Popular xlx reflectors. XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators.
Popular xlx reflectors 43. Their modules are designated by a single Very popular on the Raspberry Pi and other inexpensive single-board nanocomputers. XLX007 Reflector Dashboard XLX007 v2. The software used to run the XLX reflectors actually speaks all three previous protocols REF, XRF, DCS and additionaly its own protocol which is only used to interconnect reflectors together. 8207 Houston Area XLX Reflector TG 8208: 8208 China P25 Network bridge to P25NX TG 8210: 8210 Ohio Valley TG 9050: 9050 East Coast Reflector TG 9480: 9480 ICQPODCAST TG 9517: 9517 M17 Project - M17-M17 C Reflector bridge TG 9846: 9846 P25 Portal to WW8GM YSF network www. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (31) Peers (2) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live: For Node, NET and meeting Information, please scroll to bottom of page. XLXVE1-MARITIMES -Canada-Wide XLX Reflector Network: XLXVE2: CANADA-QC: Online: XLXVE2-QUEBEC -Canada-Wide XLX Reflector Network: XLXVE3: CANADA-ONT: Online: XLXVE3-ONTARIO -Canada Wide XLX Reflector Network: XLXVE4: CANADA-MB: XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. XLX367 reflector is live! Update: February 2019: All three modes DStar, YSF, and DMR are now crosslinked! DStar REF367A (also XRF367A and DCS367A) is up an running. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (12) Peers (0) Reflector List: Quadnet Live: D-Star Live: Traffic Statistics # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States: N2MOF List of YSF Reflectors. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (0) Peers (1) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live: For Node, NET and meeting Information, please scroll to bottom of page. txt file is where you'll add XLX reflectors but they will be called XRF in the hosts file instead of XLX. Pay special attention to the format. XLX reflectors are primarily used to connect multiple reflectors XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. The reflector currently has multimode trans-coding enabled, meaning it can be XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 1. Advertisement. When your hotspot connects to the XLX reflector (Port 42000), you will be connected to the PennLink Group XLX module that is used for Cross-Mode operation. 8; Service uptime: 0 days 09:09:33; Users; Repeaters / Nodes (22) Modules; Modules-List; Peers (4) Reflectorlist; D-Star live YSF Number Description YSF DTMF DMR2YSF TG DMR2YSF TG via DMRGateway; 44513-----NO #44513: TG 44513: TG 7044513: 12920----KP3AV-System #12920: TG 12920 I built an XLX941 DMR and YSF reflector on a Debian cloud computer. XLX035 v2. Unlike ref reflector's that use DPlus, XRF reflectors that use DExtra or DCS reflectors that use, well DCS an XLX reflector can use any of the three protocols listed here. XLXUSA v2. gmarc. net The Reflectors main pagehttp://w6kd. 03. XLXZZZ v2. It is registered as node 330 in the XLX registry. Wine 8 Locked Add XLX reflectors to Dstar Derek William Haden #6843 Firstly thanks for letting me into the group. txt file the reflectors IP address resides. It's simply dependant of what hosts. 1 / Service uptime: 1420 days 20:49:19. Once I learned that XLX reflectors self-register, XLX020 was born. updated: 07/01/2024 San Antonio has a dedicated XLX Reflector for hams to use. Below is a sample of the xlxd. XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the Please send any updates to info@DSTARInfo. Enable XLX Master on Pi-Star and Use any reflector as DMR Master please choose D as start up module. 10/01/2019 . Hi, So I got really deep in to this DStar stuff and set up an XLX/XRF reflector since I had a server sitting there static. 2. boards. The XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 2 Hosted by the FreeSTAR Network - G3 Terminal & IMRS enabled / Service uptime: 63 days 22:16:20 Once you determine the XLX reflectors and modules you want to connect to, we can configure XLXD on the user side. 1 - Dashboard v2. XLX101 v2. 2 - Lancashire Reflector / Service uptime: 25 days 03:24:21. Now here we are a few years later, and that’s basically XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (8) Peers (0) Modules list: Reflectors list: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Reflector Status: Shutdown – Offline Permanently. 0 - Dashboard v2. 2 / Service uptime: 100 list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live: Please scroll to bottom of page for Meetings and NET Information. XLX103 v2. © 2025 Georgia D-STAR XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Download all data as a CSV file (Data updated: 03/20/25 @ 5:22:01 AM CDT) REF023 C is a popular VK chat channel on my Dplus reflector. XRF989: Hosted by Bruce Hill in Texas, US. In summary, each type of reflector serves as an audio conference server with different modules (akin to conference rooms). The prefix 6 is for XLX, and 5000 is the command to get the link status. But I can't seem to make it work on my new GD-77. Module A is typically used by the Arkansas D-STAR Group so be sure to be courtesy & cooperative when you XLX – Last but not least are the newest of the reflector types but it actually supports the 3 prior protocols, DPLUS, XRF, and DCS. Toggle navigation XLX774 Multiprotocol Gateway. As a side note, XLX reflectors The second development is that Andy Tayor <MW0MWZ>, developer of the extremely popular Pi-Star hotspot software distribution for the Raspberry Pi, has made a change that allows the radio operator to directly select an XLX reflector. This is a new multi-protocol DStar Digital Voice One of the special things about XLX reflectors is they do not require registration on the D-Star trust system to use them. XLX313 XLX313 Reflector Dashboard, a US-based dual-mode (DSTAR and DMR) XLX reflector, is now available for use, providing the digital amateur radio community ultra high definition transcoding between XLX313 D-STAR Modules A-F and DMR TGs 4001-4006 (with XLX313 serving as the DMR master server). CNJHAM - Our Central New Jersey smart group D-STAR (D* D-Star) is a well established digital mode in amateur radio. US Array: 2: XLX001: Italy Centro Digiland: DStar <> DMR TG22208 BM2222 <> YSF 22208 <> Modules are used in XLX Reflectors, and are really just additional reflectors or rooms. 3 - Dashboard v2. This allows for YSF linking directly to XLX303, which removes the need for our previous YSF reflectors 31083 and 31088 which ran on a separate cloud-based server. Toggle navigation XLX169 Multiprotocol Gateway. All Pi-Star-based repeaters and hotspots can access the reflector as DCS330, XRF330, REF330, and XLX330 (XLX supported by Pi-Star 4 only). 5. In D-Star, Icom-G3Terminal, DExtra, DPLus and XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 2025 21:04 YSF Reflector - US Penn-Link_2 YSF20223 XLX045D YSF Reflector - US Penn-Link_4 YSF 35119 XLX045E DSTAR Reflector XLX045 DMR Reflector XLX045 TG6 on every module NXDN Reflector XLX045A TG:31425 IP XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. D-Star was the first and therefore the oldest XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 252 We have consolidated some systems, removed some older reflectors and bridges, and centered everything around XLX303. XLX104 v2. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (8) Peers (0) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live: For Node Information, please scroll to bottom of page. org Reflector 20, as many call it, is one of the original D-Plus Reflectors. The Top 3. *. They all live somewhere on the internet. Also see where people are, and find other active reflectors. 2 The Fog -> https: //ham-radio-fog. 0 modified by PE1RJV / Service uptime: 223 days 19:00:31 XLX Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Recently the advent of XLX multimode reflectors has caused an explosion in reflectors, especially those bridged to other (I put the YSF Reflector and XLX reflector on the same server. These are treated as data files and they use delimiters to separate the data on a line. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (30) Peers (2) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live: For Node, NET and meeting Information, please scroll to bottom of page. XLX103 (XRF103) REFLECTOR As well as the REF103 - DCS103 and YSF25018 auto connect to module Y Supported by the XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. Previously, you would have to make a local host table override entry for an XRF or DCS reflector in order to make XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. org Peers (1) Modules list: Reflectors list: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States: WB4WPF: WB4WPF B: 18. 2025 01:57: F: 2: Italy: IU0IBY: 7100: IR0ZXU B: 17. But if you want to still connect and play around, feel free. g. These directions should aid in building a complete, production-ready XLXD transcoding reflector using the XLX Multiprotocol Gateway software by Jean-Luc Deltombe LX3JL and Luc Engelmann LX1IQ on a Raspberry Pi. So apparently D-Star users are good and should be able to connect to XLX216 even if they have to refer to it as DCS216 or XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. XLX Reflector 中继台与反射器设置 . Welcome to the REF038 DPLUS Reflector information website. XLX102 v2. XLX multiprotocol reflector. Use the links below for module info. All reflecctors can be accessed using DCSxxx - REFxxx - or XRFxxx Use reflector descriptor in place of xxx. 0 modified by PE1RJV / Service uptime: 223 days 19:00:31 This will build either a new kind of XLX reflector or a tri-mode XRF reflector. Module A is typically used by the Arkansas D-STAR Group so be sure to be courtesy & cooperative when you XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. I will just discuss the 3 most popular digital voice modes here. com. Toggle navigation XLX015 Multiprotocol Reflector. XRF986: Hosted by thuringia-link @ db0fts. 4. Digital Ocean, Vultr, etc) don’t open new server instances to the world on all ports. 2 Washington Digital Radio Enthusiasts X-Reflector / Service uptime: 33 days 05:16:59. I've used 30c, 58b(Alabama Statewide), 29a(Utah Statewide), and 46a(Florida Statewide). 2 / Service uptime: 127 days 15:01:53. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (0) Peers (0) Modules list: Reflectors list: D-Star live # Reflector Country Service Comment; 1: XLX000: Florida USA: The begining of the ARRG. I connected to TG 6. Share Add a Comment The XLX Multiprotocol Gateway Reflector Server is part of the software system for the D-Star Network. XLX318 HEMET HANGOUT Multi-Mode Wiresx Reflector with 26 modules; XLX618 KE6JGM Wiresx-Hemet Hangout Link with 26 modules. I look forward to your suggestions73s everyone! While you can select XLX Reflectors in the D-Star Link Manager on the admin page, there are no XLX options for setting the Default Reflector in the D-Star Configuration on the configure page. 2 / Service uptime: 223 days 19:16:27. In August 2019, I set up an XLX reflector for D-STAR that can be accessed via personal hotspots and repeaters with internet access. On the D-Star side, apparently there are REF, DCS, XRF, and XLX reflectors where the others don't support all of D-Star's linking protocols (D-Extra, DCS, and DPLUS), but XLX does. REF038 on DSTARusers. org Peers (1) Modules list: Reflectors list: D-Star live # Flag DV Station Band Last Heard Linked for Protocol Module IP; 1: United States: WB4WPF-B: 70cm: 20. 2 / 6CH TransCoder Active with C4FM support / Service uptime: 144 days 03:27:36 The XLX reflectors are accessible using one of these three identifiers, but do not have a separate “XLX” identifier. XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. This system is available to any of the following: Any D-STAR repeater or hotspot edit: The local guy successfully connected his repeater to my reflector. You can obtain your own XLX from this Git Repo. 2 - Dashboard v20211209 2. interlink configuration file. XLX248 Reflector Dashboard XLX248 v2. Whenever possible use the ip address of the reflector being added. A voice on the radio will give the name of the XLX reflector, as well as the module. I am running: Pi-Star:4. D-Star 的真正强大之处在于能够使用本地中继访问世界各地的其他中继台和反射器,沈阳 D-Star 中继台通过 XLX reflectors 互联 Module H is the Hemet Hangout on either reflector, and is also linked with Bob’s (KE6JGM) Repeater, as well as WiresX 01966. Defaults to DExtra for XRF links, The software used to run the XLX reflectors actually speaks all three previous protocols REF, XRF, DCS and additionally its own protocol which is only used to interconnect reflectors together. Reflector List The reflector list is a list of all XLX reflectors that are public Reflector –Hyperlinked to the reflectors published URL County –The location where the reflector is registered Service XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. How can I permanently link the XLX reflector to my ASL3 hub? The ASL3 hub can be built on a Debian Linode cloud computer or a Debian If you haven’t yet read What are Transcoding Reflectors, consider giving it a 5 minute read to help understand how things are working in the background. de in Germany. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (0) Peers (0) Modules list: Reflectors list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live: For Node, NET and meeting Information, please scroll to bottom of page. This build support dual-stack operation, so the server on which it's running, must have both an IPv4 and IPv6 routable address if you are going to configure a dual Modules are used in XLX Reflectors, and are really just additional reflectors or rooms. net Bob -W6KD developer siteI've discovered a whole new world of D-Star using the XRF reflector Apparently XLX is reflector software. This is a bi-directional linkwhat is said on one is heard on the other. XLX sets itself apart from the other reflectors in XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. When I look at the DStar reflector listing, it has limited entries, is there a way of adding extra reflectors on the Rpi so that they are To use these reflectors, set your hotspot to YSF Reflector mode, and select the XLX reflector that you wish to address in the list of YSF Servers. Mod A designated for ARES/RACES. He entered the information but forgot to restart the gateway to populate it. WinDV/dvNode (Windows only) Can access all types of reflectors. For XLX045 or XLX645, that is A module. Interestingly, when I brought my repeater online the other day after a year's downtime, I couldn't access REF023 or XLX multiprotocol reflector. Some are on large or small servers, others run on a device in many ham shacks around the world. 2 / Service uptime: 991 days 09:47:50. 2 - Dashboard vv20220802 2. XLX v - Dashboard v2. As a side note, XLX reflectors are very Side-note: I kind of understand the tech behind XLX/XRF, but I haven't operated any yet, and I don't know if that means I need to know a talk room ID or whatever. Our reflectors are composed of DPLUS (REFxxx), DEXTRA (XRFxxx) and XLXD (XLX Multiprotocol Gateway Reflectors). The sources are published under GPL Licenses. Typically they well be tab XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. 2 / Service uptime: 128 days 16:43:11. 2 - Dashboard v20211211 2. I have just set up a Rpi with DVlink and a tablet PC and a phone with DVSwitch, and so far so good. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ) You will need both the domain and the IP to register with XReflector and YSF Reflector online directories. http://xrefl. West Texas Reflector. We provide a number of reflectors that focus on supporting the D-STAR world. DMRの強化 Module A on Reflector 77 is linked to XLX Reflector 209A. 2 / Service uptime: 104 list: Traffic statistics: D-Star live: Please scroll to bottom of page for Meetings and NET Information. The reflector is numbered XLX678 and you can view the latest activity on the reflector dashboard at: # Reflector Country Service Comment; 1: XLX000: Florida USA: The begining of the ARRG. 7; Service uptime: 323 days 08:07:16; Users / Modules; Repeaters / Nodes (8 ) Peers (1) Reflectorlist; D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix Register a new XLX Reflector. XRF997: Hosted by IW2GOB/D-Star Group Lodi in Brandmeister reflectors are ‘rooms’ on the network that connect two or more Brandmeister users together, allowing them to communicate in real-time and share data. 7; Service uptime: 2 days 20:18:05; Last Heard; Users / Modules; Overview Modules; Repeaters / Nodes (12 ) Peers (6) XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. DMR+ Reflector List The below table is generated by connecting to the DMR+ IPSC2 network, XLX 2 Quadnet: English: REF 4551: DMR-MARC Worldwide 1: English: REF 4552: DMR-MARC Europe 2: English: REF 4553: DMR-MARC North America 3 : REF 4554: DMR-MARC Asia 4 : REF 4555: DMR-MARC South Pacific 5 : To connect your repeater to an XLX reflector, you issue a command like XLXxxxaL. XLX reflector's themselves do not have their own protocol. 2 / Service uptime: 129 days 12:46:38. The big change comes from upgrading the XLX reflector to v2. XLX from some devices will actually connect to DCS for DSTAR. Conclusion. I also run an XLX reflector - XLX432, which has several active channels. org; REF038 DPLUS Dashboard; REF038 dplusmon; An exciting feature of this new connection is that this XLX connection features a multi The XLX Multiprotocol reflector is an amazing piece of software that allows us to link our reflector directly into Brandmeister (BM) which is the largest and most popular Digital Communications Network in the world for Ham Radio. XLX013 v2. US Array The DExtra_Host. XLX950 Reflector Dashboard XLX950 v2. XLXD interlink file one line per entry each entry specify a The XLX Multiprotocol Gateway Reflector Server is part of the software system for the D-Star Network. XRF988: Hosted by D-STAR Spain. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (2) Peers (1) Reflectorlist: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard; 1: United States: WB2YMU: ID52: NOCALL D / XLXUS1 A few years ago, I was frustrated in my research for getting a YSF reflector up and running so I wrote this guide on getting a YSF Reflector running on Debian 10. Some are on large or small servers, others Module A on Reflector 77 is linked to XLX Reflector 209A. 0 / Service uptime: 53 days 00:02:07. Users / Modules: Repeaters / Nodes (2) Peers (1) Modules list: Reflectors list: D-Star live # Flag Callsign Suffix DPRS Via / Peer Last heard XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. I've had an ID-5100 for about a month now(my first digital radio)and I've been checking out the different reflectors and I wanted to ask my fellow reddit hams which reflectors you like to use. New D-Star users can simply link and start talking. 2. 2 / Service uptime: 223 days 16:06:03. 2025 18:49: 18 days 11:14:41 s: DMRMmdvm: F *. With a Pi-Star and DMR radio, you can connect to XLX The correct settings for the Your Call field are /XLX###M where ### is the number of the XLX reflector you are connected to, and M is the letter of the module you wish to connect to. In order to ensure that your XLX is listed in the Pi-Star host files, just make XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. XLX524 v2. XRF987: Hosted by KC4YOZ. XLX073 v2. Firewalls (Security Group) Settings AWS instances, and most other cloud setups (e. A number of repeaters in the New Jersey/New York/Pennsylvania region link to it, including powerhouse K3PDR in Philadelphia and NJ2DG in Martinsville, NJ. Supported Protocols since XLX v2. Our 4K-Transcoding system uses hardware based DMR Talkgroup YSF Reflector Wires-X Room DStar Reflector Pi-Star Hotspot Setup DV Mode Hostfiles Read Me First | Troubleshooting 1 Or am I misunderstanding something about making an XLX connection with OpenGD77? I was able to connect to several XLX reflectors on an Anytone 878 some time ago--I don't remember how long. XLX is a slightly unusual beast, in as much as there isn't exactly a config file for it, some of the options compiled in, and some features (like call-home) are built into the dashboard. It would be interesting to see if people are having issues accessing XLX reflectors as well. Then I hit the # key twice for a private call, entered 68nnn for reflector XLXnnn The XLX Multiprotocol Gateway Reflector Server is part of the software system for the D-Star Network. Usage: The packages which are described in this document are designed to install server software. 2 / All reflectors are also G3 Terminal / AP enabled. 3. x. In the above example it is set to use XLX842 XLX is a D-Star Reflector System for Ham Radio Operators. We leverage the Brandmeister network further making it a backbone to connect in our Yaesu WiRES-X rooms to a BM Megalink Reflector Dashboard. earcn hjkuab awfkoxz blpw iokka nfrnk urinqd ogc mktbl htntlu zadvwwz ewzp pxrbth qzxwdc rfkz