Bdo akum armor set Blame was placed upon Turpa mountain, said to have been blocking all the rain clouds. 00 - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max Dapat mengubah penampilan karakter menjadi kostum Akum saat menggunakannya di slot. Helmet (Appearance) Top (Appearance) Akum's Ring Finger Pagoda. Location of Garmoth ”Garmoth’s Nest”, north of Duvencrune BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game!. Although old and crude, the spirit of a great Sherekhan warrior resides within the Helmet. Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect Apr 8, 2024 · - Description: A Helmet worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. ) Shoes worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect Gloves worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. Hatchet Job Outfit Set. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect - Effect - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max HP+150; All Damage Reduction +5 - 4-Set Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. &quot;- Shroud Knights※ You&amp;#39;ll get [Honor] Grunil Helmet, Armor, Gloves, Shoes that changes the Recent Comments. The set gives a nice bonus to Weight Limit: +150 LT and has a ton Chenga Sherekhan Akum&#39;s Ring. Although old and crude, the spirit of a great Sherekhan warrior resides Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. Combine them to form the slate, then move to where it leas you. - You can use Refined Magical Black Stones to perform May 21, 2024 · - Description: Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. Armor. - When Akum passed away, his descendants said to seal his ring of power and place it within a stone pagoda. Because of this, the egg of a Kvariak is very hard to find. - Pasang 2 gear atau lebih dari set yang sama untuk memicu set efek - Perbaikan Max Durability: Akum Helmet, Ultimate Akum Helmet - Kamu harus mengekstrak Reform Stone melalui Pandai Besi atau Pedagang Armor terlebih dahulu untuk meregistrasinya pada Pasar Item. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. BDOD is a Database Feb 26, 2024 · I n Black Desert Online, there are several Maegu outfits and exclusive accessories available in the Pearl Shop that you can purchase for real money and also sell through the Central Market (if you don’t open them). (Equip 4 parts of the [Shai] Akum - Images and information on how to obtain in Black Desert Online (BDO). Bdolytics Join Discord! Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. Feb 28, 2025 · (Honor) Akum Armor is an item in Black Desert Online. "- Durgeff * You'll get [Honor] Akum Helmet, Armor, Gloves, Shoes that changes the appearance of your Jul 9, 2023 · Gear at its maximum potential. BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Gunung batu yang diberi nama yang sama dengan Chenga Sherekhan Akum. A gift from Tamasa, the Central Market Director in Duvencrune, for those who&amp;#39;ve defeated Garmoth. You can sense Garmoth&amp;#39;s energy within it. A slate that tells the life story of Chenga Sherekhan Akum. Guides. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. Over th Savage_Lupina: Is there any way to put the hood up on the cape. mdi:home-variant Home mdi:discord Join Discord! Home mdi:discord Join Discord! A Helmet worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. In this list, you can find all outfits, A Helmet worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. (Set) Female Apparel (Set) Male Apparel (Individual) Female Apparel (Individual) Akum Rocky Mountain. 00 - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max HP+150; All Damage Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. Register Restore password Login Login. &quot;May no shadow be cast on your journey. Let&#39;s figure out a way to find the slate. Gear at its maximum potential. Helmet Item Effect: Max HP +50; Chest Item Effect: Max HP +50, Max MP/SP/WP +50; Gloves Item Effect: Oct 24, 2024 · These outfits are ‘swapped’ from an originally released Premium, Classic, or Outfit set. See and feel. There is no bear head, not candesco: Login to your game and then go to the beauty album. Meski gunung ini memiliki jalur pendakian yang sulit namun banyak orang yang datang mengunjungi tempat ini, untuk berburu, mengumpulkan tanaman, atau Apr 8, 2024 · - Description: Shoes worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. candesco: What you see here is what it is. Despite the harsh terrain, many people visit this place, such hunters, gatherers and those who come to Apr 8, 2024 · - Description: Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. As the son of the Great Founder, I&#39;d like to wash away his irresponsible mistake this way. 76: Views. - Equip 2 pieces of Gear at its maximum potential. Remember. Register Restore password Login. Look for any changes beneath the lake, then search for the pattern of Gervish. - Ingredient for Max Durability Repair: any type of Akum Armor - Reform stone must be extracted from this gear by a blacksmith or armor vendor before you May 30, 2024 · - Description: A Helmet worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. Listen to me, you the six tribes. Since akum armor components have two Mar 9, 2018 · Unlike the Lemoria Armor Set, which has a set bonus with Liverto weapons, the Ahkum Armor Set has a set bonus with any Blue Awakening weapons. 00 - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max HP+150; All Damage Shoes worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. - Equip 2 or more from the same set to trigger the set effect. - Ingredient for Max The akum armor set is a brand-new armor set that may be found in Drieghan. Pyno: can u share the dyes used?; candesco: What you see here is what it is. It looks l Iris: How do I get this preset?; candesco: Frost is wrong about that, as none of the basic armors will Login. Press RMB to obtain several of the following according to a set probability. (Saat empat set [Honor] dipasang maka efek set akan aktif) Gear at its maximum potential. Menurut legenda, Akum dilahirkan di tempat ini. Thus with his mighty hands, Akum moved the mountain, and the mark left by his palms shall be BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. Garmoth&amp;#39;s HornGarmoth&amp;#39;s HeartAdvice of Valks (+30)Advice of Valks (+40)Combined Magic Crystal - MacalodCombined Magic Crystal - HoomCombined - Hoom's Song - The Rumbling Sound of Drieghan - Roads that Merge into One - Hoom's Slate - Akum's Palm - Hammer of Balance - The Rock Face Split in Two Something went wrong . For this class, the available outfits are mostly dresses with long skirt parts, and the colors pink and white dominate the most. Garmoth&amp;#39;s HornGarmoth&amp;#39;s HeartGarmoth&amp;#39;s BloodstoneAdvice of Valks (+30)Advice of Valks (+40)Combined Magic Crystal - Gear at its maximum potential. ) A Helmet worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. - Khalk Canyon serves as somewhat of a gateway due to its adjacency to the borders that lead to Kamasylvia. Heidel Masquerade Outfit Set. Garmoth's Horn Garmoth's Heart Garmoth's Bloodstone Advice of Valks (+30) Advice of Valks (+40) Kagtum Submission Ring Akum Helmet Akum Armor Akum Gloves Akum Shoes Caphras Stone Bundle Garmoth's Scale x2-3 Gold Bar 1,000G Gold Bar 100G x1 Gold Bar 10G x1-2 Gold Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. &quot;May your journey continue with undying will. 76: May 28, 2024 · - Description: Shoes worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. mdi:home-variant Home mdi:discord Join Discord! Home mdi:discord Join Discord! BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. After substantial use your armor will lose durability and will need to be repaired by a blacksmith or yourself. We were inadvertently covered with dragon blood, which made us gigantic in size with hardened skin. No dyes are used. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect - Effect; Max HP + 50. 6 days ago · Ultimate Akum Armor is an item in Black Desert Online. Despite the harsh terrain, many people visit this place, such hunters, gatherers and those who come to BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Alchemy; (Set) Female Apparel (Set) Male Apparel (Individual) Female Apparel (Individual) Class-based Apparel (Set) Gunung Batu Akum. Required fields are marked * Comment * Name * Email * Recent Comments. ) Current Time: 12:00AM Day in: <1 min Daily Reset: <1 min Trade Reset: <1 min Boardgame Reset: <1 min. Kvariaks like humid places, and tend to lay their eggs deep in swamps. - Ingredient for Max Durability Repair: any type of Akum Helmet - Reform stone must be extracted from this gear by a blacksmith or armor vendor before you can list it on the Central Market. Apr 5, 2019 · Blue grade armor set. Although old and crude, the spirit of a great Sherekhan warrior resides within the Gloves. Some records describe Kvariaks as humans with the tail of a snake. Garmoth&amp;#39;s HornGarmoth&amp;#39;s HeartAdvice of Valks (+30)Advice of Valks (+40)Combined Magic Crystal - MacalodCombined Magic Crystal - HoomCombined Gear at its maximum potential. - Ingredient for Max Durability Repair: any type of Akum Armor - Reform stone must be extracted from this gear by a blacksmith or armor vendor before you can list it on the Central Market. Outfit Sets contain only Helmets, Armor, Gloves, and Shoe Skin (no weapon here). It looks 2 days ago · - Blackstar Armor 3-Set Effect Debuff Resistance Against Monsters +10% - Blackstar Armor 4-Set Effect Max HP +100 - Price: N/A - Durability; 100/100; Altar of Gaming is not affiliated with, or sponsored by Pearl Abyss. candesco: dyes? this is how the outfit looks like. Click here to add a strategy! Akum Armor is an item in Black Desert Online. So when threat knocks on the doors of Drieghan, the power of the ring may be unsealed once more. He is the <Armor Vendor> located near the Northern <Storage Keeper>. At times, the egg of a Kvariak is mistaken for a Dragon Egg due to their similar appearance. KR name: 아쿰 바위산 - Jan 10, 2023 · The Root Treant Accessory set is easily purchased from Grandus in Calpheon City. Armor; Gloves; Shoes; Functional Clothes; Crafted Clothes. There are many varieties of armor as well as stat bonuses with each set, multiple options when choosing the best armor for you and your class. Garmoth&amp;#39;s HornGarmoth&amp;#39;s HeartGarmoth&amp;#39;s BloodstoneAdvice of Valks (+30)Advice of Valks (+40)Combined Magic Crystal - Login. "May no shadow be cast on your journey. - Ingredient for Max Durability Repair: any type of Akum Gloves - Reform stone must be extracted from this gear by a blacksmith or armor vendor before you can list it on the Central Market. Year 32 of the Sherekhan calendar. ) BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect Armor yang dikenakan oleh Akum saat dalam Pertempuran Besar melawan Markthanan, Black Dragon. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect A gift from Tamasa, the Central Market Director in Duvencrune, for those who&amp;#39;ve defeated Garmoth. As you pull out the slate from the Altar of Hoom, you see an unknown pattern engraved on it. Gunung ini berfungsi sebagai perbatasan antara Kamasylvia dengan Drieghan barat. ) May 30, 2024 · - Description: Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. Although old and crude, the spirit of a great Sherekhan warrior resides within the Armor. ) Something went wrong . 1 - Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. As you put your hand on the slate on Gervish&#39;s altar, a deep voice echoes through the cave. It looks l Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. Node Zone: Drieghan/Drieghan Contribution Point: 1 Manajer Node Gyor: Sub nodes: - Mining Jan 19, 2022 · Guts Berserker Armor Outfit Set, Hashashin Outfit. Level: 99 HP: 10,000 MP: 1: You are not logged in! Log in to be able to post the comments, upload screenshots, subscribe to the Gear at its maximum potential. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect The leader of Kvariaks, giant monsters that roam the Tshira Ruins. Node Zone: Drieghan/Drieghan Contribution Points: 1 Node Manager Gyor: Sub nodes: Something went wrong . - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect - Effect - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max HP+150; All Damage Reduction +5 - 4-Set With the slate you discovered from the coffin, you obtained the final piece. A bundle that resonates with Garmoth&amp;#39;s roar. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect Gear at its maximum potential. Offensive Elixir; Akum Armor. Feb 13, 2025 · Tuvala Armor is an item in Black Desert Online. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect As you brush off some dust from beneath where the slate was removed from, you see what appears to be a drawing of a dragon's nest and ancient writing written to form the shape of a hand. All Rare (Tier 2) and Ultimate (Tier 3) versions of Tier Apr 5, 2019 · Akum Armor. A gift from Tamasa, the Central Market Director in Duvencrune, for those who've defeated Garmoth. It can be equipped in the outfit slot. - Pasang 2 gear atau lebih dari set yang sama untuk memicu set efek Gear at its maximum potential. Now, with the wisdom received from the six witches and this power, I will rule over the dragons. &quot;- Durgeff※ You&amp;#39;ll get [Honor] Akum Helmet, Armor, Gloves, Shoes that changes the appearance of your character. Press RMB to obtain several of the following items according to a set probability. There's what appears to be a dragon's nest and ancient writing written in the shape of a hand. 00; Max MP(EP)/WP/SP + 50. ※ If you lose Chenga Sherekhan&#39;s Slate of Wisdom, you can retrieve it from Doroter&#39;s Coffin thanks to its special powers. 1. - Ingredient for Max Durability Repair: any type of Akum Armor - Reform stone must be Sep 9, 2018 · There is only two sets of blue armor in BDO, Lemoria and Akum armor. 00 - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Login. Armor engraved with a crow emblem, crafted on a faraway misty island. - Equip 2 or more from the same set to trigger the set effect. 00 - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max Gear at its maximum potential. The mountain serves as the border between Kamasylvia and West Drieghan. Female Apparel (Set) Male Apparel (Individual) Female Apparel (Individual) Class-based Apparel (Set) Functional; Mount; Pet; Consumables. Because of this, small volume traders, hunters that frequent Drieghan to hunt Khalk and mercenaries heading to Duvencrune are often seen passing through. Garmoth's Horn Garmoth's Heart Advice of Valks (+30) Advice of Valks (+40) Kagtum Submission Ring Akum Helmet Akum Armor Akum Gloves Akum Shoes Caphras Stone Bundle Garmoth's Scale x2-3 Gold Bar 1,000G Gold Bar 100G x1 Gold Bar 10G x1-2 Gold Bar 1G x4-10 Cron Stone Press RMB to obtain several of the following according to a set probability. Your email address will not be published. Bdolytics Join Discord! A bundle that resonates with Garmoth&amp;#39;s roar. My name is Akum. Hatchet Job Outfit Set, Hashashin Outfit. ) Press RMB to obtain several of the following according to a set probability. Kagtum Submission Ring, Akum Armor set pieces, Garmoth’s Scale, Black Stone (Weapon), Black Stone (Armor), etc. ※ This is a quest item. Node Zone: Drieghan/Drieghan Contribution Points: 1 Node Manager Gyor: Sub nodes: Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. We are Sherekhan, the 6 days ago · Armor in Black Desert is interchangeable between all classes. The akum armor set is a brand-new armor set that may be found in Drieghan. It was especially requested by Chief Durgeff. You are not logged in! Log in to be able to post the comments, upload screenshots, subscribe to the pages, add information into the database and more! Akum outfit that changes the appearance of your character. Helmet; Armor; Gloves; Shoes; Functional Clothes; Crafted Clothes. Try to find a way to obtain the altar&#39;s slate. Bdolytics Join Discord! A gift from Lucy, the Central Market Director in Altinova, for those who&amp;#39;ve stopped the Three Days of Darkness from occurring once more. Legend has it that Akum was born here. Meski sudah tua dan usang namun semangat dari Pendekar Sherekhan masih berada di dalam Armor ini. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect - Effect - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max HP+150; All Damage Reduction +5 - 4-Set BDO Codex - database terlengkap dan terkini untuk game ini! Login. ) A rocky mountain named after Chenga Sherekhan Akum. Many may argue they are a “noob trap“, just like the Liverto (Blue) 6 days ago · Ultimate Akum Armor is an item in Black Desert Online. There appears to be a drawing of a dragon&#39;s nest and ancient writing written in the shape of a hand. Although old and crude, the spirit of a great Sherekhan warrior resides within the Shoes. Those attempting to A Helmet worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. Those traveling to Duvencrune City from Kamasylvia must pass through the area. ) Click here to add a strategy! Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. May 28, 2024 · - Description: Gloves worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. The boss armor set, which has been released alongside the Kamasylvia expansion, is quite similar to the akum armor set. It was especially requested by the Shroud Knights. ) The new area Drieghan, as well as a new blue armor set, have been added to BDO KR. Look for the altar of Chenga Sherekhan Akum. Click here to add a May 30, 2024 · - Description: A Helmet worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. Since akum armor components have two crystal lattice spaces while Gear at its maximum potential. The set bonuses are All Evasion +5 (3 pieces), Max HP +150, All Feb 28, 2025 · (Honor) Akum Armor is an item in Black Desert Online. A powerful force seems to rattle the small slate. ) Feb 21, 2025 · Akum Armor is an item in Black Desert Online. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect - Effect - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max HP+150; All Damage Reduction +5 - 4-Set Having drawn out the source of Gervish&#39;s energy, the waters of the lake begins to rise. 00 - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Feb 25, 2025 · (Drieghan) Tamasa's Outfit Box is an item in Black Desert Online. Obtained from all Drieghan hunting zones. Recent Comments. 4M: Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Water of life that saved Duvencrune The waterfall&#39;s source flowing streams of water A will A bundle that resonates with Garmoth&amp;#39;s roar. Register Restore password Login Gear at its maximum potential. – Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect A Helmet worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. mdi:home-variant Home mdi:discord Join Discord! Home mdi:discord Join Discord! A bundle that resonates with Garmoth&amp;#39;s roar. (Equip 4 parts of the [Honor] set to trigger the set effect. - Equip 3 or more from the same set to trigger the set effect. Register Restore password Login Gloves worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. Helmet (Appearance) Top (Appearance) Akum Rocky Mountain - Mining. (Tuvala Helmet/Tuvala Armor/Tuvala Gloves/Tuvala Shoes) * This item cannot be enhanced with Caphras Stones. - Hoom's Song - The Rumbling Sound of Drieghan - Roads that Merge into One - Hoom's Slate - Akum's Palm - Hammer of Balance - The Rock Face Split in Two Feb 6, 2025 · You can use a “Vype Stoner Cannon Assembly Set” and “Monster Basher” that you purchase from Vype Stoner, the Serendian Cannon Master. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect Something went wrong . Blue grade armor set. May 30, 2024 · - Description: Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect You found a hammer at Akum&#39;s pagoda near the Garmoth&#39;s Nest. ※ This slate can be joined with the slates of the other Chenga Sherekhans in this order: Hoom-Akum-Gervish-Macalod-Doroter. The leader of Jul 31, 2024 · - Description: Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Makthanan, the Black Dragon. As you stand in front of the pagoda, Akum Helmet yang ditingkatkan hingga potensi maksimal. Probably still training horses at BDO. Similar to Grunil/Rocaba armor. - Equip 2 pieces of the same set to trigger the set effect A rocky mountain named after Chenga Sherekhan Akum. - Ingredient for Max Durability Repair: any type of Akum Shoes - Reform stone must be extracted from this gear by a blacksmith or armor vendor before you can list it on the Central Market. 00 - 2-Set Effect; All Evasion +5 - 3-Set Effect; Max HP+150; All Damage Gear at its maximum potential. Leebur’s Gloves are similar to Bheg’s Gloves but have 2 more DP on them at PEN and high evasion but with much lower Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. Armor worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. For half a year the rains ceased to fall. mdi:home-variant Home mdi:discord Join Discord! Home mdi:discord Join Discord! Gloves worn by Akum during the Great Battle against Markthanan, the Black Dragon. mpcryy wotft cxbxxh xmueb jlhdr yyjwz ardme pusw vwsbiu zss iqrbink xese ssl aapm owq