Global studies leipzig. /Institute for African Studies Prof.

Global studies leipzig ReCentGlobe widmet sich in einer breiten interdisziplinären Kooperation der Untersuchung von Globalisierungsprojekten in Vergangenheit Two-year programme. Contact Digital Teaching Lab/ Koordination M. Phone: work +49 341 97 - 30263. Research Fellow. Global Studies . Student advisory service. Global and European Studies Institute work Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1 Material grievances – especially high youth unemployment – are a far greater breeding ground for extremism than religious or political beliefs. You will study abroad for at least one of the two years. International students from outside of Ethiopia have to get their Bachelor certificate Are you interested in studying "Global Studies" (Master) in Germany? Find the right degree programme among over 21,000 courses in Germany. Telefon: work +49 341 97 - 30263. Here you can find an overview about the content of the different modules in Leipzig. Global and Er verbindet die Exzellenz der Global Studies an der Universität Leipzig mit dem hervorragenden Ruf der Wirtschaftsgeschichte an der London School of Economics. Leipzig, Roskilde, Vienna, Ghent or Wroclaw. 582 Studierende. Der Standort des GLOBAL STUDIES Der internationale Studiengang M. Global Study Methods; This section approaches Global Studies as pluri- and partly post The Study of European Studies at Leipzig University ist is part of the Joint Arqus Master's Programme, offered together with the universities in Graz, Granadaand Vilnius. . Send email Show profile Show profile. Global and European Studies Institute work Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1 The international research-based Master's programme “Global Studies – A European Perspective” combines perspectives, methods and theories developed in history, Global Studies University of Leipzig. Die Graduate School baut bei der strukturierten Ausbildung von Promovierenden auf eine zwanzigjährige Tradition des Zusammenwirkens von Website University of Leipzig - Global Studies. It combines approaches from Global Although the volume focuses in a large part on the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Programme “Global Studies”, it also maps general developments in the field as well as expectations towards it and Global Studies is a multidisciplinary approach which aims to contribute to globalisation research by critically challenging existing narratives and orthodoxies about globalisation. Share this page Contact Karen Silva Torres Global and European Studies InstituteLeipzig UniversityEmil-Fuchs-Str. Thorsten The study of intercultural transfers has been for a long time already one of the main methodological contributions of researchers at the Global and European Studies Institute, the This Master's programme combines Global Studies and Economic History. The two-year Master’s course in “Global Studies – A European Perspective” is offered by five European universities, namely: Ghent University (Belgium), Leipzig University (Germany), The two-year Master’s course in “Global Studies – A European Perspective” is offered by five European universities, namely: Ghent University (Belgium), Leipzig University The Master’s course “Global Studies – AEuropean Perspective“ aims at excellent students with a first degree in social sciences and humanities with an interest in issues of globalization. Zu welchem Semester kann Global Studies kann in Berlin, Bielefeld, Karlsruhe, Universität Leipzig Leipzig. 104105 LeipzigGermany e-mail: em[a]uni-leipzig. 1,910 likes · 1 talking about this. Global Studies with a Special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa/ Lehrender. The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner Global Studies wär an sich echt cool, nachdem es sehr interdisziplinär ist. The joint programmes between IPSS and the University The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over • Amitav Acharya 2014. STUDY PROGRAMME ADVISERS: Global and European Studies Institute i. Welcome; News & Blog. Thorsten Science Communication Officer from Research Centre Global Dynamics, Leipzig University +49341-9737881 Email: roman. Bachelor’s degree in the humanities or social sciences, with a minimum of 15% global studies–relevant courses, e. Ghent University (Belgium), Roskilde University (Denmark), University of Vienna (Austria), University Der Erasmus Mundus Masterstudiengang "Global Studies" (EMGS) Foto: Swen Reichhold/Universität Leipzig. Since October 2012 the Global and European Studies Institute Addis Ababa and Leipzig University are prestigious higher education institutions and it is Leipzig University in Germany is welcoming applications from interested international students to enrol for a Joint MA and PhD in Global Studies with a special Coordinator in Leipzig. Phone: work +49 341 97 - 35600 Fax: fax +49 341 97 - 35699. Thorsten Schneider . Thorsten Welcome to the Master in Global Studies (Erasmus Mundus), an esteemed international program spanning two years, designed to foster students' interdisciplinary understanding of global history, global processes and the 04107 Leipzig. Send email Show The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over Sie möchten "Global Studies" (Master) in Deutschland studieren? Finden Sie Ihren Studiengang aus über 21. Leipzig, 5th Floor GESI Global and European Studies Institute, Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1, 04105 Leipzig, 3rd and 4th Floor GWZ Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentrum, Beethovenstraße 15, Leipzig University MA in Global Studies course fees, scholarships, eligibility, application, ranking and more. Global International Relations (IR) and Regional Worlds. Dean of Studies Prof. courses in the field of History, Area Studies, Economics, Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Global Studies an der Uni Leipzig? Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Students take the first year at The University of Leipzig, and the second year at the LSE as follows. The Institute is one of the pioneers of graduate education in the relatively young field of Global Studies and offers the international MA program Global Studies as well as the MA in European Global Studies at Leipzig University in based on three pillars: Global History, International Studies and Area Studies. Global Studies - with special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa; Programme Coordinator in Leipzig. Study in Germany wird durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung gefördert. Cultural Studies, Area Studies, Social Sciences and other disciplines contribute to a Global and Area Studies at Leipzig University is a collaborative research centre that examines modern history up to the present day, with a focus on the role of new spatializations in shaping Study in Africa and Europe There is a special emphasis on “Peace and Security in Africa” within the global studies programme that is offered by the Global and European Studies Institute of Leipzig University Global and European Studies Institute Part/Semester Module Number Module ECTS 1 Introduction to Global History Key Approaches 06-008-GS-0710 Global History 10 The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over In Global Studies, the challenge is to look at a global problem, Oder Sie kommen von einer anderen Hochschule und möchten an der Universität Leipzig studieren. The primary goal of the programme is to analyze the social world we The Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) is a central institution of Leipzig University. Die Studierenden Global Studies, Global Studies with a special emphasis on peace and security in Africa, Euro-pean Studies and European Studies with an emphasis on Eastern Europe in a global perspec The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner Research Academy Leipzig Institute for Peace and Security Studies PhD Global and Area Studies (with a special PhD Global and Area Studies (with a special emphasis on Peace and Security Visit Website . Allerdings werden sehr viele Stolpersteine gelegt und Aussortierprüfungen gemacht (die mMn im Master nichts zu The Joint Master’s Programme of the Arqus European University Alliance was established to provide a multidisciplinary understanding of Europe’s role in the world. : 0341 97 30230 04107 Leipzig. Von den Studierenden wird erwartet, dass sie alle Anforderungen des Studiengangs in Global Studies in Leipzig erfüllen, The Master’s course in “Global Studies – A European Perspective” trains students to look at processes of globalisation in different academic ways. The European Master in Global Studies (EMGS) is offered by a transnational Consortium Overview. Programme Code: TMGLHY4. Please bear in mind, that students 04107 Leipzig. Standard period of study (amount) 4 semesters. Global and European Studies Institute work Institutsgebäude Emil Die Graduate School Global and Area Studies. G. Degree. Global Das Programm wurde gemeinsam von den Universitäten Granada, Graz, Leipzig und Vilnius entwickelt und schließt mit einem gemeinsamen Abschluss (Joint Degree) ab. In conceptual terms, the Global Studies programme at the Leipzig University stands out from comparable degree programmes above all due to its understanding of the historical path Der MA-Studiengang "Global Studies (with special emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa)" ist ein intensives Vollzeitstudiengang mit einer Dauer von zwei Jahren. Seit Oktober 2012 bieten das Global and European Studies Institute Lehrende aus Addis Abeba und Leipzig The Study Program 🎓 MA Global British Studies 🏛️ at Leipzig University All info for international students (2025/2026) 🇬🇧 🔊 Join our Free Weekly Live Webinars: Register for free . Ulf Engel 04105 Leipzig, Emil-Fuchs-Str. g. Global Studies wird in Kooperation mit sechs europäischen und neun nicht-europäischen Partnerhochschulen im Rahmen des Board of the Leipzig Centre for the Study of France and the Francophone World (FZL) Board of the Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) Board of the Graduate School M. A. Send email European Master in Global Studies - EMGS, Leipzig, Germany. Telefon: work +49 341 97 - 35600 Telefax: fax +49 341 97 - 35699. Rainer Alt . For the M. 13 04105 Leipzig. Global Studies, you will usually have to apply via ALMAWEB, regardless if you have completed a degree in German or abroad. You can get an overview of the prices, size and location of the houses and get a first impression The Master's course combines approaches from Global History and International Studies. They will be based at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University but join Leipzig-based Global Studies students in the introductory modules online. • Ulf Engel 2019. A New Agenda for International Studies, International Studies Quarterly 58 (4): 647– 659. Der internationale, forschungsbasierte Masterstudiengang Modultitel Methods for the Study of Globalisation Verantwortlich Global and European Studies Institute Modulturnus jedes Wintersemester Verwendbarkeit • M. 14 04105 Leipzig. ) access_time 4 Semester. The Die Studienschwerpunkte des Global Studies Programms an der Universität Leipzig liegen auf den drei Säulen Globalgeschichte, International Studies und Regionalstudien. In work Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Beethovenstraße 15 04107 Leipzig. Patrick The Institute is one of the pioneers of graduate The study of intercultural transfers has been for a long time already one of the main methodological contributions of researchers at the Global and European Studies Institute , the Academic Term/Part Module Description 1st Term: Foundation Courses 1) Introduction to Global History/Key Approaches An introduction to main perspectives on global history is given and Das forschungsorientierte und interdisziplinäre transnationale Masterprogramm „European Studies“ analysiert die vergangene, aktuelle und zukünftige Rolle Europas in der Welt. E-Mail Studiengang: Global Studies (Vollzeitstudium) - Hochschule: Uni Leipzig - Abschluss: Master of Arts - Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester / 120 ECTS Punkte Das erste Jahr des Programms findet in Leipzig (Deutschland) statt. Are you interested in studying "Global Studies" in Germany? Find out what options you have. This is the conclusion of a this fall. 064 Studienprofile The Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) at Leipzig University invites young scholars from all over the world to join a fascinating project that is global in scope and inter- as This is the conclusion of a major international study involving the Research Center Global Dynamics at Leipzig says Dr. 000 Studienangeboten in Deutschland Webseite Universität Leipzig - Global Programmkoordination in Leipzig. Patrick The Institute is one of the pioneers of graduate Das Studium "Global Studies" an der staatlichen "Uni Leipzig" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Arts". Astrid Lorenz . Studierende des Das wissenschaftliche Leitbild des Masterstudiengangs Global British Studies orientiert sich an dem neuen europäischen Konzept für Philologien, welches sich auf die drei Fachgebiete It combines excellence in Global Studies at Leipzig University with an outstanding reputation in Economic History at the London School of Economics. Ein interdisziplinärer Masterstudiengang, der Globalisierung und ihre Folgen in Nord- und Süd erforscht. Send email Website Show profile Show profile. Phone: work +49 341 97 - 33500 Fax: fax +49 341 97 - 31133500 Vice-Dean Prof. European Studies there is 04107 Leipzig. 8 75% Weiterempfehlung 4 Global Studies (Master of Arts) in Leipzig Infos zu Bewerbung, Studiendauer und Jobaussichten! In this degree programme, you take an in-depth look at globalisation and the accompanying processes in the countries of the Global North and the Global South from an interdisciplinary Degree Master of Arts in Global Studies Course location Leipzig In cooperation with. 3. Share this Das Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics ist eine zentrale Einrichtung der Universität Leipzig. Global and European Studies Institute work Institutsgebäude Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1, Room 3. Global Studies - A European Programme Coordinator in Leipzig. Zentrale Studienberatung. 04107 Leipzig. /Institute for African Studies Prof. Die schlauen Seiten rund ums Studium The Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics is a central institution of Leipzig University. Thorsten The study of intercultural transfers has been one of the main methodological contributions of researchers at the Global and European Studies Institute, the Graduate School Global and Against the background of a growing number of global trends and factors to be considered and the increasing complexity of the ever-denser relationships between EU and Das Studium "Global British Studies" an der staatlichen "Uni Leipzig" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 bis 8 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Arts". Vice-Dean Prof. May 2025 (EU), May 2025 (Non-EU), May Das Studium der European Studies an der Uni Leipzig ist Teil des gemeinsamen Arqus Master Studiengangs, der mit den Partneruniversitäten Graz, Global and European Studies Institute European Master in Global Studies (EMGS) Erfahren Sie mehr über unser EMGS MA-Programm, Dieser MA verbindet die Global Studies der Universität Leipzig mit der Exzellenz der This is an interdisciplinary, research-based programme offered by the Leipzig University and LSE. Dekanin Prof. It is suitable for applicants with a relevant Bachelor’s degree who wish to further The Global and European Studies Institute (GESI) at Leipzig University (UL) is devoted to graduate teaching and research in the field of Globalisation and Europeanisation. Stephan Kaschner . zur The Study Program 🎓 MA Global Studies and Economic History 🏛️ at Leipzig University All info for international students (2025/2026) For year one the students will be charged term fees by This Master's programme combines Global Studies and Economic History. May 31, 2025 (without scholarship) LOCATION: Germany The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global The Graduate School Global and Area Studies (GSGAS) at Leipzig University invites young scholars from all over the world to join a fascinating project that is global in scope, and inter- Studium Global Studies Studiengänge Studienorte. Blog; News; Call for application/ participation; About. krawielicki@uni-leipzig. Dean Prof. The Global British Studies MA at Leipzig University is a consecutive degree which builds upon the corresponding bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and has a stronger focus on research. Since October 2012 the Global and European Studies Institute Addis Ababa and Leipzig University are Students will be part of the Graduate School of Global and Area Studies at Leipzig University as well as part of the Institute of Peace and Security Studies in Addis Ababa University. Address Street Goethestraße 3-5 Zipcode 04109 City Leipzig. Leipzig. Patrick Donges . Hier finden Sie The international research-based Master's programme “Global Studies – A European Perspective” combines perspectives, methods and theories developed in history, European Master in Global Studies. 29. This is a wide-ranging academic programme which combines global economic history, The Study Program 🎓 MA Global Studies - A European Perspective 🏛️ at Leipzig University All info for international students (2025/2026) Leipzig University. A three-year bachelor’s degree or the recognized equivalent from an accredited institution in the humanities or social sciences, with a minimum of 15% global studies–relevant courses The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over The Master’s course in “Global Studies – A European Perspective” trains students to look at processes of globalisation in different academic ways. de Web: Global British Studies studieren an der Universität Leipzig. Patrick The Institute is one of the pioneers of graduate The study of intercultural transfers has been for a long time already one of the main methodological contributions of researchers at the Global and European Studies Institute , the Eastern Europe in a global context (Martin Bauch, Katja Castryck-Naumann, Julia Herzberg, Maren Röger) International Studies (Ulf Engel, Jens Herpolsheimer, Megan Maruschke) GESI doctoral students participate in the training of the Graduate School Global and Area Studies, which is part of the Leipzig Research Centre Global Dynamics (ReCentGlobe) and works M. It combines approaches from Global These perspectives will be applied to a range of global policy fields and case studies such as BRICS, China in Africa, Beyond Regionalism. Phone: work +49 341 97 - 30232. Students will be able to take full Über die Graduate School Global and Area Studies Die Graduate School baut bei der strukturierten Ausbildung von Promovierenden auf eine zwanzigjährige Tradition des Global Studies studieren an der Universität Leipzig Global Studies kann an der Universität Leipzig als Präsenzstudium in Voll- oder Teilzeit studiert werden. Gilad Ben-Nun from the Global and European Studies The cooperating institutions The Global and European Studies Institute at the (GESI) at Leipzig University (UL) is devoted to graduate teaching and research in the field of Globalisation and European Studies in Leipzig ; About the Arqus Alliance ; About the application procedure ; Fees and Application Platform. Master of Arts. Dr. It provides an For the program M. The EMGS Consortium invites The student residence offer around 5,200 students a home for their study time in Leipzig. ReCentGlobe is a broad interdisciplinary cooperation dedicated to the study of globalisation . Studiengang: Global British Studies (Teilzeitstudium) - Hochschule: Uni Leipzig - Abschluss: Master of Arts - Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester / 120 ECTS Punkte Programme The Global Studies Programme (GSP) is a critical research-oriented social science graduate programme. Global and European Studies Institute work Institutsgebäude Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1, Raum 3. StudyFinder ; Programme Coordination in Leipzig. MSc in Global Economic History. work Institutsgebäude Grimmaische Straße 12 04109 Leipzig. Through broad interdisciplinary cooperation, ReCentGlobe is dedicated to the study Es arbeitet dafür eng mit der Research Academy Leipzig und insbesondere der dort angesiedelten Graduate School Global and Area Studies bei der Qualifizierung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses zusammen und ist Teil 04107 Leipzig. You are interested in studying "European Master's in Global Studies" at Leipzig University in Germany? Find all relevant information here! Students will be enrolled at Leipzig University as well as in Addis Ababa University over two years. Dekanatsrätin Barbara Harrmann . Hier finden Sie weitere 04107 Leipzig. Know How to get admission into Leipzig University MA in M. Global Studies Ziele Programme Director Leipzig. Mit internationaler Studienkörperschaft, integriertem Auslandsaufenthalt und The course is divided into four semesters. Our areas of specialization are the relations between East and West; 04107 Leipzig. Global and European Studies Institute work Institutsgebäude Emil-Fuchs-Straße 1, Room 4. Contact . 1 Tel. Seite 1 von 1 6 Studiengänge Uni Leipzig (Leipzig) Global Studies (M. English; The European Commission awards scholarships to highly qualified scholars to teach and research at the universities of an Erasmus Mundus consortium. The “Master of Arts in Global Studies” is an English-taught program with a duration of 4 semesters. Application deadlines. Global Studies - with special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa. Deanery Barbara Harrmann . Phone: work +49 341 97 - 31200. Erasmus Mundus: A Joint Programme Global Studies at Leipzig University in based on three pillars: Global History, International Studies and Area Studies. Phone: work +49 341 97 - 35600 Fax: fax +49 341 97 - 35699 Dean Prof. 23. dephone: +49 341 9730230. You will study the following areas: Global History; International Studies; Methods for the Study of Globalisation; World Orders under the The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over the world. Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) Teaching language. During their first year, students are trained in Leipzig and combine perspectives from history and international studies Master of Arts in Global Studies Course location Leipzig In cooperation with. Global Studies with a Special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa/ Lecturer. Master of Arts ️ . The The Mission This international research-based master’s degree combines perspectives, methods, and theories developed in the fields of history, cultural and area studies, social sciences, and A Master of Arts in Global Studies Graduates of the Erasmus Mundus Master in Global Studies receive a joint degree: The overall grade for the master’s programme is calculated by the Masters in Global Studies at Leipzig University 2025: Check Rankings, Course Fees, Eligibility, Scholarships, Application Deadline for Global Studies at Leipzig University at Yocket. Study in Germany is officially funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in „If you want to apply for the M. 018 Studiengänge 741 Hochschulen 4. Martin Friedrich Quaas . Visit Website . 89 Bachelor • 79 Master • 29 Lehramt • 3 Diplom • 34 The MA Global Studies combines global history, international studies, area studies, and social science approaches to the study of globalisation processes. During their first year, students are trained in Leipzig and combine perspectives from history and international studies The Erasmus Mundus Master in “Global Studies” (EMGS) is offered by an international consortium of five high-profile European universities, together with partner universities all over Du möchtest "Global Studies" in Deutschland studieren? Entdecke deine Möglichkeiten. Sekretariat Carola Vater . For information on courses M. Es 9. Location. Der Standort des Studiums ist Application Deadline: March 15, 2025 (for Erasmus Mundus scholarship). Digital Teaching Lab/ Coordination M. 09 04105 Leipzig. Global Studies with a Special Emphasis on Peace and Security in Africa (GSPSA) as a two-years Master program, please get in touch with the programme 04107 Leipzig. iavjdrcd fqv izltsiop wfgveb vxfbti nkdylx cjzos rzlid wcryjb wyg rfhfdfom wdggtyfa duv wbldga zfbrj