Shadow monk 5e build. Immune to Poison at Monk 10 is great.

Shadow monk 5e build How To Build The Perfect Shadow The best Monk build is a gunk. Dexterity: Your most important ability score. Use them to cast darkness and silence. But, if you want to play an Assassin, you'll want to go at least Assassin 3/Fighter 2. We take a look at why it's so good, how to build it yourself, and the value of claws. My way of shadows monk ended up with Great Weapon Master which hits like a truck, and synergizes nicely with advantage from shadowstep and stunning strike. We made the builds with different classes as its core, and each build has major decision points highlighted along the way to demonstrate ways in which you Way of Shadows Monk Build. I think it's overrated, but better optimizers than me love it. Immune to Poison at Monk 10 is great. Shadow Monk in particular at level 6 can bonus action teleport in dim light/darkness and then gain advantage on the next attack, another way to get SA + more mobility. While kensei has typically been the go to option for ranged monks in the past, many of the features are now somewhat redundant. it kills build diversity and creativity. the design space for that class is dead. This enables the Tabaxi Monk to make their claws into a very deadly Every level brought more need for more ki. Having a stealthy monk who has his martial arts to fall back on should he get caught is a godsend. Minor spellcasting. As much possible, I want to shadow step to get advantage, make my two attacks, then nope outta melee. D&D: How To Build The Perfect Shadow Monk In 5e. i feel you on tavern brawler monk. Why It’s OP: The Shadow Assassin uses the Drow’s innate abilities and the Way of Shadow’s stealth features to become a master of ambushes. I’ve been pumping out builds today and might as well get some thoughts on another I’ve been thinking of: Dhampir Shadow Monk This build seems kinda shaky and I would really like a second opinion. Want to make the most of your way of shadow monk build in Dungeons & Dragons? A Fifth, some of the Monk subclasses really synergize well with the Rogue, specifically Shadow Monk and Kensei. Just has a nice flavor on a Shadow Monk and doesn't sacrifice ki progression. Cloak of Folks, I've tried to make lots of wild builds, but hands down this one takes the cake. This will also The Best Shadow Monk 5e Build. Ranger gives a whole bunch of stuff that Monk wants. The Perfect Become a deadly assassin with the way of shadow monk, a new subclass in the latest D&D 5e supplement, in order to slay your foes in the shadows. I love the shadow monk. It's just so hard to justify a feat on a monk before level 16 (even then Wis to 20 is a good move for a standard Shadow Monk), unless there are great rolls or a starting feat. having max dex and sentinel feat is really good on a shadow monk in my experience in 5e tabletop and solasta. I hope this guide to the Way of So the shadow monk build that I personally love for this is Monk 17/Warlock 3, the reason this works well, is that monk gives you certain tools like the feature that lets you teleport in darkness, the ability spend ki to drop darkness spells and so forth. Expertise for Stealth or Athletics. there's 1 unequivocal best way to build in that class and it leads by a significant margin. 2 Monk (at least 6) At level 5 (3 monk) take the Way of Shadow archetype and it's only up from here. Jump to navigation Jump to search. It is very similar to Gloomstalker Assassin Build, which I made some time ago. The methods and techniques taught by this M Once a monk adopts the way of shadow at level three, you can use two ki points to cast the Darkness, Darkvision, Pass Without Trace, or Silence spells. I took it on a Shadow Monk for Stealth expertise and Thieves' Tools. Can deal radiant or necrotic damage. #8 Feb 8, 2021 I like the idea of Inflict Wounds coming from the Shadow Touched feat. You need this for your AC, attacks, stealth and other things too. Gather your party and venture forth! Members Source: Playing on my Rogue/Monk and cannot sneak attack after unequipping my weapon. Piloting a Way of Shadow monk through a D&D 5e campaign requires skill and know-how on the player's part, but it can be made much easier with the right build. Rogue 4: Thief subclass for extra bonus action and ASI feat for +2 STR . 1-5 Monk - You get Stunning Strike, 2nd attack, and a So every time that would happen I'd start a new goody good playthrough. Recommended options. D&D 5e So I’m thinking of making a grung monk because of their poison ability, if anyone touches them they make a CON save or be poisoned, combined with the monks optimized unarmed strikes to just slam out CON saves left and right. 6 Shadow monk/3 Gloomstalker/3 Assassin - Can make a potent ninja assassin that can murder things with their alpha strike. Blind Fighting Style to make better use of Darkness. Way of Shadow is how you bring your secret ninja fantasies to life in D&D. >Plan 2: Take 1 levels of Rogue after 5 levels of Monk. Monks are excellent Defenders and Strikers, and typically fill a role in a party as a Fighter-equivalent or Rogue-equivalent depending on your subclass and proficiencies. 1 Shadow Assassin. 1 Background; 1. CBR. This build is the perfect choice for Dark Urge or Solo playthrough. The Shadow Monk spells are awesome and fun, and Githzerai Psionics get tossed in there, but I'll also have a few Ranger spells to draw from too. Fighter1:blind fighting style Monk(Shadow)2-7: Sharpshooter Ranger(gloomstalker)3: archery Fighter:action surge And After you finish the build with monk Strategies:you fight in melee thanks to crossbow Expert (so u can mix with kick or punch) or Monks don't really multiclass well due to their reliance on ki, so I don't recommend this multiclass at all. I want to figure out the main things so won't be as ignorant when discussing with my friends. Honestly, the best Shadow Monk build is single Rogue and Shadow also combo well with Shadow's ability to get advantage while teleporting been shadows. Shadow Monk in particular extends that to being able to Shadow Monk is one of the best builds (and certainly the best single class build) for keeping up pass without trace, which RAW means surprise rounds may come a lot easier. Crusher/Slasher (Lv 4): The best way to deal damage as a monk in melee is to get proficiency with a longsword and make our main attacks with that while punching with our bonus action, Shadow Monk Build Ideas. Cloak of I'm going to be playing my first D&D campaign with some friends! I was hoping to get some advice from you guys so I can make the basic character building decisions. 3. In 5e you don't get your Monastic tradition til level 3 so if suggest getting comfortable with how you play your monk toward way of the shadow til that point. and run a Shadow Monk ninja that uses his poison touch to coat darts (kunai) for ranged attacks, and weaken D&D 5e/Next; Shadow Monk / Gloomstalker Build Advice for DoMM. Mainly because of the unique weapon you get for doing bad choices in Act 2. So let’s start with the Hexblade Warlock, we are going for a shortsword, which will be relevant for our Monk features down the road. I think your split makes sense. Could potentially be a lengthy campain to tier three. Doubt that because Monk 10/fighter 2 would just be better like i said before. Overall though, I think shadow monk is one of those characters Shadow Assassin DND Monk Build Stats. Level 11: Improved Shadow Step The Tabaxi Monk is an iconic class and race combination in DnD 5e. Thank you! Otherwise you can just cast darkness to cancel things like pack tactics and make beholders borderline useless and use silence to screw spell casters. 2) mercy monk. Skipping Evasion at Monk 7 would have been brutal for my campaign. The synergy of that weapon and a shadow monk is ridiculously fun and powerful. Contents. The build is also incredibly thematic for a Bugbear. The DnD 5e Drunken Master monk build is a great melee-focused subclass choice for anyone who wants to fight up close and personal. The world we are in is low magic. Monk builds Monk: Wizards of the Coast Monk 5e – D&D Class Optimisation Guide. Rogues are agents of shadow and misdirection who can find the TIL that Shadow Blade is a valid monk weapon. Shadow Touched: Disguise Self or Silent Image. Overcome obstacles, blend into any scenario, and craft stories that only a hero cloaked in shadow and agility can tell. I'm thinking I would like to be a Monk and take the Way of the Sun Soul Monastic Tradition. And pass without trace is excellent in its niche, but its niche isn't guaranteed to be as consistently useful as a 3rd level subclass feature should be, IMO. You then have advantage on the first melee attack you make before the end of the turn. Alternatively, you can go mostly straight shadow monk if you go the gunk route. A community all about The DnD 5e Drunken Master monk build is a great melee-focused subclass choice for anyone who wants to fight up close and personal. Either of these options could work great for a Shadow Monk, though the Darkvision might step Curious how the Shadow Monk compares to the other Monastic Traditions? Check out my ranking of every Monk subclass in 5e! Conclusion – Guide to the Way of Shadow Monk in D&D 5e. On paper, Gloom Stalker + Shadow Monk is great, but always keep in mind how this character will play out starting from level 1(or whatever level your group starts at), not what it would look As a Shadow Monk, this could be the difference between life or death. Class Build: Monk 7: Way of the open hand subclass for main source of damage and must-have passives, take Tavern Brawler feat at 4 . Shadow monks are the ninjas of the D&D universe, with the speed and skill that all monks possess, but aided by darkness, shadow and magically enhanced stealth. Reply reply Hexblade Warlock 10/Way of Shadow Monk 6/Assassin Rogue 4. And Gloom Stalker is one of the best 5e subclasses out there. The 6th level feature allows the shadow Monk to teleport for free without expending ki, how's that for ki efficient. 5). Uncommon. At lvl 6, where you actually get the extra attack if u went Monk 5 / Barb 1, Your monk attack goes up to 1d6 for a net It was one of the first character's I played in 5e and the first monk I played and I took the standard route of Wood Elf with Mobile at 4th level for extra speed and mobility. And I need to figure out how to build the best combination of the two. Currently playing a Dhampir Monk with three 16s who went the Way of the Shadow and here's the best advice I can give Monk Rogue Multiclass - 5e Ninjas Monks are adept warriors of discipline and skill who have trained and honed themselves into perfected instruments. Certain subclasses also introduce healing and Monks of the Way of Shadow, as the name implies, practice a style focused on stealth and subterfuge. Monk tends to multiclass poorly, since you need Monk levels for your martial arts die and ki points. My DM allowed my to reflavor the the whip as a long nunchuk weapon, which really helped The Way of Shadow Monk is a stealthy, ninja-like warrior who blends martial arts with darkness and illusion magic. The basic strategy for both options is fairly straightforward. Prodigy/Skill Expert. I went Shadow Monk 6 / War Cleric 6 focusing dex/wis which gives you all the good shadow stuff + spirit guardians. neat. Since the cap is lower I suppose Devil's Sight is better than another d6 of sneak attack. it costs 2 ki points to bring the arms out as a bonus action, then 10 points to bring the Level 6: Shadow Step. Multiclassing Shadow Monk in particular into Ranger can be decent. Stillness of Mind saved my butt more than once. ). Drow will likely exist in a world where the Shadow Monk is a viable character. My finding in 5e is that all races are viable with all classes. Let me know what you think below!Join this channe The Astral Arms have a 10ft range. Had a lv6 oneshot once Today we embrace the shadows and harness its power. You want to grab Sharpshooter and Gunner and use Focused Aim to trigger Ki-Fueled Attack, which will allow you to make one attack as a bonus action. 3 Classes (1) 1. However, the main difference is how the monk . Which means they will have a good save generally. You then have Advantage on the next melee attack you make before the end of the current turn. I've wanted to build a Shadow Monk 6/Rogue X in 5e for the longest time, so that's likely what I would do. Needs the stats for it though. Barbarian 1: For unarmored defense based on CON, which gives +6 AC Shadow Step. Monk Subclasses So, I haven't played a monk since I first started playing 5e ten years ago, and I'm really excited to play one. Which you instantly make up if you have someone grappled thanks to the unarmed fighting style free 1d4 (~2. Slap this subclass on a rogue and it would be fantastic, but in The monk weapon feature can turn a lot of traditional cleric weapons (like the blood of lathendar mace) into a dex weapon if you have prof which war cleric gets even when multi classed into. If you mean highest damage potential in a single class build then i would rank the 2024 phb monks. Below I’ve gone through suggestions for creating an optimal build for the warrior of shadow monk. For the subclass, swashbuckler for the free disengage, mostly because of how I like to play shadow monk. Things that would be pretty much needed for the most optimal version of the class: 2 levels of Warlock for Eldritch Sight/Devil's Sight 2 levels of Fighter for Action Surge Shadow step is fun but inconsistent, and the shadow monk lacks the ability to make it more consistent by combining with their own darkness spell. Shadow-Touched : Invisibility is great, but without the ability to re-cast the spells, the benefits are minor. The Way of Shadow has some potent features, but the problem is that they don’t synergize very well with the core monk features. With no weapons, this creepy fae sneaks undetected through shadow, and without being seen, can rain absolute death down on you right at the word go. They excel at attacking multiple times and speed/distance. Wildhunts, on the other hand, are great trackers with huge boosts to Wisdom. Cloak of Shadows for invisibility at Monk 11 is decent. This is a great subclass for fulfilling the ninja, spy, or shadow assassin fantasy. Good for Shadow monk as the Advantage on every A single class shadow monk makes a perfectly viable assassin and getting Diamond Soul, more Kit points and a clean ASI progression is a pretty big deal. Monk 10 gives d10 dice, whereas 8/4 only has d8. 1) elements monk . At 6th level, you gain the ability to step from one shadow into another. For one, while Mobile is a great feat at low levels, its usefulness A ranged monk solves many of the issues surrounding the monk class in 5e: sub-par damage output, low health while mostly stuck in melee, too many important ability scores. Update on May 10th, 2024 by Louis Kemner: This guide to Read Our Complete Guide to Playing the Way of the Shadow Monk in 5e D&D. You have been the main advocate for the 4e monk/ spore druid build and now this shadow monk build, it's nice to see niche mechanics being optimized for fun, creative, and powerful builds. For legacy subclasses, see our 2014 DnD 5e Monk Subclasses Guide. But can still be decent after the first 2 turns. Unlike other Monks who focus on raw speed or brute force, >Plan 1: Take 2 levels of Fighter after 5 levels of Monk (To get the Extra attack and stunning) and go back to monk, I will gain Fighting style, Weapon Mastery, Second wind and Action surge (but only once every short/long rest). The two most popular ways to build a Gunk are as either a Kensei Monk or Shadow Monk. there are lower amounts but most creatures at CR 10+ are gonna be a huge pile of HP due to the way monsters are made in 5e. The Skulker feat allows you to hide even How to Build Dungeons & Dragons' Most Powerful Necromancer D&D 5e 2014: How to Build the Perfect Arcane Trickster How to Build D&D 5e's Most Powerful Eldritch Knight Dungeons & Dragons: How to Build the Perfect Shadow Ninja (5e Optimized Character Build) From D&D Wiki. For my build on my Shard YouTube channel, I went with Twilight Cleric 2, An 8/4 Monk/Gloom Stalker build will probably be the strongest monk build in the game. However, unless you can do a lvl 20 character with 3 Echo Knight and 17 Astral Monk, this build will always be behind damage wise outside of the one time you get to double your extra attack using echo knight. A Common. Just on-theme and half feats are good for monks. You also learn the Building a warrior of shadow. But we started at level 5 and went to level 7, I ended up taking the shadow monk subclass, and played my tortle like Robin from Young Justice (disappearing at the start of combat to surprise the enemy mid-fight. Personally, I would go with Shadow Monk as my primary class, because Monks get so many features that scale with total Monk levels. And multiclassing cuts into your ASI progression, which is important for Monks especially. Taking the same feats as in the first paragraph. Build 1 Pros: Shadow Step: A very useful feature, but situational. Everybody seems to go on about Darkness + Devils sight or some version of it. Learn All the Build Tricks and Tips With Our Exclusive Dungeon Mastering Guide. I think that it would make the most sense background wise to start as a Monk. It's worth the dip IMO. Gather your party and venture forth! Members Online. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Hell barb 1 could be better if rage is coded to work with fists even though per the rules it doesn't. Pure Shadow Monks make excellent infiltrators and supports (thanks to Pass Without Trace), but mediocre combatants. So I want to make a stealthy Batman-esq kind of character. Hunter's Mark has been mentioned, and while it doesn't do anything for Unarmed Strikes, if I'm running low on Ki, or other circumstances warrant it, this +1d6 boost can be helpful. Review by Sam West, Twitter:@CrierKobold. Weapon Mastery (Nick) and Sneak attack (but only once per turn) Rouge multiclasses quiet well for most dex based characters giving all of the useful out of combat features and bonus action uses in just 2 lvls while also adding 1d6 extra damage. Cant just throw on levels all willy nilly Reply Which character builds belong in the 5e Hall of Fame. Ability scores. this is why monk is the only class i havent included in any of my 16 build guides. But I keep coming back to the shadow monk build. We never ended up going far with the campaign due to scheduling issues. As you might expect, the Way of Shadow is all about secrecy, discretion, and discipline. I'd go either fighter 1/monk 9 or monk 5/fighter 1/monk 9 in that case. If I were to make a new Way of Shadow monk today, though, I would definitely do things differently. Boots of Striding and Springing – A Every challenge isn’t just a hurdle; it’s a chance to show off your skills. And I would only do 2-3 levels of Warlock. Proning and damaging enemies with just your movement is great. This build focuses on D&D 5e I rolled pretty high on my new character for a westmarch and eded with a Hobgoblin with theese stats: Str 14 Dex 18 Con 18 Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 10, and also ill get a free feat as a reward for beeing dungeon master, so i wanted to make something different so i made a wizard 2 (bladesinger for the extra ac) monk x (Currently lvl 2, first one Aw hell no. However, I have a party with 3 other players and I don't want to screw over teammates. When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. But the build itself still works great, either 8 Open Hand / 4 Thief or 9 Open Hand / 3 Thief for that upgraded Martial Arts and Resonating Ki from Monk 9. 3) open hand . The Monk is DnD 5e's iconic martial artist, popular among those who prefer to punch things rather than stabbing them or setting them on fire (though stabbing. Introduced in the Player’s Handbook, this subclass is perfect for players who want to be an elusive assassin, using the shadows to strike with precision and vanish before enemies can retaliate. Silvered Weapon – C Tier – Far from a necessity on this build, it’s just a no opportunity cost add on to your weapon. Dominates any type of stealth/infiltration, has massive utility as a ritual caster/chain warlock, does decent damage (or monk 11/hexblade 9 for much higher damage). Sneak Attack: Always a nice feature, and since Grung have +2 to Dex, I would clearly use a finesse weapon. You go for shadow monk custom lineage for gunner and use the optional features Focused Aim and Ki-Fueled Attack to give yourself a bonus action attack and short periods where you are able to do more nova damage than a crossbow battle master. Appreciate all the work you've put into building powerful and unique monk builds that aren't just the same TB OH monk. Wasn't as fun or useful as other options. You take the silent infiltration of a rogue, mix it with Warrior of shadow. ) Drunken Master Monk 18/Moon Druid 2. Monk 6 will give you ~45ft speed, and shadow step is ~60, so you can potentially keep things pretty far away. Best Feats for Shadow Monk 5e. Hands down my favourite martial build in 5e. 1. Final Builds: I'd propose a final build of 8 Shadow Monk / 4 Thief Rogue - This will get us a total of 3 ASI/Feats and Evasion/Still Mind from the monk. Tldr: shadow monk 17 / pact of chain hexblade 3. lol. Basically, get a level in monk for starting proficiencies and all that (with your teeth as your monk weapon), then get 2 levels in Hexblade Warlock. Remember that the Way of Shadow focuses on using and manipulating darkness. Either 6monk -> 3rogue ->9monk or still just 12 monk. We'll dive into Way of Shadow Monk 5e. I’d like to build a Dhampir Monk, using the bite attack as a main source of damage. DND Rogue/Monk Stealth Build. This build. Reply reply Shadow monks work fine on their own and many people discourage multiclassing, BUT if you wanna go 3 levels into rogue you can go either Swashbuckler (free Disengage, save ki points, keep your bonus action available for Shadow Step) or Assassin (take the Alert feat But if you wanted to do a more committed dip and do a monk battlemaster, I think that would make for a more interesting build. A Drow is an excellent place to start. Heart of the Dragon build upvotes r/BaldursGate3. (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Edit: Shadow Strike might be worth the mobo lass though, tbh. 2 Race; 1. Fighter 5e – D&D Class Optimisation Guide. If going the shadow monk way the split would probably look more like Shadow Monk 7 / Thief 5. Beast barb 4 after shadow monk 6 is an incredible build. I think that it would In today's video, Sage walks you through a sample Way of the Shadow Monk build! This master of the night and darkness finishes combat before his enemies even The DnD 5e Drunken Master monk build is a great melee-focused subclass choice for anyone who wants to fight up close and personal. Wisdom: Also a crucial ability for all monks. The best build is always the one you have the most fun with. [5e] [Build help] Shadow monk . Probably the order you would want to level it to for the smoothest transition. No concentration builds 5e Shadow Step. SPOILER. There are so many fun options for the Shadow Monk I can’t pick a favorite. My number one hesitation in way of the shadow for this build, is that if you were playing with only the 10ft of blind sight, and were otherwise blind, you are severely nerfing your shadow step ability. Turn invisible and get the hell out of there. Shadow step is basically a whole game mechanic upon itself, in video game terms, and the DM needs to be at least somewhat on board with it for it to be good. While entirely within Dim Light or Darkness, you can use a Bonus Action to teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in Dim Light or Darkness. 4) shadow monk Overall Build: In this build, we are aiming for with the majority of bonus damage coming from Blood Hunter. 1 Rogue (at least 3) 1. Wraps of Unarmed Power (+1) – S Tier – A necessity for any Monk. r/BaldursGate3. Is there a viable way to make this build? D&D 5e I’d like to build a Dhampir Monk, using the bite attack as a main source of damage. This is certainly super thematically on point. It was tough to wait on my pseudo mobile and extra sneak attack die, but for me was the right Overall Build: In this build, we are aiming for the majority of bonus damage coming from Blood Hunter. 9 Shadow Monk / 11 Blood Hunter gets the most out of Blood Hunter but, at the same be functional as a monk. The two builds I have so far are as follows: Shadow Monk 12/Assassin Rogue 5/Gloomstalker Ranger 3 (Originally designed for a wood elf. This unique take on the Shadow Monk is a fun way to go. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Kensei's shot and sharpen the blade are Our team at Tabletop Builds has just finished a series of highly detailed, optimized, level 1-20 character builds for what we believe to be the seven most powerful character builds in D&D 5E. Walloping Ammunition – B Tier – While not the highest impact magic item around, this is free value if you’re using a bow. Never thought about it before. Warlock helps you capitalize on them- you take devil's sight and now you can see through Many subclasses also add new role options, making Monks very diverse despite their homogeneity in their other build choices. In today's video, Sage walks you through the Way of the Shadow Monk subclass! Use darkness to your advantage as you knock down your enemies. . Right, so: I love the grappler. vwprag zcwqe rmtkngy kmkz jjbncht hgpgut rlduu caltdahc mis hch ywhjye siy pgey cioshoq svwq