Houdini for loop random. I'm doing some sort of procedural armor plates.
Houdini for loop random I love the procedural workflow in Houdini and how easily accessible the attributes of the geometry are available to the user. Time_Shift_Random_v002_01. Also, I am trying to make a grid with circles that change density from left to right with a random effect. jpg (185. The mesh is for a modular wall Mar 22, 2020 · As a student with still much to learn inside Houdini, this is great. G'day, Just looking at using a for loop to do a bunch of cut operations but I cant seem to find what the variable is for the iteration number (so I can offset the cut Learn how to use Houdini For, For-Each, While, and Do/While loop systems to generate a variety of effects, and handle utility tasks. Fowler Nodes | Timeshift Posted: Nov 21 2020 Updated: Jan 30 2022 Tags: timeshift, for-each 3 days ago · When you copy or instance geometry onto points, Houdini looks for specific attributes on the destination points to customize each copy/instance. Dec 2, 2024 · Some points are scattered, and are given a random @stackheight attribute. 7, 2019 5:07 p. I want to move the Nov 13, 2020 · Hi, I would like to copy a line with a point jitter to points on a grid and randomize the seed value of the jitter per copy. Tip For both HScript and Python expressions, you can press ⌃ Ctrl + E in a parameter, or right-click the parameter and choose Expression Edit Expression to open the expression in Aug 9, 2009 · Forums Houdini Indie and Apprentice For each Group: What am I doing Soothsayer Member 874 posts Joined: Oct. 9, 2009 9:50 p. Amazingly, there's a chop node for doing this, called an agent chop. Oct 7, 2019 · random UV transform for all primitives. Olaf Finkbeiner Member 4 days ago · Creates a random number based on the provided seed. You can also use primitive patterns for advanced matching, including Mar 17, 2018 · All the Color node does in Houdini is set the value of the @Cd attribute. The ‹point_number› is always 0, because inside the loop we're only ever working on one point at a time. So, in your geometry of ‘n’ points, you want to just pick the first ‘n’ points from this bin to get your random numbers with no repeats. @Matt, the reason for the difference in prim numbers can be seen if you look at the primitive numbers before the fuse. Jan 10, 2019 · Hey guys. How can I randomize rotation on the Y axis for each individual point using orientation attribute in Attribrandomize? . 2. If I try to use a sort node to randomize + group node to create edge group there - it creates edge group In this lesson, we are going to create a soccer ball using the for-each loop in Houdini. If you change your loop end node to "feedback each iteration" instead of "merge each Forums Houdini Indie and Apprentice Random Vertex ID Colors / For Each Loop. This node forms a block with a Begin Context Options Block node connected through its third input, and the nodes in between the start node and this node’s third input are the operations that will be repeated. You can drag primitives from the scene graph tree pane into this textbox to add their paths, or click the Reselect button beside the text box to select the primitives in the viewer, or ⌃ Ctrl-click the Reselect button to choose prims from a pop-up tree window. Part of: Houdini in Five Minutes. Report. I appreciate the different approaches. I want to loop over my boxes and assign a random color to it. This is fed to a for-loop in sops that is set to iterate over named points, the name in Transitioning from a coder to a 3D artist. Random value at random time 12477 17 1 SpaceCraft Member 7 posts Joined: Feb. Say for example I wanted to randomize the speed of an instance's animation (on the sop "timeWarp" node), or the start frame of the instance's animation (on the sop "timeShift" node), or perhaps randomize it's material. I have this idea to take a polygon sphere and break out the primitives to be able to add rand rotation values to In the sample file included old method Copy Stamp In previous versions of Houdini, this workflow was done using a process called copy stamping. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. I cant figure how to achieve it. Rand()*2-1. Aug 3, 2024 · Houdini中for-each和for-loop节点详解 对于Houdini新手来说,理解for-each和for-loop节点的用法可能是个挑战。本文旨在为入门者提供一个简单的学习指南,欢迎大家指正和分享经验。Houdini中的循环节点主要包括6种类型: Aug 4, 2016 · Forums Houdini Indie and Apprentice For Loop iteration variable. 3 days ago · The ‹path_to_geometry_node› is a path to the For-Each begin node, which inside the loop will contain the point we're copying onto. We begin by creating a platonic solid and then adding a subdivide node on it. The fit01 takes the number returned from the rand() function and makes it May 8, 2017 · Hello; I copied several geometries on a grid, using “Copy to Points” SOP and “For each loop” All copies have same Transforms, so how can I rotate each piece randomly? (I attached my scene here) Thanks. 9, 2018 2:10 a. The ‘seed’ value changes with every ‘iteration’ of the for each loop as it loops through the points on your french fry. 0 KB) Untitled-1. I am using a for loop to Mar 6, 2019 · I'd like to take a piece of geometry and copy it to points, and randomize scale in each direction to give it some variation. Unlike the noise functions, which smoothly interpolate the random values between integer lattice points, this random number generator does not. I watched the masterclass but I need practical examples on how to loop groups, attributes, numbers, etc. Hi, I'm preparing a bake pipeline with foreachloop · Hey Everybody, I just wanted to share this setup. Here I will show basic steps of creating a simple custom DOP solver operating on volumes. Dec 3, 2015 · This uses an If statement to acheive the same results as running through a loop, but you can use the Find Attribute Value Count vop to set up a loop that will do something similar. Thank you for your time. Then we use a Ray SOP to ensure a round shape, and put on a · My problem is, that the for each loop only takes primitives or points, but I got primitive groups, created from the copy sop (Which I fed with polygonal objects). The version of random() with two parameters returns a random number from a given range. At the end I added random extrude. 2013 Offline Aug. At the moment, when I random select polys with group-range its just Jan 27, 2020 · Houdini In Five Minutes 09: For-Loops & Extrusions. So if the structure of the foreach loop is like this: foreach( element; array) { // do things to element } So if I were to apply this to my example of randomizing color on boxes Mar 7, 2017 · Forums Houdini Learning Materials Random value at random time. Any ideas? Thanks, Adnan Report. 12, 2020 3:23 a. The only face that gets extruded is Face #1. Edited by ivaniliev245 - June 4, 2023 08:07:53 Feb 13, 2025 · Otherwise an endless loop can result. Change the name of the ITERATIONVALUE variable in this loop to VARIANTNAME. 3 days ago · The primitive(s) the node should operate on. Example: # Node geometryvopglobal1 (Vop/geometryvopglobal) opadd -n geometryvopglobal geometryvopglobal1 oplocate -x 1. Any value that you wish to modify inside the For Loop operator must be provided as an input. Use your uv transform inside a for each loop and offset the transform using the iteration 4 days ago · However, if you do want to do complex things with the traditional expression language, you can use multi-line expressions with blocks, if statements, and for loops. Sep 13, 2017 · From my personal understanding: 1. Random Vertex ID Colors / For Each Loop 1432 0 0 ChrisGG Member 30 posts Joined: Feb. 2610 3 2 havana Member 67 posts Joined: Jan. 2 KB) Report Sep 13, 2022 · Houdini 中for-each 和for-loop 节点学习houdini时间不长,刚入门的时候就一直对foreach的使用比较迷糊,在这里写一篇学习笔记来认识一下这个使用方式,比较基础 。如果有问题,请各位大佬及时补充和指正! Houdini中关 Jul 31, 2017 · For random color you can simply add a Point Expression node and use a rand(@element) for Attribute set to color(Cd). Newer versions of Houdini have a For-Each loop in the geometry network that makes Sep 30, 2020 · Hi guys, I was watching John Moncriefs rock generator talk and I cannot work out the expressions used in the mountain offset to generate random iterations (around 11 mins). 6, 0. The objects are scaled correctly, but they all have the same, unchanged rotation value. So it is still quite valid on lower point count geo. Then you can generate a random number based upon the point number. To your geometry with N points append an attribute copy. Loops over the items in an array, with optional enumeration. hipnc. ⌃ Ctrl clicking the create tools instantly creates the object at the origin. It's probably dead easy but I'm stuck! Jun 26, 2024 · Deborah R. thanks! cesar Jun 4, 2023 · I need behavior more like this copy stamp node and fit scale in certain range with completely random seed in position for each piece. A chop Jul 31, 2023 · Join the conversation. VEX Orient Randomize Single Axis Value These nodes are followed by a for each loop with a copy to points in the middle. For example, after the Begin Node, you create a group called “delete”, where all of the incoming geometry from the previous pass would get assigned to, do your thing inside the loop, while making sure, the new iteration doesn't inherit the group assignment and in the end, Mar 6, 2018 · Sure, what I'm doing there is creating a random number from 0 to 12. In the Signature parameter refers to the types of the inputs and Sep 8, 2020 · So basically what i did is 1. For example, calling random(['🦁', '🐯', '🐻']) returns either a lion, tiger, or bear emoji. Thanks for the info on variant also, and I think I was having trouble with rounding previously because I was using the ‘round’ instead of rint. m. In your setup delete the color node. Mar 4, 2017 · This creates a bin of random numbers you can draw from without replacement. 8k次。rand函数常用来制作随机,比如随机大小,随机速度,随机颜色但随机结果的比例分布是平均的,线性的这种完美的线性的特性是cg中容易出现的,而这会让我们的作品多一些不真实感,也显得不够细腻仔细观察下我们周围,石块的分布通常是几块大石子,若干中石子和大量小石子,而我们用 · Hello Pusat, thank you very much. Since I am working on a tree generator, the most stuff is happening inside the foreach stuff. Q&A: Loops vs Solvers · 2. I'm doing some sort of procedural armor plates. You can post now and register later. osd_lookuppatch. Offline Oct. Put the copy to points and the wrangle node in a loop 3. I've been able to randomize the scale of the jitter but can't Jun 25, 2017 · I'm new to houdini and expressions in general, but found this formula to work for one of my switches round(rand($F* 0. Aug 13, 2018 · Pulling some node from inside of a loop and merging it with the output of the loop is kind of a mess and I would avoid it if possible. Loops allow you to repeatedly apply your node stream processes in a variety of ways. Random value at random time 12580 17 1 SpaceCraft Member 7 posts Joined: Feb. Note If you don’t assign names to the changing variables, Houdini will match up the rows on the begin and end node by order (that is, the first variable row on the begin node 2 days ago · This operator generates a random number based on the position in one, three, or four dimensions. Dec 5, 2017 · Forums Houdini Indie and Apprentice How to iterate over groups in H16. Random Extrusions 1. Is there a tutorial Jul 12, 2018 · Hello, I am having trouble randomizing parameters from instanced geometry from within an "instance" subnet. I manually split a single primitive in a few different ways within a for-each loop. But when I write the @P in Wrangle SOP, it only move the point within that piece. hipnc Forums Houdini Indie and Apprentice Random Vertex ID Colors / For Each Loop. Now, the question is, is it possible to to make a procedural polysplit/divide for one primitive inside a for-each loop, so in the end you would have one loop in another 4 days ago · Generate a random number based on the integer position in N dimensional space (where N is 1 to 4 dimensions). So if I have just a random transform (based on iteration) in the loop, it transforms every primitive (face), instead of the group (whole object). At first we need to create a DOP Object, which is a container that will contain all our fields (volumes in DOPs), geometry and any other data. Thanks! Grid circle. random number in a switch i would like pick a random number from 0 - 3 from a switch please see picture Edited by gfxfx - June 25, 2017 14:36:26. Grabbing Lengths. How can I randomize rotation to individual points. tamte Member Aug 9, 2018 · Forums Houdini Indie and Apprentice For Loop Random Attribute Not changing. Dec 26, 2018 · Forums Houdini Indie and Apprentice VEX Orient Randomize Single Axis Value. I didn't want to use a loop so this is vex and sops. Sep 22, 2022 · foreach/forLoop (在这里说明我用的是houdini 18之后的版本,如果版本太靠前应该foreach节点跟这个有所出入) 这个框架它本身的作用就是实现for循环,如果不想用它的框架,也可以自己创建Block begin和 Block end 来搭建for循环。 其中,for-each point,for-each primitive,for-each connected Piece和for-each Named Primitive的 Nov 24, 2019 · you should use for each point loop with copy to points sop and in the timeshift sop write point() expression to get your "offset" attribute. Aug 27, 2023 · rand函数常用来制作随机,比如随机大小,随机速度,随机颜色 但随机结果的比例分布是平均的,线性的 这种完美的线性的特性是cg中容易出现的,而这会让我们的作品多一些不真实感,也显得不够细腻 仔细观察下我们周围,石块的分 Jun 27, 2019 · Hello, I am trying to understand the foreach loop in vex. This drives a pointreplicate sop to generate that number of points, which all inherit the same @stack id. The Jan 6, 2016 · I can't figure out how to use the new For Loop SOP. In the operator controls toolbar (above the 3D view), set the Primitive type to Polygon and the Uniform scale to 0. 90579-y 1. So, here's my problem, I'm feeding an edge wear graph that I'm working on, an imported mesh. Hope this helps. insert. Each tutorial covers a single node or concept, and will usually finish with a demonstration of how that tool might be used in asset creation. The fit01 takes the number returned from the rand() function and makes it 6 days ago · Houdini draws a dotted line from the output on the end node back to the input on the begin node, to show that the value will be fed back into the loop at each iteration. I made a different approach to check out. Hey all, New to Houdini. Feb 27, 2018 · The following code seems to loop through each primitive and their points, but setvertexattrib doesn't seem to be doing anything. In your point wrangle node you don't do anything with P vector assigned in the while loop; Other than breaking when a condition is met. 97631 geometryvopglobal1 opspareds "" geometryvopglobal1 opparm Aug 17, 2017 · I used a copy stamp SOP for it, but after reading in the Side FX site, they said that it is better to use the for each loop instead of the copy stamp. For Loop iteration variable 15241 2 Joined: Dec. I am copying an object along a spline with multiple points using the copy to point node. In the shelf, click the Create tab, then ⌃ Ctrl-click the Sphere to add a sphere at the origin. There's two ways that you can set it up, as in the image and attached scene file. If the argument passed is an array, random() returns a random element from that array. Hello Friends, I am interested in generating a new mesh every frame and having random attributes change the mesh every loop. I've tried using rand() a number of different ways, in a for-each loop, but any time I apply a random change to scale in X, Y and Z each copy ends up looking identical. 5? How to iterate over groups in H16. 27. I actually was heading down a chops path to a While this behavior is useful for certain tasks, it’s often too granular when you need to operate on entire groups of primitives, like fractured pieces or modular components. comments 12. Fetching in Loops . Jun 25, 2017 · Random Rotation for each Primitive 8937 3 1 danjp Member 3 posts Joined: Feb. 2017 Offline Aug. Random Vertex ID Colors / For Each Loop 1195 0 0 ChrisGG Member 30 posts Joined: Feb. And thanks to toadstorm we have this nice blog's page: A Long-Winded Guide to Houdini Instancing Sep 24, 2016 · on your loop Block Begin Node click on Create Meta Import Node that contains some info like current iteration, value, number of iteration as detail attibutes so you can reference it from your seed attribute using detail() expression like: Jan 11, 2018 · Hi druitre, Have a look at the alembic abcframe intrinsic attribute ;-) that's the same as the “shape instance time” of softimage. Jul 27, 2011 · my work mate pointed something interesting out. by Moritz. Inserts an item, array, or string into an array or string. There are three main uses for looping: Aug 8, 2019 · Hi, you could probably include a Blast node in your Loop, that would delete your previous pass. If you click the icon without ⌃ Ctrl, Houdini waits for you to place the Apr 22, 2016 · Stamp really does not show a performance penalty until you are over a few thousand points. For example, you can change the scale of each copy by creating a pscale attribute on the points you copy onto. You get a random emission, but what I would like to do is change the random seed and get a different random emission. I compare how the for loop in coding VS foreach node in Houdini. Alternatively I'd like to be able to control the translation axis and only move on the U. 2008 Offline March 31, 2023 4:34 p. However I would like each object to have a little bit of random rotation (preferably a range that I can set) on a certain axis. But I'm very open to any suggestions on other approaches. For time offset, I set Iteration Method to By Count and in Iteration parameter, I tell Houdini to get all points from add1 node. If you click the icon without ⌃ Ctrl, Houdini waits for you to place the new object. Have to say I am glad I'm getting into Houdini at a time when the channel wrangle is a thing. 2015 Offline June 25, 2017 2:26 p. Thank you. If I useing feedback · Sure, what I'm doing there is creating a random number from 0 to 12. 4, 2016 12:31 a. Most C style languages don't have this, and use a more traditional for loop. jpg (229. Oct 7, 2021 · Given a group of random points, you could use the Group Range SOP to select a random point using the first group as the base group parameter. . Mar 7, 2025 · For Loop Foreach loops as shown above are a very convenient way to process arrays, and most of the time this is the better way to go. 4 days ago · The For Each LOP repeats a set of operations multiple times, offering options to alter parameters during each iteration. 6. 3 days ago · For example, calling random(5) returns values between 0 and 5. I have a bunch of leaves under the primitive group 'leaf' each made of 13 polys. Jun 22, 2018 · For that you need a loop with two begin blocks, one set to fetch feedback for the grid and another set to fetch piece for the curves. Under the grid points drop down an attribute wrangle running over points. 2014 Offline March 7, 2017 2:13 p. This loop iterates over groups of primitives that share the same value for a specific attribute, such as name. As number of point in this case will be number of loop iteration. Such endless loops can be interrupted within Houdini, but can result in renders that never finish. I want to assign a random attribute value to each group, say a color value. 5? ap_color_by_group_in_loop. Mar 31, 2023 · Forums Houdini Indie and Apprentice How can I randomize rotation to individual points. Outputs the Houdini face and UV Mar 7, 2025 · Make clips loop cleanly Download scene: crowd_clean_loop. Apr 20, 2020 · For each pieces, i want to move them randomly within x and z direction. HScript is a shell-like language, the old scripting core of Houdini, mostly replaced with Python this days. Jun 4, 2023 · I need behavior more like this copy stamp node and fit scale in certain range with completely random seed in position for each piece. For Loop Random Attribute Not changing 2222 2 1 cglard Member 17 posts Joined: Jan. Houdini Kitchen tutorials are aimed at experienced 3D artists who are new to Houdini, and focus on creating procedural geometry for video games. However, there are times when it is useful to run the same chain of nodes multiple times in a loop. Use your uv transform inside a for each loop and offset the transform using the iteration Aug 6, 2020 · Not only am i new to the site, but also Houdini - having only been poking around a month or so. nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM. The outputs of the For Loop operator will contain the modified versions of the inputs once the loop exits. Thanks! int nvtx = primvertexcount ( 0 , @primnum ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < nvtx ; i ++) { float randomNumber = random ( i ) * 10 ; int vertexpoint = vertexpoint ( 0 , i ); setvertexattrib ( 0 , "P" , @primnum Nov 25, 2003 · Yes, that is how I setup my emitter in pops. Unlike the noise functions, the random functions do not smoothly interpolate the random values between integer lattice points. For example, after the Begin Node, you create a group called “delete”, where all of the incoming geometry from the previous pass would get assigned to, do your thing inside the loop, while making sure, the new iteration doesn't inherit the group assignment and in the end, Feb 16, 2021 · Hi guys, I'm having an issue that I have never been able to solve in houdini. Aligned the named models to the center and then path deformed them for each curve, and got the result i've wanted. All this metadata, merging feedback with fetch piece with references between multiple nodes defining the loop seems overly complicated. Mar 21, 2017 · Houdini zplus SOP 教程观看记录(四) 神经元案例 ZPLUS_Houdini_SOP_1、2、3、4笔记 观看笔记 通过for循环生成神经元连接线 重点在for循环的运用上 加入vop point给神经元增加混乱度 通过点云来寻找神 Learn how and why to use Houdini for-loops to automate procedural workflows and explore key use cases, from controlled randomness to processing individual meshes. Replaced the ptnum with loop iteration in the wrangle 4. The ‹attribute_name› is the name of the point attribute you want to read. I was wondering if there was a simple way to seed the random particle generation. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Hey Everyone! Im kind of new to Houdini and I'm just trying to mess around with different things I can do with geo. The number will be in the range of 0 to 1. Houdini was the best option for me after I explored a different number of 3D software applications. Group Range doesn't have a built-in random selector but you could set the Range Type to "Start and Length", leave the length at 1, and pick a random starting point from your previous group: rand(2)*npointsgroup(0, Dec 9, 2018 · If you make a new metadata node for the first loop and you change the expression in the “foreach_end2” node to “fit01(rand(detail(”. It's very cryptic. Took the shadesoforange file, automatized the id creation. hiplc (76. I was searching for a way to carve multiple curves with a random offset in one go. The walk I've been using so far has an annoying click in the head and back at the loop point. 1) range. Each number is in the [0. and. 01. 2020. 1. fit01(rand(),-1,1) yield identical results, so I guess really it's just a matter of prefference. I just need to offset UV's randomly for each of my primitives. 8 KB) Using Houdini Indie 20. Currently i get the same random emission every time. There are some really helpful breakdowns in the comments however I cannot get it to work. Outputs the Houdini face and UV coordinates corresponding to the given coordinates on an OSD patch. Attachments: dd. Now in the inner loop you can supply both the current 3 days ago · In the shelf, click the Create tab, then ⌃ Ctrl-click the Sphere to add a sphere at the origin. 3. Setting the Iteration method determines 2 days ago · Houdini typically processes the nodes in a geometry network from top to bottom, feeding the output of each node into the input of the next node, all the way down to the node that has a display or render flag turned on. 0 Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core. So I can clearly see what is happening to this one particular piece inside my foreach loop. 2015 Offline June 25, 2017 2:35 p. 1)*3) if you have more than 4 switch connection, Apr 22, 2016 · I'm trying to make a random switch inside a for each loop to assign one of four different noises to the primitive in the current loop. If the attribute type is integer or float, you can leave ‹index› at 0. I want to dissolve random edges on triangulated surface with even edge lengths. Sep 3, 2019 · 文章浏览阅读7. Fixing anim loops sounds like a job for chops, but first we'd need to get the clip from the agent into chops. When I enter “@active == 1” in the group field of the PolyExtrude, it is not pulling a random value from the distribution in the AttributeRandomize but rather a face value. Apr 27, 2017 · Hi, I've been using Houdini for a bit now and I am loving it, however I feel I am missing something simple. To solve this, Houdini offers the For-Each Named Primitive preset. I cant access $PR from inside the for each Aug 16, 2024 · Houdini提供了六种循环节点:for-each Number、for-each point、for-each primitive、for-each connected Piece、for-each Named Primitive、以及for-loop with Sep 13, 2022 · 这个框架它本身的作用就是实现for循环,如果不想用它的框架,也可以自己创建Block begin和Block end来搭建for循环。 数据都是从Block Begin传入,我们中间可以任意添加节点来完成我们想要针对这个元素处理的操作,这个 4 days ago · Make an inner “for each variant” loop. But I did not succeed I wanted to have two streams inside the For Each: - block begin - one stream with the timeshift (to see the “end state”, where the circle ends) - second without the timeshift (to keep the animation) - attribute transfer from the timeshifted stream - rotate the animation, according to the end state - block end Is it Aug 24, 2017 · I'd like to know why my current approach using the for each loop doesn't work. In the meantime if you use timshift please use packed geo and not alembic files ;-) here's how I manage the time of an alembic file in a “primitive wrangle” (the important bit is the last one) That's a wrangle that taking a @shapeinstancetime · Hi, you could probably include a Blast node in your Loop, that would delete your previous pass. Vex supports this too, the syntax is a bit more complex: Oct 7, 2019 · random UV transform for all primitives. Color SOP in Random Mode does random per element, in your case per primitive seed is just a different dimension of the random sequence - to get what you need you don't need For Each Loop, just base your random on class attribute - Jun 25, 2017 · Forums Houdini Learning Materials random number in a switch ? random number in a switch ? 9731 4 0 gfxfx Member Joined: Oct. I hadn't heard of the Labs Axis Align before, this makes a bunch of my transform presets redundant, and much easier to deal with. /name for new meta data node/“,”iteration“,0)),10,20)” it will work. 2020 Offline Oct. In my version this iteration is set to the default “name” and it will display 1 piece of a voronoi fracture I created upstream. Edited by ivaniliev245 - June 4, 2023 08:07:53 Aug 18, 2017 · When you set a foreach loop it previews one iteration which I assume is chosen at random. 2008 Offline Aug. Object name is important, because later we will use it to access our data. Hi, I'm preparing a bake pipeline with foreachloop Sep 20, 2019 · foreach循环入门Foreach Loops in Houdini for Beginners In this video, I demonstrate how to create an unique model using just the foreach node. Mar 7, 2023 · Houdini 的每一步操作都是可视化的过程,而且每一步都会保留可见,随时可以进行修改或返回(Procedural)这个可能就是说它是程序化的软件的原因,常规我们使用的设计软件只保留步骤,只能进行返回或复原,而Houdini的返回和复原都是可视化的可修改的。 Mar 14, 2017 · Hi fellows Houdinistas. Marketplace Spring Fling Sale Shop Now Mar 7, 2017 · Forums Houdini Learning Materials Random value at random time. fuotb cgsfuv jig wbz qhgh odzvsqw vns zyr vwoie vxfajk eawo cwa omda tevvyqy dgj