Bouncing ball experiment hypothesis Material ball is made from. There are many other great ball projects in this fun book: Goodstein, M. Mole's Bouncing Ball," a featured project for National Chemistry Week 2005. Abstract This lab focuses on how energy works in the real world; in this particular case, how it works in relation to various balls (with the Bouncing Ball Experiment Our simple experiment is to drop a ping pong ball weighed at 3 grams from a height of 1 metre then 90cm, 80cm, 70cm, 60cm, 50cm, 40cm and Hypothesis I If you do not have the materials to complete this experiment, please contact your instructor. Racquetball Team Name: Team 51D Members: Emily Horner, Chris Cervantes, Daniel Velasco, Isaias Machuca Lab Section: Thursday, 6pm Experiment Design In previous work [13], we performed 3D motion estimation for a bouncing ball, from a single camera and despite severe occlusions by exploiting dynamics modelling. . The Temperature (C) Average Height (cm) Average time (s) Conclusion: The main finding of this research was that the temperature of a tennis ball had a positive effect on its Physics Lab 1 – Bouncing Ball Experiment. Retrieved August 4, 2006. The Exploratorium Museum, San Francisco, CA. It was hypothesized that bounce height would increase with The experiment is also reliable because of the fact that even in the actual experiment the tennis ball was dropped on each surface 3 times, and an average height was found as well. The ball was dropped from Hypothesis: My prediction for this practical is that the harder the surface, the higher the ball will bounce. Record the mass of a ball and record it on the data table. Then lift the egg 1-2 inches in the air, let go and watch it >>> Bouncing Ball Investigation <<< Aims: In This experiment, I’m going to discover how the surface affects the height that a of a tennis ball. Method & Materials You will select three locations with different types of turf, measure the height of the Title: Efficiency lab. Once you have played with your egg, cut it open to observe the yolk. Hypothesis Confirmation: The analysis of the experimental data confirms the initial hypothesis. Biology and Physics Resources 13. 74 KB. Experiment: In this experiment we tested 4 times how high 5 balls Hold on to your eggs because this egg in vinegar science experiment might have your kids bouncing along with these bouncy raw eggs. 2353J) whereas the bouncy ball with the largest mass When the ball is dropped from a certain height, depending if the conditions a right, such as type of ball, surface and the starting height, the ball will drop and bounce to a peak lower than the · The surface that you bounce the tennis ball on · Measuring the tennis ball when it bounces up. The purpose of this experiment is to use a bouncy ball and discover it’s coe cient of resti- tution, before making de nitive claims about what the coe cient of restitution in an object is dependent Hypothesis: If a tennis ball is dropped from a specific height then the ball will bounce to the same height. A practical experiment where students make their own bouncy balls from borax, glue and cornstarch and then test how high they bounce. The Aim of this investigation is to test the effect of the bounce or change in elastic potential energy within a Hypothesis: we think that the tennis ball will bounce the highest on a carpet floor and the ping pong ball on the table. These experiments allow you to investigate factors like elasticity, surface texture, and drop height to Based on bouncing ball measurements, the coefficient of restitution is evaluated to determine the homogeneity and degree of plasticity of the selected material. But, can you imagine a ball to Bouncing balls. changing air density, temperature. Here you can find all the Scientific Method Steps, follow them and do your The balls used in the investigation could be hazardous if thrown at other students, windows etc. The type of ball has a significant impact on Discussing the variables involved in this experiment. It was originally created in Flash but has now been remade using HTML5 so you can continue to play it as Flash is no Elasticity is a measure of how well the ball's kinetic energy is converted to elastic potential energy; the less energy lost to heat and sound, the more elastic the substance (Madden, 2011). The tests were done by bouncing soccer balls on fields of Kentucky bluegrass, Bermuda grass and on artificial (See the “Bouncing Ball Chart” for an example of how to create the chart. So now you have to present it in your blog. When I first tried this experiment, I was a little disappointed to find that it doesn’t make Squash Ball Experiment Title: Testing effects of temperature on the bounce of a ball. Anne Helmenstine. Drop the ball without applying any force and record how high it bounces. The Bouncing Balls Experiment is an opportunity for students to explore the physical movement of bounce and consider what impacts an object’s ability to bounce. We have 3 different types of balls to test: a rubber ball, a ping pong ball, and a marble. Bouncing is what makes playing with a ball so much fun. And no, you don’t hard Bouncing A Squash Ball Lab Report. Investigation report 1 Annotation 1 Uses detailed scientific and mathematical reasoning to support hypothesis 2 Annotation 2 Describes experimental method in form of a Investigating the efficiency of bouncing balls Theory This experiment investigates the efficiency of different types of balls dropped from certain heights. Introduction: Hypothesis: My prediction for A harder ball will not compress and will bounce up higher because less energy is lost on impact. Which of these has Analysis of the relationship between the factors height and time in a bouncing rubber ball experiment. They use the force vs time to find the meter stick golf ball rubber ball high bounce ball Method 1. Diagram : Method: 1. g. Make a note of which one bounces up higher and how high they bounce! A simulation of bouncing balls on a webpage. A squash ball is a hollow ball made of rubber, with air inside. The variable to be changed in the experiment is the drop height, therefore the drop height will be the independent variable Name: _____ Date: _____ Observations (What happened?): Prediction Result Floor Gym Mat Cardboard Ball Height of Drop (cm) Height of Bounce (cm) This activity is adapted from the American Chemical Society's "Meg A. This document provides instructions for an experiment to determine if the mass of a bouncy ball affects how much *Note: For this science project, you will need to develop your own experimental procedure. Hypothesis: I predict that the soft balls will bounce higher than all of the other balls basketball 82 cm 84 cm 80 82 rubber ball 39 cm 38 cm 41 cm 39 cm. The ball will start out sticky and messy, but will solidify as you knead it. Conduct an experiments and found out which ball bounces the highest, the lowest, or not at Aim: To find out what affects the height to which a ball bounces. Experimental Procedure. The Bouncing balls. Want to make a bouncing Easter egg? Yes, I mean a real egg that bounces. Includes materials, procedures, benchmarks, and student assignments for elementary/middle school science. (This step can Supplies Needed for the Bouncy Ball Science Experiment: Bouncy Balls – a least 6 identical balls; A measuring cup or mug for heating water in the microwave; Access to a My hypothesis was "If the drop height of the bouncy ball increases, then the energy transferred to its surroundings will also increase. Physics Lab 1 – Bouncing Ball Experiment Aim: To study the result of change in drop height on the bounce/bounce height of a plastic ball on a hard surface. Purpose: Find the efficiency of three different spheres. This lab activity is intended to prove that hypothesis by This science fair project was performed to determine how the turf of a soccer field will affect the bounciness of a soccer ball. Write to us at scibuddy@sciencebuddies. This bouncy ball science experiment is a fun way to see if you can make a homemade bouncy ball. Prior to the sample task, students investigated investigated forms of energy and energy transfers and transformations. Project 3: Bouncing Energy Name: Aidan Welchman EXPERIMENTAL QUESTION: Does increasing the drop height of a bouncy ball affect the amount of energy transferred to This activity uses different shaped balls to investigate how and why balls bounce differently. Label this “Borax solution”. pdf), Text File (. Create an engaging hands-on experiment that demonstrates t Name: _____ Date: _____ Introduction to the Scientific Method: Bouncing Balls Lab Bouncing Balls at Different Heights? QUESTION: How does the height from which h you drop a ball Bouncing Balls. Describe the energy The document summarizes an experiment to study how the bounce height of a plastic ball is affected by its drop height. 055Kg) had the smallest change in potential energy (12. External factors, i. Figure 1. They developed three Aim: The aim of this experiment is to see which ball is better quality for bouncing and what is a lot more reasonable for price and size. This will make it a better science project. 4) Record the height that the ball bounced to in the table in metres (m). 54 KB docx, 13. When you use the scientific method, you make observations name: dr. If theoretically a ball could not lose any energy during a bounce, it would bounce back to 100% of the height it was A numbered, step by step list of short instructions of how to perform the experiment, written in the third person, such that another student could follow and replicate the Experiment You can turn this demonstration into an experiment. Manipulated Variable: the type of ball used. I think that the _____ surface will help the ball bounce the highest. Those three things could have affected my experiment. PROCEDURE – 5 pts Make a numbered, step by step list of short instructions describing how the experiment was performed. Mass of the ball. Summary of task. Materials per group: 1 tennis ball Aim: The aim of this experiment was to calculate and compare the energy efficiency of bouncing balls. Hypothesis: Make a prediction Name: _____ Date: _____ Observations (What happened?): Prediction Result Tennis Ball Golf Ball Sponge Ball Ball Height of Drop (cm) How can you tell if an egg is a bouncy ball? Examine the egg. a basketball. If the material of the ball is fury (e. Apparatus: Ball, metre rule, top pan balance, stand with clamp. Explain why the amount of energy depends on the release height. As a physics student, I formulated a hypothesis strictly for this experiment The document summarizes an experiment to study how the bounce height of a plastic ball is affected by its drop height. Refer to your project procedures for Aim : To calculate the percentage energy ‘loss’ of a bouncing ball. You should notice the yolk is still yellow, no matter what color you dyed the outside of your egg. Note: This is just a sample of how to record your results. Uses detailed scientific and mathematical reasoning to support hypothesis 2 Annotation 2 Describes experimental method in form of a report 1 2 1 Bouncing Ball Experiment Lab Report Mikayla Monk 2nd Period Purpose: The question for this experiment is “What are the effects of a ball dropping from a certain height at Teacher's guide for a bouncing ball experiment. Bouncy Ball Science Experiment. Variables: Height from which the ball is dropped. We did this by bouncing different types of Aim To investigate the energy efficiency of a bouncing ball. e. Hypothesis: In this investigation, the initial height of which a basketball is Hypothesis: The normal tennis ball will bounce higher than the tennis ball that was placed in the freezer for some time as the air molecule inside are not affected but for the cool tennis ball its Bouncing Ball Experiment Our simple experiment is to drop a ping pong ball weighed at 3 grams from a height of 1 metre then 90cm, 80cm, 70cm, 60cm, 50cm, 40cm and of course zero cm. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. Project 3: Bouncing Energy Name: Valerie EXPERIMENTAL QUESTION: Does As you increase the amount of water in the ball, you get a more translucent polymer. 0 m s − 1 without spin, at θ 1 = 39 ° . 2. The presentation leads students through the stages of an investigation and The Bouncing Ball experiment is an experimental activity where students study the transference between kinetic and potential energy. In this experiment, a small bouncy ball will be dropped from various heights (10 heights, for 5 trials each); the rebound percentage will be calculated by observing videos of the experiment and seeing how high the ball bounces up for each trial. Rest a vertical meter stick on a lab bench and drop the ball exactly one When a ball is dropped gravity pulls the ball toward the ground, slowing the ball down so that each bounce is shorter and shorter, until eventually the ball stops bouncing. Hypothesis: I believe that the Note: While the ball is in the air, we are ignoring air resistance; we are assuming zero energy loss. Abstract This experiment was conducted to investigate the gravitational potential energy (GPE) loss of a ball as it bounced. If you would like to discuss your ideas or need The document describes an experiment conducted by two students to investigate how the height from which a ball is dropped affects the time it takes to stop bouncing. Uses scientific reasoning to support hypothesis 2 Annotation 2 Describes experimental method in form of an instruction 3 Annotation 3 Presents measured data and calculated results in This bouncing ball experiment is the perfect way to bring the topic of gravity to life with your class. school british division the scientific method t1 wk1 activity year bouncing ball experiment question: which type of ball bounces Skip to document University Page 1 of 4 Grade 9 MYP4 Physics Criteria B – Investigating bounce energy loss Description In this investigation you are going to design an experiment to determine the watch the ball as it bounces to see the height which the ball reaches at the top of its bounce. Introduction: The experiment being tested is worth Bouncing ball experiment. Make sure they are in a safe area. nermine ismail int. Repeat these steps four more times with . Check out the Free Bouncy Egg Worksheets for Hold the first ball so the top of the ball is exactly 1m above the ground. Your findings might be different than those shown in the (See the “Bouncing Ball Chart” for an example of how to create the chart. Students investigate the characteristics of a bouncing ball by measuring the force applied to it from a force platform. Energy Transformations Flowchart ARYONN R RAWOL 5 16 AUGUST 2017 Trying to figure out different things about any item, in my case bouncing balls and observing their heights. Investigation report Describes steps of experimental method, emphasising measures that ensure fair test 2 Identifies some forms of energy and uses understanding of Bounce experiments with balls are fun and educational activities that involve exploring the physics of bouncing balls. Use the information on this page as a starting place. Bouncing Balls is a classic online bubble shooter game. Which ball do Bouncing balls. " The hypothesis was supported by the data in Bouncing balls. Measure the mass of the ball by using RESULTS: Graph – 5 pts Graph Drop Height of the Bouncy Ball vs. State the type of energy the ball has before being released. Prediction I predict that the higher I Balls which do not bounce high are less efficient as they have lost energy. Conducting this experiment outside or in a large, When all three balls are dropped from the same height, the rubber ball will bounce the highest because it has the greatest elasticity. Setting Up the Experiment: Materials: tennis ball; meter Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Hypothesis, Type of ball, Surface and more. The answer to the question Do a hands-on experiment where you play a basketball skill yourself, observe basketball players under different conditions, or make a model of a court. Home Scientific Method Investigation Timeline Aim. When you drop a ball from the air to the ground, you may naturally suppose the ball will bounce back to a lower height than the releasing position. Ye and Liu [26] synthesized RESULTS: Graph - 5 pts Graph Drop Height of the Bouncy Ball vs. Hypothesis - I think the ball bounces more as we increase the Bouncing balls. Uses scientific reasoning to support hypothesis 2 Annotation 2 Describes experimental method in form of an instruction 3 Annotation 3 Presents measured data and calculated results in Bouncing Ball Experiment: Relationship between Initial Height of a Drop and Fractional Loss of Kinetic Energy. Variables:. Next time I do my experiment, I can An ingenious way to teach your kids a new topic in your Science classes is for your kids to conduct fun experiments and use the scientific method to learn all about it. txt) or read online for free. org. The bouncing ball sequence in the current study included (1) simulating the effect of gravity and (2) improving movement smoothness. Part Experiment You can turn this demonstration into an experiment. This PRACTICAL SKILLS – Bouncing Balls NAME: Nick Deluca TASK: Design an experiment that will test a factor affecting the height to which a ball bounces. a tennis ball. It was hypothesized that bounce height would increase with increasing drop height. Differentiated Section V: Conclusions K. Objective or Hypothesis Objective: To estimate the impulse (in kg m/s) delivered to a rubber ball when it collides with Results of control experiments 1 and 2. Project 3: Bouncing Energy Name: Alex EXPERIMENTAL QUESTION: Does The hypothesis is that a soccer ball will bounce the most number of times on artificial turf. To do that, try answering one of the following questions. Refer to your project procedures for instructions on how to The ball should be held slightly away from the wall, so that it doesn't hit any molding when you drop it, but close enough so that you can observe the ball's rebound height based on the markings on the wall. Once the ball is less sticky, continue rolling between your hands until it is smooth and round! Exp2 Bouncy Ball Polymers and the Scientific Method CHE 1113 Objectives Synthesize a polymer Measure amounts of chemical substances Apply the Scientific Method Purpose - To find whether the ball bounces more or less when we increase the height of the drop. , so students should be closely supervised. You’ll notice that is feels rubbery (like a bouncy ball). Figure If you have any comments (positive or negative) related to purchases you've made for science projects from recommendations on our site, please let us know. 1: Graph of height as a function of time for a perfectly elastic bouncing system. It requires understanding complex scientific concepts, conducting Hypothesis: Predict which surface will help the ball bounce highest. When I drop the different balls onto the rocks from the bed of a truck, I believe the tennis ball will have the In this investigation I will determine the exponential decay constant of a bouncing ping-pong ball for a number of surfaces and relate the Young’s modulus of those surfaces to the re-bound Video images of a superball incident from the left at 4. Introduction: Hypothesis: My prediction for Bounce Back Ball Experiment (Student version) You will be investigating with the bouncing balls to measure changes in the type of energy they possess. This Bouncing Ball Science Experiment is the perfect way to bring the topic of gravity to life with your class. Materials: meter stick, tennis ball Independent Variable: The height from which the ball is dropped. Have the volunteer release experiment - battle of the bouncing balls watch the good the bad & the tricky. Subject: Physics. Before starting a game of squash, most players will "warm up" the ball by knocking it around the The Tennis ball experiment. an open space, hopefully away from your neighbours' windows (3) The friction generated each time the ball hit the surface was released as heat energy. Describes steps of experimental method, mat, small rug, or stool to sit on while observing the bouncing ball; Part A. Identifies some forms of energy If you do not have the materials to complete this experiment, please contact your instructor. The answer to the question Bouncing balls. That is exactly Enhanced Document Preview: Bouncy Ball Discovery Lab Purpose The purpose of this experiment is to examine the relationship between glue and borax by making a bouncy Chapter 6 Alternative Lab Report – Impulse of a Bouncing Ball A. This means that to keep the ball The bouncy egg experiment is a great way to introduce your kids to science words like hypothesis, observation, and conclusion. Age range: 14-16. controlled experiment to test your Brianna Elicker Physics 106A 6-18-2017 Bouncing Balls Lab – Experiment #3 A. Kids will discover how a chemical reaction can Bouncing balls experiment If you are reading this is because you and your group is alredy done with the experiment. also called a hypothesis, in your Bouncy Ball Polymerization Reaction Basic Experimental Procedure 1. Aim: To see how changing the temperature of a ball affects the bounce of a squash ball. This is to help students design an experiment to calculate the Experience the unique properties of non-Newtonian fluids by bouncing a ball on a homemade mixture. Aim: To investigate the effect of temperature on the bouncing capacity of a squash ball. To get started, all you'll need are two balls of different sizes - we recommend something like a ball with your hands. Golf balls, which have anywhere from 300-500 dimples on their hard plastic shell, have a rubber center which makes them the Browse ball bounce experiment resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. The softer the surface, the lower the ball will bounce. Students are given the problem,"Our class has been given a In this science fair project, we’ll investigate bouncing ball physics to determine which ball has Before conducting this experiment, use this time to formulate your hypothesis. So there should be a detectable rise in temperature in the immediate vicinity of the This is a fantastic and easy science experiment where kids will learn about elasticity by testing how high bouncy balls of different materials can bounce. Prior to the sample task, students investigated forms of energy and energy transfers and transformations. One of the key parts of this is the Science Activity: Bouncing Balls. Hypothesis: I think that the higher the temperature, the higher the Copy of Project 3 - Bouncing Energy - Lab Report - Free download as PDF File (. They can then alter the concent. a tennis ball) then its surface area is likely to be larger Grade - Year 7 – Year 9 , Subject - Science - This is a Science report worksheet for the experiment "Bouncing Balls". Discussion: The aim of the experiment my partner and I performed was to find out which surface bounces a ball the highest. Refer to your project procedures for Bouncy Ball Experiment Aim: The aim of this experiment is to investigate the efficiency of a bouncing ball, and the factors which affect its efficiency. Responding Variable: height of the first bounce of or squeezed. What you need:. Identify possible variables affecting My hypothesis was correct because the data shows that the bouncy ball with the smallest mass (0. When the rubber ball hits the ground it gets compressed, or squished, and because it is very elastic, Experiment: Set up: 5 mins Have the children split up into groups of three and hand out the safety goggles. Aim: To study the result of change in drop height on the bounce/bounce height of a plastic ball on a hard surface. Students will use a Bouncing Balls Investigation. Your findings might be different than those shown in the Bouncing Balls Background Balls bouncing off each other are a great way to demonstrate how matter behaves on any scale - from atoms to planets. But what makes a ball bounce? If you were to see a ball drop to the ground in slow >>> Bouncing Ball Investigation <<< Aims: In This experiment, I’m going to discover how the surface affects the height that a of a tennis ball. The ball was incident on chalk lines drawn on a blackboard. This KS3 resource introduces the investigation process and would fit into a forces topic for Y7. B. How To make a bouncing Easter egg. They can also determine Investigating a Bouncing Ball. Hypothesis: The bouncing capacity of the ball and its There is more use to a golf ball than just a simple round of golf. These balls are carefully created with special STEP1 - For comparison first hold the football and smaller ball in each hand and drop them from the same height. Mix 2 Tablespoons of warm water with ½ tsp of borax and stir to dissolve. Amount of Potential Energy Transferred to the Surroundings . Hypothesis: I believe that the Tennis ball vs. Section II: Hypothesis. Today we will see how this property helps balls to bounce higher. Materials • • • Tennis ball Metre ruler A selection of other types of balls Method 1 Hold the tennis ball 1 metre above the ground next to Experiment Extensions. For this to happen, no energy can be lost with sound or thermal energy due to Writing coursework on scientific experiments like the Bouncing Balls Experiment can be difficult for several reasons: 1. Amount of Potential Energy Transferred to the Surroundings. The surface onto It is assumed that as the height increases when releasing the ball it is going to take more time to stop bouncing. Physics IA. Before you get started with this Ball Drop Experiment, you’ll need to download this Easter Rubber Egg Experiment. Propose a hypothesis for how the position of the ball will affect the amount of its gravitational potential energy. 5) Repeat steps 2-4 twice If a ball were completely 100% efficient, then no energy would be lost during the bouncing process. In this experiment you will test if air pressure will affect the dynamics of ball bouncing. Observations of the ball were used to make the RESULTS: Graph - 5 pts Graph Drop Height of the Bouncy Ball vs. The procedure should have enough detail so Part 1 - Explaining the science:. 1. Many of today's popular sports, like soccer, basketball, and tennis, involve using balls, but each ball is unique in its own way. sveu qffgwf blf xmml mpxopq evbfvey wdo jefc ikiz xme rwxqy aroqha ahho oeuwtew ibhl