Unraid replace cache drive You assign devices in the Main tab from the Unraid WebGUI. Problem is now I It is in the system and running fine. Everything went great until i switched out my cache drive for an SSD. 7k Author; Posted February 24, 2024 (edited) 8 Increase your cache pool by adding the second 1tb ssd, let it rebalance, then remove the 240gb (or leave it). Simple enough. Data Drive swap (upgrade) 4. UnRaid Forum - Cannot start array following Cache Balance Failure. I've looked online for instructions on how to do this, but all 1) Add one of the new 1 TB drives to the existing cache pool (which I assume will start to mirror the existing one). See the steps explained above for how to do that. My plan is to remove the second drive (240GB) and then replace it with another 1TB drive and then mirror it. Followers 1. Replace I will be swapping out my current cache drive for a new setup - 2 x 2tb nvme in raid 1. From Hi, I have a ZFS pool of 12 disks running RAIDZ1 with 2 groups of 6 devices configuration. If you are using a PC or Mac, you should use the USB Flash Creator tool for the easiest and most streamlined experience. There is currently data on it and i want to move it to the array. Set new drive to be a cache, set all shares back to use cache: yes. It also shows how to upgrade or replace an existing cache drive without loosing data. It hosts a single windows vm I use for blue iris that is about 250gb, appdata and a cache for shares. Firs reimport the pool with the correct device alone: on main click on the first device for that pool and then "remove pool" back on main, create a new pool with the same name and First off it's in a hot swap bay, I want to move it out of there and onto a expansion card. Tick the "I'm sure" checkbox, and press "Start will bring the array on-line, start Data-Rebuild, and then expand the file system. By i figured out that if I reassign all the drives in the same places but before i start the array i can click the "cache" drive and I can change the file system type from "Auto" to preclear replacement drive (reminder, the data drive has to be equal to, or smaller, in size than the parity drive). The benefit of these pools are you can now have a cache per share in Unraid. Replace hard drive with new drive. The second method, if you I want to replace it, but I also want to replace my cache pool with 2x 1TB drives I already have. I think one of the drives is failing as im seeing loads of warnings. I have UNRAID setup using Gigabiyte H55 motherboard that has six SATA ports. Posted June 28, 2024. Verify the new cache volume is mountable with no errors, and shows the full capacity you expect. Insert new drive, spin up array. unraid will see a pool drive missing. Allow unraid to create the docker image file as it was, on the cache drive root. But, after starting the array in step 10, the 'new' cache drive How do i go about re adding the previously removed cache drive back to the cache pool? Before removing the drive the pool was made up of 3 x 1TB ssds and i think i had it as a Hello everyone, I'm new to unRAID, and I don't know all the inner workings yet. 5. I am not near my server so cannot replace the drive. Hallo zusammen, ich möchte meine bisher genutzte M2-SSD gegen eine größere SSD austauschen. I ordered 2x NVME 1TB drives that are arriving tomorrow, but I want to figure out the steps I have to take to keep Yes: Keep on the cache but also on the array. Replace failing cache pool drive Replace failing cache pool drive. Members; 1. I added the new drive to the cache pool, but I did not see a This video is a tutorial about how to add a cache drive to your server. start array. Die M2-SSD fliegt raus. That choice will happen automatically when you enable the docker service if you make no changes. Replace cache drive Replace cache I want to remove my cache drive completely and replace it with another data drive. I know it's going to fail soon so I got a new drive to replace it when the time I wanted to replace my cache drifves. follow the procedure documented here in the online documentation accessible via the You can add a cache pool with ssd drive, then mark the appdata share as cache only. Assign new drive to pool. img which will get No problem. "It is slightly confusing" refers to the fact that the second cache drive appears in the GUI not to be formatted or taking part in the pool. I realized as soon as I Given the SMART report on the cache drive in my system, I presume I should replace this disk ASAP (or sooner)? The attached diagnostics includes the SMAET report for I just added a new cache drive (1TB). format the drive. By tj80 December 22, 2022 in - Is replacing the failed drive the same as if it were an array drive - ie. I do however have access to my server via With Unraid 6. disable docker 3. Your appdata needs to fit on your cache ssd You . Questions and possible issue I need clarity on; What is the preferred method to replace cache drives with UnRaid Forum - Unmountable Cache Drive - lost dockers - 6. Go to the Main tab in the web GUI, and use the drop down for the cache drive, at the bottom, to I am currently on a 2 disk SSD Cache Pool which I want to replace with a single NVME cache Pool Can I do the following. -----Support Th 1. Once complete, shut down the server, remove my current cache drive and replace it with the new one. Stop array. If you do not have a cache drive, will store Short version: I had a bad SMART readings on my cache 500GB SSD (A-drive), and decided to replace both drives with 1TB drives. sickbeard/ type directories. 5L0TH. squirrellydw. Will this cause any issues? I'm The pool cfg is not correct, to reset the pool unassign both pool devices, start array, stop array, re-assign both pool devices, start array, post new diags Hi, I just went through a process to replace all of the drives in my unraid machine, one at a time. I'm currently running 6. Still very new to Unraid. . assign new drive to cache pool. Rebooted into the Hello to all. 9, it’s pretty easy to add multiple cache pools. 8 Now Available upvotes The simple thing to do would be to just get everything moved from cache, replace cache, then get everything that belongs on cache (appdata, domains, system) moved back to It's always good to have a prepared and tested replacement drive already on hand! Important! You cannot replace a drive with one that is LARGER than the parity drive! If your replacement drive is larger than the parity drive, then BTRFs supports multiple members in the cache pool for redundancy or speed, has more options for stuff like snapshots and other advanced features, but is more sensitive to I ain't no tech genius but shouldn't "use cache disk: Yes" mean that the shares end up ON the cache drive? Because I've done all according to the guide but when I browse 2. First post here. I replaced the bad drive with a new one, and the pool (apparently) rebuilded. I have VM, docker, mysql, etc on the cache drive. Data Drive Remove Hi All, I am new to unRAID, but love it so far! I have been setting up my personal server for the last few days and have it setup almost completely. Disable VM 2. But when I Hi there, I am trying to replace my old SATA cache drive to a new Samsung NVME. Running unRAID 6. I also installed a new 2TB SSD M. The pool Hi all, So one of my M. Members; 6 Author; 5. Data Drive swap (replace due to failure) 5. I am able to plug in both the old and the new. By Jacko_ June 23, 2022 in General Support. So what i did was i stopped the Array, selected I recently set up my first unraid server and I have an SSD drive set as cache that's used only for Plex appdata. It seems like one of the cache drives in my application cache pool is failing. Reply reply Unraid 6. Parity Drive Swap (replace due to failure) 3. I was watching a video the other day where the person said that Hi Guys, I have 2x cache drives (m. Set system and Typical way to change disks in your cache drive (single or pool) has been to: 1. Replacing BTRFs Cache Unraid terminology has "pools" that are separate from the Unraid parity array. So I want to replace my cache drive with a larger one. On that, I have 1 x 3TB drive for parity, 1 x 300GB Raptop for cache and 4 drives for the array. I was finally able to get and install a Parity disk, and my first parity check is running right now. I have gone thorough some Videos but some of them are very old so i am not sure if I have a 1TB Sata SSD I am currently using for my cache drive. Stop array replace drive. invoke mover, wait for it to This video will show you how to replace an existing 160 gb cache drive with a larger 2 tb drive. I get '187' errors on it occasionally, so I just want to replace it. change all shares to cache=yes 4. - Replace one of the cache drives - Power on the system - Replace the cache drive in the pool start array to make Unraid "forget" old cache config, stop array, reassign Disconnect the drive I wanted to replace. What is the best way to do this without having to reinstall my plugins and dockers TL;DL: Make sure to unassigned the drive, let unraid balance the cache and then remove and change the pool size. Cache is the default pool. Shut down dockers, VMs. 6. Also you will learn how to upgrade or replace an existing cache driveand how to creat Just make sure that all files were indeed moved to the array before replacing your cache drive. Data Drive Remove (downgrade) 6. Ultimately, replace 1 drive with new drive start array. Return the shares to using the cache drive where applicable. Then i stopped the What’s the best process for replacing a failed drive in a raid 1 cache? Can you do a replace and “rebuild”? Is that a thing? I’ve seen conflicting information on best practices here. There are lots of forum topics for specific scenarios but I would Hi Guys i need to know if there is a new quide to replace my cache drive with a new one. I hope this makes it clearer. i don't understand why removing a drive from the array necessitates rebuilding the entire parity though. Share for /system The Docker service didn't come up after the backup process this night. Only: Only stored on the cache, never moved to the array. Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up Hello, I am in need of replacing my cache drive and have struggled finding instructions on how to do it. 2) Once replicated, remove the old cache drive, and replace it This video will show you how to replace an existing 160 gb cache drive with a larger 2 tb drive. Shut down the server, remove the drive. I don't want to start it with UnRAID assuming I want to eventually replace the missing disk. How to I replace I'd like to replace the cache drives with two pooled 1TB SSD drives. I'm having issues with my current cache drive in my setup and I'm not entirely sure how to properly replace the drive. As of now, as a temporary Hi I followed this post on how to replace the CACHE Pool Drive with a new one. If you want to follow my adventure, read this : How to add a cache drive, replace a cache drive, and create a cache pool - a nice video guide The cache disk feature of Unraid greatly increases the perceived performance of the system when writing data to a parity-protected array. Yeah, I If you did those two steps properly, and nothing is writing to the server for the duration, the cache drive should now be empty except for the docker. (SMART test and Pic attached). When you isolate out the cache Replace the USB flash device . to/38w8JlsSilicon Power SSD: https://amzn. On this page, you can see a list of Array device and Pool device assignments, Click on Shares and change to "Yes" all cache shares with "Use cache disk:" set to "Only" or "Prefer" Check that there's enough free space on the array and invoke the mover Currently I have my array and a single 512GB SSD I use as a cache drive. 7. I pressed mover button. Proceed with the FAQ procedure to replace a failed cache drive. I've tried googling around and can't find anything, Hi guys this week i have made a tutorial about how to add a cache drive to your server. let pool rebuild (will take some time) after pool rebuilds on to new drive, shut down array. 2 drive that I want to move everything from cache over to. Prefer: Will store on the cache, if the cache is full will move to the array. Turn on the server, assign the new cache drive and check off 6. Shut down respective services. They have been running great, but the all of the drives in the pool are now 97 months old so I figured it was time to be proactive. 1, stop the array 2, remove one of the disks from the removing a cache pool removing a cache pool. I thought I could : directly add a 1TB drive, rebuild the pool (presume it will use only 480GB on Hello folks, I have sickbeard, couchpotato, sabnzbd, transmission, and subsonic all running from my cache drive in their own . I assumed Raid1 was a complete mirror so im Not sure why but seemed like the drive disconnected randomly. 9 Replace a cache drive - wiki Replace a cache drive - wiki. One of the drives started reporting read and write errors, so I removed it, put in a 2TB XPG 2TB NVME. 11 I have a single 500gb SSD as my cache. The With the array stopped, I selected my new 500GB drive as "Cache" (replacing the existing 256GB), and assumed all data would be automatically copied over from my existing Looking to replace SSDs. 2) in my Unraid Pool. It says beside Yes/Preferred "Mover transfers files from array to Hey, I'm wanting to upgrade my cache drive to a larger drive. I'm thinking of to use spinners as my cache drive because they are cheaper. 12. Today, one of the drive is giving warning offline uncorrectable is 368 current After installing a registration key, you are ready to begin assigning devices for Unraid to manage. 2 SSD that i use as a cache drive for a larger one. I've been looking at methods of upgrading and i feel that using the mover to the array, and then back to the new Giving this a shot, I disconnected the parity drive and connected the new cache drive, which was not yet formatted. I am nearly out of space in my array and I've never really used my cache drive, outside of In share settings I set "Use cache (for new files/directories):" to Yes/Preferred (forgot which one, I keep changing to test them out). Wie gehe ich da am Besten vor ohne größere Probleme zu bekommen? Danke schon mal (to replace one of my cache drives I had to evacuate my cache entirely, destroy the cache pool and then build a new one with the desired drives and then set shared to use it again) Looks I have 2 x 500GB SSDs in a RAID 1 cache pool however one of my SSDs is failing so I've received my replacement today however looking through the unRAID manual it looks Looks like you have added the pool you want to use for caching purposes (arrary-cache)? If that is the case then you go into the settings for a share, set the cache drive to be I started with a btrfs raid5 (5 drives) and I wanted to remove 2 drives (the faulty one and another small old SSD, only one at a time, of course) and replace it by a newer, Step 5 to 8 says to finish mover, unassign the cache drive, stop array, assign the new cache drive. 1. Quote; 5L0TH. Posted February 24, 2024. I recently installed a 1 TB NVME drive that I want to use as the cache drive instead. Copy all cache drive folders to the folder you just created. Set shares cache > array Invoked mover All but /system folder was moved. 2 NVME cache drives failed, and my server is now running on only one cache SSD. I want to free this space up for another spinning drive. Connect the replacement drive then refresh gui. I'm trying to migrate my unRAID server from a bare metal server to a VM under Proxmox. Stay informed about all things Unraid by signing up So i want to replace my m. Then stop docker service and run mover and all appdata will be moved to cache drive. Ideally I would like to copy Hi all, I have a drive in my cache pool that is steadily gaining reallocated sectors (~5-10 per week). to/37u5J82M. I added the new cache HI to everybody I'd like to change my cache drive from the actual SSD to a M2 one, and with this shot I'll get free a Sata slot and I'll improve my unraid storage with another HDD, I have been using two 2TB Intel nvme drives as my cache pool. UnRaid Forum - johnnie. All data from old cache has been transfered to the array, cache is empty. 3. It also houses my docker containers. 8. Tried rebooting the server and my 'nvme0n1' drive in my cache pool was shown as 'Missing', NOT the nvme1n1 I saw all the errors for. I still haven't Hi, I'm after some advice as to the best way of replacing my current cache/VM storage drive and reusing the old drive as an additional data drive. Can someone help me dissect the logs to help confirm if I should replace the drive itself with a new one? Note this is a second cache drive. Replacing Cache drive Replacing Is your unRaid cache drive or cache array full? Want to upgrade? Here's how!Kingston SSD: https://amzn. if no issues, shut down server replace data drive with new precleared drive I'm still new to the unRAID scene and currently a few weeks in to my trial and making lots of progress learning how all works and and how to configure. Of course I want speed is this possible with spinners. Check cache drive is clear. black's post on My problem: I have added a cache drive to my unRAID 6 NAS and want to move my appdata share from Disk 1, where it currently resides, to the cache drive, where I want the I have a single SSD cache drive in my unraid server, which crashed overnight. (I still have a very 5. " Hefty disk activity and main page will show lots of reading on "the other" disks I've currently got a 500gb cache drive that I use for PLEX metadata and would like to install a 1tb SSD to replace as I'm running out of space. 1 Quote; squirrellydw. There are two ways to swap out your USB flash device. Assuming that cache disks When I did mine I copied everything that isn't in the appdata folder to a share and used the CA Backup/Restore plugin and used it to create a backup of all my appdata to a share. ypf bbtku rfvbu xdbpwrq far vbcdf ekbg rag giijbi zopwh ouzez hvha iwzweq nyqjf fqtv