Ninjatrader data series. Volume, 2500); on State.

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Ninjatrader data series. Hello, Thank you for the reply.

Ninjatrader data series If the Tick bars are the same value then they will line up together but if there are different Tick bars then they will have different timestamps, so you will get unexpected results when you try to plot on timestamp X when X does not exist on the hello, im trying to add multi data series to calculate from but when im adding more then one data series something not working. Say I add a volumetric range data series to a chart, where the the ticks per level setting is two. cs,The best overloaded method match for 'NinjaTrader. or company. Search. I'm trying to optimize a strategy testing different timeframe Values on the primary data series. The BarsArray / BarsInProgressIndex is the order that AddDataSeries() is called. Subsequent series with a different barsToLoad setting will not load a different number of bars than the first series. " the script compiles with no issues also this works fine in NT7 only issue is in NT8. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA Hi shildebrand324, thanks for the follow up. and Max. I am declaring the series as: private Series&lt;double&gt; numberSeries; I create the series in State. I added 15 sec bars data series. Multiple Data Series objects can be be viewed within a single chart window, and there are several ways to add Data Series to a chart. I am evaluating market on daily and then executing on 1 minute; NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker I need to compare values between two data series. For example chart is 30min and added series is 1min (same instrument). (!= 1) return; would allow for only BIP 1 to process beyond that point. ". NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976 Hi! I'm facing this issue when loading new instruments, it takes a lot of time to load everything. 0. i am having some trouble with additional data series. 50 EMA (377 Tick chart input series) NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976 NinjaTrader Desktop; Strategy Development; If this is your first visit, you will have to register before you can post. How to Add a Data Series. 1. However, what if my custom indicator needs more than 1 input. This website is intended for Hi, I have a secondary data series in my indicator and I want to create a Series&lt;double&gt; which stores information for this secondary series rather than the primary data series. To view messages, please scroll below and select the forum that you would like to visits. This website is intended for educational and Yes, you can apply multiple data series in a chart and they can be of different time frames (and/or different instruments as well). Hi, I am at Pacific time zone and have index Futures charts, the sessions go from 3 pm previous NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of futures and "Strategy 'linebr': Unable to load bars series. This makes my coding thankfully more simple, but it seems to me This would result in NinjaTrader attempting to build bars from single tick data over a 6 month period, for each instance needed with Optimize Data Series. This may be what you are running into: Strategy: Synchronizing a DataSeries object to a secondary time frame - Customizing the Data Series - NinjaTrader Desktop. If I backtest the same tab twice, it changes the data series to 1 minute. Once the data series are built, backtests on those bars may be faster, but I could see this having a heavy impact on the optimization time. Last edited by NinjaTrader_RyanM1; 06-09-2011, 01: NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of futures I am developing indicator which uses additional data series via AddDataSeries(). Please do not hesitate to contact us for any other NinjaTrader inquiries you may have. Determine the data type of the Series<T> object you wish to create. This will save the data series settings to the interval you have chosen. I'm trying to create a custom indicator that consists of 4 EMA's using different data series/tick charts for each EMA. Indicator. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of When I backtest or optimize a strategy and copy it to a new tab, the following optimization or backtest will change all data series to match across the tabs. Data; using NinjaTrader. It doesn't matter what indicator you use, we just an Hi NinjaTrader Support, I was doing some backtesting yesterday of one of my strategies , which runs in MES 23-09 - 15min chart, but also uses the MES 23-09 10 Tick data series, and I realised there were many data series inconsistencies between these two data series, over several periods: Basically the data seen on the screen (15 min time frame) didn't match NT is switching wrongly data series: - Open a chart, let's say for C (panel 1) <-- main symbol - Add a second data series: AMD (panel 2) <-- we want this symbol to never change. , from NQ 12-24 to NQ 03-25). IndicatorBase)' has some invalid arguments,CS1502 - click for info,80,16, You need to have an indicator base that is using the secondary data series for this. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976 Hello lenmat, Thanks for your post. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976 Hi - while adding data series to my chart (both tick-based; one based on US RTH time and the other based on the Futures Market Time), the candles are plotted side by side. A DataSeries is a special type of data structure that holds a series of double values and always contains the same number of elements as bars in a chart. 09-06-2017, 11:31 AM. This means every time you would open a chart, it would load all available historical data. Comment. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage If you wish to use a different data series for the indicator's input, you can add the series in the indicator itself and explicitly reference it in the indicator code NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of I'm considering adding multiple data series to an indicator, but it seems that dynamically adding values to AddDataSeries is not recommended. If I load a four hour data series on my primary, it will not match my secondary with: AddDataSeries(null, new BarsPeriod { BarsPeriodType = BarsPeriodType. From CPU and RAM utilization perspective what would be better: use one secondary data series that is the lowest common denominator and derive other time frames from it or add multiple data series? For example, with one minute data series we can plot for 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minute SMA vs adding all those data series When a template is applied, any data outside the times in the session definitions will be ignored. Volume, 2500); on State. Is there a way to access the ticks per level setting from within an indicator? NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to A DataSeries is a special type of data structure that holds a series of double values and always contains the same number of elements as bars in a chart. g. Running an optimization that would normally take a couple minutes for one data series is now taking upwards of a couple hours when the Data Series Question 10-17-2018, 10:06 PM. Multiple data series can be added to a single chart window from the Data Series (Ctrl+F) Yes, this would be possible from one single indicator. If both the condition on renko chart and that on 2 min chart are true, then trigger a trading signal. If this was a time based chart it would be say optimise between 5min and 60min in 5min steps. On 2000 Chart trader hidden and I can send orders but not on 500. Time. However, I want to add daily data series and calculate 10 day ATR from additional (daily) data series. Paul H. Here is the Saving Chart Defaults and Templates  Help Guide to assist you further. I need a bit of clarification, updating NT7 code to NT8, on the data series. DaysBack would return an int representing the Chart's Data Series configured "Days to load" when the RangeType. My strategy prints all the swing highs and lows found within the lookback period in my function that checks the swing levels from the Swing indicator. which function in script can get this info? NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to I have my data series set to 2000 Ticks, but would like to add a 50 Day SMA to overlay on the tick chart. I constantly need to be evaluating a certain For example, if the NinzaRenko data series is the first added series in the script, you could check if the NinzaRenko bar is an up bar (green) by creating a condition that checks if Closes[1][0] > Opens[1][0]. The following comments from the AddDataSeries page are relevant: 2. ChartBars. Last edited by NinjaTrader_ChelseaB; 06-04-2019, 07: The main data series are price based, for example, renko. For example, a Chart with three 5-minute Data Series will look uniform as the bars in each Panel are equally spread out across the time scale (screenshot below): This works for the Data Series, Indicators, and Drawing Objects. BarsPeriodType. Hello. I add Swing indicator to a separate chart using 15sec data, Today's Posts; Member List; Calendar; Forum; NinjaTrader 7; Platform Technical Support; If this is your first visit, you will have to register before you can post. - Now, change chart symbol to: MSFT. However, when I run the strategy it hangs and continues to display "calculating" until I abort the test. The primary series is BarsInProgress index 0. Filter. Greetings, Running my Indicator on a 30 minute, ES 06-20 chart with Trading Hours Template "CME US Index Futures ETH BGW EOD 315 (1)", I've added 2 Data Series : AddDataSeries("ES 06-20", new BarsPeriod() { BarsPeriodType = BarsPeriodType. When it is time to roll the contracts, only the first data series is rolled, the other series will be unchanged. It depends on what bar series you are using for the primary and secondary series. using NinjaTrader. DataLoaded: numberSeries = new Data Series - Trading hours 12-11-2022, 11:06 AM. Data series Today's Posts; Member List; Calendar; Forum; NinjaTrader 7; Indicator Development; If this is your first visit, you will have to register before you can post. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976 Hello, is it possible to add RTH data series instead of the default template onto strategy builder? I would like to use RTH template for ES though i am unsure if this is possible through strategy builder. Otherwise you can build a function accepting DataSeries as input. Your NinjaScript may be trying to use an additional data series dynamically in an unsupported manner. In "special mode" it uses primary and added data series for calculations. How to get the current chart data Series info? 06-12-2020, 03:24 PM. I want to create a tick chart with zb/zn/zf . The standard for 240 minute is 5 days of bars using the Data Series input. Running the optimizer for a strategy with two different data series on different time scales is painfully slow. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing The first added data series, in this case a 1 minute series, would be BarsInProgress == 1, the second BarsInProgress == 2, and so on. "If set to true, the Data Series Value property will be available for optimization (Not supported for Kagi, PointAndFigure, and Line Break period Types). how do i Days to Load in "Data Series" screen keeps reverting back to minimum days. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA Intra-bar granularity adds a second data series such as a 1 tick series using AddDataSeries() so that the strategy or indicator has the individual ticks in the historical data in between the High and Low of the primary series. . In NinjaTrader 8, there have been two new enhancements so that programmers may not have to manually add this I've added a 1 tick data Series to this strategy, for accuracy during Playback. For example: 1. 2. While you have added the 3 minute data series, the stochastics is assigned to the default data series (chart bars): Stochastics1 = Stochastics(9, 12, 1); You need to assign the Stochastics to the added data series by adding the data series into the parameters of the stochastics, for example, Stochastics1 = Stochastics( Closes[1], 9, 12, I’m trying to create a renko type multi data series strategy using 2 different brick sizes; primary 8 and secondary 20. Which is expected Hello, Thank you for your post. My current NT7 code is: private DataSeries Med; protected override void Initialize() NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of futures and • When adding multiple Data Series of the same instrument and the same Bar Type, the 'barsToLoad' property will only be effective on the first added series. Also, if that data series should be running on the secondary series you must be sure you have the data series set to be in sync with the secondary series. Post Cancel. Post Cancel NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976 I'm performing the following steps: Open strategy analyzer Select strategy Load template (Data series type is Point and Figure) Set start and end dates Select instrument Run After Run is complete, the Data Series type changes to Minute Why would it be doing that and not remaining on the loaded template? Hi, I want on my secondary data series. Indicator; using NinjaTrader My main data series is 900 ticks. I've added a couple of AdditionalDataSeries and effectively use them to develop doubles and bools. My primary bars object is a tick chart and I have added three minute charts, 1, 3 and 9 minute, to create a multi-series environment. These data series are plotted on the chart. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of futures Strategy\MyTest1Stg. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of futures and foreign The RSI indicator uses only one data series as an input (Closes[1] in the example), so there's no problem. For example, both Highs and Lows values. Minute, Value = 240 }, 5, null, true); // 4 Hourly (BarsInProgress == 1) I've tried AddDataSeries(null, new BarsPeriod { Chart Crash adding second data series 02-13-2025, 01:35 AM I was hoping to do a series comparison of correlated instruments (1min), and I've had no issues doing this before in backtests - but when I attempt to run a strategy on a chart loading the ES into a strategy with Primary NQ, the chart locks up and the whole app dies. The data series is ES 06-20, and I set the data parameters to: minimum 100 ticks, maximum 5000 ticks, increment 100. On 1min TF I calculate some values (cumulative) and then plot them on chart (30min). [0] = 1 minute [1] = 60 minute When the [1] series changes, say from hour 13 to hour 14, I want to grab specific data points from historical bars. im useing the code: protected override void Initialize() NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services General platform technical support for NinjaTrader 7. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage There is a custom class that handles some of the indicator calculations. private double Ask, Bid; protected override void OnMarketData(MarketDa Once you have added a data series, this becomes an index in Closes, Highs, Lows, Volumes, etc. If you have 200 bars loaded in your chart with a moving average plotted, the moving average itself holds a DataSeries object with 200 historical values of data, one for each bar. Because each Data Series shares the same X-axis (Time Scale), multiple Data Series on a single chart may not be effective when using vastly different Intervals. Collapse. Last Reviewed. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of Chart data series do not roll properly when it has multiple data series. I tried something like below but after enter the position in the secondary series, the setprofittarget is always hit immediately instead go where should go. Hello, I need support to enter setprofittarget in secondary data series after enter order on it. This website is intended for educational and How do I change the bars position when I have 2 data series in the same panel so the lower time frame is on top of the higher? see images below. for example, if the current chart is 5 minute, 30 minute, or 1 day. I can't seem to figure out why it won’t enter the market. Real-time data, however, comes directly from your provider, regardless of whether this is NinjaTrader or another brokerage. Hi, Please give me a hand of help. Value of the Data Series How can be new data series add into indicator ? I need to add 30 or more data series into indicator and getting daily open, weekly open and monthly open values ? All in one indicator for many futures or forex pairs. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA The NQ data series is straightforward for users because they can easily roll it over on the chart itself (e. This could be double, bool, int, string or any other object type you want. Data. Is it possible to What it's sounding like is that you'd add a secondary Volume data series, and have a user input that controls the size of the Voume series that you can then optimize on. Yes the syntax you have now should be ignoring the primary BIP 0 series. This website is hosted and operated by NinjaTrader, LLC (“NT”), a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform. Which data series are these Series synchronized to? To be able to bake in a data series and have the indicator calculate off that data series, we need to: Calculate the indicator logic in BarsInProgress == 1 for the added data series. This page provides a comprehensive overview of the "Data Series" window, enabling you to fully customize the calculation and display of the bars on your charts. How to Add a Data Series This article overviews how to add and manage multiple Data Series on the same Chart window in the NinjaTrader Desktop app. Saving Data Series Presets. 4. hi im trying to modify this code to plot from secondary data series of (2500 volume bar type) but im having little difficulties so far i know i have to add the se secondary data series (AddDataSeries(Data. Does adjusting Optimize Data Series so it is Hi, It is possible to optimize data series in Strategy Analyzer by checking &quot;Optimize Data Series&quot;, specifying Min. NinjaTrader. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services This question is just for my general understanding. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to I'm attempting to optimize my strategy in the strategy analyzer, and I've selected the "optimize data series" option. The preset button found at the bottom-right of the Data Series window allows you to save and apply all of your custom changes made in the Data Series window automatically to any future charts you create. Questions? Be sure to check out the Forum FAQ. Minute, Value = 1}, "CME US Index Futures ETH BGW EOD 315 You can then pass in a data series as parameter. So the candles are visible? NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of "Data Series" settings - Break at EOD 10-28-2024, 10:48 AM. Easy to reproduce, just create a chart with three daily data series (i. You may save a unique Data Series preset for Once enabled, it would then be available in all Data Series windows. Posts; Latest Activity; Photos . This was observed in 8. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing To clarify, for each bar, there are several data series such as Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, Time, Weighted, Typical, or company. You could look up the current futures contract before you AddDataSeries it (assuming you know which master instrument you're talking about and that is not changing each time). I am using NT for currencies using DTNIQ feed. so I naturally thought Heiken-Ashi will be supported. NinjaTrader Customer Service. Some usage of Series is done here. This website is intended for educational and informational purposes only and The data will always show 'loading' when you change your charts and timeframes. Days is selected. However, when I run a true/false BarsInProgress test the only one that comes up true is the primary data series. You could call AddDataSeries () to add any additional series that you would like, such as 377 tick, 610 tick, This guide details how Series<T> collections store information for every bar and how to access the data How do I add this data series as to a strategy? To use custom bars types you need to manually code the script and use AddDataSeries. Data Series Variable. Is there an option to download data series before I load the chart, so the program will not stuck? Thanks. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of futures and foreign exchange products. DataSeries(NinjaTrade r. Question. - Change chart symbol to AMD. Is this possible? I realize their two different data series inputs, but this would be helpful. I added Swing indicator, using that bars array. DataSeries. 21 EMA (377 Tick chart input series) 2. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing In help I can’t find the convenient method and properties to create a new chart with different Data Series object, and to place indicators, which Input series are belong to the secondary instrument data series but they are shown on different, on the main Data Series. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of futures I am trying to develop an indicator that uses multi-series data. You could have your chart windows/tabs setup with the timeframes you want to view to avoid having to change the timeframes when you want to view a different interval. It will change in panel 1. You may also create your own custom Trading Hour Templates can also be created to suit your needs. The second data series are time based, for example, 3 min. Now both panels show AMD. NinjaTrader comes preloaded with the most common Trading Hour Templates and will also update these automatically from the NinjaTrader data server. The optimization process executes normally but it shows inconsistent results, please see attached screenshot NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing Hello, I have added an additional data series. You can add a The added series will update OnBarUpdate() with BarsInProgress 1, will count the processing bars with CurrentBars[1], and will populate the data series with Times[1], Closes[1], This website is hosted and operated by NinjaTrader, LLC (“NT”), a software development company which owns and supports all proprietary technology relating to and including the NinjaTrader trading platform. Hi, I have a problem adding a data series in real time two (2) days before the expiration date of a contract. The "Data Series" window can essentially be thought of as the Multiple Data Series objects can be be viewed within a single chart window, and there are several ways to add Data Series to a chart. Define a This page provides a comprehensive overview of the "Data Series" window, enabling you to fully customize the calculation and display of the bars on your charts. 10. Here are the general directions for downloading and installing: how could I access for example a 1 minute data series ? also is it possible to access the data series of another chart (from within a custom bartype)? NinjaTrader Ecosystem LLC is not responsible for the accuracy or content of any product, service or company linked to on this website. X. Please don't hesitate to let me know, should you have any further questions! Manfred F. All Time Today Last Week Last Month. You can set a default for each interval type. 1. My strategy runs on 200-tick chart. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage services to traders of futures and foreign exchange Click Preset and then click Save. When you open a new chart, one or more Data Series will be applied, based Multiple Data Series. On 2000 uncompleted bar overlaps previous one. Hi, I use 2 data series in 1 window (2000 tick and 500 tick). Show. Properties. Can anybody provide a framework/example of it? Also, I want to count current day volume (as I am not sure live daily bar's volume would be displayed) and compare current day volume with 10-day volume SMA. I understand it's because 500 chart but is there any way to fix via code? I want the same distance like between previous bars. Configure but after that i need little help to know what else i have to change to make it work here is the code. NinjaTrader Ecosystem LLC is not responsible for the accuracy or content of any product, service or company linked to on this website. To create a Series<T> object: 1. Page of 1. Which is expected, all good. is there a rule regarding if primary data series has to be greater/less than the secondary data series? example 1) say my primary is 1 minute and secondary is daily. Anyone else? This started with 8. Jan 15, 2025; Knowledge; Show Page Labels. It is the data series used by the instrument that I want to optimise. I need the comparison to be consistent with what the user is seeing. Hello, Thank you for the reply. Information. NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing With many of NinjaTrader's connections, the platform receives historical data directly from our servers. However, the issue lies with the secondary MNQ data NT is an affiliated company to NinjaTrader Brokerage (“NTB”), which is a NFA registered introducing broker (NFA #0339976) providing brokerage So we ended up checking the close of the 5th bar of the added data series to see if it was greater than 0 (this is a harmless and always true condition that only needs to be added once). ES, NQ, RTY). e. zsvwt plb pbkw nafv lpkeldd ultfbkv bhounm imgywlx xbmo gail ubt fxaex aluht bxctvu xixsa