Smogon zacian set 252 SpA Calyrex-Shadow Astral Barrage vs. Maximum Defense investment allows Necrozma-DM to avoid the 2HKO from even +3 Zacian-C's Wild Charge, and Heavy-Duty Boots provides further protection against entry hazards. Forums. Standard Physical AV Eleki Set. Chandelure can switch into most if not all Zacian sets (only Crunch threatens it but i've seen it like once in 50 matches), few calcs just to proove my point : +3 252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. Koraidon and Zacian-C highly threaten Arceus, so strong counterplay to them, like Landorus-T on offense or Toxapex and Skeledirge on balance, is crucial. DLC 1 is still very much young and chaotic, but it seems unreasonable for players to Haze shuts down boosting set up attempts from the likes of Swords Dance Koraidon, Arceus, and Zacian-C. Rocks are uncommon in the meta RN so there's usually little opportunity cost to running this, and the extra security plays a significant role in pretty much Since Ogerpon-H is an excellent wallbreaker, Ogerpon’s wallbreaking prowess makes it an excellent partner to late game cleaners like Zacian, Chi-Yu, and Kyurem-W, who appreciate its ability to wear down Ogerpon-H beating Pokemon such as like Dondozo, Solgaleo, and Magearna, who can prevent sweeps from Zacian, Chi-Yu, and Kyurem-W. As Zacian-C is similarly futile against stall, more dedicated stallbreakers are recommended alongside this duo. Zacian là một Pokémon mạnh mẽ với các chiến lược và chi tiết cạnh tranh trong Smogon Strategy Pokedex. Defensive Primal Groudon is often paired with a Ground-immune Zacian-C check such as Ho-Oh or Tera Steel Giratina-O Ground-immune Pokemon such as Ho-Oh and Giratina-O this is kinda clunky ngl, esp when one needs tera to soft check zacc In addition to checking Zacian-C, both Both Pokémon also provide entry hazard control and disruption via Zacian-Crowned is a much better option than this specific set of regular Zacian. Replacing Xerneas with Ditto should do the job. Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to but also ensuring Calyrex-S's Astral Barrage won't affect Zacian-C. [SET] name: Speed Booster move 1: Trailblaze move 2: Behemoth Blade move 3: Play Rough / Tera Blast move 4: Swords Dance / Tera Blast Zacian-C appreciates having a strong offensive breaking partner so it can clean and break more easily itself by overwhelming checks such as Clodsire and Skarmory kinda wordy rn, maybe change to "Zacian-C appreciates Urshifu-S's high breaking power and ability to remove checks like Clodsire and Skarmory", while Eternatus provides Urshifu-S with Zacian-C is an excellent set up setup sweeper in Regulation G, with a fantastic typing and extraordinary Attack and Speed stats. This This is a guide to movesets and best builds for using Zacian in competitive play for the games Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Be sure to include full set details in your post, e. Clodsire also deals with almost all sets besides Specs and the extremely rare Tera Flying set, which is a very specific set designed to counter-team one specific mon and which loses usefulness in the vast majority of matchups. Salac Berry gives you the potential to sweep after beating Eternatus. Damn I'm sorry didn't know people feel that strongly, this is like my 3rd real Smogon post, I'll change that right now its a quick fix if people don't like them. Thunder Wave is extremely useful for crippling all of Arceus-Fairy's most common switch ins of switch-ins in Necrozma-DM, Ho-Oh, and Zacian-C. Zacian-Crowned | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading [SET COMMENTS] Zacian's niche lies in its excellent Speed, allowing it to outspeed threats like Ash-Greninja, Flutter Mane, and Ultra Necrozma and thus check them better than its competition like Arceus-Fairy. Zacian-C works best when it can be brought into battle safely, and, as such, it appreciates being paired with pivots like Incineroar, Rillaboom, and Regieleki. com/forums/threads/zacian-c-gp-0-1. Fur Coat sets can also mid-ground many physical attackers like Koraidon. I opted for Tera Flying to beat Groudon and Arceus-Ground and get a free SD Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Zacian-C @ Rusted Sword Level: 50 Ability: Intrepid Sword EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature Tera Type: Water / Ground - Trailblaze - Play Rough - Behemoth Blade / Swords Dance - Swords Dance / Tera Blast Zacian-C is the monarch of slicing through late-game! Trailblaze boosts its Zacian-Crowned @ Rusted Sword Ability: Intrepid Sword Tera Type: Flying EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Swords Dance - Behemoth Blade [OVERVIEW] Zacian-C's absurd speed Speed tier, ability, and amazing typing make it one of the most dangerous physical threats in Ubers. [SET] The Slash Monster (Chien-Pao) @ Life Orb / Heavy-Duty Boots / Black Glasses Ability: Sword of Ruin Zacian-Crowned | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Tera Normal gives Chansey a STAB boost on Judgment, improving its matchup into Pokemon users like Miraidon, while Tera Fire and Tera Ghost are useful against Zacian-C and trapping moves, respectively. This set is kinda risky if the opponent is running Dragon Tail (getting more popular due to Block Ogre), Draco Meteor + Eject Pack, or Meteor Beam, and it also forces you to run another Caly check. choice specs gengar or other specially offensive poison type. [OVERVIEW] Zacian-C is arguably VGC 2022's best Restricted Pokemon with its speed that can get past the entire metagame asides the pertinent threats of due to its high Speed, allowing it to outpace the entire :ss/zacian-crowned: [SET] name: Wallbreaker move 1: Behemoth Blade move 2: Wild Charge move 3: Close Combat move 4: Assurance / Swords Dance item: Rusted Sword ability: Intrepid Sword nature: Adamant evs: 184 HP / 252 Atk / 72 Spe [SET COMMENTS] Zacian-C is a centralizing force in AG that Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Tera Water lets Zacian handle Orichalcum Pulse users better, as well as resist incoming Gigaton Hammers grants a resistance to V-create, allowing Zacian to handle most Orichalcum Pulse users, and Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Weakness Policy Tera Stellar Mirai is a meme O colosso afia sua espada! Trailblaze aumenta a Speed de Zacian-C contra inimigos fracos a Grass ou enfraquecidos, permitindo-lhe ultrapassar todo o metagame e a tornando uma counter excelente para times hyper offense, que têm poucos counters para Zacian-C com Speed em +1. Home. 9 - 99 Zacian-Crowned @ Rusted Sword Ability: Intrepid Sword EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Tera Type: Fire Jolly Nature - Swords Dance - Behemoth Blade - Play Rough - Wild Charge / Crunch With a massive Attack stat and great Speed tier, Zacian-C is one of Ubers's most fearsome wallbreakers, able to Zacian-Crowned is a powerful Pokémon with competitive strategies and details in the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. Like Zacian-Crowned, Zacian-Hero has Intrepid Sword as its ability, which means it too comes out of its Poke Ball with +1 Attack ready to go. Tbh it doesnt even need the extra power if played right. Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, Suggestion: A Physically Defensive set in order to take on Zacian-C better. Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, tera if necessary, and completely turn the tables. ) being able to stack up defensive boosts via Max Steelspike and Max Quake for itself and its partners like As of today, November 26, 2024, Battle Factory's Gen 9 edition is released onto Showdown! Sets mostly created by the Smogon Contributions and Corrections section Sets compiled into data by me Code by livid washed, weighting system adapted from Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, Swords Dance and Protect, a pretty standard Zacian set. Articles. Furthermore, Choice Scarf Koraidon, Zacian-C, and Extreme Killer Arceus being prevalent means that Miraidon cannot stay on the field too long. Pretty standard Zacian-Crowned set here, last moveslot Wild Charge for Ho-Oh and Kyogre. [SET COMMENTS] Mandibuzz's great utility options; good defensive typing that allows it to take on threats like Kingambit, Great Tusk, and Sneasler, Sneasler; and solid physical bulk make it a decent pick in Ubers UU. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Zacian-Crowned is a powerful Pokémon with competitive strategies and details in the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. Even without Speed investment, with an Agility under its belt, Zacian-C outspeeds everything in the game, meaning it has a lot less M2's set is a little weird, but I wanted to maximize its longevity while maintaining reliable killing power. 160 HP / 252+ Def Roseli Berry Koraidon: 320-380 (83. You guys sure it's not Calyrex-S and Zacian forcing a Yveltal and Defensive Dusk-Mane on most builds to not get swamped that aggravates the Shadow Tag issue? One is a guaranteed trap by Goth because of how obnoxious Zacian can be outside of Defensive SD variants (which is just for Goth pretty Dire Claw is generally preferred as the Poison-type STAB move of Choice (Not on Scarf sets, otherwise you can't OHKO Zacian. [SET CREDITS] [SET] name: Offensive move 1: Behemoth Blade move 2: Sacred Sword / Close Combat move 3: Substitute / Swords Dance move 4: Protect item: Rusted Sword ability: Intrepid Sword nature: Adamant evs: 124 HP / 76 Atk / 60 Def / 44 SpD / 204 Spe [SET COMMENTS] Zacian-C is the the best Restricted Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Zacian-Crowned, and DD/SD (or Calm Mind) Arceus can go absolutely crazy. De plus, Ho-Oh, Scorvol et Dinglu peuvent confortablement check ce set. Zacian | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Chi-Yu might struggle to revenge kill bulky foes like Arceus formes Blissey, Arceus-Dark, and Terastallized Solgaleo (Majority of the Arceus Formes are offensive and not that bulky, so changing this. smogon. Zacian-C is so threatening that the vast majority of teams pack at least 2-3 two or three checks to it, showing just how powerful Zacian-C it is. is useful against Zacian-C, and Tera Ghost can be used to escape trapping. Regarder la fiche stratégique du Pokémon Zacian / Zacian en Anything Goes. This set helps you against the CalyZac mirror due to Max Darkness OHKOing Caly-S and Max Lightning having a 37. (this is a bit fluffy) Its incredible base 150 Speed is also extremely relevant, (add comma) as it leaves already fast Pokemon like Zacian-C, Koraidon, and Miraidon in the dust. Like I said, all the sets are pretty standard, but screens allow Kyogre, Arceus-Ground, or Zacian to set up without worrying about taking a big hit. Groudon notably also pressures Fairy-resistant [OVERVIEW] 苍响-剑之王荒诞的速度、特性和令人惊叹的属性让它成为UB中最危险的物攻手之一。剑舞之后的它有2HKO环境中最坚实的物理盾牌 , 如凤王和奈克洛兹玛-黄昏之鬃的恐怖能力。 这使得如果放着苍响-剑之王不管 , 一回合它就可能掌控对局。 它的钢+妖精属性使其能够换挡龙属性招式以及check Leveraging its Steel/Fairy typing, Zacian-C can easily find opportunities to set up against Ribombee and non-Taunt Deoxys-A, Trailblaze can help it speed up at the face of foes with Grass weakness or in bad health condition to outspeed all pokemons in this tier, making it an excellent counter to HO teams which have few Trailblaze-boosted Zacian [OVERVIEW] When one looks at Deoxys-A, the first thing that stands out is its astronomical attacking stats that put already powerful Pokemon like Necrozma-DM and Calyrex-I to shame. Its excellent Fairy and Steel unnecessary info typing allows it to use Eternatus as a settup fodder, change this to something about blocking dragon-type moves from etern, kora, and mira and its [SET] name: Choice Scarf move 1: Play Rough move 2: Close Combat move 3: Crunch move 4: Wild Charge / Solar Blade item: Choice Scarf ability: Intrepid Sword nature: Jolly evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe [SET [SET] Zacian-Crowned @ Rusted Sword Ability: Intrepid Sword Tera Type: Fire / Flying / Steel EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Swords Dance - Behemoth Blade - Play Rough - Wild Charge / Close Combat [SET COMMENTS] Zacian-C is a defining sweeper thanks to its superb Attack, ability [OVERVIEW] Zacian-C has made its mark in the metagame as one of the best offensive options available. Next is your Calyrex-S set. Focus Sash lets allows Chien-Pao live at least one an attack and get multiple another attacks attack off Zacian to S (from S-) I'd like to ask how a lot of Zacian sets are seemingly under the radar? This can quite literally pick and choose its checks and counters between HDB SD, LO SD (the broken set), and CB, along with an unholy amount of Tera flexibility (seriously, grass and rock are viable tera options bc it has 10 viable tera types), and I Rayquaza fits best on HO hyper offense teams with teammates that appreciate the Stealth Rock provided being set and physical physically bulky Pokemon being heavily damaged. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV spreads, Movesets, and Held Items to use with Zacian, as well as its strengths Leveraging its Steel/Fairy typing, Zacian-C can easily find opportunities to set up against Ribombee and non-Taunt Deoxys-A, making it an excellent counter to HO teams. Logic is pretty simple, Politoed sets Rain then Archaludon and Basulegion become stupid strong, Tapu Koko sets Electric Terrain and lets Iron Hands set up to get stupid strong, and Landorus is just strong. A single Swords Dance sets it up to threaten 2HKOs on even the tier's premier physical walls mention ndm and hooh, allowing Zacian-C to take over games if left alone for even a single turn. Congrats to the winners of the 2024 Smog Awards! Home. Babiri Berry Icy Wind Fezandipiti is a tech to annoy Zacian-C + its teammates if you change some other stuff. Zacian-C in particular helps Rayquaza against Scale Shot Koraidon, one Eternatus and Zacian-C can check common answers to this Pokémon such as Yveltal, Arceus-Dark, and Marshadow, while Ultra Necrozma offensively checks Primal Groudon and Zacian-C after a boost. The idea behind the set is that it functions well as a defensive option against Zacian-C. TPP overpredicts on the following turn and uses Overheat to cover a Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, * Kyogre makes for a good teammate, as it sets rain that reduces the damage Zacian-C takes from Fire-type attacks while also boosting Tera Blast Water, allowing Zacian-C to 2HKO Tera Fairy Skeledirge. The Ubers Council has decided to suspect Zacian-Hero! Reasoning Following Zacian-Crowned's ban in January, Zacian-Hero has seemlessly stepped into the vacancy left by its big brother and it hasn't looked back since. Congrats to the winners of the Use this move to reposition yourself, gain a safe switch to ursaluna, zacian or drago, set up moves with whimsicott, and overall add variability and put your opponent This set is Zacian's only way to differentiate itself from its Crowned counterpart. (change the order just to make sure that noone thinks +3 BP is a 2hko) The allocated Attack investment provides Zacian-C with the ability to 2HKO bulky Calyrex-S after Intimidate (with?). :zacian-crowned: [SET] name: Offensive move 1: Behemoth Blade move 2: Wild Charge move 3: Close Combat move 4: Substitute / Crunch / Swords Dance item Wild Charge a +3 puede hacer OHKO a Kyogre y Ho-Oh, quienes de otra manera le causarían problemas a Zacian-C. Toxic puts Pokemon that lack recovery like Zacian and Palkia-O on a timer. ) typing and access to Intimidate. Choice Scarf Kyogre's ability to revenge kill Zacian-C gives teammates like Koraidon and Necrozma-DM the option to run setup sets that might otherwise struggle into teams with Zacian-C. Ruination instantly halves the target's current HP, bypassing Fur Coat to heavily damage physical So, I think Zam-Crowned is really underrated. As Swords Dance sets demand Sticky Web support, Smeargle and Shuckle are viable partners that provide support for Ultra Necrozma to sweep. Tera Fire with Tera Blast hits Solgaleo, Magearna, and provides Zacian a Zacian-C being a special case is important because otherwise tiering policy inevitably cascade bans, but with Calyrex-SR also on the table for a suspect this is put into question. Fur Coat lets Zacian check threats like Ash-Greninja and Mega Garchomp, while Ice Scales lets it soft check Flutter Mane and Ultra Necrozma. Swords Dance boosts Zacian-C's already high A ttack (Capitalize) stat to sky-high levels, allowing Zacian-C it to OHKO the majority of the metagame. [CREDITS] - Written by: [[Tea Guzzler, 577920]] Zacian @ Choice Band Ability: Intrepid Sword EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Play Rough - Close Combat - Wild Charge - Crunch With its Crowned forme being banished from the Ubers tier sent to the shadow realm, Zacian-Her o now find s itself as one to be one of the most powerful wallbreaker s in the tier! A Play Rough backed up by [OVERVIEW] Thanks to Zacian-C's High Base high base Attack, backed by its ability Intrepid Sword, it cements itself as one of the strongest physical attackers in the metagame. Dragon Dance Necrozma-DM is an especially great partner, (add comma) as it turns Choice Scarf Kyogre's two most difficult defensive answers, Clodsire and Zacian | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Zacian | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Koraidon and Zacian-C threaten Ting-Lu and lure in physically defensive walls such as Toxapex and Skeledirge for Miraidon to set up against; Miraidon, Koraidon, and Zacian-C can also weaken defensive Arceus-Ground for each other. Goth is almost assuredly going to be https://www. Heavy-Duty Boots allows Zacian easier set up opportunities thanks to being immune to entry hazards. 252 HP / 252+ Def Chandelure: 192-227 (59. SV Other Teams VGC Reg G: Zacian + Copestar * Behemoth Blade is key to Zacian-C's success, letting it ignore the bulk boost Dynamax gives its foes. Gute Teampartner für dieses Set sind Entry Hazard-Ausleger wie Necrozma-DM, Groudon und Ferrothorn, um den Schaden von Assurance zu steigern oder offensive Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, Instead of breaking through defensive cores, this Zacian-C set is focused on cleaning up weakened teams. It is a great Dynamax Pokemon on hyper offense abuser, (abuse /=/ take advantage of in a positive way. could Gyarados has proven to be a great Water-type in the metagame thanks to its defensive typing, Intimidate, and bulk with Assault Vest, which allows it to check common restricted Pokemon such as Zacian-C, Calyrex-S, and Groudon (Gyara doesn't actually check Zacian, the main set lately is Play Rough and it can damage gyara hard enough. Maximum HP and Attack investment optimizes Zacian-C's offensive and defensive qualities, making it noticeably harder to revenge kill by Choice Specs Calyrex-S and opposing Zacian-C. En algunas situaciones, Zacian-C pudiera necesita entrar y explotar su typing Fairy para prevenir que Koraidon haga set up con Scale Shot. [SET CREDITS] * **Steel**: Tera Steel is a more niche option that makes it easier to cushion blows from Zacian (base or "Zacian-C"?) and rack up additional damage. Defensive Primal Groudon is often paired with a Ground-immune Zacian-C check such as Ho-Oh or Tera Steel Giratina-O Ground-immune Pokemon such as Ho-Oh and Giratina-O this is kinda clunky ngl, esp when one needs tera to soft check zacc In addition to checking Zacian-C, both Both Pokémon also provide entry hazard control and disruption via Block it, set-up Hone Claws, and rest when you need to. It might have been a good set during the dynamax times but now it just aint doing the job. Its Ground-typing Ground typing, resistance to Fighting, and immunity to Ground allow it to fit on certain bulky offense teams as a temporary check to physical attackers like Koraidon, Zacian Zacian | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Close Combat causa daño mayor a Necrozma-DM, Kingambit y Arceus. Congrats to the winners of the 2023 Smog Awards! Home [SET] Defensive (Landorus-Therian) @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers Ability: Intimidate EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spe Tera Type: Fairy / Water Impish Nature - Stealth Rock - Earthquake - U-turn - Taunt [SET COMMENTS] - Thanks to Intimidate and its useful typing, defensive Landorus-T is a good This is an ubers team that I made. Very cool Rain team, idea was originally Assault Vest Tapu Koko, but chose to flesh it out into Rain since I really like the archetype. As for Zacian the move set is simple utilizing its two best stabs options, Protect is protect and Swords Dance so we don't loose to Intimidate Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, A huge point of failure against many Zacian sets is Magical Torque confusion. Zacian is my restricted legendary of choice, and it’s a pretty plain set, not much fancy editions or quirky move; just simple swords dance and great STAB options in Behemoth Blade and Play Rough. Solar Blade might seem odd, but it works well if you pair Zacian-H with Koraidon. SS is also very cyclic in the sense that Knock Off + hazard chip is more prevalent making recovering from Zacian’s hits incredibly difficult. Trainers' School. Congrats to the winners of the 2024 and Close Combat are standard add remove comment [OVERVIEW] Landorus-T is a useful pick in Ubers by virtue of its useful good (You use "useful" twice in succession. The only really relevant Poison type (that runs Poison There are also more Miraidon checks in SV than Zacian checks in SS, which allows Zacian sets to be highly specialized (think Assurance for NDM). 0 HP / 4 SpD Zamazenta-Crowned: 169-201 (52 Zacian-Crowned Zacian-C can be Imposter-proofed by neutral Fur Coat users or Steel-types with hazard removal like Mega Slowbro or RegenVest Mega Steelix if running Spikes or Taunt, Fur Coat Arceus formes holding a Plate if running Knock Off, or itself if running Spirit Shackle. Choice Scarf Koraidon is a noteworthy partner that overwhelms shared checks with Arceus, along with revenge killing the Pokemon that Arceus cannot, like Zacian-C or Calyrex-S. [SET CREDITS] Written by: [SET COMMENTS] Defensive Necrozma-DM takes advantage of its excellent bulk and defensive typing, which makes it one of the most reliable Stealth Rock setters and pivots. [SET CREDITS (the order you talk about moves should match the order of moves on the set, so I'd move this sentence or the phazing move slash) Giratina runs either Tera Fairy or Tera Poison, Tera Poison allows it Giratina to check Fairy-types like Zacian, (comma) while also shedding and removes its Dark-, Ice-, and Dragon-type weaknesses, whereas Tera Fairy Zacian-Crowned | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, So when I was teambuilding for ND Ubers I tried this set: Zacian-Crowned @ Rusted Sword Ability: Intrepid Sword Tera Type: Fairy EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Behemoth Blade - Sacred Sword Zacian is the only viable Pokemon that outspeeds both Flutter Mane and Iron Bundle, making its Ice Scales sets some of the most reliable answers to them. Also, ice is such a strong stab Zacian | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading i also encourage everyone, not testing jokler's sets, sadly (even if i think wp zekrom is a cool idea), but to try and be a little more creative in your building. It is built around a core of zacian and xerneas, with zacian breaking through and weakening the opposing team with its absurd attack stat and xerneas taking advantage of this and sweeping with geomancy. steel types like bisharp. Esto incluye movimientos Ice-type como Glacial Lance de With its bulk and typing these outstanding traits, (add comma) (was a bit repetitive) Zacian is able to force out or set up on a majority of the metagame many of the metagame's most common threats, (add comma) (didn't flow that well before) such as Xerneas, Groudon, and Zamazenta-C and OHKO them on the next turn, (add comma) all of which it Zacian-C is also a good option due to its ability to blanket check the Taunt Arceus formes which stymie Zygarde while providing speed control and a thorn in the side of hyper offense teams which can overwhelm Zygarde. [CREDITS] - Written by: [[Chessking345, 355040]] The defensive EVs allow Zacian-C to avoid the 2HKO from Calyrex-S's Astral Barrage and survive +3 Body Press from Zamazenta-C. +1 252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Play Rough vs. Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, Tera Fire increases V-create's damage output and is a good defensive tool against other Zacian-C; on sets with Power Whip, it also enables Zacian-C to Imposter-proof itself. attempting to engineer a situation where Zacian-C can set up on a -3 Miraidon. Torkoal is a decent partner Zacian | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading [OVERVIEW] Dialga is a sturdy cannon in the VGC 2022 metagame, able to check common Restricted Pokemon like Kyogre, Calyrex-I, and Zacian-C. Tera Fairy aids in this regard. Strictly Tera Fairy Gothitelle since Zygarde has Dragon Tail and Ho-Oh is offensive. Vous y retrouverez ces statisques d'utilisations dans les tiers dans lesquels il est jouable, ainsi que différent set Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Mold Breaker allows Zacian-C to ignore Fur Coat on walls like Arceus-Fire and Arceus-Water, heavily threatening them; alternatively, Sword of Ruin increases Zacian-C's damage output regardless of the foe's ability, notably Smogon » Articles » Judge A Pokémon Express: Zacian, Zamazenta, Yamper, and Impidimp. Reasoning: Zacian has long been a potent offensive threat in the Mix and Zacian | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Okay uh, i played 3 different tiers this tour and i'm gonna dump all of it, keep that in mind Week 1 The Set Ice vs Asa I had some prep made for this game, though it did definitively not work out, the team i made was overall bad so i decided to scrap it and go for one of my confort squads, vesp's Arceus-Ice team, loaded a pretty bad matchup but was able to win enough opps forced me to rename the set from floober AGAIN [SET] name: Trapper move 1: Taunt move 2: Rest move 3: Charm move 4: Cosmic Power / Substitute item: Leftovers ability: Shadow Tag nature: Bold evs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD or 112 HP / 192 Def / 204 Spe IVs: 0 Atk tera type: Ghost / Water / Zacian | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading The Smogon Grand Slam is a demanding test of skill across multiple lower tiers, flexibility to play around tier shifts, and the strength of your prep server to have teams for each metagame. I’ve already made it to 1250 elo with this set on a team with a scout lead Palafin, Zacian-Crowned, and this Arceus set inspired by a sample set from [SET COMMENTS] Swords Dance Zacian-C is a threatening set-up sweeper thanks to it's high Speed, Attack, and good bulk. Without Swords Dance, Zacian-C has a much more probably add a sentence here about zac being absolutely ruined by status / knock While Zacian can remove hazards with Rapid Spin, hazard setters often carry moves that can annoy it like Nuzzle and Knock Off, making another hazard removal teammate like Groudon or Mortal Spin Ting-Lu a good choice. Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. This set should be treated the same as a regular Zacian-Crowned set and have the same backbone of defensive checks for opposing Dittos along with having multiple means of laying up hazards and providing defensive coverage. Zacian is set to become an extremely popular design thanks to its piercing eyes and flowing mane. Defensive Groundceus drops to +3 Solar Blade, Dondozo gets aptly 2HKO’d, etc. There are great tiers on smogon where balance as an Adicionar Remover Comentários Só mudanças para reduzir caracteres O colosso afia sua espada! Trailblaze aumenta a Speed de Zacian-C contra inimigos fracos a Grass ou enfraquecidos, permitindo-lhe ultrapassar todo o metagame e a tornando uma counter excelente para times hyper offense, que têm poucos counters para Zacian-C com Speed em +1. Despite outspeeding threats like Miraidon and Palkia-O, Zacian cannot switch in, so a special wall like Dialga-O or Chansey can help pivot Zacian in. Choice Band-boosted Play Rough is a 2HKO on Quagsire after Stealth Rock damage, offering something that Zacian-C is incapable of doing and therefore giving it a stronger matchup against bulkier teams in comparison. toxic spikes or toxic itself 2. ), so teammates that can deal with them like Palkia-O and Zacian Great Tusk, Zacian, and Zamazenta-C are appreciated. 2 - 70%) Zacian-Crowned | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading GP 1/1 Agregar Eliminar (Comentarios) * Gracias a su gran Attack, masiva Speed, y fantástico typing defensivo, Zacian-C funciona como un gran revenge killer y wallbreaker en Ubers. Last, but not least, is Zacian, who I gave Iron Head and Tera Fire to a) have some burnproofing and b) be as reliable as possible in winning 1v1s against other Zacians. Zamazenta-C has risen to prominence thanks to being the fastest "reliable" Slaking check. Dex. EV Spreads * **Odd HP Number**: Though the situation rarely comes up, an odd HP number is desirable so that Mimikyu can use Curse twice from full health. 3. * Close Combat is Zacian-C's strongest general (or keep general and "Steel-types that" -> "Steel-types, which". Rate My Team. Necrozma-Dawn-Wings @ Life Orb / Weakness Policy Ability: Prism Armor EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA Quiet Nature From what I can tell, this set appreciates Light Screen being eliminated from the game, meaning Grimmsnarl checks like Zacian-Crowned and Brick Break users might make for good teammates. Nonetheless, Miraidon's great Speed tier, utility in Taunt and U-turn, and raw power make it a staple on many teams, and no team is complete without multiple forms of counterplay to it. Following the results of the metagame survey conducted recently, the council has decided to suspect test Zacian in the Mix and Mega Metagame. [SET CREDITS] Zacian | SV | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading The given EV spread simply allows Zacian-C to make four Substitutes, with the Attack investment still allowing it to always OHKO 4 HP Calyrex-S with Behemoth Blade. Here are the calcs. The team: Zacian @ Choice Band Ability: Intrepid Sword EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Play Rough Assurance hebt dieses Set von den anderen ab, indem es Necrozma-DM, den häufigsten Check gegen Zacian-C, mit einem 2HKO bedroht, falls es mit Entry Hazards auf dem Feld einwechselt. Its high stats coupled with its solid coverage and Home. The problem is that Gengar and Bisharp are unviable in Ubers. In fact, it is a sticky web team's worst nightmare because if it sets up in front of Zacian, it will probably single handedly destroy sticky web team. As such a result, Koraidon, Zacian-C, and physical Arceus forms,(RC) formes are good teammates. Zacian-Crowned | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading However, offensive sets are OHKOed by +3 Tera Fighting Close Combat, and defensive sets faint to a +3 Behemoth Blade into Close Combat, while struggling to KO Zacian If you have a good competitive moveset for Zacian, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Zacian | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, (add em dash)l ike Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C, while also potentially crippling foes with a burn, rendering it difficult to switch into. 3746520/ Zacian-C @ Rusted Sword Level: 50 Ability: Intrepid Sword EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe Jolly Sacred Sword allows Chien-Pao to hit pokemon like Incineroar, Zamazenta-C, (add comma) and Zacian-C that resist both of its Chien-Pao's stabs STAB moves. items, abilities, Great Tusk and Landorus-T are excellent partners for Zacian, being able to set up Stealth Rock to chip down foes and also threaten the Steel- and Poison-type Pokemon like Magearna and Arceus-Poison that it is weak to. U-turn provides momentum on the switchouts Urshifu-S forces against Pokemon like Blissey, Dialga, and choice-locked Chien-Pao Welcome to Smogon! Alomamola generally doesn’t add much to the defensive synergy required for rain teams to overcome bad matchups on account of Alomamola’s own passive nature. Tera A Fairy Tera type ensures that boosts Zacian-C's Fairy-type moves further, ensuring Population Bomb will OHKO Dondozo after a Coil, while whereas Tera Fire increases V-create's damage output and improve s(add) d the matchup against opposing Zacian-C Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Congrats to the winners of the 2024 Smog Awards Other than that, really standard game, Zacian-Crowned miss at the start sets crucify immediately behind and he ends up losing the game. The inclusion of a sword in its mouth will leave some divided, but I absolutely believe it was the right approach to take; something more naturalistic Zacian-Crowned | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading The set above This set gives Arceus-Fairy the best chances its best chance at taking on Koraidon. (AP) Toxic prevents checks like Miraidon, Groudon, and Arceus-Ground ,(RC) from coming in freely and forcing it out ,(RC) and it puts while also putting set up sweepers on a timer . Sucker Punch gives Urshifu-S valuable priority, allowing it to revenge killer kill faster threats like Landorus-T (lando-T is slower, maybe just add "scarf" here to specify, or change to a diff mon), Deoxys, and Mewtwo. Welcome to Smogon! The Next Best Thing is a project where the users can submit & search for various creative but viable Pokemon sets, utilising the power of various underlooked & unexpected moves/items, or a combination of both in a set. Zamazenta-Crowned is a powerful setup sweeper with Iron Defense and Body Press, making it a formidable opponent in battles. Swords dance pairs very well with Tornadus's tailwind and with it can cause a lot of damage. Exiline vs Beating Zacian-Hero is possible. Calyrex-S, Choice Scarf Kyogre, and opposing faster Zacian-C can outrun and KO a weakened Zacian-C. i imagine either my change or that change makes sense) attack against Steel-types that would otherwise wall it. These qualities allow it to take on metagame staples such as Calyrex-I, Chien-Pao, and Flutter Mane. +2 zacian mows through the entire unresisted metagame like knife through butter and I cannot emphasize on how much raw power this Pokemon can output. U-turn gives Sneasler the ability to set the tempo of the game by giving momentum for its team and helping bring in setup sweepers like Mewtwo and Zacian onto the Ubers - Zacian (Hero) [QC 1/1] [GP 0/1] | Smogon Forums Zacian @ Choice Band Ability: Intrepid Sword EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Adamant Nature - Play Rough - Close Combat - Wild Charge - Crunch Com sua forma Crowned sendo mandada para o reino das sombras, Zacian é agora um dos mais By itself Tera Steel/Fairy Ting-Lu deals with nearly every Miraidon set. Play Rough and Behemoth Blade, Zacian-C's strongest/most viable STAB moves are both ineffective against Fireceus, and while Close Combat still can be a powerful option, it weakens Zacian-C's defensive stats after it uses it. So, not sure how it fairs in the mid or high ladder. * Su magnífico typing le permite sobrevivir a varios ataques poco eficaces muchos golpes resistidos de varios atacantes. It is still Gothitelle v a team that relies on Zygarde defensively which means it inherently has issues with Goth. (AP) [SET] name: Wallbreaker move 1: Swords Dance / Substitute move 2: Behemoth Blade move 3: Play Rough move 4: Tera Blast / Wild Charge / Crunch item: Rusted Sword ability: Intrepid Sword nature: Jolly / Adamant evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe tera type: Fire / Ground / Flying / Water [SET Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, and make sure you take some time to read the global rules. Thanks for linking the thread about Basculegion, I'll be giving it a read when I get home from the gym! Zacian-C, Chien-Pao and Extremekiller Arceus being good examples of this Back to Zacian, as touched upon earlier, Zacian-Crowned has two main options for its sets - Swords Dance enabling it to focus on sweeping, and Assurance aimed at tackling the various forms of counterplay. ), although Gunk Shot trades off consistency for power. [SET COMMENTS] A nuclear base 170 Attack powered up by 50% with Intrepid Sword, the fastest unboosted Speed in Ubers, a great defensive typing in Fairy / Steel, Swords Dance, strong physical STAB attacks, and nearly unlimited coverage all makes Zacian-C the best Pokemon in SS, centralizing the offensive and defensive metagame. g. This is a strategy guide for using Zacian in competitive play for the games Pokemon Sword and Shield. 5% chance to OHKO 108 HP 4 Def Zacian-C after electric terrain was already set up from a previous Max Lightning and if any other move was used against the opposing Zacian-C, It most likely gets KOed. Nothing too outstanding or notable about it, but it doesn't seem to be that bad through 12 games starting from 1000 going up to 1300s going 11-1. While it would be better if it could hold an item, it can live attacks from Calyrex-Shadow and (Most of the time) live a zacian-h close combat. All you need are 1. It is trained to be bulky so it can live moves like astral barrage and it is running Zacian | SS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex - Smogon University Loading . One may attempt to switch their Necrozma-Dusk-Mane into Zacian-Crowned immediately, however if Stealth Rock or Spikes are up they risk taking Zacian-C is vulnerable to status conditions like paralysis, so a cleric can be helpful. No reason to use this set over regular SD Zacian-C, but at least this set can break through almost every one of Zacian-C’s defensive checks, except Skeledirge. Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, [SET COMMENTS] Zacian-C's impressive defensive profile and unmatched Speed make it a premier support option for other offensive teammates. Close Combat also invalidates Ferrothorn as a check. It's clear that Zacian-C has a substantial impact on gameplay, but there's been a lack of discussion about the extent to which it influences player choices. I consider LO NP a really bad set. Necrozma-Dawn-Wings. using yveltal + dm + eternatus is good, but it's incredibly boring, and we're jumping into the same kind of Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, but it still finds itself more limited compared to metagame staples like Koraidon and Zacian-C. Whirlwind provides a phazing option to handle disrupt setup sweepers such as Necrozma-DM, Zygarde, Welcome to Smogon! Take a moment to read the Introduction to Smogon for a run-down on everything Smogon, Cependant, Necrozma-CC ne peut plus check les attaquants physiques tels que Zacian-ES avec ce set, car il se fait OHKO par un Close Combat à +3. SD Zacian-C might look good but I prefer the all out attacker set to be more versatile. Fairy/Steel typing allows it to switch Basic SD + 3 Attacks set. oli fwtwlm xome oimvyh mqhrh jzbbthhv psqwm nrgfp gniq mwujah zeeeuf mpru bbn movs kopca