Exeggutor moveset fire red. Psych Up is to reset your Special Attack stat.
Exeggutor moveset fire red I don't know the best moveset i usually Google for mine. EXEGGUTOR originally came from the tropics. PP Effect % — Barrage: 15: 85: 20--Several spheres are thrown consecutively at the target to inflict damage. Attack,176 Speed,82 HP Sunny Day SolarBeam Psychic Hidden Power:Fire With 176 Ev's in Speed,and since Sunny Day doubles Exeggutor's Speed,it should outrun most Pokemon like Salamence. FireRed LeafGreen Yellow Red Blue; Walking in tall grass or a cave Berry Forest 5% L35. If the opponent used a move like Quiver Dance, use Psych Up to copy the stat changes. Fire Blast also stops Physical Attackers (making Thunder Wave useless when they are burned), so Substitute can block opposing special stat lowering, Thunder Waving, and more in Stadium. In Generation 1, has a base experience yield of 98. Honestly, didn't use to beat Elite 4. This one can also work: Exeggutor@Choice Band Brave nature Ev's 190 HP,252 Attack,68 Charmander is probably the best fire type available in this generation, except maybe Magmar, but of the types fire is good against (grass, bug, ice), there are only 2 major trainers who fire should be strong against, but one of them is Utility galore, can set sweep by itself, bulky, solid moveset, and better than any Kanto grass type. Pre-evolution moves. The Pokémon can be filtered by ticking the checkboxes. FireRed & LeafGreen stick to the original 151 Pokémon of Red/Blue/Yellow, despite having introduced two new generations of Pokémon in the meantime, including evolutions of Kanto Pokémon. Sunny Day is to take advantage of Chlorophyll, doubling Exeggutor's Speed, and Sleep Powder is the most accurate Sleep Leaf Storm and Psychic are STAB moves. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread. This attack does 40 damage times the number of heads. my team is: Charizard Pikachu vaporeon pidgeotto snorlax nidoran Exeggutor | RB | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Generation I Level Up: Level Attack Name Type Att. Alakazam is quite broken in fire red. . Movepool: The only notable move by level is Sleep Powder at level 37. I did an entire play through of Pokémon fire red on the school computer 2. So far I have: Exxegutor: Psychic (STAB), Giga Drain (STAB + healing), Solar Beam (STAB) and Sunny Day to boost overall speed (due to it's ability). Exeggutor has a higher special attack stats and can take more hits then Kadabra, but it's very slow (enter Stun Spore). Exeggcute changes. Sunnybeamer: ----- Exeggutor@Petaya Berry Modest: 252 Sp Att, 252 Spd, 6 HP Sunny Day Solarbeam HP Fire Psychic Common set, but Exeggutor can use it very well. I’m debating on Mr. It is vulnerable to Bug, Flying, Poison, Ghost, Fire, Ice and Dark moves. It is weak to Bug, Fire, Flying, Normal, and Poison-typed attacks. Oooh ok. To me, I just like rapidash and Elite Four. Search. Mimic--100: This is the party I chose to finish the E4 for the first time and I would love to hear suggestions for the perfect moveset. I'm wondering if you guys could help me with a superamazingkickass team that I can stick with until the Elite Four and beyond. I need a water Pokémon more than a Fairy or Grass but Exeggutor is a tank with Sunny Day and Solarbeam not including the new moves he knows in this game. I am playing fire red for real for the first time and I want to know what the best moveset for each of these pokemon is on my firered team. 5% L35. g. If you're looking for the Sword & Shield, Check out Exeggcute Pokémon Sword & Shield data Moves marked with an asterisk (*) must be chain bred onto Exeggutor in Generation III; Moves marked with a double dagger (‡) can only be bred from a Pokémon who ===== #103 - Exeggutor Type: Grass/Psychic Ability: Clorophyll[Doubles Speed in sunshine] Base Stats: HP: 95 Att: 95 Def: 85 Spd: 55 Sp Att: 125 Sp Def: 65 Description: I’m debating on Mr. PP Effect % Method; Take Down: 90: 85: 20--Gen I TM09: A charging attack. net/pokedex/Arcanine/moves/1Growlithe Lear And Starmie is LG only. Acc. Solar Beam is better for raids, but I think Seed Bomb is For Pokemon FireRed Version on the Game Boy Advance, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Exeggcute moveset?". At level 31, you are presented with another This Pokédex is for Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen. Fire: Trade from Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness #0156 Quilava: Fire: Trade from Pokémon Colosseum or XD #0157 Typhlosion: Fire: Trade from Pokémon Colosseum or XD #0158 Totodile: Water: Trade from Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness #0159 Croconaw: Water: Trade from Pokémon Colosseum or XD #0160 Feraligatr: Water: Trade from Pokémon Colosseum or Among the diverse and vibrant array of creatures, one Pokémon stands out for its peculiar appearance and unique abilities. EV Spread and Nature This thread is for Alolan Exeggutor. For Kantonian Exeggutor, please go here. Arcanine Gen 1 Moveset Smogon: https://www. This league boasts a knockout style where you battle the trainers back to back, with only a break in between to walk to the next room - so while you can use healing items in between battles, you cannot go back to the Pokemon Center. ¹ – Red/Blue/Yellow only ² – All other Pokemon games Posted by u/Jorjo_the_frog - 5 votes and 2 comments Abilities: Chlorophyll - Harvest (Hidden Ability): Chlorophyll: When sunny, the Pokémon’s Speed doubles. Egg moves. I chose a Charmander as my starter, and I plan on keeping him, unless you guys think switching to Arcanine would be better. Exeggutor | BW | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Discover Exeggutor's (#103) best moveset, top counters, weaknesses, CP range, and stats in Pokémon GO. Exeggutor's base 125 Special Attack is notable, as it is one of the highest in Kanto. Jynx would be a good psychic poke, if you're willing to wait until you can actually 'catch' one. How to get an Exeggutor that knows Sleep Powder, Solarbeam & egg bomb in fire red ? Also whats a good moveset for him . Said Pokémon (such as Crobat, Elite Four. Exeggutor also has a decent Exeggutor Gen 1 Moveset Smogon: https://www. I don’t want any of the fistt 3 starters Pokémon on my team. PP: Effect % Swords Dance----30--A fighting dance that sharply raises ATTACK. I will warn you, this is a very large and exhaustive FAQ, as it deals with that much-neglected area of the Pokemon game, breeding. I need a water Pokémon more than a Fairy or Grass In order to complete a Fire Red Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 22 Boss battles throughout the Kanto region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Psychic Gen I Only Moves : Attack Name Type Att. Hey everybody. Hidden Ability (Available): Harvest: The Pokémon has a 50% chance of restoring a consumed berry. Due to being a special attacker, confusion is the better choice here. This vine is waved and flicked about as if it were an animal to attract prey. Well exeggutor is great cause of chlorophyll+sunny day+solar beam combo but other psychic types that are also good are mr. 20% L23–25. The teams are mostly the same as the original Red/Blue with a few level changes. I figure the TC plays FR and can't trade because he wants a moveset for Kadabra, not Alakazam. Exeggutor's strongest moveset is Extrasensory & Solar Beam and it has a Max CP of 3,014. items, abilities, natures and EVs. 1st off incredible team level balance, and for your answer, if ya want a good grass type ya are stuck with vileplume or exeggutor, depends on whether you want a good setup/status grass/poison or dexterous grass/psychic that does a lot of Agora, se for realizar a mudança, poderá trocar o Alakazam por Exeggutor e Gengar por Nidoking. Psychic Exchange is an attack that first appeared on Erika's Exeggutor from Gym Heroes. One of the Pokémon with the highest speed and super versatile moves. The egg moves for Exeggutor are listed below, alongside compatible parent Pokémon it can breed with. com/dex/rb/pokemon/Exeggutor/Exeggutor Learnset: https://pokemondb. Method: The first fight takes place right after obtaining your starter. net/pokedex/Exeggutor/moves/2Exeggutor Exeggutor's egg groups: Grass. This discourse will elucidate the techniques and maneuvers that this arboreal entity, known as Exeggutor, has at its disposal within the framework of a specific edition, namely the Fire Red iteration of the game. If you have a good competitive moveset for Golem, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. If you have a good competitive moveset for Alolan Exeggutor, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Victreebel can be replaced with Exeggutor having the same moveset but using Toxic/Psychic/Confusion instead of Sludge Bomb. Movesets for any of its pre Exeggutor moveset Psychic Giga Drain Sleep Powder (as exeggcute) Leech Seed. FireRed At level 19, Exeggcute learns Confusion while Exeggutor learns Stomp. Jynx, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Machamp and Exeggutor are all weak to him and he goes even with all of Agatha’s team, Pidgeot, Alakazam and Arcanine. Gyarados does not learn any moves by breeding in Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire. Trivia Origin. Alternatively, Alolan Exeggutor could use a Steel Tera Type to turn all of its weaknesses into resists. Exeggutor. a) because decent Grass attackers are You almost never get to fire off a Solar Beam at full power. Exeggcute is a Grass and Psychic-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. Thank you in advance. As soon as you reach Saffron City, find Mr. If you're looking for the Sword & Shield or Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, Check out Exeggcute Pokémon Sword & Shield data Exeggutor Gen 2 Moveset Smogon: https://www. Ability:Overgrow Exeggutor Moveset: Solar Beam, Confusion, Sleep Powder, Egg Bomb. Fire, Flying, Ghost, Ice, and 3. Anne's port will say, "By the way: If you like this game, buy it or die", referencing Nintendo's increasingly-stringent policies against pirate gaming that began with the NES, but extended onto Pokemon with Exeggutor would be better because it can learn psychic moves and Vileplume and Exeggutor both get extra damaged by Bug Pokemon so I'd actually pick Venomoth but because it's between those 2 I'd Now I know Victreebel can get swords dance and everything good mainly in postgame of fire red making the only real moveset I want to go with But I’d love to know what you think maybe I can give him other moves I’m deciding on Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen keep the original 5 HMs from Red/Blue, but also contain Rock Smash and Waterfall, which were introduced in Ruby/Sapphire. Red Blue: Often mistaken for eggs. Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald Tutor Attacks: Attack Name: Type: Att. I love arkanine lol. Mine, Starmine and Exeggutor. Unveil the power of Exeggutor, a brilliant Pokémon known for its Grass and Psychic typing! It's a sight to see Exeggutor out in the 1st generation battlefield. Also, if you don't mind being a bit reckless giving Charizard Double Edge to ensure that Blaze is utilized is also a nice idea. Curse: Lowers your speed for gyro ball and ups your attack and defence. I am really trying to figure it out by myself but i cant. ) The Team is: Charizard Jolteon Lapras/Articuno Snorlax Nidoking/Nidoqueen Vileplume Firstly, I An awkward hybrid of Grass and Psychic-types, Exeggcute has good stats all around, but a mediocre moveset. I wanted to get one below level 19 so I could evolve it and then Exeggutor would learn Stomp, but seeing how they're usually 22-26, I gotta wait until level 31 so they can learn Egg Bomb. Can I get my Fire Red save file back, or is it gone forever? Where do I get the TM for Earthquake in Fire Red or Leaf Green? Do I have to trade to get Machamp or can I evolve my Machoke( on fire red )? Who is the best, in Fire Red, Kabutops or Omastar? Nidoking or Nidoqueen in Fire red? Is there an 8th island in Fire Red or Leaf Green? 101: Electrode 103: Exeggutor 102: Exeggcute Pokédex; Flavor; Locations; Kanto. Check the respective All the moves that #1 Bulbasaur can learn in Generation 3 (Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald), plus for its egg moves, compatible parents and breeding details. Charizard - mid to high A tier Solos gym 4 (but so do a lot of things). All the moves that #103 Exeggutor can learn in Generation 3 (Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald), plus for its egg moves, compatible parents and breeding details. Speedy and good While Alolan Exeggutor has six weaknesses to watch out for, its three double resistances to Electric, Grass, and Water attacks, paired with a powerful moveset, make it a I've played through Leaf Green and Fire Red a couple of times recently and found the best team with no hacks or cheats is: Blastoise (surf, skull-bash, hydro-cannon, ice beam) Nidoking (thrash, megahorn, earthquake, sludge bomb) Exeggutor at level 79 has a speed stat of 116, which is doubled to 232 Reply reply A subreddit to discuss everything about the amazing fire red hack named Radical Red from asking questions to showing your hall of fame and How To Evolve Exeggcute into Exeggutor#Exeggcute#pokemon#pokemonfirered #pokemonfireredandleafgreen #exeggutor pokemon fire red,pokemon gba,Exeggcute evoluti There exists a sure-fire, blatant way to know if your Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen game has been pirated in some manner: the sailor in Vermilion City near the S. EXEGGUTOR @ Leftovers Chlorophyll - Psychic - Sleep Powder - Leech Seed - HP Grass/Fire/Explosion/Synthesis EVs: Modest (+SA -Att) 252/0/176/48/0/32 - 158 speed should outrun neutral Swampert and Weezing, which both clock in at 156. And Starmie is LG only. Your rival will always choose the Pokemon with a type advantage over yours; however, since the only attacks either of Or should I go with Starmine or Exeggutor ? For my phychic/double typing. The ones with asterisk are the ones I want to hear more about. that's a much longer job. Pokédex entries. Exeggutor's Defenses are both strong, but it's Special defenses are weaker so if you attack with Fire & Dark attacks it will be toast (literally if you use Fire) Contest Moveset. I use moveset Surf, Psychic, Thunderbolt, IceBeam. During sunshine, this chance increases to 100% If you learn Sunny Day, then using this will ensure Solar Beam doesn’t need a turn to charge up – and will even speed up Exeggutor in the process. It'll also take away setup time. One quarter of the damage it inflicts comes back to hurt the attacker. So i hope yall can help me. commented Jun 5, 2020 by Calquischezlerynop. High atop the Indigo Plateau, the Elite Four of Kanto await the challenge of any trainer bold enough to collect all eight badges. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. recover is kinda pointless since alakazams defense and hp are so low it will probably not survive more than one hit anyways, which brings me to my next point. Body Slam: 85: 100: 15: 30: A full-body slam that may cause paralysis. Alakazam - modest @ lum berry 252 spa / 252 spe / 4 hp-calm mind-psychic-fire punch / ice punch / thunderpunch-fire punch / ice punch / thunderpunch psychic, is generally a must due to stab purposes like you said. The best way to use Exeggutor IMO is to pseudopass Sunny Day so it'll be fast and have one more slot for sweeping. Its heads steadily grow larger from exposure to strong sunlight. Exeggutor is a Grass & Psychic Pokémon which evolves from Exeggcute. Flip a coin for each Energy attached to Exeggutor. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread. This is the party I chose to finish the E4 for the first time and I would love to hear suggestions for the perfect moveset. Exeggutor | BW | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Oh dang I forgot he's only fire red. I noticed on the serebii website that exeggutor only learns egg bomb at level 31 but exeggcute learns sleep powder at 37 and solarbeam at 43, Exeggutor | RS | Smogon Strategy Pokedex Loading Encounter #1: Pallet Town Location: Pallet Town. Complete Breeding Guide for Pokemon Version 1. Suggested Moves: Psychic; Giga Drain; Stun Spore; Reflect; Exeggutor’s Special Attack stat is enormous, so be sure to build its moveset to take advantage of this. It will also boost the damage of Flamethrower while it is Terastallized. S. All other move types are normal effectiveness on Exeggutor. But idk if rapidash is any better choice than Flareon. These Strategy Against Exeggutor. Exeggcute only has one Psychic attack, Confusion, and aside from Solar Beam, all its other Grass moves are Exeggutor@Petaya Berry/Leftovers Modest nature Ev's 252 Sp. Você poderá gostar: Cheats para Pokémon Fire Red, consiga itens e If you have a good competitive moveset for Vileplume, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. 00 Written by Toothache Well, greetings everybody, and welcome to my first ever FAQ. Hope this helped! answered Jun 4, 2020 by fwoofyy Ya but it can be hacked into fire red because if you look on the version exclusives, there is deoxys attack for fire red and defense for leaf green. Discover strategies for using Exeggutor in the Smogon Strategy Pokedex for the SM game version. Best Fire (Tera) Type Pokemon for Ranked Battle. There were no known abilities or equippable items back in the Red/Blue Pokémon games. In Generations 2-7, Exeggcute has a base Friendship value of 70. Double-edge: 120: 100: 15--A life-risking tackle that also hurts the user. Dream Eater: 100: 100: 15--Takes one half the damage inflicted on a sleeping foe. Originally from the tropics, EXEGGUTOR's heads grow larger from exposure to strong sunlight. smogon. com/dex/rb/pokemon/Arcanine/Arcanine Learnset: https://pokemondb. Exeggutor's entire viable moveset is TM-based, but it makes great use of Psychic, Solar Beam, Sunny Day, and Giga Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow at IGN: walkthroughs, items Electric, Grass, Ground Disadvantage: Bug, Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying: Origin: Exeggutor's name is a combination of the words "egg" and Fire is the best Tera Type for this build because it turns Alolan Exeggutor's common weaknesses into resists. Fire Punch / Thunder Punch: Covers some of your weaknesses. It is said that when the heads fall, they group to form an EXEGGCUTE. All the moves that #44 Gloom can learn in Generation 3 (Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald), plus for its egg moves, compatible parents and breeding details. I'm trying to build a perfect in-game moveset for Exeggutor. COUNTERBRO:-Amnesia-Psychic-Fire Blast-Thunder Wave / Substitute Because I ****ing hate Jynx and Exeggutor, now I can Fire Blast 'em. Gyro Ball: After lowering your speed for the first few turns, this move is likely to smash through anything. Alolan Exeggutor Grass · Dragon. 20% Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green Team: Venusaur:Ever since I was a kid i've always loved Venusaur,so I usually always pick him,he's my favorite starter. A good Contest Moveset for Best Exeggutor Move Set? While Confusion/Solar Beam is the highest DPS moveset on paper, Bullet Seed/Solar Beam is the most useful one in practise, for three reasons. These moves can only be learned in Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire by a previous evolution of Gyarados. I'm playing the game again, and if Exeggutor can learn Strength, I'll keep my Exeggcute longer until it learns Solarbeam :) Move types which are good on Exeggutor: Dark², Fire, Flying, Ghost², Ice, Poison Move types which are bad on Exeggutor: Electric, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Psychic, Water Move types which don't effect Exeggutor: Ghost¹. Big I'm currently playing Pokemon Fire Red. com/dex/gs/pokemon/Exeggutor/Exeggutor Learnset: https://pokemondb. Strangely, the HM Dive is not available, nor are there any areas in which it can be used. Safari Zone Area 1, east. Language. Mimic--100: 10--Copies a move used by the foe during one battle. If you really are set on switching out alakazam, then exeggutor or slowbro are good psychic alternatives. However, Speed will not double on the turn weather becomes Strong Sunlight. This page lists all the moves that Exeggcute can learn in Generation 1, which consists of these games: Pokémon Red; Pokémon Blue; Pokémon Yellow All the moves that #69 Bellsprout can learn in Generation 3 (Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald), plus for its egg moves, compatible parents and breeding details. Hammer Arm: 100 base power and also lowers users speed. Reply reply Tier 3 Counters w/ Moveset information, difficulty rankings, and solo-able Flavor Text Ruby: VICTREEBEL has a long vine that extends from its head. Menu. Be sure to include full set details in your post, e. Fire type Pokémon #058 Growlithe Level 42 Fire #077 Ponyta Level 40 Fire #078 Rapidash Level 42 Fire #059 Arcanine Level 47 Exeggutor Level 73 Grass · Psychic #130 Gyarados Level 73 Water · Flying #006 Charizard Level 75 Fire · Flying. - Fire Punch / Thunder Punch. About "Exeggutor originally came from the tropics. You will need to breed a female Exeggutor with a compatible male Pokémon, with the male (for Gen 2 Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald Tutor Attacks: Attack Name: Type: Att. A subreddit to discuss everything about the amazing fire red hack named Radical Red from asking questions to showing your hall of fame and everything in between! You've got it the wrong way around, night gives you kantonian exeggutor whilst day gives you alolan exeggutor since alolan exeggutor are taller due to getting more Stats: Exeggutor has good stats save for lacking Special Defense and Speed. PP: Effect % Double-edge: 120: 100: 15--A life-risking tackle that also hurts the user. General: Location: Attacks: Stats: Egg Moves: 5th Gen Dex: 3rd Gen Dex: This Pokédex is for Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver. For now, I thought of: Psychic (STAB and one of the best moves in the entire game overall); Sleep Powder (for tactics and catching [remember that it is an in-game moveset]); Strength (it's better than Stomp, Egg Bomb or Double-Edge); Mega Drain/Solar Beam. It is said that Solar Beam, Psychic, Sunny Day, Sleep Powder. As a Grass and Psychic-type Pokémon, Exeggcute is especially weak against Bug-type moves, and . Psych Up is to reset your Special Attack stat. For those who have Fire red, replace Starmie with a Lapras using the exact same moveset. net/pokedex/Exeggutor/moves/1List of Ge Best MoveSet for this Fire Red Team? This team isn't for online or anything, just completing the game 100% (excluding capturing all. cdwcrxlszbbchrxdfnyvrthnsocubtjdmqfwdliabqgtdlbshvxgttddjlunfanxfuzbqqorh