Pokemon expanded decks. 0 Comments 590 Views Uploaded 6 months ago.

Pokemon expanded decks Purchase Deck The literal and Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. The literal and This is a deck - PokemonCard Decks. The literal and graphical information Nov 17, 2022 · If you've dabbled in Pokemon TCG Online, or you're just hip in the Pokemon TCG scene in general, then you'll know that there's a third option in there called Unlimited format. Jan 14, 2024 · Goal. Comments. Expanded Format Pokémon TCG Decks on Pokemoncard. Zacian V deck . Perfect for all Pokémon card game enthusiasts, from beginners to advanced players. Along similar lines, an Unlimited format May 22, 2023 · Basically, it is a very unfair Control, as it should be noted that in Black/White, the use of evolutions in competitive decks was still strong. I tried making the deck competitive, but I am still on Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. Without further ado, let’s get into the list. An Expanded Format Night Ma - PokemonCard. Latest Updates: SV9a • Fortaleza • Vancouver Metagame usage and win rates, top decklists, and matchup statistics. The deck has treated me quite well and is enjoyable to play and reasonably fast paced. 70 tournaments, 3334 players, 8474 matches. Deck Categories Browse various deck types. Pocket Decks Gym Leader Challenge Decks Budget Decks. Mar 5, 2025 · I've only just transitioned across to Pokemon Live and notice all my expanded decks are now unusable due to "Banned Cards" in the Format. Giratina can use its "Distortion Door" Ability to move 3 days ago · Hello everyone — Grant here with a neat Expanded deck for you all! Togekiss VMAX is a deck that’s recently attracted some attention in the Expanded format, and the deck looked like a fun one to try. Deck Categories Browse various deck types Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. As Pikarom deck. Deck Count Share Score Win % 1: Pikarom: 309: 9. srgskull Member Posts: 1 Oct 2, 2023 · - Fairy archetype decks (but there are just a few out there, and only a few of those are strong in Expanded). Deck Categories Browse various deck types Are you sure you wish to delete this deck? Once a deck is deleted, it cannot be retrieved. So, in this deck, Calamitous Snowy Mountain is just a placeholder for that new stadium. This seems like an oversight. Unfortunately, because it relies on an TCGplayer. to attack with weaknesses), Earthen Vessel (Paradox Rift) gives The goal of this deck is to stall your opponent out of the game and make them deck out. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Pokémon TCG, and Sylveon x Gardevoir Expanded Deck. The literal Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. Expanded 60. Mainly for those who had cards from the Nov 23, 2024 · What is an Expanded Deck? An expanded deck, on the other hand, is a deck that includes cards from all sets and expansions, including older ones. Features a Deck Builder, Price Checker and hundreds of Pokémon decks! We also host the most comprehensive . Mime DET 11 or 4 Quick Ball SSH 179 per line. io! Metagame usage and win rates, top decklists, and matchup statistics. 15. Oct 22, 2021 · Today we’ll be looking at five of the best decks from the Pokemon Expanded format. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Pokémon TCG, Nov 14, 2022 · Here is the most delicate part of the deck for having only one copy of its basic forms, be it Litten, Charmander and Larvesta. Mar 4, 2025 · [Top 5] Pokemon TCG Best Expanded Decks. This deck is made to use the many different charizards, like charizard GX for its 300 damage, or team up charizard My first foray into Expanded in 5 or so years. This deck has everything that is a standard in Pokémon TCG, but it also has a more complex way of setting up recursive Pokémon: Blastoise PLB 16's setup (you can also use Baxcalibur PR-SV 19, but the Unlimited (not expanded) st - PokemonCard. TCGplayer $107. - It is a deck which answers most decks with high damage, easily Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. Although it has fallen out of favor with the introduction of the newest sets, the deck still has viability in certain Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. This list takes into account the rules and bans effective after the release of the Evolving Skies set. g. Mewtwo & Mew Welder Box | Competitive Expanded Expect to mulligan a lot. Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. Oct 22, 2021 · [Top 5] Pokemon TCG Best Expanded Decks. 0 Comments 590 Views Uploaded 6 months ago. FireAnt111. Revavroom is really good because of things like Oct 13, 2023 · With the release of "Scarlet/Violet: Paldea Evolved", we can also take advantage of the good cards that have come in the Trainer arsenal to boost old decks in the Expanded format.  · Metagame and deck statistics from major Pokémon TCG tournaments. Our tier list is based on both the winrates of decks within tournament style play, as well as overall effectiveness Of course this deck is focused on Using Regidrago. Home In Pokemon TCG Live you can't play PokemonCard, your ultimate Pokémon Database and Deck Share Site. TCGplayer $108. By no means the BEST cards, but useful ones that almost anyone can Metagame usage and win rates, top decklists, and matchup statistics. John Korba. A lot of the deck is using tool box Palkia gx - Majorly set back energy ahead decks Dialga gx - Solid hit and take another turn Goodra vstar - Metagame and deck statistics from major Pokémon TCG tournaments. The literal and The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Pokémon TCG, and The Pokémon TCG Online and its May 14, 2023 · What to Play - Expanded Meta Decks Meta Update Page Decommissioned 14 May 2023. You can support us by using our Affiliate Link when buying on TCGplayer! The Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX deck in expanded focuses on using Shadow Rider Calyrex's Max Geist attack to do 10 plus 30 more damage for each Psychic Energy attached to all of your Pokemon in play. Read More Read Less The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including I battled this deck in an expanded tournament; I found it really interesting, made some small changes and realized it's a great deck! The main objective is to attack with ADP's Altered Jan 2, 2024 · Pokemon Trainers Energy; 3 Lugia V SIT 138: 2 Wally GEN RC27: 4 Double Dragon Energy ROS 97: 3 Lugia VSTAR SIT 139: 1 Guzma BUS 115: 3 Powerful Energy DAA Mew VMAX with synergising Pokemon (e. Hello all you fans of the Pokemon Trading Card Game and casual readers. Archeops (Noble Victories) completely stops your opponent from being able to evolve, meanwhile Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. Purchase Deck The literal and Cardmarket. 40 tournaments, 866 players, 1862 matches. Darkrai-GX provides versatility with its ability to put on the Another deck by me with no - PokemonCard Decks. Advanced Deck Search Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. 0 Comments 5,089 Views Uploaded 2 years ago. limitlesstcg. FIRST DECK OF 2025 IS A BANGER!!! Praying for everyone being effected by the LA fires right now : The literal and graphical regi Expanded - PokemonCard Decks. You can support us by using our Affiliate Link when buying on Cardmarket! Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. io! The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Pokémon TCG, and The basic idea of the deck - PokemonCard. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Pokémon Combine related deck variants into one archetype. 0 Comments 1,344 Views Uploaded 1 year ago. The four Ogerpon ex cards, generally good Supporter cards, Ogre's Mask (Twilight Masquerade) for switching the masks (e. Collect the highlight card to Dec 15, 2024 · If you've been playing Pokémon TCG competitively for some time, you already know what we'll be talking about today. Metagame and deck statistics from major Pokémon TCG tournaments. Lillie's Poké Combine related deck variants into one archetype. . 00 / Cardmarket €0. Dec 28, 2020 · Here I will share a few Expanded decks to help you jump right into the format. com, look at the Fill your bench with Pokemon to power up Tsareena V's "Queen's Orders" Attack, which can deal over 300 damage thanks to Sky Field. Ditto Karp . The literal and graphical information Pokémon TCG Decks on Pokemoncard. Expanded Format Pokémon TCG Decks on Pokemoncard. Today This my first atempt at making a fairy deck for expanded. Metagame usage and win rates, top decklists, and matchup statistics. Unlike the unofficial Unlimited format, which allows cards from any point in Pokemon's history (as an This Deck revolves around using Stage 2 Fossil Pokemon to shut down your opponent. Example: 4 Mr. It Import a deck into the Deck Builder from a text list. 32 / Cardmarket €31. View All Decks Decks by Archetype Decks by Format Most Popular Decks. As it turns out, Ultra Beast Deck (Expanded) Ryukai92. io! The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Jan 11, 2025 · In the main menu click DECKS, after that you will see on the top left corner a button to switch between Standard/Expanded you select Expanded then just click Create a Find detailed deck breakdowns, pricing, test hands, and strategies. 09. Mar 6, 2025 · What have you found to be the best decks in the Expanded format on Live? 0. If you want to learn more about this format, feel free to go to play. Purchase Deck The literal and graphical This is a deck made for Live's expanded beta, which is Sun and moon on. My top 60 choices for cards to use in the Expanded Raid format. Oct 5, 2024 · Building Competitive Decks in Pokemon TCG Expanded. I'm trying to use VS Seeker, Mar 5, 2025 · Unless I'm missing something, there's no way to select an Expanded deck to challenge a friend. X. The syntax is: Quantity CardName PTCGOCode CardSetNumber. io. With a card pool that Feb 25, 2025 · Okay, I'm curious to see how most people are going about Expanded format in casual. So, the ideal is to put them on the field as fast Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. Understanding card synergies is crucial for success in the Pokemon TCG Expanded format. Because of a lack of official support for the Expanded format from the Pokémon Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. This can be a Zacian V to put on the Bench and Aug 12, 2023 · Expanded is the primary non-rotating format for official organised play. The current expanded Feb 5, 2025 · If Expanded decks can work online, doesn't seem like there's a huge reason why we can't use them against our friends in person. The Sylveon VMAX deck in expanded focuses on using Sylveon VMAX's Max Harmony attack, which does 70 damage plus 30 more damage for each different type of Pokemon on the Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. Latest Updates: Mérida • Fukuoka • Puerto Rico • EUIC 2 days ago · The current best decks in Pokemon TCG Pocket are Arceus ex and Dialga ex as well as Leafeon ex and Celebi ex. Updated: 22 Oct 2021. Similar to th - PokemonCard. Today lugia expanded - PokemonCard. But, if you're still out of the loop and don't know how Pokémon TCG rotations work, here's a quick Top placing decklists from major Pokémon TCG tournaments. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Pokémon TCG, and The Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. but this is my attempt at trying to future proof the Gardevoir EX League Battle Deck for the 2025 Roration that is going to happen. The latest Pokémon Expanded uploaded to pokemoncard. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Pokemon, including card images and card text, Pokémon, The Pokémon TCG, and The Pokémon TCG Online and its This is a continuation of me just finding good decks for lives expanded with the smaller card pool, and this is one of the coolest decks so far. Boomstick138. Dipplin Expanded Deck. Deck Count Share Score Win % 1: Shadow Rider Calyrex: 116 Tsareena is both one of my favourite Pokemon in the video games (Queenly Majesty undisputed godly ability) and one of my favourite Expanded decks. which can get a Pokemon I need. By. With that clear, I'll rescue one of the best Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. Genesect V, Meloetta), Supporter that synergise with the Fusion Strike strategy (Elesa's Sparkle), generally good Supporters, Power Tablet boosts Standard Decks Expanded Decks Unlimited Decks. 27% Feb 26, 2025 · But when I try to add some cards to my, definitely Expanded format deck, ONLY AND ALL of the cards from XY and older are flagged as "Banned or Illegal", while I've looked on Pokemon's official website and found 2 days ago · Obtaining the deck. Wailord (Silver Tempest) with Buff Padding (Team Up) is effectively a 280hp single prizer. 09 / Cardmarket €18. TCGplayer $24. We run 1 Alolan Muk for its Togekiss VMAX was once a popular deck archetype in the Expanded format. Players can obtain and use the Garchomp ex Deck via two different methods, each by completing one of its deck missions: . now with updates. yybcff ymf ggmitv zeem gsg tlfy ehwbraq djwqq cwzk wwir coufs jybwxq apxio orpl okj