- Vespa stalls idle I know it runs at full throttle but I can't figure out the hard starting and lack of idle. Heres a video When I ran it again this afternoon, I got a few blocks from home and it bogged down at idle again. Joined: UTC Posts: 249 Posts: 249 Location: Pa. e. it starts & idles ok but when i try to engage first (clutch depressed moving grip shift in to first position Vespa stalls. On warm days, my vespa stalls all the time, the gauge is not showing that I am over heating. If it takes less than 2 turns on a tuned Vespa, consider popping in a leaner idle jet and repeat. Is it a bad earth? Modern Vespa is the premier site for modern Vespa and Piaggio scooters. Rough idle when finally starts and dies quickly (1min?) Well, the weather finally changed to be nice riding weather, so off I went to take the Vespa for a good ride. it was idling just a little rough so i added a fuel injector cleaner about 50 kms ago, thinking that the stalling and the slightly rough idle may be related. Joined: UTC Points. 1) The engine will rev but will stall. daveaz. But when I accelerate it dies immediately. It used to be at 1400-1500 rpm. Joined: UTC Posts: 4 . Introduction. Highest is not always the best. 5 months. No matter how I adjust the screw, it literrally does nothing at all. Browse Categories Answer Questions fueling is out of control and idle is only a victim. I think I am getting too much air because I need to back out the fuel mixture screw at least 5 full turns to get it to idle properly. None of the warning lights on the dash are on. I can also feel the CVT not releasing when I come to a stop. VESPA ET2 (2004) VESPA ET4 150cc (1998) VESPA PX125 (1984) Joined: UTC Beryl continues to idle well and pull away OK initially, two or three sets of lights later, or at an incline, it loses power when i give it a little gas, refusing to 2008 MP3 500, 2013 BV350, 2020 Vespa Sei Giorni, 2008 Vespa S150. . UTC. I still don't really understand why turning the headlight on causes the bike to idle a bit poorly and even stall on occasion. 5 turns. I'm completely out of ideas. WEB-Tech. Vespa . Started at home perfectly; rode around to check all fine. The scooter starts fine from cold but then stalls after a few minutes. GVT001. I checked the evap hose. OP. Most times its releases just before a complete stop, however every now and then it doesn't and stalls the engine. My GTS 250 stalls right after i just started ( engine light stays on for 2-3 sec then shut off) and at stoplights also. Vespa GTS300, GTS250 1960 Series 2 Lambretta, 1962ish API series 2 Lambretta, 1974 Vespa Super 150, 1978 Rally 200, 1965 Allstate VNB, 1980 P200e. You can adjust the idle when your scooter continues to die on you while driving / Ya, have had that happen on my car, on the mp3 it just stalls out. and win. I now have two new issues it runs fine for 15 minutes then wants to stall at idle, after it warms up it idles just fine. I checked and cleaned the filter on the carb but now need to do the same for the filter under the fuel tank. if that doesn't work, then bump up your idle. Whenever it idle, Check engine lights on and idle is unstable and stalls but restart. The Beer Guy. I ask the dealer he said that the charcoal canister fills up (some sort of Its really worth the watch before your corroborated Vespa gums up at the local pottery shop and you have to call your friend with a pickup for a ride home. Possibly insufficient mass on the crank, OR excessive friction on rotating mass of crank, or engine idle too low would seem logical places to look. tiredpony. Joined: UTC I was hoping the vast knowledge of vespa owners would shine here. Sometimes it died, then Vespa ET4 - Poor acceleration. Shop on Amazon with Modern Vespa Modern Vespa is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. The Vespa is a new model, I've only owned it for around 1. Starts right up again, and will run down and die. Hooked. Post Reply. Starting and idleing. com. I felt good, but it wasn't the cause of the stalling at warm idle problem - a loose connection betwixt coil and plug wire was. There is a FW update too, but doesn't sound like your dealer has the knowledge of how to do one. I'm running 50-1 non ethanol fuel mix in it until I can be sure the oil pump is working properly. Joined: UTC Not criticizing, just curious/seeking wisdom. The motor starts, runs, operates fine until about 3-5 min into the run. If you push it harder, it will stall and stall until it becomes impossible to start without letting it cool down. When I bring my throttle to an idle the scooter just stalls and turns off. GT 200L Navy Blue 2009. Now my first I was tuning the idle screw since I have choppy 4-stroke sound off idle. I might be putting a new battery soon if it keeps up. Hooked back up and got to start at a super low idle. Shop on Amazon with Modern Vespa So far: smooth idle, no stalls, and notably smoother throttle. Well it stalled today at a light, it started to stall when coming to make a left, gave it gas and made the left, got to the next stop light it stalled out, when I hit the start button nothing happened, I had to turn the key off and on Idles fine until I rev the throttle, then stalls. I have to keep my throtlle slightly open when I'm decelerating or stall ! But sommetimes it works fine, idle is I recently purchased a used 2v LX50 it stalls when I first start it but if I warm it up by twisting the throttle a few times it'll idle forever I've cleaned the carb and run seafoam along with replacing my spark plug what could be causing this? Modern Vespa is the premier site for modern Vespa and Piaggio scooters. Restarts no problem. Then once warm the idle would be uneven- fast idle, then slow then fast etc. Viewed 3k times 2 . pdxjim. com/10-mini-hose-clamp-hc starts first thing, but then boggs out when I give it gas and dies. Anyone have any ideas? ⚠️ Last edited by FLY_BOY on UTC; edited 1 time. Does that lead me somewhere? Any help would be much appreciated! Pete xantufrog. When it dies, is the plug wet? OP. Then again she may be happy with it if it runs well then I will go back to my quest for a 250 or so Vespa. Each time I twist the throttle the motor stalls and dies. 5 hours to the nearest place Hey guys, So I bought my moped 3 years ago (brand new) and I've only put 2000km on it. It will sit and idle forever, but if I take the RPM;s up, it eventually dies and will not start again,until I let it sit again. 7) have ran more than 3 tanks of fuel thru it since and runs fine at all speeds above idle. It seems to only stall after I let it sit Turn up idle Still dies when I let up on the gas. 2013 GTS 300 Super. I towed it back to the shop, and they changed the ignitian coil, fuel pump, and air intake. DaniFly. It starts fine and ticks over well but when accelerating it really hesitates. With the float ET4, Vespa S 150, Lambretta DL200, Serveta Jet 200. Vespa stalls after 2 seconds of idle. com/ From another source, that covered selecting the idle jet,he said that you should be able to screw in the mixture screw and lean it out enough to stall the engine. The bike would also not go above 35mph after an hour ride on it last week and i just about got home and It got worse once warmed up. But before, when the idle rpm was at 1500 rpm, the bike would stall every so often. Maybe the choke is stuck? Any help? Clean the carb and put in fresh gas. Moderaptor. jimc. My logic is that when idling, the stator (or alternator or whatever the thing is Vespa idles fine, stalls with throttle. 2009 GTS 250: Stalling when stopping, rolling on idle, difficulty "walking" scooter backwards When I stall, it feels like coming to a stop in first gear without disengaging the clutch in a manual transmission motorcycle or car. 5 minutes later it restarts. The 100/50 is 2. Does anyone know how to increase the idle speed on a GTV 250ie ? Thanks, Scutrbrau. I live in Boston and work in Boston with a 3 mile commute through the city. It will restart and run sluggishly until warmed up. Do you have any idea how to fix this or what went wrong? 1980 Vespa P200e (sold), 2002 Vespa ET4 (sold Engine at Idle shuts off/stalls. 2005 PX150 In a Part-time Relationship with a 2-Stroke Vespa Since 2007 the engine will increasingly feel choppy and start The issue is it is bogging down but it starts and idles fine. She said the engine either just dies down or doesn't start unless kick-starting it a lot. Modern Vespa is the premier site for Collin shows you how to adjust the idle on the carburetor of your scooter. It does start, idle and run reasonably well with the battery at 12. com/lx-150-38-idle-jet-2006-2010-idlejetlx38-3. Sat, 07 Jan 2012 04:16:05 +0000. I had mine apart last year (MASTER engine) and couldn't see much more to do than spray throttle body cleaner through the idle bypass. Joined: UTC Posts: 3 Location: USA. Once it's warmed up there's no problem with stalling. I have disconnected the evap system and increased the idle speed on the carb. brand new 09 Gray 250 replaced by Piaggio I thing a small problem. Joined: UTC Posts: 6 Location: Sydney AUS. it starts ok (3-4 kicks) idles ok, runs fine, then after 10 minutes of riding - stalls and dies. In addition to the causes and solutions mentioned above, there are a few other potential The idle pass by just needs cleaning out. the initial diagnosis is there is not enough gas going into the engine. I have gone thru this several times and can't find a solution. judy. Next, give the slightest amount of throttle - what happens? Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco, Elettrica and If it will idle, but it just stalls when coming to a stop, I suspect your idle speed is set too low, as DaniFly suggested. melbro. It would start as normal and idle OK, but after setting off when I came to a stop it would start to wheeze and then stall unless I opened the throttle a little to keep the revs up. Montanapat89 Hey just wanted to get some input from anyone who's had much more experience with Vespas than I have. So I back off and it idles nicely. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV 2008 MP3 500, 2013 BV350, 2020 Vespa Sei Giorni, 2008 Vespa S150. The stall only occurs if I come to a complete stop within the first half mile of riding or if I am slowing down while completely releasing the throttle. 2manycars. Where do I start with diagnostics? stinkyjones. Once I increase gas it stalls out. Because of the amount of time the scooter has been in the shop (7 months, during which time I had it out once for three days, when I noticed I have an lx50 '07 with 83 miles that won't idle. If something is obstructing or preventing the flow of fuel into the engine, then soon enough your Vespa will not run smoothly and will cut off. Then I turned the idle down with the idle screw until it seemed about right (comparing to Slashy's video). then drops to idle speed (no throttle response, i. Try a leaner idle jet, set the mix screw 1. Idles fine after the fuel heater is off. ive rebuilt my carb 2 times in a week thinking i did something wrong. When I start the vespa, everything is fine. Then I found the copper vent tube in the tank was Common Vespa Defect: Engine Stalling and Possible Causes, Solutions, and Prevention. Joined: UTC Posts: 4. I have a 2006 Vespa LX 150 that starts My Vespa Ciao has been stalling out when idling recently. Lately I've been riding more and more to keep the battery charged, etc, but no matter how long I ride, the thing dies almost instantly at a stop. Joined: UTC Posts: 29303 Vespa dealership computer found oxygen sensor failure. Search Fixya. If you notice that your bike stalls often, this screw may be set too low to maintain a reliable idle speed. 5) disconnected battery for a day, connected, started and hoped it would idle. 2010 GTS 300 Super and 2015 Kawasaki When bike is idling and just started, you apply the rear brake it stalls. I was able to prevent a stall and very slowly reduced throttle back down. LX 150. I have a vespa p200e which has been in storage for a while. It can move forward for a while but stall when moving. It's usually pretty easy to get it started again, but it's kind of embarrassing at stoplights and stop signs when there are other cars behind me. Dec 5, 2010 - Starting Problems on 1997 Ford Probe If the engine runs rough,stalls, hesitates on acceleration, is hard to start, or has generally poor A new misfire/hesitation on accel. Also, if you try to rev it it dies Now it idles fine, and didn't stall any more. World Traveler. Hello all, The throttle issue was sorted out, but the scooter still stalls at idle. htmlHose Clamps: https://www. naughty lee. I just took out of storage a low mileage 2006 LX50. 2018 Vespa GTS 300 Touring Gina, 1965 Vespa 180SS, Bella,1968 Vespa 150 Super, Mia, 2017 Vespa Primavera 70th Anniversary 150ie, Gabriella, 2017 GTS300 ABS. The idle pass by just needs cleaning out. I was adjusting the idle screw in 1/4 turns and 1/4 turn is the difference between idling and dead. This is with mix screws set to 2 1/2 turns back for idle, and 1 1/2 turns for mix. Good day everyone. So figured crappy fuel and rode it to the gas station to fill up with To make these adjustments, I tightened the idle screw all the way (engine raced) then tightened the mix screw all the way, then loosened the mix screw in half turn increments until the idle stopped changing, which was a bit over 1. In the morning 1974ish Vespa Ciao. 5 turns out, jjk needle, turning the throttle, I'm getting back to 1000rpm quite quickly, but from there it takes about 10seconds to drop to 900rpm if I idle for about 2-3mins it stalls but before then, pulling the clutch in When cold, starts normal revs but as soon as I twist the trottle it stalls If i ride up to 10 min, stalls every red traffic light, poor acceleration When hot idle is yoyo, sometimes normal and reguler, sometimes goes high in revs (bike go forward on idle) Tried : - recent sparkplug so cheked gap 0,7 It feels a bit better, and the idle is smoother, but there's still that puttering sound when I just start riding and, as I said, would stall out sometimes. Positive. When I think about it, I let the engine idle for a little while at startup, which seems to help the EFI sellf-calibrate. If I blip the ignition, it bogs down and stalls out. Basically I get stopped at a light about every other block and so it can be a lot of starting and stopping for about 15 minutes or so, but every morning on my way to work beginning with the 2nd light my vespa stalls unless I continuously give it a little gas. I purchased a somewhat restored Vespa 150 clean looking some aesthetic mods already done to it. I'm not sure however. With that the ecu cannot set it to a correct opening on idle, it's a few degrees off sometimes. I've found a few topics Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco, Elettrica and more. Pubblicato il Ottobre 22, 2022 Dicembre 22, 2022 da admin . I have cleaned the carb and replaced the hoses around the carb, drained gastank and put in fresh fuel and changed rhe sparkplug. I bought a vespa 300 gts 2013 without keys and a lot of rust, changed the lock and coded the engine control unit to the new keys and welded the rust holes with tig. At higher throttle it is fine. I let it idle for a minute or two and when i open the throttle slightly, it sounds like it's about to stall. Spark good, tank full of 98, starts and runs but intermittently misses/stalls on idle or abruptly dies while riding. Also, when I start it I need to give it some throttle to start. which is normal, but should pick up when the engine comes close to The next 2 consecutive days the 500 acted like a real scoot and had no stalls! Riding was actually fun again! Thought it was fixed. The richness of the idle jet is the ratio of the two numbers, the lower the number, the richer the idle jet. Modern Vespa is the premier site Goes to idle without problem. Every stop sign/light, it stalls. Modern Vespa is the premier site for modern Vespa and 2018/2019 Piaggio Fly 150 3Vie that is cutting out on idle or mid riding, trying to figure out what is going on with it. Member. The 45/150 was the only one that would do that. Prise the grommet out While it's warming up, if the throttle is set to high, it stalls after it fires up. I was on vacation last week and so it has not been ridden in over 2 weeks. Addicted. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco Converted a 1963 VBN 125 To a 177 with SI 20/20 Carb idle jet of 40-130, a main jet of 94, an air corrector of 140, and a mixer of E3 She starts right up and runs when when cold but after awhile she stalls out and stops running even when I toggle the throttle. Nope. 2005 PX150 In a Part GTS250 stalls-won't idle, dies when cold This problem with my GTS250ie just developed recently. Read that the this may be a way to reset the ECU. This problem started about 200 miles ago. Joined: UTC Posts: 23 i'm not sure if there's much truth to that but on a Vespa I haven't an idea how to identify. Hose: https://www. My friend who fixes old vespa unseized the engine, cleaned the gas tank, got it running great except for the dead spot. After some changes the Vespa is now running as it should in terms of idling and accelerating. However when we disengage the choke then it stalls. It is a year old, and hasn't been ridden much. When the engine is at idle the butterfly valve is closed and all the combustion air goes through this hole. Hard to get started again until it cools down or sits for a while. I have 2006 Vespa GT 200 with 12,000 miles on it. good luck with it! best, -greasy Post Reply. My 2006 gts 250 sometimes stalls as well on idle. I suspect defective temperature sensor or is it possible the engine overheats? In last case these engine are they built to be driven substained speed for hours (+/_ 7000rpm). It would idle poor upon start and Hi Vespa Guru, My Vespa PX 150 stall when i put it in 1st gear then put on the throttle. The bike idles fine while on the stand but once you start to run it through the gears say like put it in neutral and come to a stop it stalls -Cleaned carburetor, including idle jet hole;-Replaced carburetor and air filter;-Installed different (used) coil;-Derusted gas tank;-New fuel line and filter;-New light switch. If the engine barely idles and then bogs down or dies when you try to advance the throttle, I'd suspect the carb. Please Help! Comparing to you video jack, I'm at pilot 38, 1. 2007 GTS250, 2014 GTS 300 Super, 2009 Harley Crossbones, 883 Super Low Harley, 2010 LX150 About every 3rd time (all other times it starts and runs fine) I start my scoot it will idle for 10 seconds then vespa gt stalls stalls when engine is hot or splutters - Vespa Motorcycles question. Joined: UTC Posts: 139 Location: Vancouver Island Canada . Pangea. Rides fine with or without battery, just keeps having the same My friend has a Vespa (don't know the model, I'll ask) and it began to suddenly just stop running from time to time. Hello Modern Vespa. A good charge and/or a good long ride can help. When it starts, idles high, then dies. If I let it The PX200 runs a standard 160/55 idle jet. Runs for a while and then once it gets hot it stalls when I stop. I have it set low and so it sometimes dies at stop signs it almost seems like this is more of an issue sometimes than others. After about 4-5 miles of riding at about 30 mph, when I come to a stop at a red light, it just stalls out. Once it idles cleanly, back off your idle speed, and go for a ride. AND the engine still stalls when throttle released. I've noticed within the last 2 weeks that sometimes the engine will stall as I open the throttle, after first starting the engine. Afflictus. 25, but will stall a little when cold. I have adjusted the idle and mixture screws, i can get it running but it eventually bogs out and dies. Engine starts stalling only when warm, acceleration haven't changed at all. Put it back together and by putting fuel in the spark plug hole 3 or 4 times was able to get it to start and idle just fine. Also note you state you use the highest octane gas available. Takes some cranking to start. 2007 LX150 Daring Plum Leonardo Da Vespa. htmlMixture Screw Adjuster Tool: https://www. If I am waiting at a long red light and take my hand off the throttle it will slowly "choke" itself out. I tried and tried to get it to start, and when it did, it would promptly sputter and die. Previous owner already removed it. And sadly the wiring already needs replacing as it came from a very First thing - this is on a 2013 Vespa LX 50 4T 4 Valve. First of all, check if It will stall when going over humps (at times), accelerating from stop (throttle and stall during low speed), went in a couple of times for computer reset (didn't help), change spark plug (didn't help). 0, the 160/55 is 2. It feels like the throttle is opening and there is no fuel enough coming from idle to higher RPM. twisting it harder doesn't matter) for 5-10 seconds, then the engine shuts off. 2005 PX150 In a Part-time Relationship with a 2-Stroke Vespa Since 2007. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4 Vespa GTS 250 , Baotian 70cc rat scooter, Yamaha V50M 1979. When spraying at idle your touch has to be really soft. So basically what is happening, it struggles and stalls at red light, At idle if you have a vacuum leak there, the spray will raise the idle speed momentarily. GT 200. Wiki; FAQ; Register; Forum-> General Discussion. UTC quote. 6) cleaned air filter. I bought a used LX 150 and it has been idling rather low and sputtering, occasionally VNB, starts first kick, struggles to idle/drops out and dies. Maybe the carb isnt getting enough fuel and needs to be tuned? Im really not very A post in the Performance moped forum by Blake Dufrene. Joined: UTC Posts: 3 Location: USA . Bunch of sooty cleaner came running out. Customer: My vespa starts and idle's fine but when I try and pull off it will not rev up . When reducing speed to stop, it feels a little rough. Stall at idle. no A common side effect - especially with bumpy cams - was a tendency to stall - idle was too low for the flywheel mass to keep the engine going or something caused excessive rotational friction. Bottom line - My white 2002 Vespa ET2 was restricted in three ways: 1)"Confuser Tube" appendage to the exaust which I Vespa P200e Jumps & stalls when 1st gear engaged. a 2008 LX50 with 7000miles and it had the exact same stalling problem mentioned above - runs fine for 10min, then stalls at idle. 2010 Vespa LX 150. My thoughts are the throttle sensor, but how to check it? I'm not sure what it would tell you if it stalls or not tho. 2009 GTV 244, 2005 BMW F652 CS, 2001 ET4 150 However, overfilling the fuel tank (a fairly common mishap) can lead to a situation where the engine is difficult to start, idles roughly, or stalls. I have taken the carb apart like a million times, i know it is clear. Then it will not start again Mechanic's Assistant: Is the check engine light on? Does the bike stall at idle or when driving? Customer: At idle Mechanic's Assistant: What is the make/model/year of your bike? Customer: 2003 Vespa 50cc Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your bike yourself? This screw will determine your idle speed so you should set it low to preserve fuel at stop lights. SDG gjl. To those who mentioned air leaks - the reason I was fairly certain that air leaks weren't the issue is that the Vespa was running smoothly with the old 20D carb after the engine rebuild so I switched to a 24 based on the Scooter Center My first vespa At idle it is fine, but when I give it a bit of gas it eventually boggs down and stalls. There was no warning nor any other indication. It will do the very low idle for a minute or low idling and sometimes stalls. 5 turns out. Finally the workshop After that - it starts at idle and stalls in time and with throttleevery time. So. Modified 8 years, 3 months ago. It felt like it was warming up, but I could never get a consistent idle to fine tune the mix. Had a similar thing on my GTS. First, try this. What is causing this stalling and how can I fix this? Here's what I've done with it so far: 1) replaced fuel petcock. " Enough so it doesn't stall at the lights while in 1st gear with clutch in Post Reply. If I allow it to idle for another minute, it stalls. Joined: UTC Posts: 11 Location: Houston TX . VESPA ET2 (2004) VESPA ET4 150cc (1998) VESPA PX125 (1984) Joined: UTC Posts: 17 . I let it warm up for a few minutes before I start riding but that doesn't seem to make much difference (I've read through the threads debating the importance of this). Welcome, Guest. And the idle screw is all the way in. Shop on 1. Helps after a while/sometimes, but other times it just works first try Reply reply More replies. Customer: My Vespa starts and then stalls as soon as I hit the throttle. scooterwest. making the engine stall at Experiencing an issue where every now and then, my 2015 Vespa Sprint 150 shuts off/stalls at idle. Have taken it to the local dealers at least 4 times in the past 1 month with the same issue and each time they clean the fuel injectors and air filter and i'm told that the issue is with the fuel injectors getting Parts Used:#38 Idle Jet: https://www. I'm driving along in my 2008 LX150 and while idling at a light my engine cuts out and doesn't start up again. which is beautiful and an amazing location to own a Vespa, but unfortunately 2. Everything looked good and it starts immediately and runs well at idle. Moving off again was often interesting too, occasionally stalling but more often taking a moment from when it started to pull to really kick in. I adjusted the valve clearance and checked the timing. recently it has also been dying while i am riding it. Thanks, Daniel I have a 1979 Vespa P200E, i have tried everything to get this thing to idle. I removed the air filter, doesn't look dirty. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco, Elettrica and Sometimes the revs climb back to idling speed sometimes it doesn't and i stall. maybe 1/8~1/4 turn at the most. Ecto Aircooler. I have had some trouble with the engine stalling out. Tiggerz wrote: So take a wild guess what I'm doing this weekend. Hi. starfish. When I take the air cleaner off it seems to idle fine. Hello. P200e. If I restart and crank the throttle. Wiki; FAQ; Register; Register; Log In; Forum-> General Discussion. Did you miss your Honda CB125TDC, Piaggio NRG MC2, Kymco Agility. it gets fuel even when I don't pull the throttle, this why it stalls on idle and backfires when running. Any ideas? please post your findings i have the same exact problem on 24/24 1980 p200 im about to buy a new carb but would rather find the real issue. I am completely stumped. it seems to idle fine if i am not sitting on it, but once sit on the scooter the idle decreases and sometimes dies. Can drive it for about 10 minutes, then whenever goes to idle, it will stall. In this article, we will examine one of the most frequent defects Here's the '64 VNB5T which we just finished restoring. Turn down the throttle and it stalls after it warms up. Modern Vespa is the premier site for modern Vespa and Piaggio scooters Starts - idles - but any throttle and dies. Within a 1/4 mile of riding, the throttle is very sluggish (not taking gas) - when I stop at about 1/2 mile, it stalls. I know it is getting spark, and i have tested the compression to 100PSI. In the morning going to work, I've yet to experience the issue. I have checked the fuel tank valve - pulled of fuel line from bottom of tank and started engine - fuel poured out of valve. Joined: UTC Posts: 347 Location: Edmonton Canada. Vespa LX Carburetor Jets Cleaned It starts no problem. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 3 months ago. Symptoms: Bike electric starts very well and idles down after about 60-90 seconds of running - first time, every time. Once started, it sounds and runs normally, except it will not sustain an idle and dies as soon as the bike stops. Mixture Screw - This screw is hidden behind a rubber grommet in the carb box. com/5-16-fuel-line-vintage-vespa-sold-per-foot-fuelline-5-16. I have a 250ie (quasar) which bogs down when throttling and is idling badly and stalling on idle . Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco, Elettrica Daring Plum GT 200, Dragon Red LX 150, Kawi Green KLR 650, Hi-Viz Yeller V-Strom 650, Bonneville Black The engine starts with one kick, runs great on idle but when I drive the Vespa it stalls when give it a full throttle. Shop on Amazon with Modern Vespa GT 200 stalls alot at first. Battery is a bit weak but still starts it. As it idles, the bike just bogs down and dies. I think it's because of the SuperCorsa chip I installed messing with the EFI. I restarted and it was fine. I swaped my stator for electric on my other vespa. The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - a GTS 300 Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco, Elettrica and more. This also happens when i come to a complete stop. Can you start it and allow it to just sit there and idle for a minute or more? If so, your idle jet is clear and functioning. The idle circuit is just a preset series of passages and one tiny orifice that due to the throttle slide being almost closed creates a gentle vacuum that pulls fuel up from the area where the fuel passes through the main jet. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco, Elettrica and Asking what's the "correct" speed for idle is like asking what's the correct thermostat setting for "room temperature. 2015 300 GTS. I had no power to move forward for the time being but the scoot was running. Veni, Vidi, Posti. I tried driving it around for a while after I noticed the problem, sometimes it stalled when I was stopped, sometimes not. we replace It now idles well but dies when I accelerate. Like I said your main jet will have nothing t do with the idle. If I put it up on the center stand it will still not accelerate even without a load on the engine. Owning a Vespa is a pleasure for many scooter enthusiasts, but like any vehicle, it can sometimes experience defects. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco, Elettrica and more. Do this enough times and it will eventually stay idling. Lots of short runs may leave the voltage low. After a while though, the problem seems to go away (until she sits for a while again as baggs noted above). Joined: UTC Posts: 8954 Location: Ashburn, Va. GTV 250i. Modern Vespa is the premier site for modern Vespa and Piaggio scooters. No start. Mine came with turn signals mounted on both ends of Recently when coming to a light, the scoot starts to stall, if I give it gas it wont stall and idles fine. It is intermittent and only happens occasionally. Waiting several minutes will allow you to repeat. stall on cold start and able to start again doesn't sound like fuel pimp to me. Out today driving and everythings good. I rode to my local Vespa dealer/shop and the repair guy confirmed it has a carburetor. The Hornet (GT200, aka Love Bug) and 'Dimples' - Scooter starts, has a heavy chugging idle, and then dies as soon as I give it gas. Forum-> Not-So-Modern. checked for spark (seems ok - but maybe it cools down enough by the time I test it?) checked carb - choke and throttle cable operate fine, gas in tank. My MP3 400 with 1400 miles has been perfect until today. Shag. LX 150 starts and idles but dies at throttle. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV I noticed my LX idling a little rough Sunday when at stops. My beloved ET4 suddenly lost the idle. She rides well, accelerates well, idles well, everything is great. adjusted the idle circuit till the response was crisp and smooth, brought the idle speed till the rear wheel would barely roll in the air, barely a I'm new to this forum, but I've had my 2009 Vespa LX150 since 2011. Short rev bursts prevents me from stalling. I have a 2019 Primavera 50cc. I have been noticing that it's gotten harder to start and is stalling out occasionally at stop lights. hoboesque. I've put new fuel line on, a 1974ish Vespa Ciao. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150 Recently my 2007 Vespa GTV 250ie started stalling out but only when the engine is cold. com The problem is that I just can't get the idle low enough. Fuel is the key to running a Vespa smoothly. This is rather disconcerting at stop lights and has caused me to stall a couple of times. Vespa guru and I removed the throttle body this morning and found I could get it running for 25-30 second intervals at first, throttle response was great, but it would eventually die. since valentines day my scoot hasn't wanted to idle properly and I get P0130 errors (lambda) that sometimes clear themselves and sometimes I have to clear it. help. Joined: UTC Posts: 11 Location: Houston TX. My friend has talked to a mechanic who works on Vespas every now and then and he also mentioned that it might be the immobilizer. Joined: UTC Posts: 1874 . On a 50km ride last evening: low/rough idle to start, and stall; low idle threatening to stall at stop lights, and at zero throttle stalled over a speed bump. The T5 runs a richer 100/50. Marty K. Any advice would be appreciated. and sometimes it stalls. does any idle and/or mixture screws need adjusting after a jet change? the petcock, which I did and now the bike will not rev at all; idles fine but even the slightest twist of the throttle stalls her. After riding for 5 miles or so the scooter looses power and will not accelerate past an idle and will not advance forward. Vespa Vespa scooter stalls when I come to a stop and will not start unless I "manually" choke it by covering the air intake By chatting and providing MY ET 50 2001 VESPA RUNS GREAT WHEN ITS COLD AS SOON AS IT WARMS UP 5 MINS IT WILL IDLE BUT WONT TAKE FUEL, YES STARTS. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco After cold start ends, after about 30 seconds, the Vespa dies slowly even if i try to give him gas! After couple of seconds it will restarts but will do the same, after 30 sec, gradualy stalls again. Please login or register. Vespa The motor idles perfectly with a meaty pop pop pop. I put the air cleaner back on, the engine bogs down and dies. I've had some starter problems (slow to turn over, sputtery, rough idle) in the past, seemingly due to infrequent riding. Molto Verboso. When bike gets up to temperature during a ride this problem goes away. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco Help- my LX 150 stalls at long stops. It doesn't do that the first 30sec when lossen the gas it runs fine again I did the following checks:-Re-cleaned the carb en checked everything-Put wd40 on the inlet manifold, cilinder, lines no change in idle. It's not crazy high it's just higher than I think it should be. When I twist the throttle from idle it feels like my engine is going to stall for about a second before it starts revving properly. Joined: UTC Posts: 23 Location: Vancouver, BC Canada . 09 Triumph Bonnie, 06 Kymco P250, (Retired: 05 Stella , 08 Piaggio Fly150, 02 Yamaha Vino50, 07 Yamaha C3) Modern Vespa is the premier site for modern Vespa and Piaggio scooters. I did notice the petcock has a small leak when I rub my finger on it. Shop on Amazon with Modern Vespa I've had a (bloody persistent recurring) partially blocked idle jet on a GT200, and it affected my idle (and stalling) even when the engine was fully warmed up. i use seafoam regularly. New to the vintage Vespa world. As the title mentions. check closed loop status hot engine. " Ok so im working on a friends vespa, hes not mechanically inclined so i offered to help The ET2 he has, went into dealer for service, somehow they messed with the carb and it began to leak. 2. After doing valve clearance adjustment and throttle body cleaning a month ago, I notice when after riding, say 10 mins, and stopped at a light, the idle speed is around 1800 rpm. Idle Adjust? OP. The rough idling was a little more pronounced yesterday. The result is the engine will die out. Lcerne. Search Topic. 1965 Vespa 125. What is causing this stalling and For further information on Vespa maintenance and repair, we recommend visiting the official Piaggio website. Ossessionato. ). Cleaned the carburetor jets. After all of this, the bike still does the same. Fine on a freshly charged battery which is not the best in the world but after 3 or 4 starts it cuts out at idle. For sure I'm going to take some strands of copper wire through those jets this time. I removed the drive belt (again) My MP3 500 recently developed an odd behavior. It revs fine and I am able to scoot up and down the alley. However, ensure the idle bypass passage is clean first At 60,000km checking the clearances is due anyway, so might as well do it. Warm it up fully and increase your idle speed a bit, then adjust the mix screw 1/4 turn at a time, wait 15-20 seconds before you rush to decide it's wrong. Turned the mixture screw all the way out in intervals of 1/4 and tried every time to twist the throttle and managed to have the vespa running but it always stalls when i twist the throttle beyond 1/6 of the fully open position. Vespa GTS300, GTS250, GTV, GT200, LX150, LXS, ET4, ET2, MP3, Fuoco, Elettrica When my new scoot is cold, it stalls at every stop light, which is getting to be rather terrifying to this new rider. I believe it is being starved of fuel. Martin B. I can feel the drag from the engine. Joined: UTC Posts: 116 Location: Gilbert AZ . Max6200 UTC Idle-poor running-stalls. As a result, the engine stalls at idle and the coolant temperature rises faster than normal when revved enough to keep from stalling. Is there a filter on the fuel line? I saw a filter was mentioned a couple times in the above comments. Full Member; Posts: 203; 64 mph and pushing; Re: Engine at Idle shuts off/stalls. Welcome Swany. vespa 100 sport x2. Posts: 131 Location: Tampa Fl. After a few minutes it boggs down and will not excellerate;it starts fine too. Stall at idle or as you come to a stop. My 2007 GTS250 stalls occasionally at idle, either hot or cold. enggopah. JakeM. I now have to keep the thing revving before I engage the clutch. I adjusted it a 1/4 turn at a time. ET/GT/LX: Hard Starting, Rough Idle, or Stalling And here is the idle adjustment screw. if we pull the choke then adjust the idle then set in 1st gear my PX will ride. On cold mornings (10C is cold for Sydney!) when first started it would idle fine, then as it warmed up it would go to a fast idle, which I thought was normal. Through this forum i get conflicting info on turn signals. details. When I start the bike in the morning, all seems good, but when rolling the throttle, it will stall and die. It felt as if the ECU was trying to switch the fast idle off but somehow couldn't. Joined: UTC With a new plug and oil it is vibrating less when idling though sounds a little weaker I might have to regap the plug or something. It starts up fine and responds to throttle blips well. After the last (and first dealer) service they told me it has something to do with a little bit of play in the throttle body. Couldn't get to start. Since then it stalled once on the As stated the engine both sputters and stalls/dies. The engine was seized from not running since 1985. I got new sensor from the for $54, installed it, started my Vespa and let it run for 5 min. 2) added circuit exhaust, larger carb jet, added performance air intake It idles ok and shifts into gear, then stalls immediately when I try to give it throttle and take off. It starts fine when cold (40 degrees F. Previous Rides: Vespa ET2, Vespa GT125, Vespa PK125, Lambretta Cento. GTS250 Stalls. Bike stalls at the lights and you need to start again, draining battery further. This problem applies to all Piaggio LEADER engines, which are used in the ET, My engine does not idle and stalls. HELP! KymcoForum. I found a happy medium after a couple hours, but now once it's warmed up, if I try to throttle up, it stalls. I have a 4 mile ride from home to work, and I take the Vespa every day. Forum-> General Discussion. Another cause of stooping at idle can be a poorly charged battery. Recently surpassed 4,000km, my 2020 GTS HPE has just developed a stall. Carb was cleaned and equipped with new gasket set, stator was cleaned and a new condenser was installed, new wiring, new muffler, electric system works fine, good spark, compression is at around 110. 9. The 100/50 is therefore richer. Joined: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 22:55:00 +0000 Posts: 11 Location: Santa Barbara, CA I am new to Vespa and to motorized two-wheel vehicles. 5 minutes of riding later it stalls (etc). I know some of the wiring is old and frayed. Today while at idle the engine simply stopped. They also took the carburetor aprart and cleaned it up. Sunny started showing saw-toothing at idle. Full disclosure - bike had sat for the better part of the last 18 months up until about a week ago, so I am fully aware that this problem is probably of my own making. Modern Vespa. (1/2 litre) Shortly after the idle drops from the initial surge (2-3 seconds) the motor quits and it wont restart. Here is my problem. Joined Sorry to jump in on your thread my GTS 250 stalls out but I only just noticed it today. Vespa conked out downhill at nearly WOT near 40mph; pushed home. Other Potential Causes and Solutions. On the way back, however, once every 3 or 4 rides the engine has been shutting off when I'm idling sitting in Hi everyone, a quick update. Lurker. 2004 GT 200 - it starts, idles but stalls when Throttled. Home to the Internet . Idle is fine. it does not stall but only gets up to a very rough idle ? Answered by Jeff Policky in 3 mins 14 years ago Jeff Policky Experiencing an issue where every now and then, my 2015 Vespa Sprint 150 shuts off/stalls at idle. Honda Kawasaki Motorcycle & Power Products Technician. My ET4 150 will not idle if I can get it to start at all. Shop on Vespa lx 50 2008 dies after warms up. Keep working on it 1/4 turn at a time in either direction. urov iogul vnkxc mdzssm flrnjw xxjk wuyud ghn cgsmk sladmfk eehfpi gbabr wxq oba hoi