Kawasaki bayou 300 wont fire. i have tried the rope start and still the same thing .
Kawasaki bayou 300 wont fire I am having a heck of a time getting it running and I was wondering if someone might have an idea as to why it won't run for me. After some searching online, it appears that Bayou 300's are In that case the starter is pulling a heavy electrical load and not leaving enough current for the ignition to fire. But, this can be happen and there were few cases when the customers complaints this. Help needed please! So here is what i have done so far. It does backfire through the carb fairly often while trying to start. carolinakawi Oct 3, 2007. We have had a '97 Bayou 300 for years now (friend left it for us to use, still hasn't wanted it back) About a year or so ago, it started running badly. I have a friends 300 Bayou in my garage that I can't get to fire ! I have changed pickup coil ,stator , coil, CDI , plug, rectifier,checked the fuses and wiring , the switches . i have taken the inlet tep cov off and the top sproc cover toexpose the chainloosend plug and rolled to the 2 pree tdc marks and tdc mark the top cog seemes to have 2 time marks . The ATV was started on full choke and left idleing to warm up for a few minutes. I turn the bike on and try to get it started and it wont start. So I don't know if There are many reasons for a no spark condition. . Was using it to move a few bales of hay and it started and ran fine, turned off the key to unload the hay and would not restart, nothing no clicking noise under the seat just silence. Needs same type of renovation as the 250 did. I can't find a tru manual online to download either so my question is how exactly dose the timing need to be set I After going through all that hassle, Iread a thread on a Bayou 250 that wouldn't start because of a bad sparkplug. what now Had it running this winter, but tried to get it going this spring with no luck. If you don't have one, take your battery out of the Bayou and get it load tested at a battery shop. Low quality exhaust material. Are you sure it ran out of gas?? Or did it seem like it ran out of gas but actually lost it's fire? 1994 Kawasaki bayou 400-26x12 589's-Custom snorkle-Custom tow hooks-Custom skid plate-K&N-Jet kit-Rear bumper. I don't think the gas is bad. Thanks Jordy . Background- Dad bought a '93 220 that hadn't run in 10 years. i have tried the rope start and still the same thing . Jump to Latest When it does die, I remove the fuel line from the tank, fire it up, after it starts to lean out and cough, suddenly all is back to normal. Jordy said try tapping the starter with a hammer to break free the brushes that may be stuck and it fired right up. tombones . but It explains all I have thought of or tried to hammer out the bugs in my Bayou 300 (Cliffs at the bottom) I have a Bayou 300 and its being a very temperamental beast right now. My Kawasaki bayou start button doesn't work. and one have any ideas what it might be? Bayou 220 idles great, but won't rev. We have a 1990? Kawasaki Bayou - Won't start. I also tried a different CDI from my sons ATV and no spark. The number 1 rule with electrical issues is first start with a "known good" battery. KawieRiders. Post Mar 28, 2008 #1 2008-03-28T20:19. Vintage motorcycle restorer. Various other Bayous here to be rebuilt and then to go away. Now engine would turn over good until compression stroke. It always had a hard time starting in the cold, but never electrical issues. I took my Bayou from a garage-kept, but barely maintained fixer-upper, to a reliable, ride-every-weekend machine. 1986 Kawasaki Bayou 300 - Starting Issues. Designed for the toughest challenges, it proved itself along the years in various rough terrain. Share It didn't fire once. Got a 2000 300 bayou 2wd. The last time it was run was about 10 years ago. Re: kawasaki 300 bayou won't rev up. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota and older model View File 1986-2006 Kawasaki Bayou 300 service manual This service manual is for a 1986-2006 Kawasaki Bayou 300. It's a 1994 Bayou 300 4x2. multiple; By HelpMyQuad June 10, 2011 in Kawasaki ATV Forum. Cant seem to get gas to clyinder. Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, troubleshooting, maintenance, off-road, touring, street bikes, and more! Show Less . Here’s a breakdown: Engine Performance: The Bayou 300 is equipped with a robust 300cc air-cooled, four-stroke engine. I was told that this atv has. I fixed that problem as well as valves that he also messed up. I bought myself a 1991 Kawasaki bayou 300 2X4 quad in not running condition for 100$. Replace the plugs. One of the most popular ATV from this brand is Kawasaki Bayou 300 model, which was first launched in 1988, and is specially designed for dealing with the toughest challenges and various rough terrain operations. It can also be bad battery, bad grounds, or corroded terminals. Kawsaki Bayou 300 clutch problems. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum Bought this Kawasaki Bayou 300 for $375 a few weeks ago. Anonymous. Doug E. Fault in the Ignition Key Switch: If you own a Kawasaki Bayou 300 and are experiencing problems with its ignition key switch, you are not alone. 1988 Kawasaki Bayou 300 2x4 wont start. Dreaded 89 Bayou 300 4x4 no start issue help needed. Engine won't fire. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota and older model 1994 Kawasaki Bayou 300 4x4 2008 Kawasaki Bayou 250 1999 Kawasaki Bayou 220 2006 Kinroad Phoenix 250cc. It would not start I jump start one time hi, Sorry for the long post. But, whether the diff lock works or not has nothing to do with whether the ATV will or won't move at all. Installed the honda carberator cleaned tank put new gas . I have been Hi all first post. Same results. Started fine yesterday. When you let off of the ignition swith there is one spark. Please help! Members; 237 #5 Posted August 31, 2018. I recently bought this and cleaned carb, new plug clean entire fuel system (tank, petkok filters, carb). Bought this 2001 Kawasaki Bayou 300 for $375 last week. First problem is the starter won't turn over even when boosted. I took the spark plug out and grounded it against muffler. Jump to Latest 2K views 4 replies 4 participants last post by s. I installed a new plug and it fired up and now it does run. I checked the plug and it will fire about 5 sparks then no fire at all . Some say wire to solenoid, but definitely a ground issue. After I put it on, it fired right up and ran great. It took about half choke at first, but Here’s the problem the KLF300C won’t start The guy before me tried messing with it and messed up the timing. While I can walk you through diagnosing your problem I cannot instill patience in you enough to see the job through correctly. I suspected fuel problems, but We have a 1990? Kawasaki Bayou that turns over(& over & over) but won't fire & startit's getting gas as far as I can tell, the plug is . Pull the slide from the throat of the carb. it occasionally backfires through the carb i adjusted the valve and it helped it some. Cleaned carb, wasn't the problem. Now move the clip on the jet needle down one notch. one day and when I went to change to 1st gear it died and hasn't ran since. Save Share if ur battery is toast u wont get spark on these bikes try a new battery `2009 bruteforce 750i 26 inch mudlites msd charge fi passenger seat fps std bore kit muzzy pro Kawasaki Heavy Industries Ltd. Each time before, I've cleaned the carb, replaced the float valve, spark plug, etc, and she runs fine. I have a 1998 Kawasaki bayou klf300c Fresh rebuild on motor wiseco piston after market exhaust I was pulling a small trailer wih wood and bike started to misfire ran good enough to get it home went bought plugs and fuel filter installed would barely stay running and now has basically given up it Ok guys I need help. hello to all once again well i have the bayou running for a bout 3 months now. It would idle at half choke and then make a thumping noise and stall. We tried to get it started once before and discovered that the compression was low, (60PSI), the val I am having what I think is ignition problems. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota and older model 1989 Bayou 300 4x4 Jetting Tried the search function, seems like no matter what I search for on this forum I get the exact same 5 pages of posts that don't Take one away, the motor won't run. was great but now have a new problem iv been starting the bayou up ever day but i had for got to for 3 days now it wont start or doing any thing but crank over and flood out has new spark plug great spark its blue s orange. If you cant find the serial number on the frame, start looking near the left front wheel, it might be up there on the frame. is one of the globally distinguished manufacturers of quality ATVs, side-by-sides, and watercraft. not questioning your mechanic skills if some one could have told me that for my old 300 bayou I would not have learned the hard way ! KawieRiders. My dad just gave me a 1986 Kawasaki Bayou 300 2x4 with differential. Kawasaki ATV and Mule On my '87 Bayou 300, the diff lock cable setup was inherently weak and balky - you pretty much had to manually actuate the lever to get the diff lock to engage or disengage. SWGale. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota and older model '98 Bayou 300 4x4 won't start Jump to Latest 8. Climbing a hill in a higher gear it will take full throttle and Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums. I have a 2000 Bayou 300 that the starter was working and 1 minute later won't turn over when the button is pressed. 2001 Bayou 300 2wd. 300 4x4 that I bought for cheap while it was not running. When the light is on, I hit the electric start button and I get hear one click, then the neutral light goes out, and then won't come back on. My bike wont start. Bought 4 wheeler for kids. Dad insisted on a new starter ($50 ebay). 1. I am have the zam problem with my 91 Kawasaki 300 bayou . My 1994 Bayou 300 seems to flood very easy when starting. If I ride easy through woop sections - it runs all night. Since then I have not been able to get it to run at all without choke. Good thing about 300's, those are available aftermarket and fairly cheap, relatively speaking. It ran great for a month and cut off and would not start back up. I cleaned and rebuilt the carb, fixed some wiring and it fired right up and ran perfect. any one have any ideals before i take it to Most common problems with Kawasaki Bayou 300 1. Its getting fire, you put a little gas in the clyinder it cranks. Engine knocking noise. However, I am at a dead end (with my current knowledge, anyhow). But only when you let off of the ignition switch. Video Images; 2 Answers. Kawasaki ATV and Mule. Battery Issues: A dead or weak battery is often the first suspect when an ATV won’t Here are the 6 most common issues along with the solutions developed in order to fix them. starts and idles great but - kawasaki 1990 ZXR 400 question Eliminator has been garage keep for a year has not been started it does fire #3 carb over flows but will hit but not fire over. 3. could the chain have streched or jumpt? Help Bayou 300 idles but won't rev. 2011. Four Wheeler wont hit a lick? I'm lost here guys. 1995 Kawasaki bayou 220 won't start. Hi there. Now it wont start. So I recently picked up a 1986 kawasaki bayou 300 2x4 from my neighbor and told him I could fix it for him. com to get an idea of how the engine is constructed. the atv ran off the battery till it was dean and now wont run because it has no way to charge the battery, a quick way to check this is, if you get it to start and idle, use a multimeter set to dc volts and put the black lead on the negative post of the battery First off, let me say I am sorry for another one of these threads. I assumed the carb was the culprit. At first I thought it was a carb problem but while testing the spart I noticed that there is no spark while the engine is turning over. It has fuel, compression and spark. When you stop cranking the engine, it is still spinning on its momentum and it can fire the plugs a few times until the rotation stops. 1. In this video, I show you what is I'm trying to get my nephews Kawasaki 300 bayou 2x4 running. I have 2 bayou 220's they both show 90 psi on compression test and they run great. It turns over fine, but just wouldn't fire up. The Kawasaki Bayou 300 boasts several features that contribute to its overall reliability. So far we have replaced battery, adjusted Bayou 300 4x4 knocking. Ok, I don't have a bayou 300 but do a lot of repair of a lot of quads. Bayou 300 carb problems. just put a I have a Kawasaki Bayou 220. After spending $250 at my local Kawasaki shop, they tell me the CDI is bad. A bad solenoid was supposed to be why it was parked. I am able to start my Bayou 300 with the choke open and the engine will run just fine. This video shows how to test and replace the pulse coil in a 1991 Kawasaki KLF300C Bayou '96 Bayou 300. it will turn over good but when i choke it or give it gas it stops turning over and the wires on the start push button starts smoking until i stop choking it or let off the gas. I went through a little bit of water and after that it wouldn't start the next day. It didn't run when I got it. Having trouble with a bayou 94 Kawasaki 300 that's been sat up for a year. Jump to Latest Take a look at the parts diagrams on Kawasaki. This will 1. i put a new carb on, it's getting spark and fuel. But I forgot to ask him why he put it away. bayou 300 wont start. I have a KLF300C Bayou that wont crank, doesnt seem to have any spark when I try and pull start it either. The plug sparked fine outside the cylinder, but under compressionit would not spark. The motor died and would not restart. with the miles i have put on it i just thought it had gave up the ghost. My next problem is the idle, it has a rough idle it is up and down, I tried adjusting the air screw both in and out and it increases and decreases Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums. I have a 1993 kawasaki bayou 300 that will start and run for a few seconds but then dies. However, as soon as the choke is closed or I try to rev the throttle with the choke open, the engine dies. When one shows up in my shop, the standard practice is to add $300 to the bill for EPA disposal fees, then charge for a new OEM type carburetor and the labor to boot. The engine would turn over but no spark until I let off the starter button, then it would arc. I was told that it had an ignition issue and would not start. 4. Machine has set for about 2 years. Still no spark. I tested it and continuity is good the kill switch also works. A forum community dedicated to Kawasaki Motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Take a look at the parts diagrams on Kawasaki. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota and older model Kawasaki ATV's! Show Less Full Forum Listing kawasaki 300 bayou won't rev up. Use the pull start and see if the plug is firing. starting problems. 49 for a new plug, and the ATV fired rightup. There are some things you're going to need. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota and older . With hydraulic disk brakes, a 700-Ib haulage capacity, and a dual-mode differential, the Bayou 300 remains one of the most powerful The Kawasaki Bayou 300cc started production in 1988 and remained in it for more than 10 years. My plan is to disassemble, clean, and reassemble the carburetor according to The Kawasaki Bayou 300 is one of the most fondly remembered recreational utility vehicles. So I blew the $2. Ask a Question. I had problems with the start My Bayou 300 would not start, so I went through the normal ritual of looking for spark, fuel, and compression. cleaned carb, new cdi. I had it completely rebuilt by the dealer in 2005. until about a month ago i was over at a friends house and he was talking about his 96 bayou that was doing the same thing. Bayou 300 No Spark. It seemed to be flooding with a black sooty plug, so I sprang for a new carb. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Bayou 220 wont start Jump to Latest 15K views 19 replies 7 participants last post by WFO-KZ Apr 3, 2022 1987 Bayou 300 dies immediately with throttle applied. I have a 2007 kawasaki bayou 250 that wont start. Level 3: An So I have a 93 400 bayou 4x4 it runs great in warm weather but once the temperature gets down it cranks and cranks and cranks but wont fire. S 2003 Bayou 250, finished replacing or fixing the stuff that needed it. A too tight tensioner will trash the cam chain, and it will sound like a turbine Engine will crank but it won't start. now i know for a fact his didnt have the miles mine did so we got By not crank over, but it will turn over, do you mean the electric starter is not working but the manual starter works? If that is the case, start with the battery and work you way back from the cables to be sure the battery is fully charged and of adequate capacity, the cables are clean on both ends and no rust on the grounds, the pigtail on the ground cable is I have a 2001 KLF 300 Bayou that has been driving me crazy trying to start it. I've cleaned the terminals. Reassembled it, hooked everything up, and fired it up. I'm guessing the main jet is clogged because it did run on choke when it was warm even though it won't start at all So I replaced the rings cause it was smoking real bad,put it all back together, I think I have the timing set right but I'm not sure. Check the systems 20A main fuse located on the starter relay if that's KLF 300 4x4 won't run. The valve lash gets too tight over time, letting the valve stay open just enough for compression to drop to the point that it won't crank. What next? I have a 1998 kawasaki bayou 300 4x4 i have no fire at spark plug but i have 12 volts on both sides of coil. eBay Motors: Kawasaki Carburetor Bayou KLF300 KLF 300 ATV Carb -New (item 280337295805 end time May-22-09 19:52:29 PDT) Save A common problem on 4-wheelers, particularly Kawasaki Bayou and Lakota ATVs is a starter that will not engage the engine. Faulty ignition key switch. Unfortunately, the ignition key switch is one of the most common problems However, if you own a Kawasaki Bayou 300, you may eventually run into some common issues. Brutes are bad for this, and my neighbors bayou 300 did the same way once, as well as a yamaha breeze 125 I once owned. Featuring dual-mode differential, hydraulic Bayou 400 won't run. Here are some of the most common issues owners face, along with tips on Below, we’ll explore some of the most frequent culprits that might prevent your Bayou 300 from firing up. Do you now how to fix the front camber on a 2008 kawasaki bayou 250. I had all three! When I held the spark plug next to the engine I have a 1999 bayou 300 4x4 ot will try to start but wont fire. Adding to downloads library. Cars & Trucks; 11,312 views . We have taken it to a couple different mechanics and have had a bunch of stuff changed but still same problem. com to get an idea of the relationship and order of the carburetor parts and the fuel tank and petcock The serial number on the motor is not the same and wont help finding the year of your bayou. This engine is designed for durability, offering a balance of power and efficiency that can withstand various terrains. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota Check the wiring and switches; it's too much of a coincidence that it lost fire at the same time it ran out of gas. The ATV has been run every few weeks and has been running treated gas for several years. tried everything please help! KawieRiders. Replaced the Crankshaft Sensor, Coil Pack, & Spark Plugs. My 2001 Bayou 300 (KLF-300-B14) has been experiencing starting problems and I did all the troubleshooting I could with no resolution. In this video, I show how to diagnose and fix a Kawasaki Bayou 300 that will not start. The 92 will not rev up, it idles perfectly and responds to throttle normally until a certain RPM is reached (guessing about 2000 RPM) where it absolutely will not rev any higher. Rode it around and came back the next day to it not running. In this vid Customer: I have a Kawasaki ATV. this is the third time I've done major work on this thing in the last 10 years. If you already have, or it changes nothing, either the CDI has failed or the pickup coil. Bought this $460 Kawasaki Bayou KLF300 last week and on the first look, it was noted that both the recoil and electric starters were not working. No guarantees but try this. I'm sure people get tired of seeing them. After is starts with rope and runs for 30 seconds it will start fine with the starter. Thank you Hello All I have 2 Bayou 300s, a 92 4WD and a 02 2WD. Over the years, Kawasaki bayou 250 starting problems I NEED HELP TOO. By kaidella. The Kawasaki Bayou 300 4×4 goes down in history as the 1st 4WD off-road vehicle from Kawasaki’s famous best-selling lineup. #1 the "green light". When I went to park it it back fired hard and stalled. Here is what I have done so far:-Reset camshaft timing (it had jumped two teeth on the timing set) KawieRiders. I have a 96 Bayou 300 4x2 w/ unknown hours and about 1200 miles on it. 1989 Bayou KLF 300 c 4x4. I poured gas into the chamber and put the spark plug in ( it Kawasaki ATV and Mule 1991 Bayou 300 wont start. The same method should work for any carbureted 4-wheeler or dirtbike. Then slow down The 4x4 is a Kawasaki Bayou, red colored body, 4-wheel i am in PA, USA, no clutch, gear shift on left side, one up (reverse) three or four down Quote; Mech. the switch wires niether are showing any power at the cylanoid Anyone have this troube before? Thx. ×. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota and older model Kawasaki Try a brand new spark plug first. I have a 94 bayou 300 i got new that one day took a notion to only run with the choke 1/2 open. 1995 bayou 4x4 300 cranks but wont start. I bought a non working Bayou 300/KLF300 4x4 2 years ago and shed a lot of blood, sweat and tears getting all the electrical problems sorted. Replaced Battery, and cleaned ground, wasn't the problem. (as I know these wont run without a good battery), and tried pulling by hand. Usually answered in minutes! Expand. However, some problems have also been KLF 300 won't start. what else could it be Plugs sometimes won't fire correctly after being flooded. Rebuilt the tail light fixtures with LED arrays and drivers in original lenses. Check for spark at the plug by removing the plug from the head and grounding it to the block. Set it up with the portable CDI box and Bayou 300 odd engine noise / won't go into gear. I have put new carburater, new plug and battery. Nothing can be more frustrating than the event where your vehicle engine fails to start. It acts like its out of gas but its not. Engine won’t start The Problem. You didn't mention if you had the 220 or the 300, a link to both manuals can be found here Klf300 won't start. hi, i have a kawasaki 300 bayou. However, like any other machine, it is not immune to problems. Used to run and soon as it was put in gear it died. Alright so I just replaced the top end in my 96 bayou 300 and it fired right up and I rode it for a while then parked it. When I turn the key on, the neutral light will not stay on. I also have a bayou 250 that shows a compression of 120psi which starts and run great until u rev it up to high rpm then it backfires and loose power was just wondering if the (120) is ok? 6 yr Admin changed the title to Kawasaki Bayou 220 No fire/spark/lights/nothing. Professional motorcycle mechanic since 1978. A compression gauge is the best way to check for compression, but there are a couple of "*****" way to checking it (I'm a ***** so I can say that-actually I'm more of Customer: Kawisaki 300 4+4 bayou, it backfires and wont run normaly, it has ignited the air filter, and sounds ill. 6K views 6 replies 3 participants last post by 86klf300guy Jan 6, 2009 Hi Everyone- I have a mid 90's Bayou 300 and having an electrical issue. Now I have fire at the plug but it will not start. 2. Had the same problem with 1998 300 4x4 and eventually led to bigger problems with ground being off. A volt meter is one of them, patience is the other. I always look for the easiest fixes first, and would take a look at the camshaft and tensioner. Save Share New to forums and need some help. After new solenoid ($11 ebay) the engine would slowly crank. Stalling '86 bayou 300 wont start when cold using the starter but starts on the first pull with rope. Come join the discussion about performance It might sound stupid, but try opening the lash on the intake valve a little. Now starter button won't work, starter is fine checked with other power source direct. 6. The bike does have power and the netural light is illuminated when the unit is not in gear (I guess showing switches and gearbox are alligned at least) The Unit just stopped one day and wont start / crank again. com is the largest Kawasaki ATV owner's forum with information for the Kawasaki KFX700, Brute Force, Prairie, Bayou, Mojave, Lakota and older model In the few months Ive been messing with this Bayou, ive already repaired a faulty stator coil, found (for free!) a rectifier, installed 4 new cv joint boots, and adjusted the valves, all with help from this excellent forum. this is where it get trickyu may have to do the trial by fire un screw the adjuster all the way out and then turn it back in untill play is gone in clutch lever may need a little play in it but try it first then lift the rear tires up off the ground and put it in gear 1st perferd and roll the rear tires The Kawasaki Bayou 300 is a beloved all-terrain vehicle that has gained popularity for its ability to tackle even the most challenging terrain. Submitter Ajmboy Submitted 05/11/2018 Category Kawasaki ATV My 2002 300 bayou will not start with the start switchChecked for power to cylinoidonly wire that is hot is the wire straight from the batteryThe other big post on the cylanoid is not hot. cpxmgpbnlgkvtyhrjgwrqpmdwbzdfuzypkrqbleteexvzdunyaseicfuuakndunncina