Rabbitmq binary memory usage. They collect data that can be .
Rabbitmq binary memory usage This should work, but it might not be behaving the way you expect. com Mon Oct 21 18:01:37 BST 2013. In case of memory, the node can be killed by the operating system's low-on-memory process termination mechanism (known as the "OOM killer" on It will load more messages based on the current consumption rate. 5923 mb (1. RabbitMQ Memory Usage grows too high. RabbitMQ crash with bump_reduce_memory_use. Note that RabbitMQ Java client can achieve high rates for publishing (up to 80 to 90K messages per second per connection), given enough bandwidth and when some safety measures (publisher RabbitMQ Single Node Latency / Memory / Throughput limits. 05%) code: 35. Given the peer syncing behavior during node restarts, such a health check can prevent a cluster-wide restart from completing in RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. 8050223477622604 By querying this data I quickly discovered that the memory increase seems to be caused by binary_alloc, which was also proved with the default RabbitMQ Grafana dashboards (Erlang-Memory-Allocators) and prometheus monitoring data. Can anyone enlighten? RabbitMQ 3. 3G, the other with ~200 and 3. It shows, that most of memory are using by binary. Federation is only connections to this cluster. 3 on Erlang 20. 8 the RabbitMQ management page and each task that completes leaves behind a "running" connection on a random port between 30000-60000 and "binary" memory usage increases by 2-3MB. svg file in your browser and searching for amqp10_binary_parser should show you a mmap() flame graph similar to the following: Figure 4: mmap() Flame Graph - RabbitMQ v3. The memory taken by binary seems to be consistent, i. Sending high data rates from Logstash to RabbitMQ seems to cause RabbitMQ's memory usage to run away. 0. 9. RabbitMQ Cannot RabbitMQ will raise a high memory alarm when the broker's memory usage, identified by CloudWatch metric RabbitMQMemUsed, exceeds the memory limit, identified by RabbitMQMemLimit. Second time in a week span I'm experiencing very high memory usage on mirror nodes. Running rabbitmq-diagnostics observer --interval 10 during message processing, shows less than 1GB of Used Memory We observe that the memory usage of processes in RabbitMQ 3. The biggest part contributing to memory usage in 3. . 5. Attached is a report, one node with about 100 connection at 1. And generation 400 connections sets the binary memory at 6. 47%) other_proc: 18. --- [rabbitmq-users] binaries memory use causing OOM Jojo Juju 2015-02-09 16:33:28 UTC. On a 10-core server I had up to 1000% CPU-usage with 3 idle consumers and not a single message being sent, and one queue. 8 GB in RabbitMQ 4. [write,binary,raw,read], [{write_buffer,infinity The most basic way of running PerfTest only specifies a URI to connect to, a number of publishers to use (say, 1) and a number of consumers to use (say, 2). When usage spikes, both memory and free disk space can reach potentially dangerous levels. 1 RabbitMQ more messages than expected on fixed size queue. Hot Network Questions Confused about linear mixed effects model assumptions I have noticed that on clusterA, master node eats above 2GB RAM (after 2 days of uptime, slowly growing), mostly in "Plugins" and "Binaries", and in clusterB both nodes are below 200MB RAM usage. e. 1 with enabled management-plugin. I grabbed it at 10 minute I'm facing a memory issue for stomp RabbitMQ Pluging used with Java Spring Stomp application. RabbitMQ Memory Usage. How to Use RabbitMQ Streams Defaulting container name to rabbitmq-ha. Version 2 does not embed messages in its index, instead a per-queue message store is used. 6292 mb (0. I am running celery 3. The fact that the biggest part of used memory isn't associated with any particular messages (the "binary references" part of your screenshot), suggests this memory is being used by operating system resources not directly managed by RabbitMQ. Memory usage: the brokers memory usage increases up to several GB although all Queues are empty. After alarm Here is output from 02 node of "memory breakdown". 2 LTS; We have a RabbitMQ cluster with 3 servers. Is this a Using an absolute memory threshold is highly recommended in containerized environments such as Kubernetes. This means that in containerized environments, the optimal option is to configure (rabbitmq)[rabbitmq@michal-rocky-9 /]$ rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown --unit=mb Reporting memory breakdown on node rabbit@michal-rocky-9 other_system: 1623. 7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601 64bit. Most of the memory usage are kind of expected except > the memory used by binary. I A RabbitMQ node can report its memory usage breakdown. Monitoring, Metrics, Health Checks A very important aspect of troubleshooting a production system is monitoring and health checks. Use 'kubectl describe pod/rabbitmq-ha-0 -n infra' to see all of the containers in this pod. svc. 1 RabbitMQ message size problems. com Tue Oct 15 16:34:21 BST 2013. 6, Erlang 19. I've also set up a test script to generate just connections, no channels or messages. 1 GB of Messages content. 21% Well, by default the API will only include used memory, but no detailed breakdown of overall memory usage. Hey, Got 6-node cluster which is downstream cluster for bunch of upstream federated clusters. 2 How to change " disk_free_limit " in RabbitMQ RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. Team RabbitMQ uses GitHub issues for specific actionable items engineers can work on. I downloaded an example config file from GitHub. They collect data that can be There is no evidence of a memory leak. As explained in the previous blog post, the RabbitMQ 3. Is there something specific I can send you (the output is ~10k lines)? So it is a mystery what is taking up all the 'binary' memory. 2926 gb (36. Each RabbitMq I'm trying to figure out how to configure RabbitMQ + Erlang to have the smallest memory footprint possible at startup. I just learned the hard way that you need to pass an additional query parameter memory=true to get the detailed RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. 1 - 4 All groups and messages Node memory usage; Connections and connection leaks; Channels and channel leaks; TLS; LDAP; OAuth 2. 4). The only plugin enabled is the management UI plugin. Now I have upgraded Erlang and RabbitMQ Server to the versions mentioned above but this did not change anything - still crashing frequently. 0 is resource heavy because each AMQP 1. 2. Previous message: [rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ binary uses a ton of memory Next message: [rabbitmq-discuss] Bunny 0. This is a cluster of 2 servers, but just one seems to have memory issue. 9; Erlang 19. 8867 mb (0. Version 1 queues are no longer supported starting with RabbitMQ 4. I tried to restart rabbitmq service, reboot server and chang memory allocators, but without any success. infra. > reserved by the OS" and "binaries". When I disabled the management-plugin by executing rabbitmq-plugins disable rabbitmq_management the usage dropped to 0% with occasional spikes of 200%. 7) we have observed that the amount of memory in use by the stats collector grows without bound until a resource alarm gets raised by the stats collector node. 5G. The breakdown is provided as a list of categories (shown below) and the memory footprint of that category. conf file, and uses default settings. [rabbitmq-discuss] RabbitMQ binary uses a ton of memory Jervis Liu jervisliu at gmail. 12 uses 1 Erlang process per MQTT connection while 3. Federation is with "no-ack". 13 is 11. Thank you for your time. Hot Network Questions Windows 11 VirtualBox: how to have a box always running Science fiction novel from 60s-70s about algae-using aliens Use of Taylor series to Node memory usage; Connections and connection leaks; Channels and channel leaks; TLS; LDAP; OAuth 2. 76 %) " is high? With the days or hours going, the memory will be suddenly decrease and the node will be stuck. com Mon Oct 21 19:50:03 BST 2013. That's likely the socket buffers. One of the servers is presenting an unusually high memory consumption which I can quite figure why. Plugins – This component returns the plugins memory usage. Getting OutOfMemory in RabbitMQ after a while. 10, Classic Queues v2 were introduced, and their default behavior is to write most messages directly to disk, keeping only a small portion in binaries memory usage stays the same:-( The application is almost totally at idle after some initial data exchange between the queues, maybe 1 But i am still struggling a bit with my real application and RabbitMQ memory usage. Previous message: [rabbitmq-discuss] connection problem. 10. 18%) allocated_unused: 520. smp process and include > that in your report next time the problem occurs. 6 GB. The problem is that in the span of 3 hours usually, one of the servers (usually the one with most queues on) would start to gradually hog RabbitMq documentation provides details of memory distribution across different components like connections, queues, quorum queues, mirrored queues, message store, binary heap, etc. 7-management). A node will eventually hit the high memory watermark and then stop everything. 1 RabbitMQ message storage and consumption. com Wed Oct 16 12:11:15 BST 2013. Given the peer syncing behavior during node restarts, such a health check can prevent a cluster-wide restart from completing in Opening the resulting mmap. This means that messages are The Mirrored Node memory details show a decent amount of Binaries: 4. This is because 4100 bytes is above the threshold, so these messages are stored in the per-vhost message store and the per-vhost message store keeps some metadata in I'm trying to figure out how to configure RabbitMQ + Erlang to have the smallest memory footprint possible at startup. Only difference is that on clusterA stats are gathered on same node serving traffic while on clusterB stats are on "secondary" node. smp process utilize most of the Memory size for no reason. Next message: [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Messages sorted by: Hi Brian, On 15/10/13 16:34, Brian Hammond wrote: > Sure, thing. > > Are you sure that it is *rabbit* that is eating all the CPU & memory? > Please check the CPU/memory usage of the beam. In The backstory can be found in this thread. ? According to the management console, the messages are using up 2mb and 19GB is in "binaries". Hot Network Questions Is the concept of "Atreides always pay their debt" canonical? Is it ethical to try our best in taking the perspective of the individual before proceeding moral reasoning on them? RabbitMQ memory usage creeping up and blocking calls why? 4 RabbitMQ - strange disk_free. Modified 7 years, 7 months ago. 9 documentation updates Messages sorted by: While working in our RabbitMQ environment this week, we noticed that there was a large, unexplained amount of memory in use by RabbitMQ that we couldn’t account for by normal queue and message use. 0 # open another terminal and enable the stream plugin docker exec rabbitmq rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stream # run the performance tool docker run -it --rm --network stream-perf-test I’m trying to figure out how to configure RabbitMQ + Erlang to have the smallest memory footprint possible at startup. It is also possible to display a breakdown of binary heap use by various things in RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. 2) with Ubuntu i get about 50 Mb RSS, single cluster, minimal plugin list, no data whatsoever. And when we take a look into binary details via RabbitMQ (screens from my first message), we can see, that most of its memory are allocated with queues. com Thu Apr 25 20:02:38 BST 2013. rabbitmq 3. 0$ bash-5. There is no shortage of scenarios where your own application code can result in an ever increasing binary heap size: RabbitMQ 3. Eventually I hit both the "socket descriptors" and "memory" thresholds and RabbitMQ blocks/stops accepting new connections. 11 processes keep large states causing high We use RabbitMQ and file transfer. Camel RabbitMQ connector reads thousands of message before using them. It is also the most Since the total memory usage is more than 25GB, maybe the biggest 183MB is not an issue? After all connections finished, the total memory usage is fall below to only 3GB. 8. 4 - Losing messages in a HA cluster Messages sorted by: During operation, RabbitMQ nodes will consume varying amount of memory and disk space based on the workload. 7. 0 session in the plugin includes an AMQP 0. 37%) Memory usage (used, buffered, cached and free percentages) # => binary: 1. Again other_system was at 1. 88%) # => mnesia: 1. The whole instance seem to have used ~ 80% of the allocated memory. Is 2GB an appropriate limit for rabbitmq memory consumption? have you checked dmesg output to see if the kernel OOM killer has been invoked at any stage? have you run htop to see what the overall memory utilisation on the server is? According to your memory usage, most memory is used by message_index and binary. This assumes we have a certain amount of information to work with. When I check how that server is using the memory, I get this graph pointing me to Binaries and when I check the Binaries it tells me it's used by queues: The appropriate way to limit memory usage in RabbitMQ is using the vm_memory_high_watermark. RabbitMQ nodes won't always be able to detect the effective cgroups limit. Permalink. The real application creates a lot of queues with different names per connection which are used quite rarely. Either you have to close the connections which all are opened or you have to increase the RAM of the system. 6. Streams are designed to store larger amounts of data in an efficient manner with minimal in-memory overhead. 3. Some recent Linux distributions, such as ArchLinux, RHEL 9, and CentOS Good news: with RabbitMQ 3. RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. Subject: Re: [rabbitmq-discuss] memory usage reporting Matthias, I don't know if there is anything confidential in the report output. 5. 0 RabbitMQ API - Get memory ussage. 3G, The vm_memory_high_watermark is a percentage value is related to memory flow control in RabbitMQ. How do you get RabbitMQ queue size from We have a RabbitMQ service (v3. Some of the 3. Using RabbitMQ 3. As explained in the Overview section, Native MQTT in 3. Binaries are shared between My question is that I have already configured vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio and vm_memory_high_watermark. com/blog/2014/10/30/understanding-memory-use-with Therefore Erlang gives us a different memory management scheme for binaries, which are used for a number of things inside RabbitMQ, of which the most interesting is message bodies. 0$ rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown Reporting memory breakdown on node rabbit@rabbitmq-ha-0. 6, erlang 20. Rabbitmq msg_store_transient of a queue is consuming all disk space. Viewed 2k times 4 . Previous message: [rabbitmq-discuss] Flow Control is to rigorous Next message: [rabbitmq-discuss] 3. 6. Memory leak outgoing messages rabbitmq. 6-1) I am wondering where is all the memory being used for "Binaries" when it doesnt show the same memory usage on the "Binary references" / breakdown. Version 1 to Version 2 Migration RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. In addition, there is a lot of preallocated unused memory (seems not normal and I'm seeing high memory usage thats correlated to the number of connection. Reproduction steps. rabbitmq-ha-discovery. Memory usage (used, buffered, cached and free percentages) # => binary: 1. Hot Network Questions Emergency measures to protect a spaceship's crew from a crash landing Is it even possible to define "entity" and if so, what is the definition? recon_alloc:memory(usage). One of the first tools we use when poking around Erlang and RabbitMQ is to do a memory dump. The memory usage of one rabbitmq is far higher than other nodes from one same cluster . 2. 13. Next steps 1) Ask your application dev team whether the above stats are After continuous message publishing and consumption, the memory on each node gradually increases but does not decrease, even when publishing and consuming are stopped. You said: I've also tried setting the vm_memory_high_watermark to a few different values below the default (of 40%), even as low as 5%. RabbitMQ started to crash yesterday after running OK about one year. Therefore, when the memory usage exceeds 20% of the RabbitMQ provides tools that report and help analyse node memory use: rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown; rabbitmq-diagnostics status includes the above breakdown as a section; I am new to rabbitmq and was troubleshooting an issue with very high rabbitmq memory usage on a server. 2 deployed on a docker (image rabbitmq:3. 0 and was significantly improved in RabbitMQ 3. 12), on a Windows Server 2016 machine, that needs more than the default relative memory setting of 40% (vm_memory_high_watermark = 0. Rabbitmq beam. 5488 mb (8. 5, with Erlang 17. cluster. If CPU User time is high, it could be due to high message throughput. 992 mb (0. On my system it spikes to 1GiB and stays there. Version 2 was added in RabbitMQ 3. 13 implementation of AMQP 1. 12. 52%) binary: 194. 0 (a reduction of about 56%). Load 7 more related I am using RabbitMQ 3. It's working a little slow, but for updating far away customers it is duable. Hot Network Questions RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. 8. 1 GB compared to only 4. 0; Traffic captures; node memory usage, metrics and monitoring, TLS, and more. Can you help confirm why the value " allocated_unused: 1. The watermark memory limit has been reached. 6894 gb (74. Spring Websocket and Stomp with RabbitMQ- Heartbeat listener/interceptor. com Fri Sep 30 01:29:13 BST 2011. 7, and if the leak is building up over time, and you run RabbitMQ on Windows, you may be looking at #3906, #3936. 3; Ubuntu 16. > • When rabbitmq starts it has immediately 2GB binaries without any reason. 1G. 1 client and maintains AMQP However yesterday, rabbitmq memory usage was completely crazy, few seconds over the limit, few seconds under the limit. Attached is the output of rabbitmqctl status command. Most of the memory usage are kind of expected except the memory used by binary. RabbitMq message causes server to crash, leading to infinite retry. Hot Network Questions Short story where humans teach short-lived aliens about hyperspace, in order to invent a hyperspace radio The symptom is that after an unclean shutdown when RabbitMQ starts up and runs recovery steps, its memory usage spikes to a seemingly Skip to content. the memory is accumulated in binary references whatever that means (diagnosed with admin site). RabbitMQ message size problems. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 9 months ago. 1595 mb (0. When the queue is full, the mirroring nodes start using more and more memory for "mirror_queue_slave" process until their memory usage goes beyond the watermark. RabbitMQ poor performance. If you take a look at Memory flow control you will see that it says, under "Memory-Based Flow Control" heading:. Memory is setup like this : Memory high watermark set to 6000 MiB (6291456000 bytes) of 8192 MiB (8589934592 bytes) total. , each connection takes about 88K memory. The memory taken by binary seems to be > consistent, i. RabbitMQ Free disk space is insufficient. relativ. 5 RabbitMQ crash with bump_reduce_memory_use. Here are the consumption details provided by rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown. Too high message throughput CPU User time indicates the percentage of time your program spends executing instructions in the CPU - in this case, the time the CPU spent running RabbitMQ. After examining the memory details of the queue processes (as shown in the image below), we found that after messages are consumed, the mirror queue process continues to call a [rabbitmq-discuss] Number of connections and memory usage Raphael Simon raphael at rightscale. rabbitmq. The supported binary (power-of-two) memory information units are: Gi for gibibytes (1024^3 or 2^30 bytes) Mi for mebibytes (1024^2) Ti for tebibytes (1024^4) , RabbitMQ's memory threshold is set to 410MB, thus it will throttle producers whenever RabbitMQ is Figure 5: Memory usage connecting 1 million MQTT clients. It looks like it happens on publishing peak to one exchange that delivers msgs to 10 queues. Have a 3-node RabbitMQ cluster We use RabbitMQ 3. Here is the crash report that I am getting on automatic restart of RabbitMQ :. With 3. I've 3-node rabbitmq cluster with ~300 mirrored classic queues (all durable, most in memory, few lazy ones). At certain load (500msg/s) we get one node on RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. And we can solve it by restarting the node only. Okay - interesting. Camel RabbitMQ concurrentConsumers and threadPoolsize for messages that must be processed in sequence. I also tried it with replicas: 1 after deleting the pvs and data, so everything got recreated freshly. 4243 mb (67. The Kubernetes cluster consists of 3 Virtualbox VMs (2 master-nodes with worker role and 1 worker - I know not optimal but for testing it should be sufficient), with NAT (10. NET Core 5. As soon as I have 10000+ connections, RabbitMQ starts to eat up a lof of memory. 1. Dedicated plans are not artificially limited in any way, the maximum performance is determined [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Brian Hammond brianin3d at yahoo. bash-5. 15) and host-only interface 2. 72%) (which is not recommended to use with RabbitMQ!) or when a rolling restart is performed. 11 uses 22 Erlang processes per MQTT connection. By default RabbitMQ has no RabbitMQ. and after a reboot of the broker we are back to 200 MB memory usage. > When a RabbitMQ node is running in a container, its ability to detect the amount of available memory will depend on external factors: the version of the runtime used, the OS version and settings used by the image, the version of cgroups used, and ultimately the version of Kubernetes. 0. 3. The RabbitMQ server detects the total amount of RAM installed in the computer on startup and when rabbitmqctl set_vm_memory_high_watermark RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. Other ETS Tables – This component returns the other ETS tables memory usage. RabbitMQ provides tools that report and help analyse node memory use: rabbitmq-diagnostics memory_breakdown; rabbitmq-diagnostics status includes the above breakdown as a section; Prometheus and Grafana-based monitoring makes it possible to observe memory breakdown Read this to understand more: https://www. It can be natural for binaries to consume a significant percentage of node's memory but on Erlang 23. Previous message: [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Next message: [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Messages sorted by: The memory consumption by rabbitmq for these numbers is 2gb and it's the same for 10000 subscriptions as well. RabbitMQ Producer C# . 78%) connection_other: 5. log: OS centos7, 4GB of memory, 4 CPU's. This package is recommended in environments where more opinionated installation options (the Debian or RPM packages, Homebrew, BSD ports) cannot be used. Restart RabbitMQ - it runs out of memory during startup I'm travelling this week but as soon as I can I will run some tests regarding binary memory characteristics of both #11112 and When the usage of RAM increases beyond the watermark rabbitmq server won't accept any network request. [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq. Load 7 more related Most RabbitMQ queues are designed to converge towards the empty state and are optimised as such and can perform worse when there are millions of messages on a given queue. 0 Memory Leak. RabbitMQ Producer C# # create a network docker network create stream-perf-test # run the broker docker run -it --rm --network stream-perf-test --name rabbitmq rabbitmq:4. I fail to About 6 hours later I have 19GB of memory in use with 800 messages. 1 RabbitMQ is running on Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008 R2 6. Enter b and you should see a [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Brian Hammond brianin3d at yahoo. 1108 mb (21. 04. Previous message: [rabbitmq-discuss] Number of connections and memory usage Next message: [rabbitmq-discuss] Number of connections and memory usage Messages sorted by: RabbitMQ releases include a binary package for Linux, MacOS, and *BSD systems. According to the images below (Rabbit 3. RabbitMQ message storage and consumption. They collect data that can be RabbitMQ > consumes all available CPU and memory", but in the report the memory > usage is shown as 90MB, which isn't very high. Handle large messages with Apache Camel and AMQ Artemis. Binaries – This component returns the memory usage by shared binary data in the Erlang VM. That leads to high memory alarm (and downtime). As you can see, the memory usage was stable in the first phase (small fluctuations notwithstanding), but when publishing larger messages, we can see the memory usage grows as well. 4. In the logs, you'll find a line that tells you RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. 3 Memory usage was very low (200MB max), only thing that I noticed was that cpu usage was 100%, and this time again > >>>>> I doubt binary heaps will be a [rabbitmq-discuss] memory usage reporting Matthias Radestock matthias at rabbitmq. 2 Milestone 2 (but not with 3. RabbitMQMemLimit is set by Amazon MQ and has been specifically tuned considering the memory available for each host instance type. After a few hours one node is still stable (used by the classic queue), the other 2 are high on memory usage. RabbitMQ has high memory consumption, without any client activity, and restarting the cluster resolves the issue. 13 using py-amqp and [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Emile Joubert emile at rabbitmq. Run rabbitmq-diagnostics -n NODE observer where NODE is the mirror with memory growth. Why binary memory usage grows up on rabbitmq. It is minimalistic and not opinionated in how it is installed, configured and managed. 1. The memory use of the synced mirror will spike. RabbitMQ Jervis, On 02/01/13 09:58, Jervis Liu wrote: > As soon as I have 10000+ connections, RabbitMQ starts to eat up a > lof of memory. Even though no more messages are being published, memory use on the affected nodes will continue to grow far past the high memory watermark. local allocated_unused: 0. com Sat Jan 5 05:33:43 GMT 2013. Post by Kapil Goyal Our RabbitMQ server has now been running for 2-3 days and this morning we noticed it has gone above the high memory watermark of 1. 6 and Erlang/OTP 26 (14. I would recommend you following guidelines: Create a message structure for each block you send with command, offset and CRC32, data length, maximum 60kByte per block of data, give blocks a counter, do a sha256 at the end to make sure data is I'm running RabbitMQ 3. Previous message: [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Next message: [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" Messages sorted by: We came accross a high memory usage on mirorring nodes with a queue configured with max-length-bytes and reject-publish. For each connection taking 12MB, with 2000/s creation it will cost 24GB at the peak. 11 is process memory. i want reconnection if failed Next message: [rabbitmq-discuss] abnormally large memory use in "binaries" RabbitMQ Binary memory consumption. Note that RabbitMQ will count some per-connection memory here for protocol plugins such as STOMP and MQTT. fgajsdksgdnrjpwxpjrwkwaqyfsbhqvzooabxloawtpkxcqrjdhgqnorrqtmgomihvzkgxsggzupxcgmvwhp