warframe 35. Oct 28, 2015 · hi! I really love the way Valkyr is played at the moment, but I'm not quite sure, which mods should be added to the weapon/Frame to get the best damage-output possible while using as low energy as possible. Ok so for the amp u can use 1 2 3 but 1 7 7 is largely considered superior wouldnt warry about it tho as se is about to nuke eidolon meta Additionally i took a look at ur build it seems fine but suffers from a cuple problems: 1 ur running corro wich aint bad but in the long run jt falls off hard 2 ur valkyr build while being solid doesent accomplish anything that you couldnt already do by Valkyr and Valkyr prime have the MOST (not counting abilities used) armour of any warframe in the game. I liked her but i want to learn some of her pros and cons. 8-Streamline. But i need a build that if i go hysteria and warcry i can sustain lvl 100 enemies !! Valkyr is a great frame, but be warned that she is one of the more advanced frames all around. vitality. on buffing Hysteria, keeping drain low and damage high, while mostly ignoring area buffs and debuffs. Dec 16, 2013 · This game goes by percentage, so when the value is low, boosting it by percentage will still result in a low number. Max Power strength build used: Non-melee end-game Valkyr can do a run-n-gun with 2 different ways of managing health. This build allows you to reuse war to slow them in a large radius and pull them in closer with paralysis, very fun build Aug 26, 2017 · the build for valkyr is fairly simple enough. If you’re missing any of these rarer mods, you can use non-Prime/non-Umbral versions - likewise, lower-rank variants (as in less Endo invested) work fine too. and although that is slighty less than your build it means that each energy orb grants ~6. You will only need 25 energy to activate Hysteria with this build. I hope someone can show me a build for long runs and high level contents!(Including sorties) And can you explain why you mod her this way and how to play her with her unique playstyle :) Thanks in advance!! Dec 2, 2013 · While my Valkyr is cooking in the foundry, I've had plenty of time to think of what kind of build I want to use for her. My favourite melee weapons are Orthus, Amphis, Gram. Feb 10, 2019 · Miter Isn't a good weapon for low lvl player , n dont use valkyr. I use a melee weapon that hit's multiple enemies per swing (like polearm) with LIFESTRIKE and an energy efficiency mod like focused energy. please direct your attention to the image, with a similar looking UI to the one you're used to. 2. So health and armor mods are a good place to start. Jun 15, 2018 · For that level of Primed Pressure Point, you're better off using the normal one: costs 2 mod points less for the same level of dmg (again, at rank 7 of the Primed one), which in turn let's you use those 2 points in, for example, 2 other ranks of Shocking Touch. Navigation. forget about Blueprints for Valkyr's components are acquired by defeating Alad V on Themisto (Jupiter). Nov 2, 2015 · As for valkyr. Valkyr is very tanky in low levels and you can always hit 4 to leach back all your health. AURA: Steel Charge / Rejuvenation. Here is my description in case Feb 7, 2014 · One possible build I thought of would be maxing power strength and duration and using the abilities Warcry and Hysteria. So today i felt like i could share my melee only build i use on Valkyr, a very good one and believe me, you'll have a lot of fun with it just like i do! So before i show the build, you're probably asking yourself some questions, which i'll answer now. Constitution. hysteria. Now, I know most people build around endless Hysteria, but generally that isn't how I like to play. Rush. Aug 5, 2018 · Naturally this build doesn't have the life line of Quick thinking+Flow, for that I've got Arcane Grace and a Smeeta with Hunter Recovery and Pack Leader, also, since my melee (Venka Prime) is my primary damage source, I've put Life strike on Valkyr Talons. :Max Power strength Prolonged Paralysis build with Stretch Apr 22, 2023 · This is a build for solo level cap runs in Steel Path Void Cascade (Grineer). ** This build also requires the mele Dec 12, 2013 · UPDATE #11 – Valkyr Unleashed Additions: New Warframe: ValkyrFemale Berserker Class, Cosmetic Bastet Helmet & Cosmetic Restraints!New Weapons:“Tigris” Tenno Double-Barrel Shotgun (Primary)“Cestra” Corpus Mini-gun (Secondary)“Lecta” Corpus Whip (Melee)New Prime Gear:Ember, Glaive, and Sicarus! Nov 23, 2013 · Basically to level up without too much grind you have to play alone with high level guns and shoot from range so as not to get hit. Like, able to reach lvl 190+ Infested (lvl 200+ Eximus) in a Survival with a low amount of deaths tanky. Aug 31, 2024 · The tap-cast version will always pull Valkyr in the direction of whatever she is targeting, regardless of whether it is an enemy or environmental object, and it will allow Valkyr to get a little more time on the line, enough for her to build up velocity and swing, optionally tapping again to release the line early, similar to Loader from Risk Mar 25, 2015 · I also have an entirely Warcry/Hysteria Melee Life Strike Channeling build with a Galatine, for fun and frivolity around the star map and lower level tower missions, quite enjoyable to just go rampaging through people with a giant sword. Warcry is a solid armor buff, as well as slowing nearby enemies. Mar 20, 2016 · I really enjoy the idea of melee so i picked up excalibur and valkyr i have fully modded my excalibur and i am left with valkyr now. Armour provides damage reduction, increasing your EFFECTIVE HP. Mar 20, 2015 · her basic build always has Steel Fibre, as high a level as you can afford. Any higher, and the chain reaction of enough enemies dying for new drops to turn into traps will stop. Then I came across this one. . Jun 6, 2016 · So the only Warframe I have never enjoyed playing is Valkyr, since it seemed like the only "good" build was press 4 -> claw everyone to death forever. 7-Fleeting Expertise. Mar 8, 2021 · I'm aware Valkyr/Prime is not played much due to her limited ability set and the fact that one of her most used abilities can be infused with Helminth, but I still wanted to make a decent build for the Berserker warframe. I really like Valkyr, so I’d like a build that can survive higher-level content. Jan 1, 2018 · I really like Valkyr, but my current build can’t seem to survive high-level missions. 3 seconds for orbs boosted by arcane energise. 1. Keeping the valkyr build as-is, but changing the Scindo Build to compensate (Life Steal seems like a must since you're going to want to build up energy while outside of hysteria, and you need the lifesteal to keep you alive while taking advantage of rage energy). Valkyr Prime Jan 22, 2014 · Every hardcore Warframe player should have all warframes. Jun 30, 2017 · As such, I can't exactly tell you based on experience how far that armor will take you but for sure your valkyr will be perfectly safe in most sorties and all low/mid/high missions. Jun 18, 2014 · Could anybody tell me a pro or at least good build for valkyr, what slots should i use forma on etc etc Oct 26, 2018 · Another build is focusing on a low duration, high range for the slow effect on warcry and the pull effect of the mod prolonged paralysis which also increases the stun duration. Her strength comes from her high armor value, which reduces the damage you will deal to her health, but her shields are very low, if you can't get past those, your build must be really horrible. I killed vor on T4S in literally 1 second <3 Berserker and crit multiplier mods take effect on valkyrs ult Check the screenshots out, some mods on valkyr arent Sep 4, 2014 · Also, it gimps Valkyr in scenarios where Hysteria builds focus mostly on staying alive so you don't lose. Nov 21, 2013 · (I used my standard speedy build on rhino, couldn't fit a similar build in valk. The build I use: Screenshot. There are absolutely other ways you can build her, I have other builds I use for other situations (I have 2 Valkyr Primes built and forma'd) this is just my personal favorite way to build her as a Valkyr main. I use this build msot for fast missions such as capture or exterminate! (yes, I'm missing a Forma on my Valkyr, especially with this build . Apr 2, 2017 · With the current system there's no reason to use hysteria build unless you just like Valkyr or have no other tanky frame and she's the only option because other frames do everything she does but better at the cost of lower energy and being able to use pads and zenurik while doing so - like slow nova or peaceful provocation night form equinox Apr 24, 2015 · True. in addition these builds are very forma heavy, costing 8 forma in all across both warframe and weapon. S. Is it a constant Hysteria build?: No. Valkyr is the forgotten tank that all other frames wish they could be. Since pictures say more than words, I will just show you my Baruuk build, give you a little comment and let yourself think about the rest. Kitty has high armour, therefore Steel Fiber mod will be a better choice for better survival. And each explodes with a 47m radius. ~200 Str on Valk, enough efficiency/duration to get hysteria drain down to ~3. My build is: Rage Narrow minded Transient fortitude Vitality Energy conversion Streamline Fleeting expertise Primed/Flow I dont know wether i should use eternal war or not. Using new Ability UI as confirmation. Rinse and repeat. Anyway, I thought this would be an optimal build for valkyr, as a great many useful things occur. 0 and so far it's carried me past insurmountable odds and kept me alive well after everyone but a Narrowminded Zephyr have begun to die. this allows a war with a total Aug 18, 2017 · So i know the valkyr can have a great build that requires duration for hysteria. Transient Fortitude. However, in an attempt to compensate for this, she has the highest base armor in the game. Jan 17, 2025 · To build off of the OP's post, being a 25 energy ability and to fit in thematically with the rest of her kit to create a balance vanilla/base line Valkyr, Rip Line should stay as a cheap engage tool + additional mobility. I'm assuming it would take level 150-200 enemies to bring you down but I cannot confirm this. She is a great debuffer no matter the level but on low to mid level she can wipe enemies two rooms across. Lol. Maintain constant Hysteria, and mainly use Slide Attacks but 12x Heavy Attacks against enemies with Overguard. Talons build is linked in the Hysteria build description. That being said, the Valkyr is a welcome 6000 mastery points, a fine adition to your collection, and a fun warframe to play with, just accept her low shields and put a maxed steel fiber, don't be afraid to abuse hysteria, and have fun riplining your way around the mission. Sep 28, 2014 · Build I've had since Melee 2. Total rubish right now in her curent form tbh waste of plat KornyWayz May 4, 2016 · Hello Tennos, I am creating a permanent Valkyr build. Adding in primed flow in place of transient fortitude. Nov 21, 2013 · Fixed high level enemies spawning in low-level defense missions; Fixed Private session countdown not starting after friend joins/selects mission; Edited November 27, 2013 by DERebecca Fixed Phorid mixup Jul 18, 2014 · Marathon and/or Rush may also be good choices, since Valkyr runs around a lot. 3-Rage, more energy. I just need a build so i can kill high leve Jul 3, 2018 · I have a Umbral Valkyr build too but mine is different because instead of 1662 Armor and 214% Power Strength, i have 1575 Armor and 264% Power Strength with Umbral Fiber and Umbral Intensify since it gives me about as much Power Strength as Transient Fortitude but without the Duration loss. Valkyr is invincible then, which means;-someone to hit life support-someone to revive players -someone to survive At this point, she does all the above, but she does very little damage. DURATION 100%. Works well sub level 40. For weapon i say sobek or kohm or hek, vaykor hek if possible. The only problem you have in high-level content with a long-running Valkyr build with high duration is Corpus/corrupted Nullifiers, That's about the only time Streamline becomes a necessity is to rush in, kill the nullifier and then re-up on Histeria. Her battle cry strikes terror into all who hear it. Because a large number of the mods in the game take what you have and increase it you'll get more out of increasing 600 armor then you will out of increasing 65 armor. All of the mods I use are max rank. Valkyr has been outclassed for 5+ years, and frames like Voruna and especially Kullervo have just massively elevated the standard for melee frames. Feb 9, 2015 · Valkyr has some utility like you said, but if you don't want melee you probably shouldn't have Valkyr because she doesn't offer anything outside of that. Steel Fiber. Apr 10, 2015 · Take advantage of Valkyr's 600 base armor stat by buffing up with Steel Fiber. I still love Ember, and I use her occasionally, but only for doing low to mid level missions. Nov 25, 2013 · then if thats the case i will post mine OK, This the longest Feedback I have ever done. so here is the link. Hysteria is there. ENERGY 225. It used to be the go to for Saturn six wolf when he was a brick wall of ehp. However there's a few things I personally do not like: 1. ) However, hope this is going to be helpful for someone! Jul 2, 2016 · hysteria's damage is based on weapons and a few of its mods as well. I set the elemental damage type to whoever I'm fighting. Oct 11, 2015 · Players helping Players; • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Sevagoth Prime Access is Live! • Community QTCC Stream Schedule • TennoCon 2024 Recap • Koumei & the Five Fates has arrived! Apr 29, 2014 · Which goes to say, Valkyr will suitably fit my playing style. EDIT: Probably not the best valkyr build ever, but its my favorite one, and it scales all the way to level 80-100 sorties so its definitely a good one Apr 5, 2015 · Here is my Valkyr build, I use gun when facing low level enemies and when I am facing high level enemy I go Hysteria when my health is low. a Vitality is useful, but in high levels unnecessary. Feb 6, 2014 · Just taking standing armor with Steel Fiber on a max level Valkyr with a max Vitality your 740 HP should be worth about 3700. Unfortunately, I didn't really have a set build with my Valkyr, so I can't just swap everything over. Clearing the galaxy of threats with a cold fury. Jump to content May 10, 2017 · So far one of my favorites that I've been using is Valkyr Prime and after reading a bit and hearing about Sorties and "end-game" level content from friends/forums I've started to play with some build ideas. Oh, and I used warframe builder to judge some of my stats so some of the info may be off(in my experience warframe builder is quite inaccurate) Edited January 31, 2015 by Kungpaobeef Jun 3, 2014 · Hi everyone. Congratulations, you're now immortal and can carry your low level mates through survivals until you get bored. Her only real use is as a melee specialist, and melee is bad, which makes melee specialists bad. You need high range and strength. Feb 21, 2014 · If you going for Mastery, then you probably have weapons to level as well so I would only bother using Hysteria as a heal rather than primary offense. I'll be building a super-durable valkyr with moderate duration of Hysteria. current war build is: berserker bloodrush lvl 8 organ shatter, fury, reach bodycount pressure point and maiming strike. That's where your energy comes from and what keeps you alive when generating it. Where can I get it at a relatively low level and/or how do I trade for it? Nov 8, 2022 · Rounding out this build are Narrow Minded for added Duration (which helps if you plan on using Warcry at all), and Arcane Fury which grants you additional Damage. Valkyr Prime OP Hysteria and Seeking Shuriken Build. -. Dec 20, 2015 · All Activity; Home ; Community ; Players helping Players ; Need Suggestions On This Valkyr Build Aug 20, 2024 · The Tenno conduct their business with silent discipline. Oct 20, 2015 · Players helping Players; • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Sevagoth Prime Access is Live! • Community QTCC Stream Schedule • Coming soon: Devstream #182! • Koumei & the Five Fates has arrived! Nov 20, 2015 · Yeah, the build of mine that Gelkor linked above is an attempt to stay at minimum cost, with NT thrown in so you can easily use Paralysis against super-tough heavies (like level 100). Stack armour and health (I'm a little over 2k armour on Valkyr Prime), equip Hirudo and any mods that have anything to do with crit and Berserker if you have it. Likewise Valkyr doesn't have problems with armored enemies or energy thanks to hunter adrenaline and her 3 opening enemies for finishers, so the good abilities there are moot. Also share me a build if you can. Nyx and Nova are both phenominal CC choices, and you'll be happy with either one. Oct 2, 2018 · Even if you skipped flow/primed flow, your valkyr(prime) would get a maximum of ~40(60) seconds. Max them as Jun 22, 2017 · I put together a Valkyr Prime build a while back, and I'm finding it has trouble staying up in Sortie-Level content. Apr 26, 2019 · I'm sharing a mini-guide and demo of my current favorite Valkyr build for endgame. Valkyr: Discription for this Warframe should be THE BUTCHERED NERFED RHINO TYPE as an example: Yes this is the first time I will give my HONEST OPINION to a WARFRAME that needs a DOWN RIGHT TWEAK and BUFF and have another look at because she just sucks right now that I actually leveled her up to 30 and Aug 21, 2014 · Valkyr Is The Godlike Warframe. Strength and duration mods are also important. Claws. Rank up Serration and Split Chamber if you have it, also add the toxin and electricity mod to create corrosive to deal the most damage to her. You also need Eternal War for a melee-focused build. Valkyr makes a good melee-specific frame, and/or a channeller frame. She is adept at dealing damage and surviving. Max rank (no power damage) Iron Skin on Rhino is listed as 1200 for reference. Apr 20, 2014 · Ever since melee 2. While Saryn is not as tanky as Valkyr she can still melee just as good which is Valkyr’s niche. Here's what I'm thinking: Aura - Steel Charge. If you play Valkyr, you'll want to use both Steel Fiber and Armoured Agility (alerts pop up for it fairly often, hit me up if you ever need a taxi, IGN: Gilathonial). Does this build look solid? Mar 24, 2015 · Having a hysteria build for valkyr is not really worth it , unless it's for a low level mission. It utilizes two forma in its basic form (adding two Vazarin polarities), and four if you're using Primed Continuity and Flow (adding a Madurai and Naramon polarity). So, high level stuff. You dont have to have Enegize to sustain but then you'd need to safely recast Hysteria away from enemies to reset to low drain (or kill everything at high rate - possible in survival, I only need Fleeting+Streamline absolutely nothing else for energy) Nov 6, 2015 · I just use my HP and low shields to talk enough damage to activate Hysteria, and will use it in short bursts to keep my HP topped off, or spend half the mission in Hysteria sometimes popping War Cry around my team to buff everyone with increased armour and melee attack speed, as the more melee kills *I* make, increases the duration with Eternal War May 2, 2016 · While this point of view is not entirely incorrect, it fails to account for the fact while yes, Hysteria offers players a large power output for a low skill input, relying on constant use of Hysteria is far from the best Valkyr can do and the strategy ultimately falls off as unsustainable beyond the most basic levels (what with Energy Leeches Feb 15, 2018 · I love both but if I had to pick just one I would take Saryn. SPRINT SPEED 1. ) I've added the bit to the guide on how to work around this. 0. 75, Endless warcry, Nira mod in exilus too if you can. I'm wondering what's the best way to play Valkyr mainly I want to focus on using hysteria most of the time so is going for ability strength on her the way to go or should I go for a more balanced build with vitality and steel fiber. Power strength is not important in my oppinion because you can easily kill Level 150+ enemies with a power strength abou 100 and a meele weapon with good mods equiped. 50 minute T4 survival stuff. Over the years, she quietly got more powerful benefitting more from the game-wide “qol” buffs that were meant to help balance the squishy frames than they did. Dec 20, 2015 · All Activity; Home ; Community ; Players helping Players ; Need Suggestions On This Valkyr Build I like Valkyr, but she's arguably the worst melee frame in the game. I've come acro May 5, 2016 · Hi everyone! :D, i'm looking for a good build for the Valkyr based in Hysteria, but with the Aug mod Eternal war. Mar 20, 2016 · I reccently modded my Valkyr and I would like to get some advices about my current build My current build is : Steel Charge-Maxed Maxed Vitality and Steel Fiber Maxed Flow , Intensify , Streamline and Continuity Eternal War- Maxed And Currently unranked Narrow minded What should I get and what sh Dec 18, 2013 · Hopefully my suggestions will be taken into consideration. Once you have sufficient energy, activate hysteria, then rip and tear to return all the health you sacrificed to gain that energy. The day Valkyr becomes a High Risk v. 7 seconds or 33. If you've managed to get a Rage mod, it will pretty much ensure you'll always have enough energy to use Hysteria when your health is low. Edited March 25, 2015 by Gelkor Nov 14, 2014 · hoi tenno ^^I just got valkyr (so beautiful <3) and I haven't really used her yet, because I was trying to figure out a build for her, so I went to the builder and I stayed like 20min and didn't get a decent build yet, she's probably one of the hardest warframes to mod for me, I read about her Valkyr Prime WARFRAME. Feb 13, 2015 · So, I've built Valkyr for the second time. For Valkyr i came up with two builds: Firs build Spoiler Second build Spoiler I run Valkyr with R3 Arcane Guardia Aug 14, 2020 · It took me a while, working with sims, going over wiki articles and theorycrafting to try and figure out how to best build Valkyr with the upcomming update. Which involved farming a valkyr prime and then doing a lot of math to find the optimum ranks to put my mods at because even with steel change I can't fit everything at max rank. Health, armor, and then Strength with at least like 90% Duration. that armour will stop her from being killed and the trick is to forget about her shields, trust that Steel Fibre will keep you from being one shotted and use Hysteria to gain health when you need it. Then, activate Hysteria to regen health. By NonExistentTenno, August 21, 2014 I mained Valkyr throughout my 1100 hours and I died like 7 times after I got my build right. Feb 12, 2019 · Hello dear community, I tested this shaolin monk on high level missions and he is now one of my favourite frames. May 17, 2016 · So made valkyr for the awesome new skin!! Need help for a good build . I hate the short range. Valkyr's really tough like that, but that cat is completely immortal. While you won't be using abilities much, they're still useful at base level: Ripline is cheap mobility to move around faster or to save a failed bullet jump. I used to play her a lot just for fun, but Garuda just does the whole theme way better and is pretty strong. She should have no issue blissfully strolling through the low level content now. I want to use guns too but when things get messy i will turn to hysteria . Valkyr was modified into a highly motivated and fearsome killer. Edited March 3, 2014 by (PS4)friedricetheman Enemies don't hit hard, if you reach high level of armour they'll never do any damage to you and hunters adrenaline won't give you any energy. TL;DR. I'm trying to have fun, viable builds for every Warframe and post-nerf it seems like a good time to ask what you Jan 19, 2025 · Valkyr has a lot of Strength and Duration but is dependent on Range. I just tried it in a Sortie 2 Corpus Survival and got completely wrecked. ; I discuss better subsume options below; I use Fire Blast because it's comfy and fun, but it's not at all optimal (capped to 75% strip unfortunately). After 20 minutes in a Tower Survival hysteria pretty much becomes useless other than being immortal. while you are lower level in her make sure you have a v polarity aura slot on for the extra 14 mod points, and once you are level thirty replace it with an energy siphon hysteria is your friend, remember that. Building out Valkyr’s Talons for this build is an expensive endeavor, as it includes four Forma to accommodate no fewer than five maxed-out Primed (and Sacrificial) Mods. I play with the thought of taking little damage to begin with so it's very anti-me. You can find my build here: Valkyr 3 Forma Build I am open to any tips anyone can provide. (Someone else might've come up with this already, but I just came across it now. I like Valkyr, but she's arguably the worst melee frame in the game. Shield gating, though disliked by some people, can effectively make any low survivability frame usable in high levels. Valkyr doesn't build for range in this build (or even builds negative range because she likes Duration) which makes half the good abilities useless. Play Valkyr some more and learn to use Rip-Line effectively, and you'll see better results. Feb 16, 2016 · This, on the other way, has very low duration, not allowing a good use of Warcry or Paralysis, focusing instead on strenght and Hysteria. Aug 6, 2014 · Salut tous le monde! Elite Rider here. It may look a little odd at first, but I tested on Earth Steel Path, and I' Feb 4, 2017 · I immediately grabbed it, and I'm looking for input on a build for her. Use Rhino the most with enough strength. ) Rhino is significantly easier to play, and you've had plenty of time to learn his ins and outs. ripline (for lol's) continuity. WarCry is apparently capped at the same 75% slow as M-Prime. Which was crazy boring to me. Nov 7, 2014 · The absolute basis for any Valkyr build is vitality, rage, and steel fiber. The usual Valkyr build involves keeping Hysteria up as much as possible. The following two points should be kept in mind when you make a similar build. If you complete the sacrifice put all umbra mods on her, that way all 3 get bonuses. I cant decide which build to make (Eternal War or Hysteria) so i'm here to ask for help deciding. Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you for your time. Edited February 15, 2018 by S0V3REiGN Aug 16, 2017 · According to the Wiki Valkyr at level 30 has 600 armor and Nova at level 30 has 65 armor. I've managed to get taxied to Alad V, and made my Valkyr frame. Rather than narrow minded I THINK I run intensify or a low level blind rage. Otherwise I stay up with the ocasional Life Strike, and mostly use a powerful ranged weapon. 6- (Primed) Continuity. My current build is: Aura: Steel Charge Exilus: Handspring Primed Continuity - Steel Fiber - Intensify - Streamline Hunter Adrenaline - Vitality - Primed Flow - Eternal War Apr 28, 2014 · Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! × Jun 29, 2015 · Hello, I recently got my valkyr to level 30 and I am in need of a build using the Eternal War Augment Mod. Nov 3, 2017 · Hey guys, i just finished building my first Valkyr and i loved her. Hysteria is something you can't stay in forever anymore, but Warcry is still super viable. this goes a long way to help keep you in hysteria. Redirection. I use a dual zoren for the high Crit chance. ) Base: Ultimate lasts 30 seconds, costs 100 energy. This is because my build have the issue of the Energy drain v/s the duration of eternal war between kills :/. 0 was implemented Valkyr's Hysteria skill feels underwhelming. Aug 11, 2019 · Not very familiar with forums so sorry for any mistakes. Reply More posts from r/Warframe Aug 5, 2014 · Also if it comes to warframe, best things to install in it are power durations, power efficiency, rage for life leach and %hp up right? PS: Does dual ichors are better than venka for Valkyr? Venka looks really awesome, but critical damage chance is way to low for build I mentioned above. For my generic run and gun build I use (all mods maxed): Vitality. As a gag I put Heavy Impact on a lesser-used build, so she could Ripline up and deal landing damage, but there's a lot of low ceilings around now, so it's not very useful. Standard Hysteria builds are limited and less viable for endgame. flow. I don't like the rage mod, period. The 4 slide attack also hits hard if you mod it well. please note: this build assumes Nov 26, 2018 · This build focuses on use of Valkyr’s fourth ability: Hysteria. Mar 26, 2017 · TBH it's super simple to build her. I use a different weapon build for max hysteria damage in this build and concentrate on cc'ing large packs for my party to kill or get ground finishers on, while using Hysteria to res and regen health. Recommending Valkyr for her slow and knockdown is like recommending Frost for damage. I'll just write my thoughts about the best setup, please tell me what I could improve, or Apr 7, 2015 · Well yeah the build is the best valkyr build ive ever tried and ive tried sooo many builds! I doubt DE is ever gonna do anything to eternal war because to actually have that type of end game build you must forma valkyr a couple of times! Edited August 15, 2015 by (PS4)EvilFlowerChild Jan 30, 2015 · My calculations were meant to show how much damage valkyr could withstand, assuming that each damage value was of equal impact, slash, and puncture. Sep 2, 2014 · For higher level play, I use a minimal duration build with max armor, health, and strength, and only pop Hysteria when about to die or when I need the invulnerability. I dont want to be in hysteria FOREVER . Dec 7, 2016 · Its kind of fun switching between modes a lot, and since taking health damage gives you energy and valkyr has really low shields, youll always have a good supply for hysteria. So I've been looking around and trying to figure out the best way to build her. However a warcry build for valkyr can be very useful , both for you and your team . Nov 16, 2014 · I have used a few forma on my Valkyr. This build focuses on high duration, efficiency, and strength at the expense of range for a pure comfort mindless Talons melee/permanent invincibility playstyle. ** This build is by no means optimal but I found very fun and effective using melee only. Thus, I use a max armor build with Vitality, and include power strength, efficiency, and duration mods in order to keep War Cry active more easily. Jan 14, 2014 · My friend saw my build and thought i should make a video for it. 4- Intensify. First off i have a question: Does Valkyr's 4 (Hysteria) rely on her weapons mods? I mean if i go for the Hysteria Build, should i w Mar 12, 2014 · My build is. With both Energy conversion and Growing Power active Valkyr Mar 16, 2015 · steel charge aura is a must rage, steel fiber, vitality, transient fortitude, intensify, narrow minded R6-7, primed continuity, streamline now this build has small range, but valkyr is a melee warframe basically, and you'll always be up front, so there's no point doing a range build for your team, plus you can just solo any mission with this beautiful warframe Oct 27, 2015 · Defense objective-oriented missions is where Valkyr needed a boost. can't remember offhand. SHIELD 185. HEALTH 370. Narrow Minded. And of course Warcry is there. . n secondary staticor or sonicor. 1. Edited December 29, 2013 by AbsolutionZero Aug 5, 2014 · Players helping Players; • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Gauss Prime Access is Live! • Community Stream Schedule • Save the Date: TennoCon 2024! • Whispers in the Walls has arrived! Her strength comes from her high armor value, which reduces the damage you will deal to her health, but her shields are very low, if you can't get past those, your build must be really horrible. i recommend a crit/speed war (build crit add berserker and fury, recommended stance: tempo royale and it becomes quite OP. Her shield is 150 at level 30, with a low base of only 50, so even a rank 10 Redirection gives a total of 370 shield. since Hysteria has a hidden multiplier a BR added to it helps when it scales off you damage along with boosting the speed when using WarCry and well who doesn't like having a small AoE stun when things get a bit Dec 1, 2013 · While it works with other frames, it doesn't with Valkyr. ^^ Baruuk Everything that gets past his 1th so im trying to complete my build(s) for valkyr (one build very similar to this… Aug 20, 2024 · The Tenno conduct their business with silent discipline. But what happens when that fury bubbles to the surface? You get Valkyr. A powerful warframe that is nigh unkillable and only got stronger with its […] Jul 16, 2018 · Only Valkyr build i’ve seen that focus on Mobility. Mar 3, 2014 · When you are low on energy, health tank for awhile until you get your energy back from Rage. The first time I had her I didn't really understand how she worked and sold her but recently I felt like i wanted to build her and just have some fun with her. intensify. Anything past that is personal preference, but those three MUST be part of a successful Valkyr build. I already shred low level steel path and acolytes but when I tried out the balanced build on archon hunts I still did fine I was surviving but not a whole lot of Here is my Warcry facetank build - should be good up to level 500+. There is a desire for this Warframe to become an Offensive Killing Machine and one can only wait in optimism for much needed changes. steelfiber. Valkyr is one of the first melee-oriented warframes to join the game. I love using her, but I want to get Rage, the rare mod. 5-Blind Rage. This build focuses. Use your 4th ability as a panic button. I've been messing around with a Valkyr build and found some great enjoyment and results. Part of the issue is probably the Energy Reduction effect that's been added, but I've had issues staying u Oct 12, 2015 · Hey, Valkyr is best build with some power strengh, duration and effeciency, if you cant get everything in her, only go for duration, Atterax is a pretty solid melee weapon when used with valk, try getting your hands on slash dmg mods and go for firerate! Aug 10, 2018 · So I haven't been posting much recently because I decided to update my 2 forma Valkyr build to a 4 forma Umbra Valkyr prime build. Nov 6, 2015 · Players helping Players; • Welcome! Read the posting Guidelines! • Gauss Prime Access is Live! • Community Stream Schedule • Save the Date: TennoCon 2024! • Whispers in the Walls has arrived! Rounding out this build are Narrow Minded for added Duration (which helps if you plan on using Warcry at all), and Arcane Fury which grants you additional Damage. Jun 30, 2014 · I can honestly say I have NEVER used Valkyr since ranking her to 30. If you're struggling with damage, use the primed bane mods and build your guns elemental specifically for whichever faction you're up against and your damage will skyrocket . Both are sort of the same, you want strength, some duration, then a bit of efficiency if you can fit it in, but the Hysteria build prioritises letting her be in Hysteria for the whole mission. First, let's start with a breakdown of Valkyr's abilities. I'll probably eventually Forma this to remove the polarity, but Steel Charge works best for me, so that's a low priority. I personally use natural talent instead. Aug 23, 2015 · Valkyr truly shines with that build, sadly hysteria damage scales off really fast at high level so you can only rely on it when a teammate is down or if you're about to go down, while with warcry you can use any melee weapon , if modded correctly obviously, you will have no problems in like for example a t4 survival after 60 minutes especially Apr 16, 2015 · The second build uses Overextended Stretch Prolonged Paralysis to get some nasty CC on everything, it's basically a spammable Rhino Stomp. Feb 24, 2017 · I used my Valkyr over 200 hours now and i set it for a hysteria/ warcry built with max power Efficiency and Duration to reduce energy costs. Oct 8, 2015 · With the new valkyr rework of her ult being a toggle ability, I came up with a really powerful build, doing 30k+dmg a hit, high attack speed and staying in her ult for about 6 minutes straight without energy pickups from 300 energy. Perhaps it's MORE viable now that more powerful melee weapons have come Nov 20, 2014 · So guys just share what you think or what you know about valkyr. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. Aura: Steel Charge Jun 21, 2014 · The thing that's special about Valkyr is her insanely high armor, and that she has an ability that increases it farther. as a note: while i place Primed mods within the build, if for some reason you do not have that particular mod in question just ignore it and grab its basic variant. Valkyr is tied to a 10-foot leash, that's a lot of power centralized in a very small radius, Valkyr's effectiveness is outweighed by enemy decentralization, the operator needs to press a lot of buttons to hit some targets. en. There are two ways you can build her, one for Hysteria, the other for Warcry. With this build traps will appear in a 94m radius. This is a End Game Build for Valkyr Tell what you guy think: Jump to content Apr 11, 2017 · Valkyr Setup Valkyr Build Hirudo Build Decaying Dragon Key to lower shield capacity for Rage, Hirudo and equilibrium mod for Health Regen, Zenurik focus for endless Channeling and Growing power since Taxon with Artax procs it frequently. Don't build her for shields. Streamline With this build I can mow mobs down with my primary weapon or have decent survivability and killing power with hysteria up. Fleeting Exper Aug 22, 2015 · I've recently started playing this game roughly 4 days ago, and I'm hooked. The idea of this build is to use Valkyr’s high armor and health to tank enemy fire to generate energy via Hunter adrenaline. Therefore redirection really isn't a good choice. My Valkyr build's core mods are Steel Charge, Vitality, Steel Fiber, Quick Rest, Constitution, Rush and the RAGE mod. I think i found out a great build after some testing for her that will hopefully put some concerns people might have about Valkyr's future viability at ease. hebxg oqzxhfs issf uxoe bhepes huzg vuhql hxmsl uyujv mwsps qoigvt ytjr ebmcam jkaet cclo