Laramie county clerk phone number County Clerk; County Commissioners; County Coroner; County Treasurer; Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. , Nov. Phone: 307- 633-4242. Name Title Deputy County Clerk: Email Kayla White: 307-721-2541 Real Estate Department . Enjoy fast and convenient access to recorded documents from your office or home - Looking for Laramie County Clerk records & marriage licenses? Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Cheyenne, WY). Cheyenne, WY 82003 . Lien searches may be requested by fax (307-633-4240) or mail (PO Box 608, Cheyenne, WY 82003). Must pass a thorough background investigation; must obtain and maintain NCIC / WCJIN / NLETS security certifications. Permits & Inspections. 309 W 20th Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001. Planning & Development Sub-menu. com”, or get their mobile app on your phone or device. Cheyenne; City Council - Ward 1; Jeff White: 3716 Carey Ave Cheyenne, WY 82001 (307) 640-6338 jeffwpokes@gmail. 20 in the Cottonwood Room of the Laramie County Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave Online - “accesscorrections. Bring your Wyoming driver’s license or ID and if you do not have one, bring an accepted government-issued ID, such as a military ID, US passport or other driver’s license. Early voting starts 28 days before the election and ends the day before. Johnson County Clerk Please contact your local County Clerk’s Office at the phone number listed below. 0. C. Phone Number Email Address: Withdrawn Date Website: Senate District #4; Republican; Office of the Laramie County Clerk. us Location. m. 9253 Laramie County Fire District #4: 3 mills: Carpenter Water and Sewer District: 8 mills: Laramie County Fire District #5: 3 mills: Laramie County Fire District #6: 3 mills: Laramie County Fire District #8: 3 mills: Laramie County Fire District #9: 3 mills: Laramie County Fire District #10: 3 mills: Laramie County Weed and Pest Control: 1. Phone (307) 633-4247. Email. A barcode will either be sent to you by Effective Jan 1, 2021, odometer disclosure statements are required for vehicles model year 2011 and newer. Phone Number and Fax Number. com”. Physical Address View Map 525 Grand Avenue Suite 202 Laramie, WY 82070 Albany County 525 E Grand Avenue | Laramie, WY 82070. Get Erin Madson's email address and phone number (703358. 25 • Other International = $0. com: Commissioner. Create your account, perform and manage our relationship with you and our Customers Title: Microsoft Word - 2020 TITLE APP-VIN INSPECTION FORM - MV300A Author: SKFERREE Created Date: 2/26/2020 9:44:49 AM. It is the responsibility of the BUYER PART A - Enter the names of the Seller and Buyer, their phone numbers, the seller’s current address (if known), the buyer's mailing address, and the legal description and property address (not a post The Clerk of District Court will not accept a personal check when posting a bond. Contact Us. Forms. com: Office of the Laramie County Clerk. Announcements. The Clerk has many duties which include the processing of cases and court ordered payments, as well as the administration of appeals from this court to the Wyoming Supreme Court, and setting up and BY THE COUNTY CLERK UNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY A FULLY COMPLETED AND SWORN STATEMENT OF CONSIDERATION. If a document is recorded that matches the name entered, an VIN INSPECTIONS can be performed by any law enforcement agency. Office of the Laramie County Clerk. Passing the Wyoming written exam has never been easier. County Assessor County Treasurer District Court Clerk: County Clerk . Designated Public Records Person Dale Davis, Chief Deputy Laramie County Clerk's Office P. 235. 114 Douglas, WY 82633 (307) 358-2244 . Clerk of Court 8th Laramie County, Wyoming - Home - Logo Open Search. Debra Lee . aspx. You will need to keep the Clerk of the District Court advised of your current address and phone number at all times. Laramie County Complex; 309 West 20th Albany County Clerk's Office Contact Information. These services include records management, electronic imaging, purchasing, and centralized mail services. You can use the show more button below when you have more than 10 results. Planning From DMV Laramie County Clerk’s Office you can get these service Vehicle Title. Office Location 309 West 20th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001. Probate clerks can typically be without a gap in service. Employment. Menu. Building Maintenance; Telephone: 307-633-4715. 0 miles Laramie County Treasurer's Office - Vehicle Registration; 2. Address: 309 West 20th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001 Phone: (307) 633-4268 Reach out to the County Clerk for marriage licenses, land records, election information, and more. District Court Judge. The service will allow customers to join the line, online, from their home or office, or make an appointment. Get answers to your questions about the location, hours, holiday closings, services provided, and payment methods at the Laramie County Clerk's Office About the County Clerk: Phone: 307-721-2541. All liens are a matter of public record. 633. Elected Officials Sub-menu. Get 5 free searches. Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 a. The Albany County Clerk's office, situated in Laramie, Wyoming, serves as the official record keeper for the county. Its responsibilities encompass staffing service counters, screening solicitors, and maintaining accurate records. Name Date Vehicle Identification Number The Recording Department of the County Clerk's Office records liens against real Contact the Business Division at phone (307-777-7311), fax (307-777-5339), or email Business@wyo. Phone: 307-426-4400 Email: post@thecheyennepost. The Laramie County Clerk's Office has a tool that not only shows these 7 locations, but also displays an estimated wait time. th. A Security Agreement (PDF, 106KB) signed by the buyer. Laramie County Clerk's Office hours, address, appointments, phone number, holidays and services. Follow us on Social Media Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Your Email. Within Laramie County, Wyoming, probate clerks false have judicial powers, meaning they false also serve in the same capacity as a probate judge. Laramie County Land Use Regulations; Planning and Development Portal; Requests for Proposals (RFPs) Environmental Health; Laramie County In Laramie County, Wyoming, probate clerks are every years by and serve year terms. Building Maintenance; Combined Communications; Laramie County. Laramie County Clerk's Office Address 309 West 20th St. About the Program. Paper ballots are secured for auditing and verification of results. Legal Notices. Laramie County Sheriff's Office, 1910 Pioneer Avenue Wyoming Highway Patrol, 5300 Bishop Boulevard The Laramie County Sheriff's office does VIN inspections Monday - Wednesday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm and Thursday- Friday 8:00 am - 11:00 am. Building Maintenance; Laramie County has an immense number of gravel and paved roadway miles to maintain year-round. Marriage Licenses. The signed application portion of the vehicle identification Clerk and Recorder. Meetings - Live Streams /QuickLinks. ©Laramie County Laramie County Government Warrant Entry Clerk. County Government Sub-menu. Marriage licenses are issued by appointment only Monday through Friday (excluding legal holidays) between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. MISSION STATEMENT: The purpose and goal of the Laramie County Sheriff’s Office Victim/Witness Program is to enhance the treatment of victims and survivors of crime, and non-criminal crisis situations by providing victims with the assistance and services necessary to speed their recovery; to support and aid them through the criminal justice system; and make referrals Albany County Clerk 525 Grand Ave, Ste. Other Permits and Maintenance maintenance@laramiecounty. Email the Clerk Link: Clerk Page. Find more DMV locations in: Cheyenne Wyoming Looking for public records, marriage licenses & election results in Laramie County, WY? Quickly access information about 2 Clerks near you! Home » County Clerk » Public Records. LOVELAND ADDRESS: 200 Peridot Ave, First Floor, Loveland, CO 80537 Larimer County values a diversity of voices by navigating toward inclusion of City/State/Zip Phone Number: Email Address Campaign Website: Assessor Republican: Todd A Ernst 4105 Clark Street: Cheyenne, WY 82009 ernst4assessor@gmail. You will be notified in writing of the review and status of the exemption. 2024 GENERAL ELECTION CANDIDATE ROSTER. Dial 9-1-1 only for an emergency. Division. Additional phone calls have the following calling rates: • All calls in the United States = $0. Professional and Registering and voting while on military deployment away from Laramie County or living overseas Wyoming Restoration of Voting Rights Votes on paper ballots are recorded on scanners located at each polling place and at the county clerk’s central counting facility. Primary Election Day is August 20, but voters may cast their ballots early beginning Tues. professional or personal telephone phone number, and account preferences. For more information concerning the Laramie County DUI Court program and Laramie County Adult Drug Court program you can contact Fernando Muzquiz 309 W 20 th St. Phone. Laramie County. muzquiz@laramiecountywy. com. You will need to bring the following to the County Clerk’s office: The original Wyoming certificate of title. Published on July 12, 2024. Thomas Sullins; Judge David B. 202 Laramie, WY 82070 (307) 721-2541. gov. Archer Complex. Email the Clerk. It's like having the answers before you take the test. The Laramie County Clerk’s office is launching a new service this week to eliminate long lines at its motor vehicle titles office. Staff. This service is provided by the Larimer County Clerk and Recorder at no charge. Site Map Laramie County Government Laramie County Clerk . You must park in front of the building (on either side of the street, on Pioneer Avenue between 19th and 20th Streets). Phone: 307-721-5200. - 4 p. - There are 7 polling locations in Laramie County you can pick from, and you don't have to pick the closest one to you, especially if the line is too long. Jackson County. More Information. Laramie County Clerk's Office Contact Information. Back to top. office@laramiecountyclerk. They can accept Debit Card, Money Order and Cash. The appropriate fee. Phone: 307-721-2541. 4298; Fax: 307. What if I have committed a felony? In accordance with 7-13-105, persons who Laramie County Government Complex 309 West 20th Street Suite 1500 PO Box 608 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-0608 Phone: (307)633-4264 Fax: (307)633-4240 Make certain that any liens noted on the front of the Wyoming title have been released by the County Clerk or the seller must give you a lien release or termination statement from the lienholder. Liens. Home; Clerk and Recorder; Vehicle Licensing PHONE: (970) 498-7878 | FAX: (970) 498-7899. Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. if you want to know more about Laramie County Clerk’s Office details then read below information. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) There is a phone number for you to make an appointment. Pretrial Services Supervision - First Contact Information. Box 608 Cheyenne, WY. Cash Pay Today: Register and create an account online at “cashpaytoday. Albany County 525 E Grand Avenue | Laramie, WY 82070. – 5:00 p. By Phone - 1-866-345-1884. Phone Number: (307) 633-4246 Fax: None. to 5:00 p. This will help The Clerk’s office is offering three weekend satellite early voting options for Laramie County voters: Saturday, Oct. Laramie County Laramie County, Wyoming Unofficial Results Primary Election August 20, 2024 Election Summary Results Report Statistics TOTAL Registered Voters - Total 34,822 Registered Voters - REPUBLICAN 26,261 Registered Voters - DEMOCRATIC 5,109 Registered Voters - NONPARTISAN 3,452 Ballots Cast - Total 18,545 Ballots Cast - REPUBLICAN 15,616 CHEYENNE – The Wyoming Republican Party has once again issued a censure of Laramie County Clerk Debra Lee, Phone: (307) 634-3361 Email: customerservice@wyomingnews. , Suite #2300, Cheyenne, WY 82001 307-633-4588 fernando. Always bring photo Call the Assessor's Office for the legal description: 307-633-4307. 309 W. , 1 p. Voters have fewer days to vote in advance of the election this year because a new law reduced the number of early voting days from 45 to 28. For all Wyoming titles, the lien must be released by the County Clerk’s office in the county that filed the lien. to 3 p. The phone number for the Laramie County District Court Clerk of District Court Office: Laramie County Governmental Complex: 309 W 20th St, Suite 3206: Cheyenne, WY 82001: 307-633-4279 : 307-633-4277 (Fax) districtcourtlc@laramiecountywy. Mailing Address P. Converse County Clerk 107 N 5. 970-494-3620. Select an accordion section to view Judges or staff. Call 307-633-4232 or visit Laramie County Treasurer website. Larimer County Court Business Resources. 82001. If you allow the buyer to make payments, consider filing a Security Agreement to protect your interests should the buyer default on payments. Friday: 8 a. O. For nonemergency traffic complaints that occurred outside of the city limits, but within Laramie County please click on the email link below. 20th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001. Elected Officials . Helpful Links. 25th and includes the Larimer County Clerk, Health, Human Services, Economic and Workforce Development, and Sheriff’s Office. Pay Online Property Tax. Find government employees, contact lists, and essential agency details quickly and easily. If there is no odometer statement on the certificate of title or if the statement does not read as follows: I hereby state that the odometer now reads _____(no tenths) and to the best of my knowledge reflects the actual mileage of the vehicle. Commissioners. County Clerk Home. Our Mission: We are dedicated to excellence in communications service to all citizens and public safety agencies of Laramie County. A Sunday early voting option is available on Oct. Title transactions begin at 8:30 a. Making an appointment . Albany County Clerk's Office hours, address, appointments, phone number, holidays and services. Laramie County Government Complex 309 West 20th Street Suite 1500 PO Box 608 Cheyenne, Wyoming 82003-0608 Phone: (307)633-4247 Fax: (307)633-4240 ODOMETER DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FEDERAL AND STATE REGULATIONS REQUIRE you to state the mileage upon transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle that is a 2011 or newer. Type in search terms and click the (search) button -OR- Press the Enter Key on your keyboard to begin your search. Box 608 . Share & Connect. especially if the line is too long. Website: Senate District #4; Republican; Office of the Laramie County Clerk. AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS. 8th Judicial District. July 23 start of Primary Election Absentee and Early Voting. The Records Center does not provide records directly to the public. Enter an email address. 5 mills City Clerk; City County Intergovernmental Steering Committee for Updates to the Casper Aquifer Protection Plan ; Laramie Municipal Code; Live Stream of Council Meetings; Laramie, WY 82070. Motor Vehicle Checklist Purchasing a Vehicle Phone. Categories appear once the search form is submitted. (Laramie County Clerk, Titles, 309 W 20th St, Suite 1502, Cheyenne, WY 82001). Elections. 3A. Licenses are issued in the Laramie County Governmental Complex, 309 W 20th St, Suite 1600. STATE SENATE & STATE REPRESENTATIVES 2. . you can visit this office Monday to Friday Between 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Name Laramie County Clerk's Office Address 309 West 20th Street Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82001 Phone 307-633-4246 Hours Financial records, including original invoices and supporting documents, are available for public inspection in the Laramie County Finance Office. Laramie County Clerk's Office in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Follow us on Social Media Contact Information. The person posting the bond will be responsible for hand delivering the paperwork to the Laramie County Detention Facility. County Assessor; County Clerk; County Commissioners; County Clerk; County Treasurer . 8, through Mon. STATE SENATE & STATE REPRESENTATIVES. state. VOTE EARLY – BRING YOUR VOTER ID A popular option for many voters. ; Albin Community Center, 430 5 th Ave. Monday - Thursday: 8 a. Emily Fowler, Chief Clerk Voice: 307. Meetings - Live Streams Laramie County voters may cast their General Election ballots early Tues. com Telephone: 307-633-4758 Maintenance Supervisor Mark Hollenbach Office 307-633-4822 Cell 307-214-4594 Fax (307) 633-4728 hollenbm@laramiecounty. , Oct. Laramie County Assessor 309 W 20th Street Room 1100 Cheyenne Type in search terms and click the (search) button -OR- Press the Enter Key on your keyboard to begin your search. S. Expand All Collapse All. Building Maintenance; Parcel Numbers * (required) Change address for all Properties * (required) Laramie County. 4392; Email: cccys@courts. 20th Street Laramie County Laramie County Clerk Government Debra Lee Auto Titles Bill of Sale I / We ,on (date) _____ hereby sell and convey all interest of my/our interest in the following described vehicle: Year: Make: Model: VIN: Seller’s phone number: Below is a listing of the Judges and staff for Larimer county. Primary Phone. Phone 970-498-7860 Fax 970-498-7906 Hours If you have previously applied for a Laramie County job and you have forgotten the e-mail address used to create your profile, please contact NEOGOV customer service at 1-855-524-5627. Premium online access to records. Laramie, WY 82070. St, Ste. The Laramie County Sheriff's office does VIN inspections Monday - Wednesday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm and Thursday - Friday 8:00 am - 11:00 am. We Clerk and Recorder; Vehicle Licensing; Vehicle Titles Vehicle Titles. Motor Vehicle Titles. Hours Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm. Releasing a Lien from my Title. Larimer County. Building Maintenance; and your address and phone number must be provided for us to process your application. ) at RocketReach. Name Albany County Clerk's Office Address 525 Grand Avenue Laramie, Wyoming, 82070 Phone 307-721-2502 Hours Phone Number. Laramie County School District #1; Laramie County School District #2; LCCC; Conservation District; Weed & Pest; Extension Service; Doing Business with Laramie County Sub-menu. An emergency is any serious medical problem (chest pain, seizure, bleeding), any type of fire (business, car, building), or any life-threatening situation (accidents, fights, a person Quickly find Clerk phone number, directions & services (Laramie, WY). Looking for Laramie County Clerk's Office driver license services, driving tests & registrations? Quickly find DMV phone number, directions & appointments (Cheyenne, WY). Name Laramie County Clerk's Office Hours & availability may change. Laura Pate is a Deputy Clerk at Laramie County based in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Find Nearby Locations. 2017 - 2018 File Clerk @ Laramie County Records Center; 2015 - 2017 Sage Grouse Administrative Assistant @ U. Register at the office of the Laramie County Clerk, your Town Clerk, or at the polls during early voting or on Election Day. wy. 12, Burns Plex, 327 S Main, 8 a. Finance. Building Maintenance; Combined Communications; County Attorney; County Events; Emergency Management; Fire Warden; Grants; Human Resources; Laramie County Human Resources seeks to attract, develop, and retain the highest quality workforce with the Within 10 days after the ceremony, the completed license must be returned to the issuing County Clerk's office. to the Recording Activity Notification Page and submitting it as an additional request using the same email address and phone number. Contact Information Name Laramie County Clerk's Office Address 309 West 20th Street Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82001 Phone 307-633-4246 Hours Organizations in attendance include SummitStone Health Partners; Homeward Alliance; the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment, the Department of Human Services, the Veterans Service Office, and more. Undersheriff Chance Walkama Email Telephone: 307-633-4712. Cheyenne, Wyoming Phone (307) 633-4246 Work hours Monday: 8:30am-5:00pm Tuesday: 8:30am-5:00pm Discover the Employee Directory in Laramie County, WY 🌟. Contact Information Motor Vehicles: Quickly find DMV phone number, directions & appointments (Cheyenne, WY). SINGH 2,516 Write-In Totals 168 Total Votes Cast 2,684 TOTAL Vote For 2 COUNTY COMMISSIONER REP DON HOLLINGSHEAD 33,044 REP TY ZWONITZER Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Hours. 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION CANDIDATE ROSTER. We prefer appointments; however, you may drop in at 310 W 20th St, Suite 1700, Cheyenne, WY 82001, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a. Get the details of Laura Pate's business profile including email address, phone number, work history and more. - 2 p. Michelle Brinegar. 20th Street in Cheyenne. Clerk to Commissioners. 35. year of law enforcement records processing experience, preferably in Laramie County; OR equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Laramie County, Wyoming Unofficial Results General Election November 5, 2024 Election Summary Results Report TOTAL Vote For 1 STATE REPRESENTATIVE HOUSE DISTRICT 61 REP DANIEL J. Wilking 307. 2024 PRIMARY ELECTION CANDIDATE Laramie County Clerk's Office Contact Information. 16 • Mexico and Canada = $0. Email: election@laramiecountywy. Directions Physical Address: View Map. Dale Davis, Chief Deputy Laramie County Clerk's Office P. Location. The Laramie County Detention Center currently offers Amanda Comeaux Telephone 307-633-4733 Office hours: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM Monday-Friday except holidays. Phone: 970-494-3581. Fax: 307-721-2544. Find out how to contact your County Commissioners. Medical Services Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County courteous and professional service to Laramie County in the collection and distribution of taxes. 525 Grand Avenue Suite 202 Laramie, WY 82070 In Laramie County, non-emergency assistance from law enforcement, fire, and medical services can all be reached at 637-6525. Box 608 Cheyenne, WY 82003 (307) 633-4264. Phone Number Withdrawn Date: Email Address. Tell us what happened; please include what the traffic violation was, date, time, vehicle description, cross street, mile The Laramie County Records Center provides a full range of services to all county offices under the general direction of the Laramie County Clerk. Clerk. Saturday and Sunday this office will be closed. Note: Please do not ask to be excused on the morning of trial, as it is too late except This 46,000-square-foot facility located at First Street and Denver Avenue opens to the public on Sept. Office Manager Laramie Clerk of District Court; Laramie County Sheriff's Office; County Departments Sub-menu. Park; Judge Catherine E. Please, provide a review of this DMV location using the form at the end of this page. , July 23, when the Laramie County Clerk opens the polling place in the atrium of the Laramie County Governmental Complex at 309 W. The Larimer County Vehicle Licensing Department is responsible for vehicle registration, titling and issuing license plates for Larimer County residents. 8 miles Cheyenne Driver Services; The Laramie County Combined Communications Center provides 9-1-1 services to the citizens and visitors of Laramie County, Wyoming; and provides communications services to 19 public safety agencies. 13797 Prairie Center Circle, Cheyenne, WY. To request public records Laramie County Fair Laramie County Library Shooting Sports Complex Parks and Rec Clear Creek Park. gov: Note: Please be sure to include your address and your telephone number. District Court Judge 8th Judicial District. All inmates are given two free 15-minute phone calls per week. Monday: 8:00am - 5:00pm: Tuesday: 8:00am - 5:00pm: Wednesday: DOT Locations near Laramie County Clerk's Office - Titles. Voting takes place in the Atrium of the Laramie County Governmental Complex, 309 W 20th St, from 8 am to 5 pm. Email Address: Withdrawn Date. Motor Vehicle. Products. Please call before visiting. gov Laramie County Clerk’s Office. Public Records Information Requests Designated Public Records Person. It is the goal of our office to provide accurate information to the public The Clerk of District Court is responsible for maintaining the records of all cases filed in the First Judicial District Court dating back to 1890. The Laramie County Sheriff's Department in cooperation with OffenderWatch® (the nation's leading sex offender management and community notification tool) began working together in late 2014. Bring the Looking for Larimer County Clerk & Recorder property records, deeds & titles? Quickly find Recorder phone number, directions & services (Fort Collins, CO). Box 608 Cheyenne, WY 82003 County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: Clerk of Court Gen Tuma; Judge W. P. 307-633-4302. These are Find Laramie County Clerk's Office in Cheyenne, Laramie County, WY 82001 to get information on driving tests, driver licenses, vehicle registration, and vehicle services. Previously, Laura was a Warranty Clerk at Jolley Rogers RV and also hel d positions at Cowboy Dodge. Confirm Email. to 11 a. 4 in the atrium of the Laramie County Governmental Complex at 309 W.
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