All india electricity statistics. 1: State-wise Estimated Reserves of Coal 6 Table 1.

All india electricity statistics [3] " BP Statistical Review of World Energy ," British Petroleum, June 2022. 110 BU Thermal; 156. The largest share came from thermal power, at around 76 percent of the total The electricity shortage of over 8,500 million units was recorded across India in financial year 2018, which was an increase from the previous year. The Energy Statistics India report is released annually by the National Statistical Office of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India. In 2018, it was announced ALL INDIA ELECRICAL ACCIDENTS State/UT Generating Stations/ Transmission / Distribution WESTERN REGION SOUTHERN REGION Total Total Break up not available Total NORTH EASTERN REGION Fatal: 13, Non-fatl: 20 Fatal: 06, Non-fatl: 270 Total STATE WISE STATISTICS FOR 2020-21 NA=Not Available All India Total Union Territories Total OTHERS [2] "All India Energy Statistics - General Review 2022," Central Electricity Authority, Government of India, May 2022. Data from India’s Ministry of Power & Central Electricity Authority shows that India increased its renewable capacity by 15. Chart : 38 All India Peak & Energy Deficit (Utilities) (1985-86 to 2023-24) 67 67. Chapter 2-Installed Capacity and The all-India electricity demand increased by 7. India's direct tax collections have grown by 16. Ember’s India electricity dataset provides electricity generation (GWh), power generation capacity (MW), emissions from electricity generation (ktCO2e) and carbon intensity of electricity generation (gCO2 per KWh) for 36 states/union territories in India. 1. 69-12. Central Electricity Authority; According to the India residential energy survey conducted between 2019 and 2020, almost 96 percent of the rural households had access to electricity through electric grids. 09-14. Moreover, due to improvements in generation and transmission capacities, power outages in the country have reduced from 4. Statista. 99-0. Large Hydro). The peak power demand also saw a slight rise, reaching 207. 69-34,761. Energy Statistics India 2023Download: Cover Page. 2 Trends in Growth in Energy Consumption and Energy intensity in India 46 6. S. The full-year growth for FY2024 is estimated to be All-India electricity statisti More details; All-India electricity statistics : general review : (containing data for the year ) Government of India, Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Authority. Energy Statistics India 2021Download: Cover Page. Accessed March 14 The north-eastern region in India had the highest share of electricity transmission losses, at about 4. 2:State-wise Estimated Reserves of Crude Oil and Natural Gas 7 As per the Ministry of Power ’s year end review report 2024, India’s per capita electricity consumption has increased to 1395 kWh in 2023-24, marking a significant increase of about 45. The report compiles data from various ministries and departments of the Basic Statistic Electricity consumption in the United Kingdom (UK) 1970-2023, by final user Premium Statistic Breakdown of power demand in the United Kingdom 2023, by sector Government of India | Ministry of Statistics and Programme CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY GRID OPERATION & DISTRIBUTION WING OPERATION PERFORMANCE MONITORING DIVISION All India / Regionwise Power Generation Overview 29-Feb-2024 Sub-Report-1 All India / Regions Installed Capacity (MW) Monitored Capacity (MW) Annual Target (MU) Today's Program Today's Actual Apr 1 Till Date During the financial year 2023, the average cost of state electricity supplied in India was 7. 7 2011-12 73. Contents. 60-5. The annual electricity statistics of Indian Power sector has been important task being accomplished by Central Electricity Authority makes public from time to time, the Statistics concerning generation, transmission, trading, distribution and utilization of electricity by different sectors in the country. Electricity: Consumption: Utilities data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation. 13 1. 11 percent, in fiscal year 2023. Sharp Reduction in Power Shortages: Due to significant additions in generation and transmission capacities, energy shortages at the national level have reduced to a mere 0. India has achieved over 99. 2% in the Energy Statistics 2012 CENTRAL STATISTICS OFFICE C E N T R A L S T A T I S T I C S O F F I C E TABLE SUBJECT PAGE Section 6 : Consumption Highlights 43 6. 000 GWh in 1971. 1 85. At this rate, India’s annual per capita electricity consumption will be about 1,700-1,800 units in 2031-32. The annual electricity statistics of Indian Power sector has been important task being accomplished by S. CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY GRID OPERATION & DISTRIBUTION WING OPERATION PERFORMANCE MONITORING DIVISION All India / Regionwise Power Generation Overview 30-Jan-2024 Sub-Report-1 All India / Regions Installed Capacity (MW) Monitored Capacity (MW) Annual Target (MU) Today's Program Today's Actual Apr 1 Till Date This section has covered the statistical information about State/Category-wise Number of Electricity Consumers (Utilities) in India, Region/State-wise Classification of Power Consumers (Utilities) in India. Energy Statistics is an integrated and updated database of reserves, installed capacity, production, consumption, import, export and whole sale prices of different sources viz Wind power generation in India has increased considerably in the last few years. India Gross/Net Generation and Auxiliary Consumption of Energy - India Installed Capacity of Power Utilities - India Mode/Prime Mover Growth of Per Capita Consumption of Electricity in India (1947, 1950 to 1956, 1957-1958 to 1998-1999, 2000-2001 to 2002-2003 and 2005-2006 to 2023-2024) A storehouse of socio-economic statistical of 620 districts. Accessed March 21 The publication “All India Electricity Statistics - General Review 2021” is a step in this direction, which is based on data for the year 2019-20. com. growth of Click on this icon to download report files. 30 gigawatt (GW). 95-30,584. 57-4. Electricity market worldwide Electricity in Europe Electricity prices worldwide Access all statistics starting from $2,388 USD yearly * CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY GRID OPERATION & DISTRIBUTION WING OPERATION PERFORMANCE MONITORING DIVISION All India / Regionwise Power Generation Overview 08-Sep-2024 Sub-Report-1 All India / Regions ALL INDIA 613,448. ENERGY STATISTICS 2020 5 METADATA-ENERGY STATISTICS 1. 8 times between 2021-22 and 2031-32. 01 terawatt hours of electricity from renewable sources. com! During the same time, the private sector of the India’s power industry generated over 73. 40 lakh crore and non-corporate tax collections at Rs 12. YEAR END REVIEW - 2024 India successfully met an all-time maximum power demand of 250 GW during FY 2024-25 Per capita electricity consumption in India has surged to 1,395 kWh in 2023-24, marking a 45. 8 gigawatts between March 2022 and May 2023. Chapter 2-Installed Capacity and Capacity Utilization. 10 All India PLF Sector-wise for Jan-2021 10 11 T & D and AT & C Losses (%) 12 All India Village Electrification 13 Average cost of Power & Average Realisation 14 All India Coal consumption for Power Generation (MT) 1 Capacity Addition Targets and Achievements in 12th Plan, 2017-18 , 2018-19 and 2019-20 12. To ensure the same India has been focusing on availability of electricity to all citizens of the country. Bibliographic information. The growth is driven by higher corporate and non-corporate tax revenues, with corporate tax collections at Rs 12. 1 terawatt-hours. 1 66. 190 Nuclear; 8 BU Import from Bhutan and 215 BU RES (Excl. 1 The electricity generation target (Including RE) for the year 2023-24 has been fixed as 1750 Billion Unit (BU). Contact 1. 8% from the year 2013-14. i. 67 979. 1 68. 26-4. Foreword. Table : 8A Region-wise Summary of Electrical Energy Requirement (MU) & Peak Electricity Demand (MW) projections for the Year 2023-24 and 2024 Access to Electricity in India: 1993 to 2025. 24th in the series is an annual publication of CSO and is a continued effort to provide a comprehensive picture of Energy Sector in India. 47-4. Provides election data for all 543 parliamentary and 4120 state assembly constituencies. 56 GW in November ENERGY MAPS OF INDIA ENERGY STATISTICS 2019 7 Map 2: Wind Power Potential at 100m agl (2017-18) Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy . Basic Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals India's power consumption increased by 5. 86 lakh crore in FY 2024-25. Contact organization National Statistical Office (NSO), Ministry of Statistics &Programme The frequency profile of the all-India grid showed some improvement in frequency profile in August 2021, according to latest statistics released by Power System Operation Corporation Ltd (POSOCO). 3 The electricity generation target for the year 2023-24 was fixed at 1750 BU comprising of 1324. RBA001: Electricity: Overview. Chapter 1-Reserves and Potential for Generation. List of Figures. 23 3. mospi. Annexure I- Definitions of Energy Products and All India Electricity Statistics (General Review) General Review 2018 (Containing data for 2016-2017) General Review 2017 (Containing data for 2015-2016) Central Electricity Authority, This publication “All India Electricity Statistics- General Review 2023” contains countrywide statistics relating to generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY GRID OPERATION & DISTRIBUTION WING OPERATION PERFORMANCE MONITORING DIVISION All India / Regionwise Power This dataset contains the All-India, Year and sector-wise Electricity-intensity of major energy-consuming sectors. Furthermore, that same year, the South Asian country was the third Growth of Per Capita Consumption of Electricity in India (1947, 1950 to 1956, 1957-1958 to 1998-1999, 2000-2001 to 2002-2003 and 2005-2006 to 2023-2024) A storehouse of socio-economic statistical of 620 districts. A cluster of 11 associate websites. Access all statistics starting from $2,388 USD yearly * Electricity in India Electricity in the U. In its latest statistical report, POSOCO , which manages the National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC), said that the average frequency of the national View India's Electricity Consumption: Utilities: D & N Haveli and Daman & Diu from 2023 to 2023 in the chart: . 49 1,323. 89%) Record Demand Met: India successfully met an all-time maximum power demand of 250 GW during FY 2024-25. 5 thousand CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY GRID OPERATION & DISTRIBUTION WING OPERATION PERFORMANCE MONITORING DIVISION All India / Regionwise Power Generation Overview 31-Mar-2024 Sub-Report-1 All India / Regions Installed Capacity (MW) Monitored Capacity (MW) Annual Target (MU) Today's Program Today's Actual Apr 1 Till Date Access all statistics starting from $2,388 USD yearly * * For commercial use only. 9 Giga Watt of Inter State Transmission Projects costing Rs. 3% in the first ten months of FY2024 on a year-on-year (YoY) basis, supported by recovery in demand since June ’23, with the delayed onset of the monsoons, uneven rainfall across the country and resilient economic activity. 2% in FY 2013-14. ENERGY MAPS OF INDIA ENERGY STATISTICS 2019 8 Map 3: Refineries and 31/01/2022 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation; This publication, the 28th in the series, is an updated and integrated repository of statistics on energy resources and highlights the India’s commitment and the progress made so far in the area of reliable, sustainable and efficient energy systems in the country. ELECTRIC consumption A one-stop data platform with information across India's climate, energy, economy and environment contours. This means that renewable Basic Statistic Revenue of state power utilities in India 2010-2023 Premium Statistic Industrial power use sales Japan FY 2015, by region Premium Statistic China Datang Corporation's revenue 2009-2020 Energy) published by the UN Statistics Division Documents published by MoSPI for industry and products classification, i. Report Name Months Download | View Download | View ; 1: General Review : All India Electricity Statistics (2023) 2023 All India Electricity Statistics: General Review 2018 (containing Data for the Year 2016-17) Government of India, Ministry of Power, Central Electricity Authority, 2018 - Electric power - 264 pages. 9 percent in fiscal year 2023. The data for this publication has been collected from various organisations of the Indian Electricity Sector. *Annual per capita water availability for 2025 and 2050 is based on Water and introduce competition, protect consumer’s interests and provide power for all. The Act provides for National Electricity Policy, Rural Electrification, Open access in transmission, phased open access in All India PLF (%) Sector-wise PLF (%) Central State Private 2009-10 77. The domestic sector followed, ranking second at 26 percent. 1 terawatt-hours of electricity from wind energy. 33-67. 63 Energy Statistics India - 2023 Highlights • One of the Targets identified by the Sustainable Development Goals focuses on making affordable, reliable and modern energy accessible to all people universally. Chapter 7-Energy Balance and Sankey Diagram. 2:State Energy statistics 2017. Last CEA projects India’s electricity demand to increase 1. 42 GW in November FY24, up from 204. 31/03/2021 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation; This publication, the 28th in the series, presents an integrated database on Energy Statistics in the country. Keeping in view the importance of collated statistics of energy resources, this repository serves as a vital instrument in providing a ENERGY STATISTICS INDIA 2024 Government of India Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation National Statistical Office https://www. [3]The gross electricity generation per capita in FY2023-24 was 1,395 kWh. [3] In FY2015, electric energy consumption in agriculture was recorded as being the highest (17. As of 2017, India’s per capita electricity consumption was significantly lower than most developed countries. 5 85. Publication & publication of Statistics concerning Installed Capacity, Generation, Transmission, Trading, Distribution and Utilization of Electricity i. 700 BU Hydro; 46. e. Introduction. 9 83. [4] " Review of Performance of Hydro Power Stations 2022-23 ," Central Electricity Authority, Government of India, August 2023. 1(A): State-wise Estimated Reserves of Lignite 6 Table 1. 17 Mar Electricity indicators in India, 2010-2020 - Chart and data by the International Energy Agency. Central Electricity Authority, Sewa Bhawan,R. [9] During the fiscal year (FY) 2023–24, the total electricity generation in the country was 1,949 TWh, of which 1,734 TWh was generated by utilities. 1. Abbreviations and Acronyms. Puram, Sector-1,New Delhi-110 066 Performance of Generation from all Sources. Year of publication: October 2020-Published: Electricity in India Electricity in the U. A & N Islands Andhra Pradesh 10K 5K 0K Annual electricity production across India increased by 8. in The volume of electricity generated across India between April 2023 and March 2024 was over 1,700 billion units. 3 Trends in Consumption of Conventional Energy in India ( Peta This section has covered the statistical information about Energy Generation by Categories, Energy Plant Load Factor, Fuels Consumption for Electricity Generation, Gross/Net Generation and Auxiliary Consumption of Energy, Installed Capacity of Power Utilities, Mode/Prime Mover-wise Electrical Energy Generation, Monthly Energy Generation, Power Capacity and The important statistics like per capita electricity consumption, percentage share of different categories of consumption, transmission 43 Pie Chart:26 All India Electricity Consumption Sector ENERGY MAPS OF INDIA ENERGY STATISTICS 2020 4 Map 2: Wind Power Potential at 100m agl (2018-19) Source: Ministry of New and Renewable Energy . As per the available data, the installed capacity including captive All India Electricity Statistics – General Review Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics Energy Statistics FY 2017 onwards, the data is directly provided by the Coal Controller’s Organisation, Central Electricity Authority, and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. 66 894. 3 82. Chapter 8-Sustainability and Energy. wind power generation 2009-2040 Premium Statistic Coal consumption in South Africa 1998-2023 Premium Statistic Primary energy consumption in Germany 1998-2023 CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY GRID OPERATION & DISTRIBUTION WING OPERATION PERFORMANCE MONITORING DIVISION All India / Regionwise Power Generation Overview 26-Dec-2024 Sub-Report-1 All India / Regions Installed Capacity (MW) Monitored Capacity (MW) Annual Target (MU) Today's Program Today's Actual Apr 1 Till Date Explore Electricity Consumers, Electricity Tariffs and Duty, Electrification, Power Allocation Statistical data at Indiastat. CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY GRID OPERATION & DISTRIBUTION WING OPERATION PERFORMANCE MONITORING DIVISION All India / Regionwise Power Generation Overview 31-Aug-2024 Sub-Report-1 All India / Regions ALL INDIA 587,734. The publication “All India Electricity Statistics - General Review” is a step in this direction. In 2023, India generated about 384. Consumption and Sale India – IndiaStat helps you to find out comprehensive research statistics about consumption of power in india, electricity selling in india, energy consumption details in india growth statistics figures Projected Consumption of Electrical Energy in India (2011-2012, 2016-2017 and 2021-2022) A storehouse of socio-economic statistical of 620 districts. 2% electrification by the end of 2024, marking a significant milestone in its infrastructure development. 44 billion units (BU) in November FY24, compared to the same month in FY23. All India electricity statistics: general review 2023. Title: * Upto May 2023 (Provisional), Source : CEA. , Coal Directory 2019-20, Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics 2019-20, All India Electricity Statistics-General Review 2020 Energy Maps of India vi-viii Metadata-Energy Statistics ix-xi Chapter 1 : Reserves and Potential for Generation 1-8 Highlights Table 1. Basic Account OEA (India), Wholesale Price Index of electricity in India from financial year 2013 to 2024 Projected Consumption of Electrical Energy in India (2011-2012, 2016-2017 and 2021-2022) A storehouse of socio-economic statistical of 620 districts. The data is categorized under Global Database’s India – Table IN The Energy Statistics India report is released annually by the National Statistical Office of the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India. It is used to understand how efficiently the technologies are being used in The all-India electricity demand increased by 7. 14% to 125. 15% year-on-year, reaching Rs 25. Login; About us; Subscribe; India Gross/Net Generation and Auxiliary Consumption of Energy - India Installed Energy statistics India 2021. According to the India residential energy survey conducted in 2019 and 2020, over 96 percent of the households had access to electricity through electric grids. The data is categorized under Global Database’s India – Table IN. 1: State-wise Estimated Reserves of Coal 6 Table 1. This publication “All India Electricity Statistics- General Review 2023” contains countrywide statistics relating to generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity by different sectors/categories. List of Tables. 11 Indian rupees per kilowatt-hour. by energy type; Premium Statistic Volume of peak electricity generation in Lebanon 2011-2018 All India Electricity Statistics – General Review Petroleum and Natural Gas Statistics Energy Statistics FY 2017 onwards, the data is directly provided by the Coal Controller’s Organisation, Central Electricity Authority, and Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. India Climate & Energy Dashboard. K. This 29th edition was released in 2022 and presents a database of energy-related statistics from across the country for the year 2021. No. 1% in FY 2024-25, a major improvement from 4. 09/03/2023 Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation; This publication, the 30th in the series, is an updated and integrated repository of statistics on energy resources and highlights the India’s commitment and the progress made so far in the area of reliable, sustainable and efficient energy systems Basic Statistic U. 8% increase (438 kWh) from 957 kWh in 2013-14 Universal Electrification Achieved 50. Discover data on Electricity: Overview in India. Energy Statistics India 2024Download: Cover Page. The time series start from 2019 and has monthly and yearly data for all metrics. Energy. 27-544. Select State: Chapter 6-Consumption of Energy Resources. , NIC-2008 and NPCMS-2011 respectively Latest annual Indian energy statistics publications, i. Map 2: Installed Generation Capacity in India ii Metadata-Energy Statistics iii-v Chapter 1 : Reserves and Potential for Generation 1-8 Highlights 1-5 Table 1. 90 crore. . Select State: Government of India | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Premium Statistic Electricity generated in India FY 2016-2024, by source Premium Statistic Changes in electricity production in India 2023, by source This publication “All India Electricity Statistics- General Review 2023” contains countrywide statistics relating to generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity by different sectors/categories for the FY 2021-22. This 29th edition was released in 2022 and presents a database of The western region in India had the highest amount of electricity transmission losses in financial year 2023, at about 9. Dashboard at Glance . According to government data, power consumption in November FY23 stood at 119. 9 2010-11 75. As seen, state- Table : 8 All India Power Supply Position Energy-wise & Peak-wise (Utilities) (1985-86 to 2022-23) 65-66 66. Thermal data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Central Statistics Office. The industry sector accounted for the highest share of energy consumption across India in fiscal year 2023, at 42 percent. In 2023, the country produced roughly 82. 61-494. Publication of All India Annual Electricity Statistics- General Review Publication of Growth of Electricity Sector since 1947-onwards All India Electricity Statistics: General Review, , N / A, Central Board of Irrigation and Power, The Indian Electricity Sector has made remarkable progress during the last six decades in the field of generation, transmission, distribution and utilization. 1 Trends in Consumption of Conventional Sources of Energy in India 45 6. Click on this icon to download report files. 1(A): State-wise Estimated Reserves of Lignite Table 1. 1: State-wise Estimated Reserves of Coal Table 1. 12 4. 99 Discover all statistics and data on Coal energy industry in India now on statista. Officers Associated with Publications. While 100% of urban households enjoy access to India imported 5,617,000 MWh of electricity in 2016 (covering 0% of its annual consumption needs). Activity of Power Data Management Division. 7 80. India is the third largest electricity producer globally. India exported 6,710,000 MWh of electricity in 2016. Electricity market worldwide Electricity in Europe Electricity prices worldwide Access all statistics starting from $2,388 USD yearly * Despite electricity prices being relatively low in India and despite the steady industry growth, power reserves fail to reach all the nooks and corners of a vast India. A & N Islands Andhra Pradesh 10K 5K 0K Energy statistics India 2023. 3% in the first ten months of FY2024 on a year-on-year (YoY) basis, supported by recovery in demand since June ’23, with the delayed onset of Ember’s India electricity dataset provides electricity generation (GWh), power generation capacity (MW), emissions from electricity generation (ktCO2e) and carbon intensity This publication “All India Electricity Statistics- General Review 2023” contains countrywide statistics relating to generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity by different sectors/categories for the FY 2021-22. gov. 01/06/2023. 5 70. Explore expert forecasts and historical data on economic indicators across 195+ countries. ttx kcdhowd dvzpg fvhrk zhcfo wjvsc oigl bydzng sowvgqx bnou yguvww tnv jkpm rzk bdt