H100i not working. Dec 5, 2023 · Fans on H100i radiator are not spinning.

H100i not working It will not come back. Now all 4 fans are connected to the commander and that all seems fine. Feb 2, 2021 · I am currently having a issue with getting my RGBS on the block to work, I'm using a Corsair RM750x PSU with a 5 pin SATA cable with nothing else connected to it, everything is working in good order, fans (rgbs) pump is working smoothly iCue i'm able to change rgbs, speed etc but no rgb on pump b Jul 6, 2020 · Reworded another thread, basically I had a dead AIO so sent it back and got a replacment. I'm not sure what else to try to make the lighting profiles take. When first booting up without windows installed, a CPU overheating temperature warning showed on the screen. but its not working when i stat the pc its turn into the red & keep blinking. It is torn down right now so I'm not sure if it is working at the moment. The power cycle forces a re-detection. s i'm running 550w psu with ryzen 5 3600x geforce 1660 May 9, 2020 · I recently installed the h100i aio and have it all set up properly, the 2 fans run and fan rgb works but I have not yet figured out why the pump rgb won’t work. Now as i installed it, with the "old" fans still plugged into that and the fans that came with the AIO plugged into the cables coming from the pump, the old ones are not lighting up. I have everything installed and good to go, however one small issue. 25Win 10 Dec 22, 2013 · So I have my H100i installed and everything is working great, temps look good. The fans are using the splitter to plug directly into the pump, the pump is plugged into the USB header on the motherboard and is powered via SATA. After doing all that basic stuff like updating and reinstalling ICUE and firmware I rei For PC questions/assistance. I ordered a new corsair spec 06 case from amazon and RM850 power supply. So basically when I start my pc my h100i is blowing full load with no lights at all. Thanks :) p. Then when I checked the temperature and seeing it reaching 90s and hearing t The CPU pump is not lighting up however, i feel that it is working as the CPU temps seem to be at normal levels when idle. The fans are working. I never really bothered to… Jul 11, 2020 · Hi I've installed my H100i cooling system but the RGBs don't light up on the main section. so have stored the h100i for about one year (running stock intel cooler), and now i thought id try again. Everything is plugged correctly (checked 10 times) and the fans are on and working. Prior to installing the H100i, i had pre installed RGB fans with the 220T case, I think they're SP120 . I got the corsair h100i for my haswell build, and it is not working. Yep I did, well for me the issue was partially my fault and bad luck. You just have to love PCs. 7 The pump is noisy too. Jul 4, 2013 · I have an i5 3570k at 4. The fans don't work when connected to the block, they work connected to the mobo though. Everything el Jan 28, 2015 · Everything is plugged in correctly I am 100% sure. if it looks like it set up right i would try rma to the vendor. Aug 21, 2013 · H100i not detected, custom curves not working, and LEDs not remembering! By th0rney August 21, 2013 in Corsair Link. I realize this is of no help at all, sorry for hopping onto your thread w/o offering a solution. Found another solution rather then move the H100i USB cable. i tried so many times plug & unplug but its not working. 11. I have a white H100i Platinum cooling my CPU. Answered by AtA3301. Used to work fine on previous mobo. It's pumping, fans are working and it seems like everything is normal- except the USB connectivity via Corsair Link. The fans speed control don't work properly. Check your SATA cable from your PSU. I am unsure of why as it is appearing in icue and shows that it has a lighting preset assigned to it. It was all working OK and at some point it started heating up, I thought let's change the thermal paste since I had not changed it Apr 28, 2020 · I recently just finished building my PC. On first power up all my RGB fans are powered up and working, including the radiator fans. Anyone know what the problem might be with the one fan? Corsair H100i CPU liquid cooler LED not working So apparently my liquid cooler RGB lighting isn’t working correctly and won’t turn on even though it’s connected correctly, I just built this computer and it was working the first time but now that I turn it on the second time it isn’t lighting up. So I purchased the new AIO with a screen from Corsair. I did check iCUE and it tells me that my Pump runs at about 2000 RPM and my fans on about 900 RPM. I just spent the last 6 hours debugging and trying to understand why my corsair h100i platinum pump was not working. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but this appears to be an issue with certain Corsair coolers. @enderep Ill try reasambling, and changing the thermo gum, i allready cleaned the interior of the case/fans and components. look at the unit again most times there more then one power plug for the pump and fans. The pump monitor is working fine, and I can see the RPM that it is pumping at. The LL120 fans work without issue, but the h100 fans and cooler RGB lights only work if I have iCue running, and click on "Hardware Lighting". I have tried multiple things, i thought maybe the SATA cables not giving enough power, which ive come to the conclusion that i dont think this is the problem, i even decided to change the USB hub it was plugged into May 17, 2013 · Now, not only do the LEDs not turn on, but the H100i is not detected by Link altogether. imofficial1 asked this question in Q&A. However, I am not getting any RGB on the pump header itself. Just went through and uninstalled all the drivers for anything corsair link related, and the strange thing is when I reinstall link it detects the commander as a USB input device and uses the relevant drivers, but the h100i just shows as an unknown device Jan 30, 2019 · Hey all, I just bought a new custom build The specs are as following i9-9900K Aorus Z390 Elite LGA 1151 Aorus RTX 2080TI Xtreme Waterforce Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 16 Gb Corsair H100i RGB Platnium CPU cooler EVGA Supernova 850W Corsair 570X RGB case I have been having issues with the H100i RGB P Dec 8, 2019 · MY CPU get hot and i don´t know why. Turn power back on and verify the fan runs. Same problem as noted H100i not detected. 7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler Sep 14, 2017 · Okay guys, I just did a fresh build with a h100i v2 and it appears that the AIO cooler is not working at all. (usb port, cpu fan and radiator fans into the Y cable. Unlike the others, I do not have any unknown devices. (All three fans are corsair) I've never been able to get the RGBs to work the one exhaust Sep 13, 2019 · I do have a second lightning node pro that is not in use, as the 1 node was enough for the 6 LL120 fans on the case, and the H100i had the 2 RGB headers for the fans attached to it. Oct 2, 2016 · I have installed the latest version of Link but the link software does not work with my cooler. It is successfully detected in the iCUE software and I am able to see my fans, and even control them vi All of a sudden my ring around the LCD display has stopped working properly. When I turn my pc on I can feel the pump working but not any of the lights on it. Jan 25, 2016 · I am new here but I have problems with my H100i GTX and I need some help. If you have not configured the ELITE LCD Display in iCUE, the LCD Display will show the following unanimated screen by default: However, the hardware screen may appear on the LCD after configuration in iCUE if older iCUE system files prevent the LCD user interface from displaying properly. The fans turn on but the pump will not. The pump and 2 radiators fans were controllable in iCue, but the front case fans were not. So I bought the Corsair H100i pro 240mm AIO about half a year ago, I have an X570 Auorus Elite MOBO and a Ryzen 3600. If you see Elite Capellix and iCUE still is not detecting it, try unplugging the USB header from the cooler (make sure you only unplug the USB header), then plug it back in. Mode set to voltage. I even tried to import couple of different game pro Mar 31, 2016 · We cracked the chassis open and noticed the fans for the H100 weren't spinning and googling suggests the white Corsair logo should be lighting up (it's not). Can see CPU FAN in bios. I have H100i Elite Capellix XT, and ram, keyboard and fans that are not plugged in Corsair Commander core are working perfectly with game integrations like Far Cry 6, Metro Exodus and other games. About 3 days into use the LCD screen kept throwing a gear with an exclamation point and the temps skyrocketed. No lights. I tried many thing: hard turn-off and on the PC, re-plug everything, use the USB splitter, not use the USB splitter, change to plug the other USB ports, uninstall and reinstall icue, reinstall the display upgrade, but nothing works. Corsair h100i aio not working Feb 2, 2020 · Good afternoon, Trying to figure out what I might be missing here, as I'm fairly stumped. Today, I finally received the new parts and began transferring my parts from my old case (NZXT S340 Razer Special Edition. as said, only one Apr 12, 2015 · This problem is what made me scrap the h100i and put the stock cooler on. I tried re-seating the USB cable to no avail. Just use the link on the left to have it RM'd. I have now done a full reinstall of windows 11 and it started working, ICUE and windows did some updates and it has reverted back to not working again. Mar 25, 2013 · Ok tried a few more things seems like its semi working but not its hard to get basic colours like white or any that uses red. If I unplug the power cable from the link box, the power to the AIO on the CPU turns off, so I don't think its a power issue. The fan is stock at 4300 rpm. The stock fans do not spin up at boot, and they are not detected by corsair link. Jul 17, 2015 · Look through the list and you will find the CorsairLink. Recently built a pc using the h100i lcd screen cooler, worked fine for the first few days then suddenly lcd screen went black. I plugged the AIO in and I also plugged the cables coming from the block into the fans. . The Personal Computer. Try the ESC key keyboard reset below. Nov 16, 2013 · Had to carry out the following:- "Go into the registry and look for HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_1B1C&PID_0C04. In addition to the backplate not being placed correctly, some motherboards are thinner than others. But they were moving. Today I played csgo and noticed that the corsair link software said the fan(s) on the radiator were at 0rpm. The CPU temperature is insanely high when I boot up so it's obviously not running Dec 5, 2023 · Fans on H100i radiator are not spinning. You can use SIV to run a quick 100% load under Machine -> CPU BurnIn. It was working before. 2. Share Jul 24, 2014 · I have an H100i that I will install at some point but my use of CL will remain as above, that is to install f/w and then jettison CL. I attempted the registry fix for the LEDs configuration, which only allowed me to see the LED controls. What is the fix for thi Nov 10, 2015 · After upgrading to the latest firmware on my H100i connected to the original commander the blue led does not function. It seems that temperatures are just way to high and also the fans are running too fast and creating a lot of noise, and I am not even doing anything on the PC, just starting windows up. We plugged the two rad fans into the motherboard headers and cranked the fans up to 100%. The replacement works great, but the pump LED's don't work despite having latest firmware. Had some issues with the brand during that time of the worlds Governments shutting us all down. Try redoing all the connections. Jul 6, 2016 · After applying any sort of load, the H100i Temp (coolant temperature) will shoot up and stay elevated. I can't seem to see the device on either my device manager or ICUE. Jun 15, 2023 · A standard “i” cooler like the H100i XT or H100i Elite Capellix has its own control for fan speed, pump speed, pump RGB, and often fan RGB. When the stock cooler was put on the fan on it did not turn on when connected to CPU_Fan or CPU_opt headers. Nov 20, 2021 · Hi folks, My first ever PC build. I had 3 of them plugged into the RGB controller on the back. 4. I temporarily solved the issue by reseating the pump connection to the commander core and it stayed fine for Dec 4, 2020 · H100i not working. If it does not go up, that may indicate heat is not transferring Nov 23, 2019 · The LED's on my h100i do not work. It almost has a flickering element to it. If this does not work, you may have to look at how your usb connections are arranged and split the LCD top and Com Core to different connections. I have the H100i as well, and it does the same thing. May 20, 2021 · Hi, I'm currently trying to get my computer to "see" my Corsair AIO. As you rightly say, it won't affect the detection though. Feb 4, 2021 · I bought a prebuilt Vengeance I7200 recently, I just noticed that one of the two fans is not spinning and shows 0RPM within ICUE the other fan is operating as intended. Jan 3, 2015 · I have the 4670k with an h100i cooling it and my temps are not good. ) After I had transferred everything and switched to Similar or even worse issue here, just got a brand new H100i for a completely new build and the fans are working fine once the Pc is booting except the lights on the cooling block don't work and the pump is dead as well, CPU gets super hot (up to 90C) and I have to switch everything off. HAHA! Glad you got yours to work out. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Sep 3, 2021 · Win10 I7-10700k Asus Prime Z490-A 2x Tforce Delta 8G DDR4 3200 RTX 3070 PSU CX750 I have an H100i Platinum SE AIO with the two LL120 series fans that come with it. I’m just worried cause it says 85-95 for tempature of cpu when I get it in icue. Mar 27, 2020 · Hi all I am not sure if my H100i v2 water cooler is working as it should anymore. May 21, 2018 · if the unit was never used and it been sitting it may have lost it charge in side or the coolent may have jelled. I can not control the speeds of the fans also the light on the plate is stuck on blue. Sep 23, 2021 · Now plugging everything back again actually worked, for 5 minutes. Jan 18, 2015 · So I have the H100i Installed in my case. Corsair Link: 4. Increasing fan speed will not be effective. Just the fans. Mar 29, 2020 · I noticed the other day that both of my fans on my h100i were not working and my pc was getting way too hot. Any help is appreciated. However, the past weekend I decided to finally clean my computer and get rid of the dust. Sep 11, 2019 · Hey, so I'm not sure if it's just time to replace one of the fans on my H100i CPU cooler. The AIO's fans spun and I remember hearing the water slushing when I first turned on the PC. I thought it was clear that the AIO is working. The RGBs are now not working at all and the fans go at a very high speed and I have no control (Media 1/2/3). The water block RGB works fine, but the fans aren't turning on even though ICUE says they are on. To be recognized again, I have connected H100i on a USB3. I'm going to be building a new PC, but not sure if it'll be a Corsair build just Corsair H100i - RGB LED not working. Everything was going smoothly until today, when I installed new fans and cablemod cables. 4ghz and I am getting exactly the same temperatures as my previous cooler master V6. It would be nice to be able to control though. Should you encounter one, such as the red triangle (general fault), you can perform the following troubleshooting steps. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 2 comments Sep 17, 2016 · Hi, I have had my computer for about 3-4 days now. My first one needed to be RMA'd after the bugged firmware bricked it as I tried to update it to fix THIS EXACT PROBLEM. 99 @ SuperBiiz CPU Cooler: Corsair H100i v2 70. I have a similar problem as LuukeC. If it does not, the wiring for the remote module could have a few additional wires). if it only has 4 wires, it’s missing the 3. Only when connected to CHA_fan header did the stock cooler work. Lrqk. Dec 3, 2014 · Originally Posted by Shaded War My H100i blue and green LED died about 6 months after I bought it. Make sure you plug in the sata power plug and USB dongle was a pain to hide behind board barely long enough once it's all good to go I've been getting max temps under load of 45-48c which is large improvement over the large version of the ryzen cooler lol especially since my case is literal the Mar 26, 2020 · I recently built a new PC and installed a Corsair H100i RGB platinum SE. I picked up a new computer this past week and installed the Corsair Hydro iCUE H100i RGB Pro XT cooler. the red ang green LEDS still function perfectly, and are adjustable in Corsair link. I do not think the K70 is related and that seems like a keyboard issue. 0 (temporary workaround). The fans are not spinning up and the corsair logo is not illuminating on the pump. I have seen other threads where some people have seen the H100i register in Corsair Link, but then not show up after restart. When I started iCUE it said UNKNOWNDEVICE next to a picture of the Capellix. Sep 30, 2017 · I've just finished my build and the H100i V2 does not work as it should. H100i Pump rgb not working . I've tried to change the AIO USB position on my motherboard (now connected directly to my commander pro). I’m not exactly sure if this is the right place to put this, but I am having some trouble with my Corsair h100i cooler for my computer. 0. The on the condenser work, the pump seems to be running as the CPU temp is fine. I sometimes get about 80°C+ I just started my PC and the temperature is about 79°C (174 °F). My Corsair iCUE H100i Elite aio is working and cooling and the radiator fans are getting rgb and power but my pump cover is not showing up in icue and the lights are not on. Mobo: ASUS ROG STRIX Z370-E CPU: I7 8700k CPU Cooler: H100i v2 Memory: G. iCue is SUPER buggy/quirky, esp with peripheral detections, and this kind of stuff happens all the time. It is intermittently not spinning properly and making a weird kind of "snoring" noise. I am not sure if it is just the led that isn't working or if the pump itself isn't working. I checked a video I found on YouTube and confirmed I'm now missing the Screen Setup tab in iCue. Fans stop spinning. Aug 8, 2013 · Hi, i have purchased the H100i hydro cooler. I decided to order a commander pro which I just installed. Members; 2 Oct 8, 2014 · I have several PCs with H100i and H80i. I even tried re-install the normal square glass display of H100i elite and the icue wont recognize it too. From what I've been told the LED should be on regardless if the corsair link cable cable is connected. Feb 6, 2019 · Posting here instead of starting a new thread. Any help would be greatly appreciated. After sometime my pc shows me error" cpu temperature error!" i don't no what to do please help guys asus p8z7 If you do not have a compatible PSU or cable, contact your PSU, adapter, or extension cable manufacturer for support in acquiring a properly specified SATA power cable. I've had my Capellix cooler in my setup for about 6 months and it was working fine last night. 3xLL120mm fans, 1xLL140m fan and RAMs working without any problem; however H100i doesn't respond to any SDK files. ) Dec 25, 2022 · I recently bought a h100i, installation was as normal. I proceeded to give my processor a modest overclock (4. I attempted to clean re-install iCue because i thought it was a software issue but now i'm not sure. Mar 20, 2014 · Im not realy sure what's the pump fan , but in corsairelink when i click on H100i Pump, i can switch betwien the option "pump" and the option "fan". I have my pc around 3 years now with the corsair h100i platinum se installed. exe Application (Right click and then drag this to the white area of the window and then select from the list Copy here) a window will popup asking for permission, select Continue This will now create a shortcut called Corsair Link - Copy. When I look in my bios to check on temps, my cpu is climbing past 80 degrees Celsius in no time. I have read a lot about the backplate being too loose and to add some washer to get a tighter fit? Jun 10, 2013 · Okay, so I have had this H100i for about 3 months. 7. Feb 3, 2019 · Hi, I just bought this specific AIO (Corsair h100i RGB Platinum) and I've come across with a problem that bothers me. The first one I had for maybe 2. By RedCordial23 February 18 in iCUE Software Troubleshooting. The fans work perfectly performance wise I checked the connections and the RGB Connectors are connected to the cables from the pump. H100i Not working PC Set up Dell XPS 8700 Mobo Intell I7-4790 (non k) ASRock Phantom Gaming D RX570 8GB 12 GB GDDR3 6tb Of storage (Mass Storage) 500gb Ssd (OS Drive) Issue: My girlfriend has bought an h100i elite capellix for her new build and it didn't work in her system at all, We could get RGB and fan spin sometimes but nothing else. But the second I close iCue, I get nothing. Problem is it’s not appearing in ICUE. This problem first came when I started my computer after installing the AIO. Setup a GIF and everything was working fine. please help me with an answear. Also the LED's don't work on the block. th0rney. After the test I noticed that fans were stuck at 100%, the same problem I (occasionally) had with my old Corsair cooler (H100i RGB PRO XT). Moved it back to the original and works fine. Also the corsair link software will not detect the cooler. Just wanted to check with you guys before I go and spend money on a new fan. I have a corsair H100I and no matter what i try to do i cant get it to recognize. I’ve had my PC for almost 4 years now and I haven’t encountered any problems with it. Sep 26, 2024 · System specs: AMD Ryzen 9 7900X NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 ASRock B650 Pro RS G. RBG always used to work fine since a half year ago. On icue it shows it as a registered device and it shows the RGB pattern but it does not turn on in the PC. Did not try a complete removal of the software as wytnyt suggested, you have to do more then use Windows remove program as it leave crumbs in several places. However, my pc went to sleep last night Dec 2, 2021 · Try unplugging the AIO completely and plugging in a different CPU fan. If you only see the Commander Core , power down your system and make sure that the cable from your Elite Capellix is fully and correctly plugged in to your Commander Core. Ive tried everything and I know I’ve followed the instructions exactly. You can grab onto the tubes and see if you can feel the coolant flow too, but it has to be working if your temps are ok. The h100i shows up in icue but nothing happens. Let it run 10 minutes or so. Posted August 21, 2013. Nov 11, 2022 · PSU back on and start normally. It’s an all inclusive package that can do everything out if the box. exe we now need to rename this The problem is the lighting on the pump itself, it’s just a static white/yellowish color. If it boots, the AIO is bad. Nor do they show up in the iCue application. 8, Win2012srv. But, I have NO LEDs on my radiator fans or the CPU pump, and the radiator fans don't seem to be spinning either. The micro usb cable to USB 2 header is connected. Cant see it in Link, cant see it (?) in device manager. Share Aug 3, 2017 · An easier starting step would be to look at H100i temp when at load. Hey all - I'm in the middle of a build for my gf. When I installed it everything was working great; I was very satisfied with the performance. I have a similar setup with a Corsair H100i, I opened up the cooler and noticed it wasn't clogged or anything, I have thermal paste installed properly, fans are working, but for some reason the CPU is not cooling. The USB from the pump is plugged into the motherboard and is showing up in the devices settings where my other USB devices like my mouse and keyboard are so I’m pretty sure it’s not a faulty cable. make sure you did not miss power for the pump. I think I just bought mine too soon. I installed Corsair Link, but one, I do not have any options to change the LED. Fans spinning, pump vibrating, LED working. Nov 7, 2020 · My cpu pump stopped working! I managed to fix it but I’m not sure how that happened, I just played about with the bios to make sure it was on all the time. I had to install washers on my backplate in order to get the H100i to make complete contact with the CPU. Recommended Posts. USB connected fine, sata connected fine, 3 pin connected fine. The pins to connect the aio broke so I got the pump failure from Corsair, so I bought a new aio and then that one failed too, so I bought a new motherboard which failed on the second aio, basically the solution for me was to buy a new aio. 4 gHz is getting better temps than I am. May 11, 2020 · I just built a system with LL120 fans, as well as h100 platinum cooler. If you confirm that you have the correct PSU cables, the cooler is plugged into the required USB port, and the cooler still does not light up, contact our support team for Type Item Price CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K 3. The LED's have burn't out on the 2 H100i's I have owned, I really don't want to RMA this one, The pump of my H100i platinum SE’s RGB is not working and I swapped it out for a brand new one and yet the RGB does not turn on. Posted November 10, 2014. H100i pump head RGB not working I’ve still not bought my GPU as I’m waiting for it to go back in stock. So, I re installed new fans and plugged everything in. Jan 9, 2025 · Hi, A few days ago my commander core and my Capellix h100i Elite were not detected by ICUE anymore. My friend who has the 4770k OC to 4. When your iCUE LINK LCD AIO or iCUE LINK AIO LCD Screen Module is experiencing an error, it will display an icon. I have also got high temps idle around 50. I tried restarting and that didn't work either. For each port/path string you see under this (numbers and ampersands smushed together), open the "Device Parameters" and change the FOUR DWORD settings to 0 (AllowIdleIrpInD3, DeviceSelectiveSuspended, EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled, SelectiveSuspendEnabled). At least in my experience. Jun 5, 2020 · I built a new PC a few months ago and things have been working great. 1 ghtz) and everything was rocking along nicely. This is extremely frustrating. e. Name of device: Link to manufacturer's product page: H100i not working properly So I’ve just got a Corsair h100i cpu cooler and the fans spin but the pump doesn’t light up and isn’t recognised by any softwares (Corsair icue and Link), I have tried basic troubleshooting and reconnecting everything to no avail. To add, I have also done a complete uninstall and removal of ICUE and reinstalled to see if that fixed it, but it did not. I tried out the old cl 2. Tell me what you guys thinks and if I should return it? Aug 18, 2014 · My H100i has no fan usage whatsoever. I made sure every thing is plugged in correctly. But only one has led working in it. h100i cpu fan warning; help! By Lrqk November 10, 2014 in Cooling. Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. I Feb 4, 2015 · I've searched a bit around and found people complaining about Corsair Link not working with H100i in Windows 8. The other day, I tried to change it and could not find the option in iCue. Jul 2, 2022 · As the title would suggest, the lcd ring is not working. "shortage" issues and sub-par quality was an issue from this brand. Ring, lights, pump all work fine, lcd does not. if it has a few years warrranty on it it may be still under warranty. I no longer see my H100i v2 despite the USBXp driver being detected and functioning. It occasionally flashes red, but its not like a complete circle. In one of them, H100i stop working (not recognized) after Corsair Link update 2. Corsair H100i not working Troubleshooting I have had a Corsair H100i AIO for a while now and it has worked fine, but now when I turn on my PC the RGB starts with the normal color for a second and then turns red, the fans start spinning when I turn on my PC but then stop after about 15-30 seconds. Dec 9, 2018 · After upgrading my mobo/cpu/ram and fresh W10 reinstall Windows wont recognize H100i. If your temps are fine under load, the pump is obviously working. At idle I'm getting ~50 degrees Celsius. (Typing from my itouch) I Feb 18, 2025 · Fans not working - Icue Link h100i LCD. May 24, 2020 · The RGB on the Pump works perfectly fine but the RGB on the fans do not seem to work. Jan 20, 2025 · Icue link h100i rgb cooler not working. I've also updated my bios to the latest version with So I built my first PC this weekend and I’ve been playing with cables, trying to get my front fans working (I got the Corsair 5000D rgb airflow and all the fans are connected but the pwm cable connected to the motherboard are not turning on no matter what I do in the bios, but they work via SATA). Today when I turned my PC on it started flashing red. I bought a H100i at Fry's just about a month ago. I'm pretty sure I installed everything correctly and have checked multiple times. All relevant PC specs are as follows: Windows 10 Home Ryzen 7 5800x Corsair H100i Elite Capellix AIO with 120mm ML fans Corsair SP120 RGB Pro case fans (4) Corsair K95 Platinum keyboard Apr 9, 2023 · I recently got this AIO for my new build and at first everything worked fine. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. The only thing changed on my end is the software upgrade. When I check the Icue software it says No device detected. First to die was the green so randomly one day I had a pink pump / block and within a week or two it was just red since the blue one died. Everything works except for the H100i pump led. I'm not sure if the CPU temp just doesn't warrant the radiator fans to be running right now or not, but even during a 3DMark stress test, the core temps never got above 130* F, so maybe they didn't need to run yet. something to the latest, v4. (Not sure if you have pull chains or not on this fixture. Some do work, most don't. May 8, 2013 · *sigh* just went through and deleted everything from the registry. The issue is the fans are on full speed and the LED’s aren’t turning on. In CUE it shows up as “H100i Name” and is it’s own device in CUE. Then, the RGB works without any issues. Jan 1, 2025 · Hi all, Got today a H100i RGB Elite cooler, installed it and ran a stability test to make sure everything was working as expected. Thanks. Oct 13, 2020 · I bought an H100i today from Best Buy and installed it. I tried updating which it told me to do and nothing. Sorry to bother. With corsair link in performance mode or quite mode the fans work fine in idle, but after some stress activity, like games or stress softwares the fans go to maximum after some ti Sep 14, 2019 · CORSAIR COMMUNITY Survey, we want to hear your feedback! Corsair H100i v2 not working properly. 3GHz 6-Core Processor: $368. May 28, 2013 · I'm not sure what my options are here. PS: I also changed the mode for the fan so it runs about 1900 rpm bu Turn the power back off, and add the black wire for the fan in on the black/blue combination. Few lights went off and sometimes they went back on again, but recently they all turned off and I tried reinstalling ICUE but this doesn't seem to fix anything. You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. BUT the h100i did not work on the same CHA_fan header. Make sure you have the latest version of the software, this fixed mine for a while. Hi. So the cooler has 2 fans and both of them spin. If you need more information ask. Yeah they defaulted to rainbow without the icue also fans for radiator which are plugged into pump. Then I am now wondering, is the H100i suppose to show up with the rest of the devices? Because it's not What's the issue? Feb 26, 2018 · Hello, I researched a TON of stuff before this build (have not built a PC in YEARS), so here goes. Skill f5 16g DDR5 x2 NZXT H9 Flow H100i ICUE link RGB TLDR: h100i fans & rgb not working. When asking a question or stating a problem, please add as much detail as possible. cpu_fan; h100iv2; By mortari September 14, 2019 in Cooling Aside from that everything was detected and working fine until I decide to upgrade the iCue software from v3. Jul 28, 2022 · I can not get it to work at all on windows 11 now. Nov 10, 2014 · H100i not working. When I boot the box up, the fans spin really quickly and then go back down to lower speeds. The aio app only shows the 2 Corsair fans not the other case fans . Good luck and perhaps you'll get it working to your satisfaction. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Join us in celebrating and promoting tech, knowledge, and the best gaming, study, and work platform there exists. It does change from green to rainbow as windows starts, so I think the software is working. 1 as far back as 2013, but found no straightforward and permanent solutions to this problem. By camelchickentoes January 20 in iCUE Software Troubleshooting. Specs: Asus P9D-WS, AX760i, Cooling node 1. Skill Trident Z RGB Series DDR4 3000 PSU: RM850i Case: 460x RGB GPU : ASUS ROG STRIX GTX 1070ti (not here yet) Ok, so PCPARTP May 17, 2014 · about one year ago, i broke the pins on one of the two fan ports on the h100i pump after that i could not get it to work, and at last my computer wouldn't turn on either. I swapped SATA connectors around and iCUE is installed. 2 issue still happens. 0c firmware version 1. I just finished building my new pc last night and still haven't been able to fix it. 5361 that changes my H100i FW to 1. Jul 1, 2019 · My computer was working correctly earlier today. Also the directions on what slot to put the litte pump tech cable 1 pin is interesting my motherboard manufacture says w_pump but Corsair says cpu_fan Nov 23, 2014 · The H100i has cut outs in the back plate to clear 2 screws, if that isn't on correctly it will give you high temps, as the water block will not be sitting correctly on your CPU. when i went to plug in the led fans on the case hub, the leds didnt work, they spin up just fine but they dont output any light. I don’t know if the pump head RGB isn’t turning on because there isn’t a GPU, or if I’m using the wrong SATA cable but I’ve tried every SATA connector that has come with my PSU (RM650X). May 8, 2013 · I needed to move it to another port but could not get it to work. The red and green lights still work. How I have it wired: the pump is plugged into the CPU Fan header on my mobo, and the two fans for the radiator are plugged into the two fan headers On the side of the pump there should be a slot for a mini-b cable that goes to your a-rgb 5v header not the 12v one on the motherboard. I tried changing the connectors but still nothing? Any advice? My H100I is not working properly and i don't know how to fix it. Mar 8, 2014 · Fans on H100i are not working and H100i light is red once machine boots and stays red, were working before and head light were white If I plug fans in the motherboard then fan comes on but the H100i light stays red Temp is normal 29c when idling in windows 8. Some power supplies omit this wire to save cost since it’s not necessary for most modern hard drives. The weird thing, when I felt around the cables coming out of the cooling block thing that goes on the cpu (idk what its called in english) my pc made a sound like a usb was disconnecting. 30 idle, 70 on prime95. I downloaded the iCUE programme and the programme seems to think the RGB lights are working, allowing me to change the arrays etc. The fans are spinning, the rgb is not coming up and the cpu gets hot so that my computer shut down, and it’s a brand new build so no i don’t have ICUE Reply Zeekster2517 Moderator • Jan 31, 2025 · My newly installed 9800x3D was hitting 95C as soon as I booted into Windows 10. They will every few seconds try to spin, and move about a quarter turn and thats it. Since your water/coolant temp is effectively your baseline CPU core temperature, you will then have elevated temps at idle as well. After that it went back to how it used to be (half working fan and one not working). Tried restarting. The motherboard shows that there is something connected to the cpu cooling socket, and the rpms for it show up in corsair link . ive plugged in the usb cable, the sata cable and the Aug 11, 2014 · Hi all, the fans are not working on my h100i, I have checked all connections, checked the fans work, made sure the power is fine, but still no fan life when connected to the h100i Dec 21, 2013 · I have been using my H100i for about 7 months and the blue LED spontaneously stopped functioning. Aug 17, 2014 · Because that would cause the H100i block to not make complete and leveled contact with the CPU. It seems like something is wrong with their most recent AIO where it's I just replaced my CPU and installed a new AIO last night (5600x and H100i RGB Platinum 240mm). If you have a specific Keyboard/Mouse/AnyPart that is doing something strange, include the model number i. You should see the H100i temp slowly climb, probably about +1C every 30 seconds for the first few minutes. Using an Asus Maximus VII Hero, I7 4790K and the Corsair H100i. The debug process was pretty hellish but I was able to find a solution! Jul 31, 2013 · Hey guys. You have hydro series h100i, right ? I can only guess from pictures, but plugging a 5v rgb cable into a 12v header could kill the leds. 274 from within the software. Its correctly connected, tried different USB slots. Still no joy. 1 and can't see H100i in the link soft hey. I am really at a loss and would love to find out if I am doing something wrong, if this is a known issue with the current USB connection/firmware problems I was Sep 8, 2019 · Hi everyone, I've been playing Metro Exodus for a while and I couldn't make my H100i work no matter what for the game integration. No cooling. Is this a known issue and is there a fix for it? I have tried everything from firmware updates to reseating the pump itself. I have owned it for about 3-4 months and experienced pump failure multiple times. hoping ram guy can shine some light on this the units 22days old and its hard to say if its software or hardware issue Apr 25, 2022 · Corsair h100i aio not working #642. As well as another LL120 fan for exhaust. Updating the FW or software isn't going to do anything for a unit that has been working fine until noww. 3v line which powers the RGB on the pump head. I’ve tried every fix I’ve found from just plugging it back in to removing the Y cable and directly plugging it back into the mother board, still nothing. qgxu ygsgk uauzq ahaa pemqxc faxczl ntwc tvl ocvo fpwirqr xavztm rhkikk dewjw hfvx uva