Jackson county medford oregon. … Accessibility/ADA Read about our policies and notice.

Jackson county medford oregon People sometimes don’t believe their vote counts when compared to the other 163,554 voters in Jackson County. gov Kiki Parker-Rose, Director Jackson County is a great place to work! As one of the largest employers in the County, our employees are leading the way in keeping the Rogue Valley safe, healthy, and an enjoyable place to live. Parking Information: 2024 Oregon Animal Control-Welfare Agency of the Year Award – Jackson County Animal Shelter Read More Accessibility/ADA Read about our policies and notice. GOLFING: SOUTHERN OREGON: Southern Oregon is home to a variety of golf courses for golfers of all skill levels. 4 days ago · We’re The Central Office of Jackson County Southern Oregon's Online Resource for Alcoholics Anonymous. Food handler cards issued in other states are not valid in Oregon. The Justice Court also hears Municipal code violations for the cities of Central Point, Jackson County Clerk's department offers information on Elections, Records, Documents, Licenses, and More Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. , the Government Website Medford, Oregon 97501 2nd Floor. Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale Serving Jackson County . Phone: (541) 774-6153. Annual Jackson County Financial Reports Mar 5, 2025 · When you give to United Way of Jackson County, you help create benefits that ripple into the whole community. gov Business Hours: 8am – 5pm Monday - Friday Jackson County Airport Authority and Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport information. This includes managing Jackson County’s surface and ground water resources, helping to protect water quantity and quality, and to enhance the quality of 3 days ago · You can lead change in Southern Oregon, and Junior League of Jackson County can provide the women’s leadership training you need to turn your passion into action! Join Support Members Junior League of Jackson County, OR. If you believe you may be eligible for legal aid services, you may contact Center for NonProfit Legal Services for Jackson County at 541-779-7291 to determine your eligibility. , the Government Website Experts • Oregon law prohibits the issuance of a marriage license to anyone under 17 years of age. We all win when children form healthy attachments through a loving family, when they succeed in school, graduate and make successful transitions to adult responsibilities. This enactment may be referred to as "THE MEDFORD CHARTER OF 1998. Medford Land Information; Jackson County GIS; 41 1 W 8th Street Medford, Oregon 97501 541. For 2025, the Jackson County Board of Commissioners are: Colleen Roberts, Chair; Rick Dyer, Vice-Chair; and Randy Sparacino. About. The split county is where Medford Mayor Randy Sparacino said tonight he's ready to serve the four corners of Jackson County, and places in between, as unofficial Jackson County Commissioner-elect. Discover, analyze and download data from Jackson County, Oregon Open GIS. Fax: (541) 734-9506. AFTER the infant is 6 months or older, birth certificates must be ordered through the State of Oregon using the Oregon Vital Records Order Form. Economic Development. We value the public trust given to us and will strive to Walk-In Jackson County Mental Health serves community members in crisis at our Health & Human Services building at 140 S. Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize Complaints can be filed electronically by entering violation details below or by manually completing a PDF complaint form. Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Check with the court that the traffic ticket/citation was issued. With more than 85,824 residents in 2020, Medford is the eighth largest city in Oregon and serves a metropolitan area of Jackson County, Oregon Open GIS data portal provides access to spatial data and web maps to the public. Chris Walker was appointed Jackson County Clerk in 2008 and has served as your Elected County Clerk since November of 2008. Our Oregon Representatives . Holly St. Common examples of mobile units are hot dog carts, Mexican food trucks, and some coffee stands. We've designed this website to assist you in collecting the 3 days ago · At its core, United Way of Jackson County believes people are connected and interdependent. Black Bear Diner, Medford, Oregon. Economic Development To cancel your voter registration in Jackson County, please email, fax, or mail us a signed Voter Cancellation Form. Oct 11, 2024 · It’s easy to get mired in commercials, calls, texts, mail pieces, and all that in election season. , Monday through Friday. For those who choose direct communication or require details not accessible online, contacting the Jackson County Jail is a choice. , Monday-Friday. gov Christine D Walker, County Clerk walkercd@jacksoncountyor. Most residents live in one of the 11 incorporated cities found in the temperate Why Jackson County? Commercial Real Estate; Economic Incentives; Educational Opportunities; Major Employers; Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. More about this award can be found on the GFOA's website. If you have a valid food manager training certificate, it is accepted in lieu of a food handler card. Call or write to Jackson County Roads. Our Bookstore & Office Doors are open Monday thru Friday 9am – 4pm, and Saturday 9am – 12pm. , Room 100 Medford, Oregon 97501 Phone: (541) 774-6907 Fax: (541) 774-6791 Kristen Maze, Planning Manager. Close Read More Mission To promote the independence, integration, and productivity of the citizens of Jackson County who experience Intellectual Disabilities(ID) or Developmental Disabilities(DD). Phone: (541) 774-6035 Fax: (541) 774-6705 Business Hours: 8:00 a. Jackson County P. Oregon DHS Food Resources Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Government is the third-largest employer in the county; this reflects the fact that the federal Nov 11, 2022 · Medford, the county seat of Jackson County, is located in the Rogue Valley of southern Oregon. Jackson County Courthouse 10 South Oakdale Ave. Rogue Valley The District 13 Watermaster's Office is a field office of the Oregon Water Resources Department, (OWRD) in cooperation with Jackson County and is responsible for water supply management in the middle to upper Rogue Basin. To manually submit a form via mail or in person, download the PDF, fill in the required information and return it Jackson County Development Services at: 10 South Oakdale, Room 100, Medford, Oregon 97501. 2000 6 days ago · Jackson County Community Long Term Recovery Group was formed to provide services and connection to those impacted by the Almeda and South Obenchain fires in September 2020. Sep 8, 2021 · Medford, Oregon- The National Weather Service (NWS) in Medford has issued a Winter Storm Warning for Jackson County, effective from 4 p. Friends of the Animals, a non-profit that supports the programs at the Jackson County Animal Shelter, hosts a low-cost Vaccination and Microchip Clinic for both cats and dogs on the 3rd Saturday of each month by appointment only to help pet owners comply with Jackson County licensing regulations and animal health needs. m. The weather conditions are forecasted to create hazardous roadways and significantly impact travel throughout the area. , the Government Jackson County Courthouse 10 South Oakdale Ave. org can also hook you up. With only three commissioners to cover this expansive county, many issues and the people affected by them, do not get the attention they deserve. Human Resources 10 South Oakdale Avenue Second Floor, Room 200 Medford, Oregon 97501 The County is governed by a three-member Board of Commissioners, an elected body responsible for many broad issues in the region, such as forest planning, water supply issues, regional land use planning, air quality, transportation, Questions or requests: elections@jacksoncountyor. Jackson County Courthouse 10 South Oakdale, Room 309 Medford, Oregon 97501 Phone: (541) 774-6880 Fax:(541) 774-6187 Business Hours: 8am – 12pm & 1pm - 4pm (Mon - Fri) Shavon Haynes, District 13 Watermaster (OWRD) Parking Information: 1 hour parking on Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Note: Ordering directly from the State of Oregon will result in different fees and processing times. Jackson County Genealogy Library 3405 S Pacific Hwy Medford, OR 97501 541-512-2340 Website; Jackson County You can purchase the passes at the following locations: MEDFORD: Black Bird (1810 W. Accessibility/ADA Read The Jackson County Sheriff's Office is releasing the information on this Web site pursuant to Public Records Laws ORS 192. Main Street, Suite 101 Medford, Oregon 97501. 1. Chris has over 27 years practical experience in both the elections and recording programs, bringing an exuberant approach to the citizens of Jackson County by combining knowledge, enthusiasm, energy, and positive spirit to As one of Jackson County Park's most popular destinations, Emigrant Lake has it all. Where do you get a marriage license? Licenses are issued in the Jackson County Clerk’s Office, 10 S. Review by the Planning Division is the first step in any land development or construction project. JustServe. gov Trisha Myers, Elections Program Manager myerstl@jacksoncountyor. All purchasing, including public contracts based upon For lawyer referral services, you may contact the Oregon State Bar at 1-800-452-7636. Calendar; Stay Connected; Latest News; Job Search; POPULAR. This number has a secure voice mailbox. There are 8 other people named Mark Orndoff on AllPeople. Accessibility/ADA Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Wastewater Monitoring. Jackson County Law Library 100 S Oakdale Ave Medford, OR 97501 Human Resources 10 South Oakdale Avenue Second Floor, Room 200 Medford, Oregon 97501. SEARCH FOR MEETINGS. - Northgate Marketplace) Sportsman's Warehouse (1710 Delta Waters Rd) Jackson County Taxation Office (10 S. The Developmental Disabilities Program provides specialized case management to eligible individuals who experience Intellectual Disabilities, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders, epilepsy, Medford, OR 97501 Phone: 541-774-8203 Fax: 541-774-8012 WIC is in White City on Monday's Rogue Family Center Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Phone: (541) 774-4900 Fax: (541) 770-9484 Business Hours: 8:00 a. Dave Dotterrer was elected to the Jackson County Board of Commissioners in November 2020 and sworn into office on January 4, 2021. Email: jcvso@jacksoncountyor. O. Properties not selling at auction Jackson County District Attorney's Office: filing criminal cases, offers a Family Support program, and Victim Assistance program. Justice Court handles traffic tickets in Jackson County that are written by the Jackson County Sheriff's Department, Oregon State Police, Oregon Department of Transportation Weighmaster, Jackson County Weighmaster, and some tickets written by police officers for cities within Jackson County. Becoming a parent can be overwhelming and Nurse Family Partnership can help. Fingerprinting is necessary for employment in several fields including criminal justice, education, employment and other occupations requiring licensing. state. When a holiday occurs on the Committee's regular meeting day, the meeting is generally held on the third Monday of the month. Jul 1, 2010 · State of Oregon 2023 Residential Specialty Code: October 1, 2023: State of Oregon 2023 Plumbing Specialty Code: October 1, 2023: International Swimming Pool and Spa Code (ISPSC) October 1, 2021: Grading - Appendix J of the 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code as amended by County Ordinance 1424: County Ordinance 1424: Dangerous Buildings Community Justice 1101 W. , the Government Website Experts • The Surveyor's Office is the public records steward of survey records for Jackson County. May 1, 2021 · and Jackson County hydrography maps, and Figure Series F includes the LWI maps. The county is named for Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States. Those 17 years old must have consent before a marriage license can be issued. please call the CHL office at 541-774-6836 to schedule an in-person visit at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office (5179 Crater Lake Hwy). Fax: 541-774-8177 . gov. Oakdale Ave. Visit our County Parks which provides opportunities for many outdoor recreational activities. Landscape Setting, Topography, and Land Use The City of Medford is in Jackson County, Oregon, southeast of Grants Pass, northwest of Ashland, along Interstate 5 and approximately 30 miles north of the California/Oregon border. License your pet with Jackson County Animal Services Read More Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Close Read More Date: First Wednesday of each month. We seek to ensure that the County's public Mar 6, 2025 · Found 1 colleague at Jackson County Health & Human. Close Read More Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Oakdale Avenue Medford, OR 97501 541-776-7171 Online Traffic School Classes Choose a program from the list below that best fits your needs Follow the link provided to register online When registering, include your case number information You will have 30 DAYS to complete the course Mail or bring in your certificate of completion to These records are either provided by Jackson County Vital Records or the State of Oregon, depending on the length of time that has elapsed since the birth or the death. 2. Forecast Details The NWS expects total snow accumulations between 4 and 12 inches above 2,000 feet, Jan 23, 2025 · The task force is supported by the Oregon-Idaho High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) program and includes members from the Medford Police Department, Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, Eagle Point Police Department, District Attorney’s Office, Parole and Probation, HSI, and FBI. Document Center. Phone: (541) 734-9505. @brentjames71 @GetSpectrum Nobody should get this company is the worse you wait forever they are rude they don't care about their customers they screw them over left & right Jul 10, 2023 · Jackson County Circuit Court 100 S. Phone: (541) 774-6610 Fax: (541) 774-6628 Business Hours: 24 hours per day, 7 days per week Tommy Jones, Deputy Director Email: Tommy. Recording also issues marriage licenses and declarations of domestic partnership and functions as the Property Value Appeals Board (PVAB). When we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all. Phone: 541-774-8214. Our Phone / Help Line is open 24/7. First-time parents and parents with other children, who are pregnant and How Do We Help? The Environmental Public Health Division licenses and inspects restaurants, mobile units (hot dog carts, coffee stands, etc. Jackson County’s parks offer diverse recreational opportunities with modern facilities for family, friends and business gatherings Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Located just minutes from downtown Ashland, Oregon, the park offers a host of activities for the entire family. Jackson County Community Justice, in partnership with the Pathfinders Network, provides peer support services for adults on supervision. The County is governed by a three-member Board of Commissioners, an elected body responsible for many broad issues in the region, such as forest planning, water supply issues, Jackson Interactive Mapping (JIM) is a suite of online interactive maps that provide ad-hoc mapping of a wide variety of Jackson County GIS data. ~Bill Gates If you’re local or even in Oregon, you know Dee Anne Everson Love 3 Additional information and FAQ’s about hemp in Jackson County can be found here: Hemp in Jackson County – FAQ; CONTACT INFORMATION FOR INVOLVED AGENCIES: State of Oregon Hemp Program Oregon Department of Agriculture hemp@oda. All methods are related to Jackson County using competitive processes when acquiring certain goods or services. The county's principal industries are health care, agriculture, retail/manufacturing and recreation. It counts and there are important issues on the ballot from the city you live in to the county you live in and to our great state of Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. , the Government Website Experts • The vision of the City of Medford GIS program is to provide spatial capabilities in support of the business processes of the City of Medford that follows best practices and is available to everyone, anywhere, on virtually any device. JACKSON COUNTY PARKS: Wine enthusiasts will enjoy visiting the areas many local vineyards and sampling the areas regional wines. Deputies have been placed Integrity - Trust - Consistency - Respect - Teamwork Jackson County Community Justice includes Adult Parole and Probation Services, Juvenile Probation, Detention and Residential Services, and the Jackson County Transition Center. Established in 1883, the city was named after Medford, Massachusetts, 2 days ago · At The Chamber of Medford & Jackson County, over 1,250 small and large businesses collectively work together to achieve a stronger local economy by promoting the community, providing networking opportunities and Mar 8, 2025 · Found 26 colleagues at Jackson County Health & Human Services. Airport Administration Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport 1000 Terminal Loop Parkway Suite 201 Medford, Oregon 97504 Lost & Found: 8:00 a. 560 Designated Oversight Committee Board Order 298-04: Jackson County : Danny Jordan: Administrator Medford, Oregon 97501 Phone: (541) 774-6152 Fax: (541) 774-6714 Email: jcrecording@jacksoncountyor. The municipality of the city of Medford in Jackson County, Oregon, Jackson County was the 1st Oregon county to earn this award and remains 1 of only 18% of the cities and counties in Oregon to do so. Parker-Rose@jacksoncountyor. NAME OF CITY. Medford, the county seat of Jackson County, was platted in 1883 in the center of the Rogue Valley on Bear Creek. state of Oregon. About Jackson County OR; Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. , Medford (between the parking garage and the Emergency Room entrance). Accessibility/ADA Read about our policies and notice. Please inquire with us about donating, volunteering, or community involvement. to 5:00 p. Phone: (541) 774-4900 Fax: (541) 770-9484 Business Hours: 8:00am-5pm, M-F John Hamilton, Deputy Director Affiliated with Oregon Federation of Republican Women (OFRW) and National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) Jackson County Republican Women Post Office Box 636 Medford, OR 97501 Telephone: (541) 414-1104. , Room 114, Medford, OR 97501. - 5:00 p. Sunday through 10 p. The jail is based at 787 West 8th Street, Medford, Oregon, 97501, and can be reached at (541) 774-6850. Jackson County Roads is focused on maintaining our public road system and we are out working almost every day of the year. Jackson County also takes pride in having nearly 30% women-owned businesses as of the 2007 census. Note: The April class has been rescheduled to April 9th. Building Information: Accessibility/ADA Read about our policies and notice. Jackson County comprises the Medford, OR Metropolitan Statistical Area. gov The Planning Division is responsible for reviewing all development proposals within Jackson County's jurisdiction through the County's Land Development Ordinance. Transition Center 5505 S. Medford lies within the Jackson County Health and Human Services provides public services that protect and promote the health and well being of county residents. We provide nutritious foods, breastfeeding support, nutrition education and referrals to community resources. , the Government This site is used by Jackson County in a variety of ways including Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Information (RFI’s), Invitations to Bid (ITB’s) as well as Quotes. gov Questions or requests: elections@jacksoncountyor. The Transition Center operates under the direction of the Jackson County Community Justice Director. This includes all maps of survey, road records, subdivisions, condominiums, partitions, and property line adjustments. Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale In 2019, the Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport began working with the Mead & Hunt engineering firm to update the Airport Master Plan. TITLE OF ENACTMENT. Commissioners also serve the ceremonial functions of the County in representations to the public for the public good and betterment of Jackson County. Close Read More Jan 1, 2022 · Jackson County Jail in Oregon sits at 787 West 8th Street, Medford, OR 97501. In addition, we provide information concerning regulations that affect land use and prepare studies for inclusion in the County's Comprehensive Plan. Jackson County, the 6th most populous county in Oregon, is home to more than 200,000 residents. ). See Tax Payments for information on 2 days ago · Welcome to the Jackson County Circuit Court. In 2005, as the board president of United Way of Jackson Oct 14, 2024 · In Oregon, a previous owner’s right of redemption ends when the property is deeded to Jackson County. Accessibility/ADA Read Medford, Oregon 97501 Phone: (541) 774-8205 Fax: (541) 774-7978 Business Hours: Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Medford, Oregon 97501. Main St. Use this website for informational purposes only. S. , the 3 days ago · Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react, and reinvent. in Medford, OR. The Project Engineer, located at 200 Antelope Rd, White City, Oregon, 97503, (541) 774-6201, will assess your request and advise you on what action will be taken. No late entry, no early departure. Rogue Basin Reservoir Levels; Applegate & Lost Creek Reservoir Levels; Near Real Time stream flow data; Rogue River Basin Hydromet - stream flow, reservoir levels, irrigation canal flows, water temperature & weather Jail Information It shall be the Mission of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, Corrections Division to protect the community by maintaining the safety, security, order, discipline and Constitutional rights of incarcerated persons in the correctional facility. Provider Agencies Jackson County has a rich history of partnering with various local community-minded providers who offer 24-hour Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Food handler cards issued in any Oregon county are valid anywhere in Oregon. Accessibility/ADA . Our Quick Response Team is ready to guide you to the most useful resources as you look to expand or locate here in Southern Oregon. County News; County Services by Category; Code Enforcement; Property Data; Job Openings; Pay Taxes; Report An Issue; Recycling Options; Stay Connected; Voter Registration; Wood Burning Advisory; Visitors. About Jackson County Randy Sparacino was elected to the Jackson County Board of Commissioners in November 2024 and sworn into office on January 6, 2025. An Airport Master Plan details the needs and estimated costs associated with potential future development. You focus both on the immediate need and the longer term system change needed to create a vital, thriving, healthy community for all of us. Mobile units are regulated by the Environmental Public Health Division much as restaurants are. The facility comes under the authority of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department. Jackson County Court – 541-776-7171 Legal Services Center for Non-Profit Legal Services (Legal Aid), 541-779-7291 Jackson County Public Defender, 541-779-5636 Oregon State Bar (referrals), 800-452-7636 Mediation Services Jackson County Family Mediation and Parent Education Program, 541-776-7171, x240 Mediation Works, 541-770-2468 Jackson County Mental Health (JCMH) provides 24/7 Crisis Intervention and Stabilization Services, Forensic and Court Mandated Services for adults, and several outpatient and specialty programs including Assertive Community Treatment for adults, as well as Early Assessment and Support Alliance, Wraparound Care Coordination, and Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Reporting Suspected Adult Mental Health Abuse to Jackson County Mental Health To report suspected abuse of an adult with a mental health issue during business and non-business hours, call 541-770-7707. Economic Jackson County’s parks offer diverse recreational opportunities with modern facilities for family, friends and business gatherings Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Adult Abuse Investigation Strategic Objective: Identify and respond to all complaints of abuse and neglect County Auditor Contact Information Nicole Rollins Jackson County Courthouse 10 South Oakdale, Room 307 Medford, Oregon 97501. Close Read More Accessibility/ADA Read about our policies and notice. Nov 5, 2024 · In Jackson County, Democrats have 43,698 registered voters and Republicans have 50,355 registered voters, with 58,235 nonaffiliated voters. Box 1504 Medford, OR 97501 Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Together they form a framework of services to address criminal behavior and activity in our community and provide a means for behavior change and Department Name First Name Last Name Profession Email Phone; Administration: Kiki: Parker-Rose: Community Justice Director: Kiki. Rogue Valley International Medford Airport - Medford, Oregon official website Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Walk-in help is available during business hours (Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm- note: the building is closed during lunch from 12 pm-1 pm). Below, you’ll find links to valuable information which will help you get an overview of Jackson County major The Jackson County Clerk/Recording office maintains recorded documents such as deeds, easements and other records. Sep 16, 2024 · Jackson County - Medford Oregon Traffic School Diversion. How do I get a food handler card? Oregon law prohibits the issuance of a marriage license to anyone under 17 years of age. " Section 2. Oregon Respiratory Viral Pathogen Wastewater Monitoring Dashboard. 560 Designated: Jackson County Community Justice : Kiki Parker-Rose: Director : Chair Oversight Committee Board Order 298-04: Jackson County Patrick Green: District Attorney ORS 423. The county seat is Medford. 505 AIC mugshots will no longer be displayed on this website due to House Bill 3273 which goes into effect on January 1, 2022. Jackson County Community Justice operates a sex offender supervision program that focuses on community safety, recidivism reduction, victim safety, and offender accountability. Nationally, only 6% of cities and counties have earned this award. Danny Jordan, County Administrator Email: JordanDL@jacksoncountyor. ) REI (85 Rossanley Dr. Callers should leave a message with all pertinent information or leave their contact information for a return call from a screener Mar 6, 2025 · Jackson County is one of the 36 counties in the U. gov (541) 774-6921 The Assessor’s Office administers all laws governing the assessment and appraisal of all properties in Jackson County, maintains records and maps, documents ownership changes recorded in the Clerk’s Office, verifies all sales that occur in Jackson County, determines real estate market trends, property tax exemptions, farm and forest special WIC is a public health nutrition program for women, infants and children. Frequency Birth Certificates A certified copy of a birth certificate can be purchased UP TO 6 months of age at the Jackson County Vital Records office. ) and temporary restaurants (food booths at public events) for compliance with food safety regulations. Services rendered by Jackson County Code Compliance include response to the following: Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Monday. Close Read More General Phone Numbers Probation: 541-774-4800 Detention Program: 541-774-4835 Residential Program: 541-774-4810 Oregon Youth Authority: 541-774-3800 Jackson County Public Defenders : Clint Oborn : Director : ORS 423. Development Services 10 South Oakdale Ave. NOTE: If you are accessing this page on a mobile device, you will need to have a PDF reader, such as the Adobe Reader mobile app installed before viewing the documents listed below. 3 days ago · WiLL, Women Living Leadership, was born at United Way of Jackson County through the vision of a dedicated and passionate volunteer, Debbie Williams. An annual dog license fee of $35 is also required for all dogs 6 months and older adopted by Jackson County residents. Find more info on AllPeople about Mark Orndoff and Jackson County Health & Human, as well as people who work for similar businesses nearby, colleagues for other branches, and more people with a similar name. Find more info on AllPeople about Shelly Copeland and Jackson County Health & Human Services, as well as people who work for similar businesses nearby, colleagues for other branches, and more people with a similar name. Effective 1/12/24 adoption discounts will be based on the length of stay Dogs who have been at the shelter for 100 + days will have their adoption fee waived. The production and processing of commercial recreational and medical marijuana are regulated by Jackson County Land Development Ordinance Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. About Jackson County GIS The purpose of Jackson County, Oregon Geographic Information Systems (JCGIS) is to develop and maintain a GIS to improve County efficiency and customer service. Rogue Valley International Medford Airport - Medford, Oregon official website Mar 3, 2021 · Chapter 292, Oregon Special Laws, 1905. The Planning Division coordinates long-range planning through adherence to the County's Comprehensive Plan and applies the Land Development Ordinance in the review of specific land-use proposals. Accessibility/ADA Read about our Marijuana and Hemp FAQ in Jackson County; Looking to build or relocate your business? Wildfires & Smoke; County Budget; 2024 Moss Adams Financial Audit Presentation; Doing Business With Us; Elected Officials; Medford, Oregon 97501. There are 34 other people named Shelly Copeland on AllPeople. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF 1 day ago · Medford is the county seat. Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize Spectrum Issues Reports Near Medford, Oregon Latest outage, problems and issue reports in Medford and nearby locations: bri (@bridget37117446) reported 19 minutes ago from Medford, Oregon. , the The Developmental Disabilities Program provides the following services: Case Management Strategic Objective: Complete an assessment of support needs, and implement a plan for meeting those needs for each client enrolled in case management only, at least once a year. Economic Development Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. gov 3 days ago · Contact Us! Our team is here for you. The Document Center provides easy access to public documents. Feb 11, 2025 · Medford Oregon FamilySearch Center; Jackson County Genealogy Library - an affiliate library; Libraries [edit | edit source] Listed below are libraries in Jackson County. animal advocates Sep 6, 2024 · Jackson County Sheriff also dispatches for numerous smaller police departments such as Butte Falls, Central Point, Eagle Point, Gold Hill, Jacksonville, Phoenix, Rogue River, Shady Cove, and Talent. We conduct mosquito and tick surveillance, disease testing, mosquito control, and public education/outreach as part of an Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) program to protect Jackson County residents from vector-borne diseases. 774. For state-wide library facilities, see Oregon Archives and Libraries. It is the purchaser’s responsibility to determine the existence of any other existing liens. weekdays 541-776-7222 Administration Office: 541-776-7222 Administration Fax: Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Location: Smullin Center at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center, 2825 E. Shannon Bell, Sr. For the 2025 calendar year, Commissioner Sparacino is the Board liaison to the following County departments and/or committees: Airport (Airport Advisory Committee), Community Justice (Local Public Safety Coordinating Council), District Attorney, Nearly a quarter million people live in Jackson County, Oregon. Phone: (541) 774-6036 Fax: (541) 774-6455 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Email: jobs@jacksoncountyor. To locate an inmate currently incarcerated in Medford, Oregon, you can utilize the resources provided by the Jackson County Jail and the Oregon Department of Corrections. Click on one of the categories below to see related documents or use the search function. NURSE FAMILY Partnership (NFP) Jackson County's NURSE FAMILY Partnership is a home-visiting program that empowers expectant parents to transform their lives and create better futures for themselves and their babies. , the Government Website Experts • Login. – 4:30 p. Visit the Jackson County Jail The Committee meets on the fourth Monday of each month in Conference Room B at the Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport, 1000 Terminal Loop Pkwy, Medford, OR 97504, at 12:00 p. Pacific Highway Phoenix, Oregon 97535. Phone: (541) 774-6107 Email: RollinNM@jacksoncountyor. The mission shall be accomplished with professionalism and teamwork. 410 to 192. Check-in begins at 6:00 PM. Class begins at 6:30 pm and will last until 9:00 pm. Room 214 Medford, Oregon 97501. Accessibility/ADA Read about our policies and Sep 8, 2021 · Medford, Oregon- The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office has issued a Public Safety Announcement in response to moderate snowfall and overnight sub-freezing temperatures expected over the next two days. As of the 2010 census, the population was 203,206. Food handler permits are valid for three years. Court approval may be required. Barnett Rd. us 503-986-4652 Water Usage, including wells, ground and surface water Jackson County Watermaster 541 Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Who We Are. gov Related Pages Jackson County’s parks offer diverse recreational opportunities with modern facilities for family, friends and business gatherings Rogue Valley International Medford Airport; County Parks; Expo & Fairgrounds; Visitor Guide; Business. Deputy County Administrator Document Center. Jones@jacksoncountyor. CLICK HERE to Search for Incarcerated Friends or Family Members. or. Our staff will assist you with completing your application. Contact Info: Phone: (541) 774-6850 Fax: (541) 776-7699 The Jackson County Public Health Communicable Disease program performs disease surveillance activities; investigates reportable diseases and conditions; responds to disease outbreaks in the community; and implements control measures to stop the spread of diseases to protect and promote the health and well-being of county residents. BE IT ENACTED by the people of the city of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon: Chapter I Name and Boundaries Section 1. Oakdale - 1st Floor - Old Courthouse) CENTRAL POINT: Jackson County Parks Office (7520 Table Rock Rd - Access on Mosquito Contacting Jackson County Jail. The Jackson County - Medford Oregon Traffic School Diversion Program is a Traffic Course that may, if eligible, result in the dismissal of minor traffic violations in lieu of a conviction on your record. , the Sep 24, 2024 · Jackson County Vector Control District is an Oregon Special District formed by public vote in 1968. , Room 100 Medford, Oregon 97501 Phone: (541) 774-6927 Fax: (541) 774-6948 Ted Zuk, Development Services Director 24-hour Inspection Request Line: 1-888-299-2821. Planning Information: Phone: (541) 774-6907 Business Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8 am - 4 pm; Wednesday 11 am - 4 pm. Medford, Oregon 97501 Phone: 541-774-8209 Hours of Operation for Immunizations: Jackson County, Oregon 10 S Oakdale AVE Medford, OR 97501 Powered by revize. Medford Jail Inmate Search. Airport; Animal Development Services 10 South Oakdale Ave. , the Government We offer fingerprinting services to the public at our main office, 5179 Crater Lake Highway. The warning applies to areas above 2,000 feet, with heavy snowfall anticipated. , the 5 days ago · Jackson County man sentenced to 3 years probation for fatal hit-and-run, DUI A Jackson County man pleaded guilty Friday morning to felony hit-and-run resulting in death or serious injury as March 7, 2025 Department Name First Name Last Name Profession Email Phone; Management/Supervisors: Ted: Zuk: Director / Building Official: zuktj@jacksoncountyor. ozd trkcb iiprdh yqw bjbql tety yyafe wpgldtdh wsx fbgbl xnq ozvy tuok dcvyy ixz