Nvenc vs cpu h265 265 is superior because even though it is more computationally complex, it can compress better. The overall encode throughput (total number of frames encoded in a certain time ⭐ Game: Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition Gameplay Resolution: 1920x1080 (Upscale 4K - 2160p)Source Bitrate: 1080p (50. it halved Differences between the x265 crop and the NVENC crop are practically imperceptible, the only difference being that x265 conserved a tiny bit more detail near the trunk of the leftmost tree. NVENC on the other hand did not skip frames at 60 fps. Best. 61 points. Encoding speed - CPU vs These operations all happen in parallel as the encode job progresses. (Or, you can increase quality for the I have a decent grasp of the differences between CPU-based encoding (such as with x265) vs Nvidia's GPU encoder, in so much as I've done numerous encodes of my own I've tried encoding a video with H. Do it when youre goong to sleep and it will be done when you wake up. Figure 2 Nvidia NVENC vs x264 average FPS Source: https://obsproject. Actually I would use h264 video format for best quality and small file size! x265 is a little bit better in quality and up to 25% in filesize, but very slow in encoding. So let's put encoding time aside and talk about the quality and efficiency (quality/file size) . I’m not sure if x264/5 use CPU and ifh264/5 use GPU and also if h265 is basically HEVC_NVEC for NVIDIA GPU acceleration. So please watch in the highest quality pos PSNR is a decibel value that quantifies the reconstruction quality of images. Encode a chapter at h265 Software encode quality 18 and note the file size. In the end, with how far hw transcoding has come I don't think there is much of a difference in quality between quick sync or NVENC. NVENC is only a speedier coded. I've tried encoding a video with H. cpu使用率は30~50%台を推移. Even low powered Celeron CPUs (such as J4125, N5105) have great Quicksync capabilities. tfdsaf. 264/avc) gpuのnvenc(ハードウェアエンコード)を使ったエンコード. Like others pointed out, the library you use will dictate GPU vs. g. 264 NVENC and H. Compatibility: TVs, consoles, phones, everything. 2. Adjusting the Nvenc will give you the fastest results at the fattest size per visual quality. Hi. Open comment sort options. ) and Intel QuickSync (IvyBridge, Coffeelake). I use a technique to match filesize using a few chapter tests, and things like grain removal. 264 (x264) is better than nvenc/QSV (H264) and there is not much difference in terms of speed unless you have a very good Processor. so if you have anything older than a 30 series (they might have them on the 20 series but im not sure) then nvenc will take away compute cycles from the gpu It might be that h265 does slightly better with in-game graphics (as in dealing with aliasing, sharp edges/gradients), but the difference here is just too much. It is also common, particularly on older and lower-end hardware, for CPU-based operations to be a bottleneck in the hardware encoding pipeline, resulting in reduced performance. 7: Score 96,1 aber einiges schneller als Punkt 2 Bei der CPU de- / GPU encoding unter Punkt 2 war mein Ryzen 2600x kaum ausgelastet, trotzdem langsamer (ca 150 fps vs 210 fps). You can see in the image below that the orange-yellow light on the bottom right of the image has some blocking for the GPU encoding. In like manner, the ball court looks blurrier on X264, thus does the dull group. CPU. Rendering Question Unresolved Processor: Intel i7-11800h 16GB RAM Render times for 25 minute 4k video: Normal 4k settings: 1 hour 15 minutes. Quality (given similar file size) 3. ), Graphics (ARC, Xe, UHD), Networking, OneAPI, XeSS, and all other Intel-related topics are discussed here. Simples! In this case h265 software at quality 18 was equivalent to h265 hardware at quality 64. EposVox on YT) showing QSV on 12th gen chips It's only compared to -preset ultrafast where you might reasonably choose HW encoding over x264, esp. Sort by: Best. 265 video. Beyond that the main Just guessing that you mean you are using NVENC to export as h264 and h265, not x264 and x265. Moderne Grafikkarten regeln ihre Taktrate und damit die Leistung For example: x265 vs x265(nvenc) or x265 10bit vs x265 10bit (nvenc) Maybe we shouldn't compare encoding time for now. 265 with the CPU and NVidia NVEnc, and it was much faster with NVidia, but the file size is also much different. Modern graphics cards automatically regulate their clock rate and thus their performance until a preset maximum temperature is reached. Rate Distortion Optimization(s) are available for both the h264_qsv and the NEW UPDATED video OBS 29 presets benchmark https://youtu. So, if you could give me more info about these encoding types it would be great. Doing the same with NVENC on a 3080ti on the slowest preset with CQ:30 gets done in under 2 hours (almost), produces a file The BD rate analysis shows that the CPU implementations of the codecs for H264 and AV1 (libx264 and librav1e) require in mean more than 20% bitrate (for both metrics PSNR H. My ultimate reasoning was I was going to get the best quality and space savings with a cpu. X265 CPU - Whats the current state of play? Hi all, whats the current general opinion/state of play when it comes to H265 encoding, especially for 4K video. Why not allow Shadowplay to encode recordings with NVENC HEVC instead of NVENC H264? This would help greatly with file sizes since H264 needs significantly more bitrate (larger files) for the same quality as CPU: 13th Gen Intel i7-13700KF GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Memory: 32GB VMAF Stuff: NVEnc vs SVT at higher bitrates i'd be pretty "okayish" with using NVenc to save time. Filme mit 1-2 DTS Spuren, die vorher 10-12GB groß waren, sind jetzt bei gleicher Qualität 2-5GB groß. When the quality is the same, CPU is a smaller file size but NVENC is quicker. NVENC vs Intel QSV for Noobs . 265,高码率下 QSV H. エンコード時間は3分7秒、pc全体の消費電力は120~135wを推移. Hi all, tldr: Please help me pick a good strategy for 4k resolution that doesnt take days. Overall, the quality of the degraded videos is rather poor. my main usecase is archiving a mix of presentations and H264 - Nvenc is king, QSV is a close second, AMD lags far behind. Share Add a Comment. I think Nvidia have played games to get speed, NVENC x264 sucks against CPU x264, and it seems its the same with AV1, SVT-AV1 is pretty good though. 5. It also cuts the processing time in half, going from a full hour for 1 hr of video down to 30 mins. I would think you'd test x265 vs NVENC HEVC for an apples to apples, although that is a long video maybe he explains it somewhere. This is due to the diff Die Intel-CPU des Testsystems wird auf 4,5 GHz auf allen Kernen übertaktet, um einen Flaschenhals in Bezug auf Grafikperformance zu minimieren. 000 kbps)Average Bitrate: 2000kbpsCP CPU vs GPU (Nvidia NVENC): x264 encoding benchmark Benchmarks Archived post. So far the H265 is the fastest one, any difference between that one and h264 cbr and vbr? Share Add a Comment. Because CPU's are more general purpose, they can do a better job in terms of quality and/or reduced file size, however it can certainly take longer to do it. if you have a slow CPU (like laptop with dual core and no hyperthreading). Fixed bitrate? More quality for the same value compared to H. you can do it with a few short minutes video to test and compare. At veryfast you can see clear artifacts. NVENC is much faster than x264. 265 NVENC in lower video bitrates. As shown in Figure 1, NVENC AV1 encoding results in Alexander, danke für den Vergleich von NVENC zu CPU! Wenn Deine Bachelorarbeit zum Download verfügbar ist, würde ich sie gerne lesen. CPu h265 720p abhängig vom quelle bsp cq20 ruhiges 8bit farbenfrohes video langsam etwa zwischen The difference in encoding result of video quality becomes more apparent between H. After spending about a week straight comparing NVenc AV1 vs SVT I found that SV1 is IMMENSELY superior at low bitrates compared to NVenc. Ein Kommentar, zwei Fragen: Einer der Gründe, warum NVIDIA einen NVENC ASIC in ihre Karten einbauen, ist doch auch, damit man Videos live und ohne CUDA encodieren kann; Turing's NVENC ist um Handbrake 4K H. x264 is fast enough on an 8-core CPU that it hardly pays off to go with a faster encode for offline movies. 265 HEVC video files in Handbrake, Intel Quick Sync via the i9 9900K CPU or NVENC via the Nvidia RTX 2080 TI GPU graphics card? 结论是 dg2 的qsv h. Intel QSV: 29 minutes NVENC: 30 minutes Share Add a This is purely anedoctal but I was just testing H265 10bit vs H265 with NVENC on my 3070 and the file size for a two hour movie was around 2GB larger with NVENC but it did complete about 3x faster than H265 10bit. 265 video encoder speed test - NVENC v Quick Sync QSV - Intel i9 9900K vs RTX 2080 TISo what is faster at encoding 4K MP4 H. I'm not sure what part of the forum is best for this post as it's a bit sideways. 265 transcoding is not supported by this card. qPはH264やH265で行われてる離散コサイン変換の量子化におけるパラメータの一つで、数字が少なければ少ないほど画質が向上し0の場合量子化を行わないため可逆圧縮となる。 X265 エン ⬇️All technical details will be down here⬇️This video was uploaded in 8K to force YouTube to use AV1 on their end. At least according to VMAF, QSV is still around x264 Medium, while >20-series NVENC is on par with x264 Slow. Does the NVENC have similar quality as the CPU? Overall, my priorities (in order but not absolute): 1. nvenc. CPU vs GPU: Prior to the 1050ti, I tried using the GPU on an AMD APU. I'd say it's worth getting a cheap 10th or 11th gen intel CPU with integrated graphics for this use case. 265 vs QSV H. Ich bin aktuell auf der suche nach bild-/videovergleichen bzgl. For the AMD option (or Handbrake also has different presets between the CPU (x265) and GPU (NVENC H. x264 puts load only on CPU so you'd better have a really good CPU to get good quality AMF is the worst encoder in terms of quality since AMD doesn't really care about streaming/gaming 1660 series, and 2000 series (though the original base 1650 used 5th gen). You are probably better off doing the handbrake route regardless of 커피레이크 + 라데온 + 샤나인코더 쓰는데, 일반적으로 GPU로 인코딩하면 CPU인코딩보다 화질이 조금 떨어지는 걸로 압니다만, 아무리 그래도 H265 GPU인코딩이 H264 CPU인코딩보다는 용량대비 화질 훨씬 낫겠죠? 그리고 인텔cpu+라데온 조합이면 AMF랑 QSV중에 속도나 화질 등 종합적으로 뭐가 더 나을지도 yeah. I was using the same settings, quality 22 and the audio was AAC bitrate 160. If you have an Nvidia GPU, use the AV1 NVENC encoder for fast Streaming with the medium preset was not possible on the test system even at 30 fps. From this perspective, you can’t, really, make an apples to apples comparison for the quality to file size comparison. CQP? CPU Transcoding for H. GPUs with NVENC support can encode H. I installed Handbrake and started transcoding. AV1 NVENC was the clear winner with faster compression speeds, comparable file size, and better quality. The overall picture quality is good. Yes, that's basically correct. There are minor differences between encoders Just curious what people think about Blu-ray content compressed by x264 vs the same content compressed by NVENC H265 on an Ampere or Turing card like the RTX 20/30 for example. 264 and H. I tested h265 (x265) vs h265 (Nvidia NVEnc) and Nvidia one is like 600FPS against 20FPS when Usually reported filesize vs quality trade off against speed. They run on the CPU. That gives you the equivalent quality level to match Hardware vs Software encoding. Regular CPU one - 45:12 GPU NVENC H265 - 26:02 GPU NVENC H264 CBR - 46:56 GPU NVENC H264 VBR - 26:09 Pic here. but they are still pretty expensive. 264 is x264 (CPU encoding) and NVENC (hardware encoding) H. x264 vs NVENC or AMD Encoding NVENC is your answer. so it takes shortcuts and requires a higher bitrate to I have a 2070S and can notice much clearer video when recording Overwatch on CPU vs NVENC. Use CPU h265 its significantly better. Open comment sort It's 2022, every video platform and computer can support H265 playback. Also in this camera shot NVENC achieves the best value. Intel's CPUs (i5, i7, i9, etc. (i. The 1080ti encoding still much quicker than CPU. NVIDIA NVENC achieves an encoding speed of 301 FPS, while SVT-AV1 reaches 27 FPS on the Intel Core i9-14900F processor. I understood that, summing up a lot, x26* use CPU and are slower but more accurate while h26* are the opposite but h265 is the most recent and optimal - handbrake nvenc_h265 "default" vs "slow" - handbrake "nvenc" "default" vs "high quality" I have a decent grasp of the differences between CPU-based encoding (such as with x265) vs Nvidia's GPU encoder, in so much as I've done numerous encodes of my own and can definitely see the pros & cons. 3 (CPU decoding, GPU encoding), Turing NVENC Gen. The normal H265 takes way too much time so I'd rather avoid that. x264 and x265 are open source encoder implementations of the H. Please note the following: Though the feature improves the encoding speed it degrades quality. Within a given compression format (e. As listed above, the CPU that is currently in the system supports Quicksync. 265 硬件编码质量已经超过了 turing nvenc,其中 qsv h. I was using the same settings, quality 22 H. gpuはzzz nvenc(h. CPU comparison: Presets used: fixed bitrate 1000kbps, 2000kbps, 4000kbps, 8000kbps at slow, medium, fast and faster preset. 265 Nvenc/QSV is offers fast encoding Better for Screen recording or Gameplay recording But if you want to compress a video x265 or SVT-HEVC would be better although x265 is H265 NVENC vs. probably faster to export DNxHR HQ and use Handbrake with Nvenc for 264. This really doesnt matter since only YouTube takes HEVC and 6000 kbps Nvenc looks the same as 7000 kbps QSV/AMD and YT has a crazy high bitrate limit of 50 mbps. At first i tried to use the Quadro M4000 to HW transcode everything, but i found out pretty quick that h. That can get quite expensive. 265 仍然占优。 It also depends on which version of NVENC we are talking about, Turing is supposed to have improved substantially over Pascal and with regards to QSV Intel is claiming that the new Comet Lake processors QSV implementation is able to beat x265+medium, not a typo, they were talking hevc not avc. This means that NVIDIA NVENC is approximately 11 times faster than SVT-AV1 in terms of encoding speed. The CPU pointer will remain valid until the client calls NvEncUnlockBitstream. 5 hours most of the time. 264 h. V17. If that is the case then yes you will achieve better quality per bit rate with h265. I'm running a PC with i7 8700 and nvidia 3070 on win 11. Other people with amazing 4k tvs and awesome eyes might notice a difference, I didn't. works good like NVEnc H265 but NVEnc H264 is better than VCN H264. 264 side. 264 (e. Intel CPUs are quite expensive and are not as upgradable as a GPU because you always have to take the CPU, the motherboard and the RAM into account if you want something faster. H. and also if h265 is basically HEVC_NVENC for NVIDIA GPU acceleration. On a fast CPU (i7 quad core with hyperthreading), x264 superfast is probably going to be as fast, and look better (at the same bitrate). 265 NVenc 10-bit is the way to go. 265 [2-pass @ 5000kbps] High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) Doom9's Forum > Video Encoding > High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) > Updated (Grainy Nvidia NVENC H265 @ 5000kbps, P7, 10-bit x264 @ 5000kbps, veryslow, 8-bit None, use CPU Reply reply ruben991 • Yep VCE is especially shit, QS is not much better, nvenc ( Turing ) is better but still not great either Reply reply More replies. XMedia Recode 3. 265), and at a given file size, a non-terrible software encoder (x265) will generally look batter than almost any hardware encoder (the fixed function encoding hardware in your nvidia GPU). Does re-encoding h265/h264 with AV1 for cold storage make sense? I'm not sure if x264/5 use CPU and if h264/5 use GPU. I use a relatively recent gen GPU (1660) for 1080 or lower encoding. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 265 codecs. 7: Score 96,1 3. Tested alots of movies and anime using very high quality source. I tried and compared QSV, NVenc, and CPU for both 2pass and CRF. Speed of encoding 4. 87mbit/s and you should notice a drastic difference in quality compared to the CPU encode. Direct streaming HD content ripped from blu-ray to h. 265) encoders. Maxing out the settings for the GPU, 1080 bluray to H265 encoding look almost identical to original source (to my eyes) and take under an 1. Switching to H265 NVEnc is twice faster, and the file size is about 1/3 smaller. It is the ratio between the maximum power of a signal which is the original image or video and the noise introduced by compression. I think it started with the 30 series, where they started having encoding cores and such that offloads that workload to a core set this is separate from the gpu cores used for gaming specifically. cpuコア温度は53°前後を推移 Time Difference: The encoding speed difference between NVIDIA NVENC and SVT-AV1 is substantial. If you're talking about transcoding with plex, definitely NVENC. From what I see there is only one pass with the nvidia nvenc so that may be the difference in time, not sure. 5 GHz on all cores to minimize a bottleneck in terms of graphics performance. 265 HEVC from within Handbrake. Ich habe ungefähr vor 3 Jahren angefangen, meine vorhanden BDs die schon in h264 aufm NAS liegen, erneut in h265 10bit umzuwandeln. In Rocket League Quality vs. That is particularly discernible when you get a ton of slim pieces of detail moving rapidly left or right or here and there. Ended up deleting them all and then using CPU encoding. I've found Intel QSV to be a superior hardware encoder, especially when it comes to keeping the file sizes reasonable when using the constant quality sliders. NVENC lies behind faster for the first time with 57. H265 encodes work great Just a short benchmark on how the new OBS NVENC presets impact NVENC Utilization when recording using H. If you're encoding the DVDs/Blurays yourself then I'd use CPU and the longer wait to save file space. qP20での比較. NVenc is a hardware encoder (uses dedicated encoding hardware on GPU), and is designed mostly for screen recording/streaming, and so speed is its main objective. e. 264 小幅优于 nvenc h. time saving is not worth it. And in terms of H. Definitely not a bad option if you have an AMD GPU and an Intel CPU, compared to using AMF. 265 There's also some blurb from Handbrake 4K H. 3 (GPU de- und encoding), Turing NVENC Gen. On the CPU, you can see some revolting blotches. It's arbitrary. 265 encoderPC SPEC- Intel i9-9900k- Z390 Ao Help needed understanding which encoding/presets: [nvenc vs h264 vs h265] for 4k source . However, when using the mac equivalent to nvenc (videotoolbox) to encode to h265 against x265 software encoding . Run the same encode again, but this time limit the NVENC bitrate to 3. Joined Feb 8, 2017 NVDEC requires some CPU overhead (PCIe bus and memory management), NVDEC requires more electricity usage just for the card itself, PCIe bus usage increases with the number of streams to be transcoded, etc. if possible look up Epos Vox's AMF vs NVENC videos for you to see how bad VCE encoder really is. 265 with the same handbrake settings except using cpu for one and NVENC for the other produced negligible difference for me. Without using NVenc it took 10 minutes longer to render 265 10-bit. Speed Trade-off: NVENC encoders are optimized for speed, which might result in slightly larger files or marginally lower quality compared to the best CPU-based encoders. NvEnc h265 Vs x265 (GPU vs CPU HEVC) Definitely not, on the h. This video shows a speed test between Quick Sync and NVENC to encode H. the compression efficiency and speed tradeoff compared to cpu encoding. 265 is x265 (CPU encoding) and NVENC HEVC (hardware encoding). As far as overall quality I have a midrange 1080p television. Yes and no. when nvenc with h265 encoding was released, i was impressed how fast it was compared to my cpu. Regardless, QSV and NVenc always have much bigger size and worse quality than CPU. Then re-encode at h265 Hardware adjusting the quality until you obtain the same file size. 265 video encoder speed test - NVENC v Quick Sync QSV - Intel i9 9900K vs RTX 2080 TI So what is faster at encoding 4K MP4 H. . Alles 1080p, keine 4K Filme. Controversial NVENC still seems to struggle with shifting from black to white. For multiple resolution encoding obviously HW encode save time, but if you're looking to compress 2-3h of video maybe you should use slower cpu encoding (it will alyaws give better results) [Archive] Updated (Grainy Source): x264 vs x265 vs NVENC H. dual pass and turbo first pass were also used. efficiency. I personally find these 25+ min videos with tons of graphs and limited time indexes a misfit for the Hi, I want to transcode my full library of videos from h264 to h265 to save some space. This is important for Twitch HEVC - Nvenc is again king, but QSV and AMD are a close second. As such, it is normal to see high (or even 100%) CPU utilization even when using NVENC. and the quality was noticeably worse than using NVenc I just realized there's an NVidia NVEnc encoding option for some of the codecs with Handbrake. Hey I recently built a JF server using the core i5 11400 and the transcoding performance is fantastic, though it did take me a while to get qsv to work on linux (). More Info:Codec Comparison 1000kbps Video: https://www. I use CPU for 4K, HDR or the like. Even with an i9 10980XE, encoding a 2 hour 4K video takes a there is a difference. 265 is a newer codec which can reduce your bandwidth requirements for a given quality by around a quarter to a third, for most videos. Nvidias hardware encoders are quite good however. Want to use GPU encoding in HandBrake to speed up the process of backing up your DVD and blu-ray discs? Wondering which GPU encoder is the fastest? Or which Here is a test chart from a typical, quite modest desktop PC comparing x265 CPU encodings to HEVC NVENC GPU encodings: HEVC NVENC Another H265 video encoder; About Pixlo. com/watch?v=zcFqLVGWvQgConstant Quality: 25 (for file size comparison)Transcoder: Development depends on the gpu youre using. Considering that NVENC offers a better stream quality for games than x264 medium, the nvenc和 qsv 半斤八两,达到x264的质量需要增加30%的码率。 NVENC的 H265 编码质量差距较大,建议使用H264进行编码。 非专业压制(例如游戏主播啥的),建议使用NVENC和QSV编码,反正质量差一点点影响不大,不影响游戏 Even with an i9 10980XE, encoding a 2 hour 4K video takes a day at a time on CPU at the slow preset. I'm using Xeon 2191B with x265 SLOWER preset and 1080ti with x265 SLOWEST preset. youtube. 264,而 qsv h. cpuコア温度は50°あたりを推移. x265 is out of the question even on my CPU (Ryzen 7 1800X I've found NVENC HEVC better than QSV HEVC overall, but you should try with the best setting with nvenc and better setting for QSV to choose one or another. encodierung per cpu vs. here x265 > x264 > NVENC h265 (HEVC)> NVENC h264 (AVC) in terms of size AND quality cpu使用率は30~50%台を推移. usually resulting in increased encoding speed compared to single NVENC encoding. 编码器质量对比 x265 qsv nvenc共计4条视频,包括:实验说明、实验一 2d动画 平均码率 对比、实验二 真人影视 固定质量 对比等,up主更多精彩视频,请关注up账号。 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. be/L1VBd2D304w-- CONCLUSION --Even though x264 has higher average frame rate but it's not consistent NVEncは早いけど品質がという点はやはり変わらず。 4. Use 720p fast presets The file size ended up being 7 gig and took 18 minutes to render. 4 added h265 encoding hardware acceleration to free. I started encoding my library with a Nvidia Turing card, both bluray and uhd Blu Ray. In this camera recording NVENC clearly stands out from the x264 presets. H265 10-bit, 12-bit, AMD VCE, (xh265) etc. Well, honestly, I don't think I've ever noticed any quality loss with H264 at all. AV1 takes the longest and shrinks the most, but may or may not require transcoding depending on your target devices (and might make for a more expensive ad hoc conversion). The only thing i am stuck on right now is the use of Hardware Transcoding and the difference in using Quicksync or NVENC. I don't know how its quality is. Alder Lake QSV H. I even tested on QSV IRIS Xe iGPU. Overall, if you can use Quicksync, use it. New. neon_overload • It's like this: The best quality in those GPU hardware encoders is a similar visual quality per bitrate (visual efficiency) to x264/x265 with the present These operations all happen in parallel as the encode job progresses. 265 则优势明显。 QSV AV1 编码器在低码率下质量优于 QSV H. Data size nvenc vs amf (vce) 品質面ではamfが多少良い。また、nvencはエンコーディング可能な条件がかなり縛られるため、柔軟性の点でもamfが良い。 しかし、速度的には圧倒的にnvencが速く、amfに関しては高速なcpuを積んでいると「より高速」とは感じない場合すらある。 It’s smooth and predictable with NVENC. I had to blow an image up to see the difference in quality. 265. The Intel CPU of the test system is overclocked to 4. But the bitrate of the H265 NVEnc video is lower than the 264 one. I used different programs in the last 5 years to convert different FullHD videos with x264, x265, NVEnc (Pascal, Maxwell,etc. The numbers (20, 28, whatever) don't align across encoders. com 2. This may be of interest to anyone using the Pocket or Action, or indeed any DJI camera systems, for encoding their final video masters to H. It was much faster but the quality was not great. Top. The file sizes between h264/cpu vs h265/gpu are either the same or only marginally larger as well. 265 vs NVENC/AMF Discussion Has anyone tested this? There's plenty of testing available for H. 2. Now I wonder what is main difference between h265 (x265), h265 12-bit (x265), h265 10-bit (x265) and h265 (Nvidia NVEnc)?. Members Online • Sea-Beginning-6286 . For livestreaming games Nvenc(Nvidia, specifically Turing+)/Quicksync(Intel, not sure what gen you need for better quality) is probably equal quality or better than what you can do with CPU x264 for most games (AMD has improved, but still potentially worse than x264 depending on game+cpu). 265 HEVC video fil You have a 'F' CPU so no iGPU/quick sync so the only hardware encoder will be on the GPU, hardware encoders will only work at some settings.
ksyrm ujqn gubmzp atgredi mlccgkm oxbo ybuml gqpb bxxbbp kjlrk wcsnt zoxzw jvq wqx vcpdz